Assignment Number 1

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Name: PAOLO P.

VALDEZ Date: August 2, 2023


Ordinary Differential Equations

PROBLEM: Radioactivity. Exponential Decay

Free fall. In dropping a stone or an iron ball, air resistance is practically negligible. Experiments show that the acceleration of the motion is constant
m f
(equal to g=9 .80 2
=32 2 called the acceleration of gravity). Model this as an ODE for y ( t ) , the distance fallen as a function of time
sec sec
t. If the motion starts at time t=0 from rest (i.e., with velocity v = ý=0), show that you obtain the familiar law of free fall.

1 2
y= g t


Exponential decay. Subsonic flight. The efficiency of the engines of subsonic airplanes depends on air pressure and is usually maximum near 35,00
ft. Find the air pressure y(x) at this height. Physical information. The rate of change ý ( x )is proportional to the pressure. At 18,000ft it is half its
valuey 0= y ( 0 ) at sea level. Hint. Remember from calculus that if y=ekx , then ý=ke kx =ky , Can you see without calculation that the
answer should be close to y 0 / 4 ?
Lake Erie. Lake Erie has a water volume of about 450 km3and a flow rate (in and out) of about 175 km2 per year. If at some instant the lake has
pollution concentration p = 0.04%, how long, approximately, will it take to decrease it to p/2, assuming that the inflow is much cleaner, say, it has
pollution concentration p/4, and the mixture is uniform (an assumption that is only imperfectly true)? First guess.

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