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Monday 9 October 2023 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 21


Joseph Safra helped build a $25bn global empire of banks, property and agribusiness interests that
made him the world’s richest banker. That inheritance is now the subject of a bitter court battle.
By Michael Pooler and Joe Miller

hile the world’s richest
banker lay bedridden in
late 2019, dazed by the
effects of heavy medica-
tion and suffering from
resurgent brain tumours, a plot was
allegedly unfolding to redraw his final
will and testament.
Joseph Safra, the Lebanese-Brazilian
heir to a venerable line of financiers,
was losing his grip on a $25bn global
empire of banks, property and agribusi-
ness interests he had steadily built up
over decades.
Just over a year later, the enigmatic
magnate died aged 82. It was shortly
afterwards that Joseph’s middle son,
Alberto Safra, learned he had been
deprived of his rightful inheritance by
his own mother and two brothers.
At least, that is the claimed version of
events outlined by the 43-year-old
Alberto in a series of explosive lawsuits
that began in 2021 against other family
members — who strenuously deny any
In legal papers submitted to a New
York state court earlier this year,
Alberto argues he was wrongly disinher-
ited following disputes with his younger
brother, David, that resulted in him
leaving the management of the lending
house Joseph constructed. He claims his
father, beset by physical and neurologi-
cal ailments, was medically unfit to sign
the relevant documents.
The rest of the immediate Safra fam-
ily have strongly rejected the accusa-
tions. They say Joseph was “fully com-
petent” and that he disowned Alberto
for setting up a competing venture and
poaching talent, in defiance of entreat-
ies to stay. It was this “betrayal” that led
the late banker to alter his wills, attor-
neys for his widowed wife Vicky have
Following the fallout, Joseph even

A banking family in turmoil

barred Alberto from setting foot on the
premises of his main Brazilian bank, the
Safras’ lawyers claimed.
“The family regrets the path adopted
by Alberto, who first attacked his father
while he was alive and now does so
against his memory, and refutes his alle-
gations,” it said in a statement in The widow and of the super-rich. International expan- including J Safra Sarasin, a leading Euro- reduce [Alberto’s] stake in the family ‘I can’t unwanted attention upon the grandees
response to the lawsuit. sons of Joseph sion followed and from its 24-storey pean private bank based in Basel. business”. of Brazilian banking.
Because much of Joseph’s fortune was Safra, who died headquarters on São Paulo’s Paulista The two younger brothers were made Legal experts say the challenge for imagine “It’s Alberto against the world,” says
transferred to his wife and children dur- in 2020, are Avenue, the group’s flagship entity is co-heads of Banco Safra. Alberto ran Alberto will be to demonstrate that anyone, Robinson, adding that the family will be
ing his lifetime, they also contend locked in an Brazil’s fifth-largest private sector bank corporate banking and David, the Joseph was indeed unduly influenced, keen to stop the case going before a jury.
Alberto received over $3.6bn of assets inheritance by assets. youngest of the trio, was put in charge of which in New York can be proved using especially She says once you reach court “the cat is
prior to the patriarch’s passing. battle after Affectionately called Seu José (Mr individual and investment banking. circumstantial evidence. people out of the bag . . . I can’t imagine any-
The Safras are currently due to file Alberto claimed Joseph) by employees, Joseph Safra was Internally it was no secret they had His lawyers will have to rely on one, especially people of this enormous
further arguments for a dismissal of the he was excluded known for his attention to detail and differences of opinion, according to ex- “emails, personal accounts of what tran-
of this wealth and legacy, wants their business
case by early December, after which a FT montage/AFP/Getty
exacting standards. “It’s a winning cul- employees, before things finally came to spired and lean on the fact that [Joseph] enormous aired like that.”
New York judge will rule on whether it ture. They are very serious and work a a head. was vulnerable”, according to Cori Rob- wealth and Alberto’s representatives declined to
should proceed to what would be a high- lot — different from other families who “It is history repeating itself,” says one inson, a trusts and estates attorney who comment, as did the Safra family.
profile trial. get rich and just like to enjoy life,” says figure in Brazilian finance, referring to practises in the state. “The burden is legacy, So far, the family fight does not appear
It is all part of a multi-jurisdictional one of 10 current or former employees an earlier internecine dispute. pretty high,” she says. “Bringing into wants their to have affected performance at a
legal battle, playing out in offices and who spoke to the Financial Times. In the 2000s, Moise’s refusal to sell his question cognition and undue influence marque renowned for its solidity. Full-
courtrooms from New York to Switzer- Staff who came up through the ranks stake in the family business to Joseph and who is persuading who — it is always business year results for Banco Safra show it
land via São Paulo and London. The describe the apprenticeship fondly. Yet prompted the younger brother to start a unfortunate, it is painful, and quite aired like passed 4mn customers in 2022. Net
affair has shone a rare spotlight on a while some experienced professionals rival operation, J Safra, across the street frankly, it’s very hard to prove.” income increased slightly to a record
brand comparable to the Rothschilds or from outside firms stay for years, others in São Paulo from Banco Safra. It tar- The case in the New York state court that’ R$2.2bn ($424mn), despite a R$1.2bn
the Lazards and famed for its discretion, have occasionally found it difficult to geted the existing bank’s clients until relates to SNBNY, a holding company provision linked to a retail chain hit by
a hallmark of the private banking serv- adapt, according to ex-employees. Moise finally relented and sold out to his for Safra National Bank of New York, an accounting scandal that affected sev-
ices it provides to some of the world’s “Safra’s policy in relation to its execu- sibling in 2006, handing him full control whose head office is on Manhattan’s 5th eral other lenders in Brazil. Return on
wealthiest individuals. tives has always been to maintain the of the group. Avenue. A former Safra Group equity — a key metric for profitability —
Court filings — some of which have best staff, strategic people and mix Alberto’s court filings state that his employee describes that institution as was 13.6 per cent, down from 14.8 per
been heavily redacted — reveal a bitter youth and seniority,” said Banco Safra. brother David “never accepted the role “one of the jewels in the crown . . . it’s cent the year before.
rift at the heart of a very private banking Although he sealed some high-profile that was determined for him by our like a shop window for Safra”. However, there is scepticism about
dynasty and a struggle for power and deals, such as the £726mn purchase of father” and “wanted to increase his con- Alberto’s lawsuit alleges his mother Safra’s ability to attract a younger gener-
riches reminiscent of the TV series Suc- London’s “Gherkin” office building in and brothers, along with company ‘Bringing ation of customers. “Their image is not
cession. In one such document, Alberto 2014 and a half-share in banana grower directors, acted to unlawfully reduce his of a very modern bank, as is required
alleges that his mother and brothers Chiquita the same year, Joseph did not Alberto’s lawsuit stake in SNBNY from 28 per cent to into today for growth,” says Schiozer, the
alleges his mother
contracted a medical expert without his court publicity. A philanthropist and brothers acted roughly 13.5 per cent, by issuing new question professor. “That’s their Achilles heel”.
knowledge to attest that his father was renowned for donations to hospitals, shares through “improper accounting Executives at Banco Safra rebuff such
sound of mind. He also claims other schools and Jewish causes, the late
to unlawfully
reduce his stake manoeuvres” and that he was blocked cognition criticisms as a problem of perception
family members froze him out of discus- banker shunned the limelight and in SNBNY from appointing a board member. and undue and insist it is investing in technology
sions relating to Joseph’s care and pre- rarely gave interviews. The rest of the family have argued and innovation, propelled by a R$7.4bn
vented him from visiting. The Safra Group is moulded in his trol over areas of the bank for which I that the share issue was Joseph’s deci-
influence capital injection by shareholders last
“It’s a family of bankers respected image. It has a reputation for being con- was responsible”. sion and that New York is not the appro- and who is year. “We look to grow sustainably and
everywhere,” said Rafael Schiozer, a servative and risk averse, prompting “[His] ambition for more power and priate forum for the action, given that persuading with quality,” says one.
professor at the Fundação Getulio Var- rivals to snipe that Joseph only lent to influence led to substantial professional the holding company is domiciled in Banco Safra says that in many areas of
gas. “Of course, all these disputes may those who didn’t need it. None of its and personal disagreements,” it added. Gibraltar. They want the case dismissed. who — it is activity it “has historically performed
harm this reputation.” banks are listed on stock exchanges, Their rows were mediated by Joseph A separate New York court handed always well above the market average”.
choosing to remain privately owned. until his declining health prevented him Alberto an important early win in 2022 The bank is advancing in retail, where
Aleppo to São Paulo Joseph and his Greek-born wife Vicky from intervening in day-to-day business by accepting his request to compel the painful, and its strengths are secured loans and
The banking heritage of the Safra family Sarfati had three sons — Jacob, Alberto issues, according to Alberto’s account. disclosure of Joseph’s medical records quite investments for affluent clients, but
— the surname means yellow, the colour and David, all educated at the prestig- With his own power ebbing away, from hospitals including Mount Sinai observers point out it is a competi-
of gold — goes back 180 years to the ious Wharton business school in the US Alberto resigned from the board in and the Memorial Sloan Kettering Can- frankly, it’s tive sector in Brazil with established
northern Syrian city of Aleppo. From — and a daughter, Esther, who is not October 2019. cer Center. Doctors are expected to tes- very hard high-street lenders already under pres-
this centre of trade in Ottoman times, directly involved in the family enter- In a document lodged with the New tify as to Joseph’s soundness of mind in sure from challengers.
they financed camel caravans and prise. As the moment approached for York court, lawyers for the rest of the his last years to authorities in Switzer- to prove’ Other onlookers say David is renew-
exchanged currencies, expanding the next Safra generation to assume the family branded Alberto’s departure “an land, where he had a residence and ing the institution alongside Silvio de
throughout the Middle East. mantle, tensions were already building. act of disloyalty and ingratitude” that where some of his last wills and testa- Carvalho, a chief executive recruited
But today’s financial powerhouse had caused his father “profound sadness”. ments will ultimately be executed. from outside the family.
its origins in Beirut in the 1920s, when Siblings at war The document further accuses him of According to a 2022 legal ruling, “He’s made significant investments
Joseph’s father, Jacob, founded a bank Under Joseph’s meticulous succession abusing “his position of trust to sabo- Alberto intends to use the medical evi- and there have been lots of hires
that would become entrusted with the planning, eldest son Jacob was put in tage human resource documents, steal dence to challenge the validity of two recently,” says David Panico, founder of
wealth of the city’s affluent Sephardic charge of operations outside Brazil, dozens of employees and misappropri- wills in the central European country. business consultancy Orbiz Capital,
Jewish residents. ate proprietary data”. The case will be heard in a courtroom in who led Safra’s investment bank for two
In 1953, Jacob moved his family to São In the wake of the schism, Alberto the Alpine commune of Crans- years. “I think David’s mind is much
Paulo, then a fast-growing metropolis
The Safra dynasty claims his mother and brothers con- Montana, thousands of miles from New more open to making the bank a . . .
home to a Syrian-Lebanese population Jacob Safra m Esther Teira spired to reduce his inheritance, acting York and São Paulo. complete platform.”
and a Jewish diaspora. to persuade Joseph to alter his wills even Meanwhile Alberto has pursued his
Along with his elder brothers
d. 1963 d. 1943
though the octogenarian father “was Not so bad for business personal venture ASA Investments, a
Edmond and Moise, Joseph followed his cognitively impaired at the time, and Whether a settlement may be brokered multi-strategy asset management firm.
father to Brazil. Edmond enjoyed a bril- Their children included: either he did not in fact approve and between the warring parties before then Its main fund beat all 188 Brazilian
liant career away from Brazil, crossing sign them, or only did so through the has been the subject of media specula- peers tracked by Bloomberg in 2022,
Wall Street with Swiss private banking [family’s] undue influence”. tion, with reports that Alberto is open to with a 39 per cent return after fees.
mystique, but died in a fire at his Monte Alberto also argues that following selling to the family his stakes in various Armínio Fraga, founder of Gávea
Carlo penthouse in 1999. Edmond Moise Joseph m Vicky Joseph’s death, his mother and brothers Safra companies. There are also arbitra- Investimentos and a former governor of
Joseph and Moise built on the founda- d. 1999 d. 2014 d. 2020 Sarfaty have continued to take actions to harm tion processes taking place in London Brazil’s central bank, sums up a com-
tions laid by their father in Brazil, devel- his interests in various Safra businesses. behind closed doors. mon view of the family and their resil-
oping Banco Safra into a major commer- However, the rest of the family say it A resolution would reduce the pros- ience: “They take a long-term view and
cial lender, investment bank — and Jacob Esther Alberto David was Joseph himself, upset by his son’s pect of a drawn-out dispute in various have a reputation [for] being survivors
trusted guardian of the financial secrets disloyalty, who “promptly took steps to courts that would bring further and moneymakers.”

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