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Tehnological university of Usumacinta

Acedemic división Paramedic and biotechnologi

Subject’s name:
Adalheidis de Jesús Flores Hernandez
Karen Hernandez Luna
Emmanuel González Torrez
Miguel ángel Pérez López
Diego benjamín Guzmán Montejo
Allan Ernesto Damas Pérez
Anahí del Carmen Gómez Álvarez
Teacher´s name:
Fernando Brown vivas

Group: A
Grade: 7

Activity´s name:


Date: Thursday , december 08th,2022



KAREN: hello how are you, very good afternoon to all our viewers welcome in this
your news program nc scientific newsletter from the city of emiliano zapata
tabasco, you are greeted by your friend karen hernandez luna , today (scheduled
date) we start with the news that has attention in recent days, because the
government and the world health organization who, after considering the sars covid
29 virus pandemic under control, which was a very scary topic to talk about, wasn't
it?, have confirmed that in recent months, a new outbreak of the virus (nipah), a
type of deadly respiratory disease from india, has emerged, currently causing four
deaths in adults over 34 and 45 years of age.

On the other hand, signs of this new virus have been reported in Europe and
certain parts of Africa, it is worrying, isn't it, since until now there is no specific
treatment against this pathogen. We will be reporting this and many news that
affects everyone, stay with us for more details.

Now we will go with our friend Heidi to find out the weather forecast, it will a
beautiful sunny day, won't it Heidi?


HEIDI: Thank you, KAREN, of course! Good afternoon to all our viewers. Today we
have an exciting forecast to share. Tomorrow we will see important changes in the

HEIDI: (Pointing to map) First, on the East Coast, we will see a cold front moving
south. This will bring cooler temperatures and some rain to Yucatán and
Campeche. So, bundle up and don't forget your umbrellas, Like what happened the
other week, didn't it?

HEIDI: (Moving her hand toward the center of the map) In the center, we can
expect a fairly stable climate. Sunny and temperate for places like Tequisquiapan,
Querétaro. It will be a perfect weather for outdoor activities, won´t it?
HEIDI: (Pointing toward the west coast) On the west coast, unfortunately, we will
continue to see drought conditions. Residents of Jalisco, Michoacán and Nayarit
should conserve water and be cautious about the risk of forest fires.

HEIDI: (Looking toward the camera) Looking ahead, we are monitoring the
development of a storm in the Gulf of Mexico that could intensify in the coming
days. We will have to be prepared, won´t we?

HEIDI: (Nodding) That's right, KAREN. At the moment these are all updates. We
will always be here to keep you up to date with all weather conditions.

KAREN: Thank you very much Heidi, we have to taken precautions these days,
haven´t we? Well, very good, continuing with more news we will have the
participation of two experts in microbiology to comment on some interesting data
about this beautiful science. Welcome Doctor Miguel Ángel Pérez López and in the
same way research scientist Emmanuel González Torrez.


KAREN – “NC Scientific News” – In today's episode we will talk about the safety of
crops, that is why Emmanuel Gonzales Torrez, doctor of science and research,
and Miguel Angel Perez López, doctor of science with a specialty, are with us. in
cell biology who You have done a lot of research on this topic, haven´t you?

Angel- in search of crop pathogens; microbes from volcanoes can help in the fight
against cancer; ,eliminating Escherichia coli in cows; propane and microbial
resources. You had imagined that this could be of great help, hadn´t you?

Emanuel -Some fear that terrorists will target food and deliberately infect crops
such as corn and wheat with dangerous pathogens. Since there are cases where
they these acts happen, isn't it? Currently, the Medical Research Institute of
Infectious Diseases of the US armed forces is collaborating with the Department of
Agriculture in the development of a new technology that allows us to quickly
identify any disease-causing microorganism found in soil or plants. .
Angel-The system, called TIGER, was initially designed to combat any type of
bioterrorism, not just crop pathogens. TIGER works by combining two devices -
one amplifies the DNA in the sample, while the other analyzes it and compares it
with a database of pathogens. USAMRIID microbiologist Chris Whitehouse says
the best thing about TIGER is that it can accurately identify microbial samples that
researchers know nothing about when they begin análisis. Well, at some point this
will happen, won't it?

Emmanuel-Whitehouse states that the first results show more than 90% accuracy
in the assays, was achieved the best results, wasn't it? despite the fact that this
system is not designed at all for this type of plant pathogens.

Angel - Ultimately, Whitehouse hopes to transform TIGER into a transportable tool

with which researchers can identify harmful microbes


KAREN: Thank you very much, expert and researcher. Without a doubt,
microbiology seems very important to many of us today. You hadn't heard anything
as interesting as this, had you? Well, continuing with the topic of Covid-19, our
reporter Diego Benjamín Guzmán Montejo will interview Dr. Allan Ernesto Damas
Pérez, let's go with you Diego.

Diego: Thank you very much Petra, good afternoon to all viewers, as a result of
the Covid-19 vaccine and some cases of thrombosis generated in recent months,
we wanted to delve deeper into the topic.

Today we are joined by the ¬¬¬research doctor from the laboratory of the world
health organization (WHO) Allan Ernesto Damas Pérez, who will talk to us about
how patients who are positive for the virus (Nipah) live ______

DIEGO: Doctor, we thank you for your assistance.

ALLAN: Hello, good afternoon, thank you for the invitation.

DIEGO: Let's start with the next question. It is a very difficult topic for you, isn’t it?
• Do you have any idea or know how they are spread?

ALLAN Yes, it is a strain similar to Covid because it is also transmitted through

mammals such as bats, infecting people through infected or contaminated breath.

What were your first symptoms?

Some patients begin with a constant cough, followed by a very high fever, with
general discomfort and pressure in the chest, without ever being short of breath, I
vomit, and in some I experience inflammation of the brain, which in this case is
already somewhat severe.

DIEGO: It was chaos treating them, wasnt it?

The next question is

• How do you remember your stay in the hospital, taking into account that it was
very early in the pandemic?

ALLAN I remember her with an isolation as if she had "the plague" without anyone
approaching, with loneliness and uncertainty.

DIEGO: • Do you suffer any sequelae?

ALLAN I do not relate anything that is Covid-19.

DIEGO: It has been very scary living in those conditions, hasn't it?

• Is there anything you would like to add?

ALLAN Well, if people became aware of how developed and dangerous the
different pathogenic microorganisms have become, then a situation like this will be
avoid, won’t it?, So I recommend following the conditions of correct hygiene.

ANAHÍ: Well friends, that's all for today's show "Thank you for joining us today for
this fascinating science show, exploring world news and interesting facts that
happen often, we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. We've discovered things
amazing together, aren't they?

Wasn't that interview with the doctor absolutely amazing when we learned about
the serious consequences of the Nipa virus. We saw certain consequences of this,
some very aggressive, didn´t we?

Stay with us every day at 3pm sharp here at NC Scientific News, It's exciting to
know what will happen tomorrow, won´t it?

Once again we say goodbye, but not before reminding you that you can follow us
on all our social networks so that you don't miss anything. We look forward to
seeing you in a future broadcast of this “NC Scientific Newscast”.

Have a wonderful afternoon and happy weekend.

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