6°guía WKP Unit 5. - OK

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GUÍA : Actividades de Trabajo a distancia Unit 5 : ExcitingSports

SUBJECT : English Teacher : Miss Erika Montecinos L. Class: 6th Grade

I. Date : July 27th Final Date : August 31th Assessment U. 5: August 31st
 Objectives (OA):
1. describe extreme sports and safety equipment
2. identify and use words related to extreme sports
3. use the Present Perfect with for and since
4. answer questions using the Present Perfect
5. identify and use words related to sports safety
6. emphasize descriptions with words like very, really,extremely and incredibly.( intensifiers)
7. P.C.: OA1- OA12
INSTRUCTIONS Do the activities in the correct order. Put a tick in S (Student) when you finish each activity.


1.Let´s learn vocabulary related to exciting sports and safety equipment for sports.
Write the words in your copybook.( Aprendamos vocabulario relacionado a deportes
extremos y equipo de seguridad. Escribe las palabras en tu cuaderno.)

2. Reading about extreme sports. Identify and use words related to exciting sports.
3. Vocabulary practice: Oral / written/ on line activities. (D. Workbook)

4. Let´s watch a video about some Xtreme sports! Xtreme kids!

5.C.C.:Grammar 1 : Present Perfect. ( What have you done lately?)

6. Practice grammar: D. Book /D. Wkb / copybook/video activities. Interactive

games, written exercises.
7. Vocabulary 2: Words related to sports safety. Interactive activities.
8. C.C. Grammar 2: Use intensifiers: so, very, really, extremely, incredibly. ( D.
Book /D. Wkb / copybook/video activities)
9. Express ability using I can….but I can´t. Describe some exciting sports using
pictures ( Project 5)
10. Reading Comprehension activities. (D. Book)

11. You are almost finishing!! ( Estás a punto de terminar!!!).

Worksheet 1: Evaluada.( Envia la guía respondida a tu profesora a través del aula
You did it!!You are a crack! Study for the test…

Miss Erika Montecinos L.
Name: __________________________Date: ______________ Ptje: ………/ 18 ptos. Nota :

 Vocabulary. Complete the sentences. Use the cues:

dangerous exciting flip Kitesurfing crash Hang- gliding injuries equipment

1. We use special ________________________ to practice extreme sports.

2. Most skateboarding ________________happen when people do tricks and fall on the hard ground.
3. Sometimes extreme people ____________ in the air when they practice skiing. It´s really scary!
4. _________________ and _____________________ are two popular extremely difficult sports.
5. I think bodyboarding is incredibly_______________. I can do a front flip but I can´t do a back flip.
………/ 6
 Complete. Use : has been / have been / has lived / have lived / has practiced / have practiced / has
worn / have worn

1. Soccer ____________ ________________ a popular sport in Chile.

2. Martín, Maximiliano and Victoria ______________ _______________ my friends for 5 years.
3. I _______________ ____________________ in Calera de Tango for 5 years.
4. My mother _____________ _________________ kick boxing at home!
5. The boy __________ not _________________ a helmet! It´s totally dangerous. ………/ 5

 Since or For?

1. I have studied in San Bartolomé School ____________ I was a kid.

2. My mother has worked in Santiago _________________ last year.
3. The volcano has erupted ______________ many years. .………/ 3

 Complete with words related to safety equipment :

1. If you want to practice skateboarding : a.) _________________________

b.) _________________________
c.) _________________________
2. If you practice water sports you need: a.) _________________________________. ………/ 4

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