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JJ de Wit

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JJ de Wit

Binary Options Trading, Transcript of the course

© 2013, JJ de Wit

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright
Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may
be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written
permission from the author / publisher.

1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 What are binary options? ........................................................................................................ 3
1.2 A trading demo video .............................................................................................................. 5
2 Why trade binary options................................................................................................................ 6
2.1 Reasons to trade binary options ............................................................................................. 6
2.2 Advantages of binary options.................................................................................................. 6
3 Different Expiry times ...................................................................................................................... 8
4 The underlying assets ...................................................................................................................... 9
4.1 Commodities ........................................................................................................................... 9
4.2 Forex binary options.............................................................................................................. 10
5 How to trade.................................................................................................................................. 11
5.1 Three Step System ................................................................................................................. 11
5.2 Choosing a broker.................................................................................................................. 12
5.3 What you need to trade binary options with success ........................................................... 12
6 Binary options vs. traditional options ........................................................................................... 13
7 Strategies every trader should know ............................................................................................ 14
7.1 Fundamental analysis ............................................................................................................ 14
7.2 Technical analysis .................................................................................................................. 14
7.3 Trend analysis ........................................................................................................................ 14
9 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 16
9.1 Summarizing: 10 great reasons to trade binary options ....................................................... 16
9.2 Contact me ............................................................................................................................ 16
10 Risk warning .............................................................................................................................. 17

1 Introduction

1.1 What are binary options?

Binary options are the latest and most profitable financial instrument in the market. They are also
called digital options, two-way options, fixed return options, all or nothing options or exotic options.

Traders from around the world are investing in options to add liquidity to their portfolios safely and
with a minimal risk. Thanks to the internet they are now more traded by both novice and
professional traders.

The word binary comes from the tech scene. Binary computer language consists of two possible
outcomes: one or zero. Just like binary options: win or lose. Or put and call.

Thanks to the internet they are now more traded by both novice and professional traders.

This simple and exciting type of stock trading is a short term investment possessing high rates of
return. The binary options concept is straightforward and effortless; the trading concept is very easy.

“Binary options are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week making trading the financial market
available to anyone wishing to start a new stock trading adventure with lots of excitement.

Binary options have a simple two way outcome. Due to a short expiry rate of a minimum of 60
seconds you could make easy money from them. With binary options trading you can take advantage
of the fact that returns are always fixed. You will get the same return percentage on investment
regardless the amount of your investment.

Trading binary options is as simple as that. Either you think the market price of the underlying asset
will rise or it will fall. There is nothing in between. The period of expiry is variable but chosen upfront.
Various periods offered by binary options brokers are

 60 seconds
 Five minutes
 Fifteen minutes
 One hour
 One day
 One month

Binary options are only traded online. All you need to trade is a computer or tablet with an internet
connection. The software platform is available 24 hours a day and seven days a week.

What is the hype?

Despite being relatively new to the financial marketplace, binary options have emerged decidedly a
popular trading method. As compared to traditional trading, binary options provide several
advantages and this is mainly the reason for the growing popularity of binary options trading.

If you are familiar with the financial market of binary options, or keen to profit from this entity at
some point in the near future, then you may well have an understanding of binary options and their
growing appeal across the globe. Essentially, a binary option is a rigid form of investment, through
which the trader is seeking a fixed cash or asset return. One of the most popular binary options is

often referred to as cash or nothing, which will either deliver a predetermined return once the
option expires or consume the investors’ money. Another option allows traders to access an asset or
nothing binary, which will pay the amount of an underlying security in the case of a sound

Binary Options: Why are they Gaining in Popularity?

Since their inception in 2008, they have established a history of widespread growth and global
notoriety. One of the main reasons behind this is that they are easily accessible through an online
medium, and therefore provide a real time trading method for those who are in the market for swift
financial returns. In just a few clicks, it is possible to execute a transaction and make your chosen
investment, which saves the traders considerable time in their quest to achieve substantial financial

The simplistic and fixed nature of binary options also appeal to novice traders, as they offer
transparent terms that enable individuals to calculate an exact financial return on their investment.
Binary options also have fixed time frames, which means that investors can manage their finances
and wealth far more effectively. Given the fact that in some instances they have also been known to
deliver sizable profits, it is easy to see the attraction of binary options and their appeal in a world
where investors are looking for quick and ample returns. Traders should be wary, however, as there
is an individual risk associated with every method of investment that must be given careful

A binary options review might shine a little light in this dark forest of trading the binaries. Read our
review here.

The Potential Downside of Binary Options

Experienced investors tend to take a different approach to binary options, primarily because they
blur the lines between genuine investment and gambling. By encouraging you to speculate on two
potential outcomes and back your judgment with a financial commitment, binary options essentially
require you to gamble in the same way that you would on a sporting event or gaming experience.
Not only this, but there is a perception that binary options represent the very worst in short term
investment options, as they tempt traders with instant returns while also exposing them to
extremely volatile conditions. For those with a more in-depth understanding of the financial market,
binary options represent a potentially unrewarding gamble. Before making a move with an option,
you would do some investigating regarding the option you have in mind. What are the plans from the
company? When will they receive their quarterly press release with the profit figures? What is the
history of the rate?

So although professional traders may be able to use their expertise and knowledge to succeed in the
world of binary options, however, there is a concern that inexperienced investors may ultimately
incur significant losses. Although some would argue that this represents the uncertain nature of
financial trading, it is a more pressing issue when you consider that binary options are likely to appeal
primarily to those who are new to the markets. This has the potential to create a vicious cycle of
short terms gains and long term losses, which creates a negative perception of financial trading as a
whole. This can also impact on the wider market, and trigger fluctuating prices across the board.

Binary options. The only question with binary options is: Up or Down?

The Pros and Cons of Binary Options

Are binary options a good investment? There are both advantages and disadvantages. A few
advantages are:

 Binary Options are easy – There are only two outcomes possible which makes deciding easier
than trading forex
 There are a lot underlying assets – Binary options can’t only be traded as currency pairs, but
also as stocks, stock indices, commodities and in the near future maybe even more types.
This also makes spreading the risk possible.
 There is no spread – When the rate just good 1 pip in the right direction you already are in
the money.

There also a few disadvantages involving binary options trading:

 The revenue – The revenue (max. 85%) always is lower than the loss (100%). In order to
make more profit than loss, you have to have more trades ending in a positive result.
 No stop-loss – Every time you risk losing the invested amount of money you have put on one
trade. The loss can’t be limited by selling is at a certain rate.
 No flexibility – You are not able to determine the closing rate of the trade, the values depend
on the broker.

Let’s find out if you can trade forex easy with the binary options trading system.

In Summary: Determining Whether or Not Binary Options are Right for you

We live in an age of technological and economic advancement, which has triggered the development
of new financial products and derivatives in the market. Binary options represent a relatively new
and profitable method of trading, and despite some criticism they are worthy of consideration
alongside more established instruments. So long as you approach them with a core foundation of
knowledge and understanding, it is possible to trade responsibly and secure steady financial returns

1.2 A trading demo video

To watch the video, click here to go to

2 Why trade binary options
2.1 Reasons to trade binary options
Binary options offer numerous advantages that make them a preferred platform for traders
anywhere in the world. Options can be traded as a modern form of trading and can only be traded
online, which is really convenient.

Second, the binary options market never closes. With enough energy drinks you could trade around
the clock since the markets are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. I wouldn’t recommend

Traders who are new to investing can use this platform to build confidence in trading and to study
the market before making a move with a trade. Almost every binary options broker offers trading
advisories and market updates to help making a trading decision.

The downside to learning to trade market with the normal stock trading brokers is that it will take
months to understand what happens with the underlying assets since the rates are usually moving
very slowly up or down. Binary options have an advantage here because of the fast expiry time,
ranging from 60 seconds to one month. When learning the market I would recommend an expiry
time of 15 minutes up to one hour. This timeframes make it possible to learn and understand the
technical analysis and simple moving average strategies.

2.2 Advantages of binary options

Binary options have a wide range of benefits. Let’s zoom in on the advantages of trading the binary

Simplicity – the first impression you get when studying the system is how simple it is to trade binary
options as you don’t need to think about a numerous amount of variables. There are only two
possible outcomes.

Also when opening a trade there are only a few steps to take. This makes this platform suitable for
beginners. Please note that also beginners have to be careful with their money. Only trade with
money you can afford to miss when you lose the trade.

High returns – Binary options trading allows the trader to gain a high percentage in profit. Using the
normal system a revenue of 85% is possible. But using the One Touch option on the Magnum Options
platform can return at least 500%!

You don’t have to be a professional to gain access to these high returns. You have to do some
research before making a chance to this kind of profit. In a later stadium I will explain a few
techniques in trading to you. To keep up to date sign up to my newsletter. You can follow the link in
the final part of this course. When subscribing you will also receive the transcript of this course as an

One pip only – unlike in traditional trading where there is a spread to calculate with when calculating
profit, binary options are with just one pip in the right way “in the money”. Especially with trading
forex (currency market) this is very interesting.

For example:

 The current price for EURUSD is € 1,3500

 You think the rate will go up and invest €100 (or $) and hit the up-button against say 70%
 All the rate has to do is to go to at least € 1,3501 to make you a profit of € 100 + 70% = € 170.

All it took was one pip to be “in the money”!!

Damage control – when you enter an amount to invest you also know what your potential loss is
(forgive my pessimism). I think this is one of the main benefits of binary options trading compared to
CFD’s and normal stock trading where you can lose your entire wallet.

A damage control in this could be something like: this week/month/etc. I am willing to deposit $500
to trade with. You can then spread the money by split it in 4 equal parts of $125 so you can trade
with that weekly, not losing more than that $125 in a week. Of course you have to stop trading when
you run out of the money in a certain week.

When you are in the money, like making a $200 profit you can stop trading. In the next week you can
start trading with $125 again. When you lose in that second week this $125 you just don’t trade with
the profit of the week before.

Unlike traditional trading traders are able to set the price of a contract of a binary option to trade an
asset that they are not able to afford on the traditional market. This also makes it easier to traders to
make a profit.

Flexibility – if you have a lot of knowledge in investing in for example gold you can choose to only
trade gold binary options. Another flexibility in binary options, besides choosing an asset, is the wide
range of expiry times. You can choose expiry times from as short as 60 seconds to one month.

If you are confident about a long term trade of a specific asset, you are able to improve the odds of a
successful outcome.

No spread – since there is no spread between the call (buy) and the put (sell) price the given prices
are identical for options.

Volatility - Finally, binary option trading has an immense advantage in volatile markets, because it
offers a somewhat safe way to continue investing. While traditional investments can be rocked by
the volatility of the market, and huge losses can be incurred, the fixed rates of binary options mean
that no matter how drastic the swings in the market, the fundamental principles remain the same.
This combination of a high fixed return, relatively transparent risk, and short contracts means that
binary option trading can produce very high returns on an initial investment. Even a relatively small
investment can, in a short period of time, produce massive profits.

3 Different Expiry times
60 Second: Like any other trading mode Magnum Options features, but with
time sensitive characteristics which allow you to enjoy the shortest options
that are available today, and potentially walk away with more profit in one
day than some traditional trading methods allow you to make in a month!
Simply pace your trade position as a call or a put, and the short 60 seconds
trade begins!

Binary Options: A trading method that pays out at a predetermined and

fixed amount by simply, predicting if the value of an underlying asset will go
up or down (Put / Call).

One Touch: Get a pre-determined fixed pay-out once the price of the
underlying asset reaches or surpasses a predetermined level. To receive this
pay-out your asset must touch or surpass the predetermined level just once
within the lifetime of the trade – Hence the name “One Touch”. It’s that

Option Builder: The Option Builder feature gives you the ability to fully
customize your trading procedure. Set expiry times, choose a risk/reward
depending on each trade and monitor your timetable & risk situations
ensuring you get the highest yields possible. By putting the Option Builder to
work for you, you can make the most of the trading strategies that have
worked for you in the past. You can update these settings simply and easily,
so you can make the necessary changes as your strategy evolves. By having
these settings in place, you'll reduce the risk of making carless mistakes too.

Option Pro: Get access to the most advanced charts and information out
there for every available asset; at your disposal at the click of a button. Including historical trends,
current market signals and much more. If you use technical analysis while trading binary options, this
feature is absolutely priceless.

4 The underlying assets

4.1 Commodities
Not so long ago trading commodity was only meant for the professional contesters and mostly done
by bond traders. To a lot of private traders the seed capital to start trading was too high.

A few years ago the commodity market got more attractive to private traders when the CFD’s got
available. Plus500 is one big player in the Contract for Difference market. CFD’s make it possible for a
lot of people to start trading, however the stock trading market is still complex.

Thanks to binary options the commodities market is easy to trade. The benefit of trading with binary
options is that you only have to predict if the price goes up or down. And when you do this right, in
the end you will receive the adjusted rate. While the risk and result are already known you can
concentrate on the trading strategy.

The Commodities Exchange Market

The commodity trading market is one of the largest markets in the world. The commodities market is
about a third of the global market. We can divide the commodities market in the next divisions:

 Energy (Oil, gas, coal, ..)

 Metal (Iron, Steel, Copper, ..)
 Precious metal (Gold, Silver, Platinum, ..)
 Agricultural (Grains, Coffee, Sugar, ..)

The main trading place for energy, metals and precious metals is the New York Mercantile Exchange.
Another big trading place is the London Metal Exchange. Agricultural commodities are mainly traded
in the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

Especially during the crisis commodities are a perfect investing asset. This counts especially for
precious metals like gold, silver and platinum, but oil is an interesting investment too.

These three main commodities can be traded at commodities broker Magnum Options.

Gold, Silver, Oil

Gold is known for being a safe haven. In economic volatile times big traders often invest in gold.
Paper money can be manufactured when the demand rises, unlike gold.

Despite gold being loved, the jewellery industry is the only industry interested in it.

On the contrary silver is wanted in a more industries: electro, solar and also the water companies can
use it.

Black gold, also known as oil, is much more interesting than paper money especially in difficult times.
Again, oil is rare.

Binary options in commodities

Compared to bonds binary options offer you to start to trade with less money. Especially in cfd
trading it is easier to get in to the money. The commodity prices are relative volatile. With binary
options you are trading with a less risk since it is only ‘profit’ or ‘losses. Your prediction is either right
or wrong.

4.2 Forex binary options
Binary options are a topic we hear a lot about lately. Apparently there are investors and day traders
who in a short time have earned a lot of money with trading these options. Is it something the forex
traders among us should dive in to?

The underlying asset can be a stock, but also an index, commodities or a pair of currencies. In this
article we will use a magnifying glass to compare binary options trading with forex trading.

There are several types of binary options. With a higher/lower option you have to predict whether
the value will be higher or lower in the near future. A touch/No touch is challenging, you have to
determine what the rate will be before the expiration date is reached.

The most important question for forex traders is of course: are binary options on forex more
attractive than classic forex trading? I don’t think this is suitable for all forex traders. The strategies
you are using in classic forex trading are not applicable in binary options trading due to lack of

An exception might be the scalping technique in which you are able to gain small profits on slightly
changes in the currency rate. You don’t have to pay a spread, which is a big advantage because the
number of pips you have to pay are very small in this strategy. After all, your results are magnified,
you are already ‘in the money’ with a profit of one pip.

Binary options can make more profit than classic forex trading in specific examples of trades.
However most forex traders will go for a higher profit and for a longer period. Therefore they have to
be creative with the stop-loss system, and must be able to close the position whenever they want to.

5 How to trade
5.1 Three Step System

Step one: select an asset form the list.

Step two: choose the direction, “call” for up or “put” for down.

Step three: enter the amount you wish to invest and hit “apply”.

5.2 Choosing a broker
Before deciding which broker you would sign up with, check their site to find out what tools they are
using. Determine if these tools are sufficient for you or do you have to spend some money on
additional software. Maybe Meta Trader 4 software (free of charge) is what you need to try and
predict the forex binary options.

As a novice trader you have to develop a trading strategy for your own. It is not said that my strategy
also works for you. The difference is that the person you developed the strategy knows it from the
inside out and can blindly use the strategy.

In order to start trading binary options a deposit of no more than $1000 is good enough to find out
how it works and what trading strategy you would need to gain some revenue.

Always keep in mind that whatever you want to trade with, don’t be afraid to lose the money. When
starting trading stocks the first trade will almost always be lost. Hint: only invest the amount of
money you could afford to miss trading binary options.

5.3 What you need to trade binary options with success

Next to a trustful broker what you need to succeed in trading the binary options system is a good

Before making a trade you need to think for a second before you act. The profit revenue might be
very high, but the chance of losing your investment is always present.

Many people think that when they sign up and make a deposit they can start to trade with profit
right away. What you need is a solid knowledge before you get started. A good place to start is an
authority website where you can sign up to receive the latest market updates, strategies, eBooks,
courses and whatever a novice trader might need.

Starters need to learn to read the charts. Charts are a main weapon in winning the trade. They offer
what is happening with a rate and was has happened in the past with the rate. Therefor you also
need to dip yourself in the history of the asset and thus know what the asset is about.

Reading the charts and predicting its next move is called a technical analysis. This is just one type of
analysis and follows a straight forward set of rules of freely available scores. This simple technique (it
needs a little effort to learn) is the best reliable technique.

Another simple method with charts is the simple moving average. For example, the average over a
period like 10 days or one year.

Now you are convinced of the need of using charts you would want to know where to find those.

6 Binary options vs. traditional options
Binary options and traditional options have a few things in common. The both have a fixed price and
a pre-set expiry time or date which is decided before you entry a trade. All options must expire at a

Second, the underlying assets are also similar. You can trade stocks, commodities, stock indices and

The structure of the binary options trade is a lot less complicated. Traders are only betting on the
possible outcome of the trade where in traditional trades there are numerous ways to trading and
profiting from the markets that do not fit the all or nothing structure of the binary system. Binary
options are always in or out of the money.

Traditional options can be terminated before the expiry time, where the binary options have to
expire to know the outcome.

Binary options have a simple price system. Traders can use the market price to evaluate the
performance of their trades.

Binary options cannot be used for hedging purposes, like some of the traditional options.

Traditional options are more risky than the binary options. In traditional options trading the
commissions paid are much higher, the profits are lower and the losses can be bigger. Binary options
have a fixed price, no commissions, and the risk is known before the trade is made, simply by
entering the amount of money you wish to risk to invest.

7 Strategies every trader should know
7.1 Fundamental analysis
In fundamental analysis political, economic and social factors and their influence on the value of
assets are examined. Traders who use this type of analysis believe that the value of an asset is
reflected by its macroeconomic condition. Basically this means the stronger country’s currency has a
higher value than the one the currency of a country with a weaker economy, when researching forex
for instance (= currency market).

Important in this is that political and economic news are triggers to move the market up or down.

Economic calendars are often used in fundamental analysis. They offer a sneak peak in the past of a
company or other asset and could be an indicator for the future results. When there is a difference
between the market expectations – based on the previous results – and the actual result movements
in the market happen.

I will give you four types of economic data which can cause the market to move:

1. Interest rates – this is the most significant mover of prices, especially when trading the forex
binary options. Every nation’s national bank determines the daily interest rate for the
currency of their country. For example, a higher interest rate means that the price will rise,
e.g. the value increases.
2. Growth indicators – they exhibit the status of the economy in a country. A good economic
condition is suggested when the growth is positive or increasing. Growth indicators are the
Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Gross National Product (GNP), Consumer Price Index (CPI),
government spending. These indicators are explained in the eBook coming with this course
for free. Details about that will come later on in this course.
3. Inflation rates – inflation is usually interpreted as the growth factor of the economy in a
country. A country with a high rate of inflation has a low purchasing power.
4. Employment indicators – just like the rest of the mentioned indicators, employment reports
indicate the economy in a country.

Most of these indicators are used in trading forex binary options. To trade the shares or commodities
binary options different systems are used to try to determine the movements in the market.

7.2 Technical analysis

This is a type of analysis which is most used in binary options trading. Basically this analysis is based
on charts and statistics in order to predict the price movement regarding performance from the past.
It is a process of analysing statistics and data about specific options in order to predict in which
direction the asset will move. There are many different methodologies used in technical analysis,
both objective and subjective, including means reversion, tracking momentum or moving averages.

TA is the study of prices and volumes in order to predict the price of an underlying asset like a stock
or currency pair. Technical analysis helps traders determine what is like to happen in the future so
the trader can make an accurate decision in investing his money.

7.3 Trend analysis

Another important analysis method is the trend analysis. A trend is any sustained movement in a
specific direction. Especially with short time binary options investments this a handy one. Watching
the real time movement can make you predict the movement for a few minutes. Do I here you think
“60 second binary options”?

Trend following is also a form of technical analysis and involves looking at the past of the movements
of the asset. By looking at the historical movement of an asset, one can determine whether a trend is
developing or not.

Next to a trustful broker (like Magnum Options) what you need to succeed in trading the binary
options system is a good sense.

9 Conclusion
9.1 Summarizing: 10 great reasons to trade binary options
1. Binary options are fast! The days of waiting for profit are over. You will receive the profit
instantly when your trade ends in the money in as low as 60 seconds.
2. Binary Options are highly profitable. Revenue up to 500% of the invested amount of money.
3. Binary options are fun. Join investors from all over the world with as little as $20 per trade
(or its equivalent in your local currency)
4. Binary options are perfect for beginner traders. Due to its simplicity it is very easy to learn by
novice traders.
5. Binary options always give you peace of mind. Since you always know what kind of risk you
are taking with the trade you can calculate the loss upfront. No surprises.
6. Binary options are accessible from anywhere. It is possible to trade 24/7 and from anywhere
in the world. All you need is a computer with an internet connection.
7. Binary options are available to all. No matter the amount, be $20 or $2000, you get the same
treatment of the broker.
8. Binary options are simple. Learn the basic steps and start to trade. You don’t have to learn
strategies like technical analysis to make trade. Although it is recommended.
9. Binary options are tailor made. Customize your trades using an option builder.
10. Binary options are modern. A user friendly, globally accessible trading platform.

9.2 Contact me
Dear student,

Since you are new to trading binary options, I am here to answer your questions as well as I can.
Please place the question you have in the comments of this course.

Questions or remarks about the course itself are better off in my mailbox. In this you can think of bad
audio or video quality or missing information.

A good place to go is my weblog about forex and binary options trading:

To contact me with questions please contact me by/on/at:


I would like to stay in touch. Please meet or connect with me at one of the following social media

- LinkedIn group “How To Begin Stock Trading”:

Take care and Happy Trading!!

10 Risk warning

The possible risks arising from binary options trading on the global financial markets are rather
considerable. For that reason you must be perfectly aware of your financial potentiality to take part
in that kind of trade operations. Please consider the following information before you start:

 You can lose the initial capital deposited to your trading account (however, the level of your
possible profits is not limited in any way).
 High degree of volatility within the financial market together with low margin requirements
can bring you either considerable profit or significant loss, i.e. volatility can be both
profitable and unprofitable.
 You must be clear of that both the broker and I are not responsible for the losses directly or
indirectly caused by restrictions imposed by the government, currency and market laws,
suspension of trade operations, military operations and other unforeseen circumstances,
which we cannot prevent or control.


This risk disclosure cannot and does not disclose all of the risks associated with trading in Binary
Options, but rather describes the major risks involved.


Binary options are options that pay a pre-determined, fixed amount, depending on whether or not
an event occurs at the time the Contract expires. Binary Options can have only one of two possible
outcomes and allow you to take a simple “Yes or No” approach. Like traditional options, Binary
Options are based on an underlying asset such as currencies, commodities, indexes or stocks,
however one of the most significant differences from traditional options, among others, is that there
can be only two outcomes for the option, either the client is paid the return upon the occurrence of
the event, or the client loses the investment amount.

Trading in Binary Options is speculative and involves a high degree of risk and can result in the loss of
your entire investment. Therefore, trading in Binary Options is appropriate only for persons who
understand and are willing to assume the economic, legal and other risks involved in such
transactions. You should be satisfied that Binary Options trading is suitable for you in light of your
financial circumstances and attitude towards risk. You should not engage in speculative Binary
Options trading unless you understand the basic aspects of such trading and its risks. If you are in any
doubt as to whether Binary Option trading is appropriate and suitable for you, please seek
independent advice from a financial consulting professional. The teacher of this course and website do not provide such advice.

It is the Student’s/Client’s responsibility, taking into account his personal circumstances and financial
resources, to take particular care and make careful considerations independently, both prior to
applying for engaging in Binary Options with the teacher of this course and website,
and prior to making any individual order. Where the Student/Client does not understand the risks
involved in applying for a trading account with the teacher of this course and website
or in making any individual order, the Student/Client should seek advice and consultation from an
independent Financial Advisor. If the Student/Client continues to not understand the risks involved
in trading in Binary Options, the Client should not trade at all.

You are advised that the Binary Options offered by the Company are not traded under the rules of
any recognized, designated or regulated exchange. Consequently, engaging in Binary Option trading
may expose you to substantially greater risks than investments which are so traded.

The Student/Client must acknowledge that engaging in Binary Options poses a great risk of incurring
losses and damages, and the Client must accept that he is willing to undertake this risk.


Trading through the Internet involves many interrelated systems, including hardware, software,
telephony, cable, and power generation, all of which are subject to failure or malfunction that may
adversely affect your ability to trade. During any time which you cannot access the Trading Platform
for whatever reason, you will not be able to enter, cancel, or modify Orders and/or Transactions. In
the event of a failure, there is a chance that your Orders and/or Transactions could be lost. The
teacher of this course and website are not responsible or liable for any effect on your
ability to trade caused by any malfunction of the Internet, computing systems, or their related



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