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Psychopharmacology (2003) 170:102–107

DOI 10.1007/s00213-003-1512-0


Han-Ting Zhang · Ying Huang · James M. O’Donnell

Antagonism of the antidepressant-like effects of clenbuterol

by central administration of b-adrenergic antagonists in rats

Received: 11 December 2002 / Accepted: 3 April 2003 / Published online: 25 July 2003
 Springer-Verlag 2003

Abstract Rationale: Stimulation of central b2 adrenergic Keywords Clenbuterol · b-Adrenergic receptors ·

receptors produces antidepressant-like effects on behav- Hippocampus · DRL behavior · CGP-12177 ·
ior. At present, it is not known what brain sites are Propranolol · Antidepressant drugs
involved in mediating such effects, although some recent
evidence suggests the importance of the dorsal hippo-
campus. Objective: Experiments were carried out to Introduction
determine whether central administration of b-adrenergic
antagonists blocks antidepressant-like effects produced by Stimulation of central b2-adrenergic receptors produces
peripheral administration of the b2-adrenergic agonist antidepressant-like effects in animals. Clenbuterol, a b2-
clenbuterol. Methods: The following were determined: 1) selective adrenergic agonist, reduces response rates and
the ability of ICV or intrahippocampal administration of increases reinforcement rates of rats under a differential-
the non-selective b adrenergic antagonists propranolol reinforcement-of-low-rate (DRL) 72-s schedule (O’Don-
and CGP-12177, which are lipophilic and hydrophilic, nell 1987, 1988a, 1990); such an effect is characteristic of
respectively, to antagonize the effects of peripherally proven antidepressant drugs (Olivier et al. 1993). The
administered clenbuterol on differential-reinforcement- results of antagonism studies indicate that the antidepres-
of-low-rate (DRL) behavior; 2) the effects of clenbuterol, sant-like effects of clenbuterol are mediated by central b2-
administered bilaterally into the dorsal hippocampus, on adrenergic receptors (O’Donnell 1988a, 1990). Similar
DRL behavior. Results: The antidepressant-like effects of antidepressant-like effects on DRL behavior have been
clenbuterol, i.e. reduced response rate and increased reported for a number of other b2-selective adrenergic
reinforcement rate under the DRL schedule, were antag- agonists, including albuterol, SOM-1122, and zinterol
onized by either ICV or bilateral intrahippocampal (O’Donnell 1988b, 1993b). Further, antidepressant-like
infusions of propranolol or CGP-12177; CGP-12177 effects of b2-adrenergic agonists have been observed
was approximately 8-fold more potent than propranolol. using a number of other tests sensitive to antidepressant
Direct infusion of clenbuterol into the bilateral dorsal drugs (Martin et al. 1986; Finnegan et al. 1987; Frances
hippocampus also produced antidepressant-like effects. and Simon 1987).
Conclusions: Central b-adrenergic receptors, in particular Although stimulation of central b2-adrenergic recep-
those in the dorsal hippocampus, are involved in the tors is sufficient to produce antidepressant-like effects, it
mediation of the antidepressant-like effect of clenbuterol. does not appear that the behavioral effects of classical
Probably resulting from its enhanced access to the sites of antidepressants are mediated by this receptor subtype.
action, the hydrophilic antagonist CGP-12177 was more The antidepressant-like effects of these drugs, such as
potent than the lipophilic antagonist propranolol, even desipramine, are antagonized by the non-selective b-
though they exhibit similar potency in vitro. adrenergic receptor antagonist propranolol (Mancinelli et
al. 1991). However, down-regulation of b2-adrenergic
receptors, produced by repeated treatment with clen-
buterol, attenuates the antidepressant-like effects of b2-
H.-T. Zhang ()) · Y. Huang · J. M. O’Donnell adrenergic agonists such as clenbuterol and zinterol, but it
Department of Pharmacology, does not alter the actions of the b1-adrenergic agonist
University of Tennessee Health Science Center, dobutamine or antidepressants such as desipramine,
874 Union Avenue, Memphis, TN 38163, USA fluoxetine, and phenelzine (O’Donnell 1990). Consistent
e-mail: with this, it has been shown that antidepressant drugs do
Tel.: +1-901-4483547 not substitute for the discriminative stimulus effects of
Fax: +1-901-4483849

clenbuterol (Makhay and O’Donnell 1999), which sug- fects of intrahippocampal administration of clenbuterol
gests that administration of these drugs does not result in were also assessed.
increased stimulation of central b2-adrenergic receptors.
By contrast, antidepressants with noradrenergic activity,
such as desipramine, substitute for the discriminative Materials and methods
stimulus effects of centrally administered isoproterenol
(Crissman and O’Donnell 2002). Since this effect is Subjects
mediated by b1-adrenergic receptors (Crissman et al.
Male Sprague-Dawley rats (Harlan, Indianapolis, Ind., USA),
2001), it appears that administration of such antidepres- weighing 350–400 g, were housed individually in clear plastic
sants results in increased stimulation of b1-adrenergic cages with wood shavings in a room with the temperature
receptors in vivo. maintained at 22€1C and a light cycle of 12 h on/12 h off (lights
While the convergence of data indicates that stimula- on at 0600 hours). Food was freely available but water was
restricted to 20–30 ml after daily testing, in order to keep body
tion of central b2-adrenergic receptors does produce weights at 80–85% of free-watering levels. All experiments were
antidepressant-like effects on behavior, the mechanisms carried out according to the “NIH Guide for the Care and Use of
involved are unclear. One possibility is that the effects of Laboratory Animals” (revised 1996) and were approved by the
b2-adrenergic agonists may be indirect. It has been shown Animal Care and Use Committee, University of Tennessee Health
that stimulation of facilitatory b2-adrenergic receptors on Science Center.
noradrenergic terminals increases the release of norepi-
nephrine, which then could stimulate postsynaptic b1- Drugs
adrenergic receptors (Murugaiah and O’Donnell 1995;
Gobert and Millan 1999). A second and not mutually Clenbuterol HCl, (€)-propranolol HCl, and (€)-CGP-12177 HCl
were purchased from Sigma Chemicals (St Louis, Mo., USA).
exclusive possibility is that the effects of b2-adrenergic Clenbuterol HCl was dissolved in saline (IP administration) or
agonists may be mediated regionally. Some recent artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF; intrahippocampal infusion).
evidence suggests the importance of the dorsal hippo- The antagonists were dissolved in aCSF (central administration).
campus (Zhang et al. 2001). All doses are expressed in terms of the free bases of the
Administration of isoproterenol into the dorsal hippo-
campus produces an antidepressant-like effect on DRL
behavior; this effect is antagonized with similar potency Apparatus
by the b1-selective adrenergic antagonist betaxolol and
the b2-selective antagonist ICI 118,551 (Zhang et al. The chambers (Model E10-10; Coulbourn Instruments, Allentown,
Pa., USA) were enclosed in sound-attenuating boxes equipped with
2001). This suggests that the effects of intrahippocampal fans that provided ventilation and masking noise. Each chamber
isoproterenol administration may be mediated, at least in contained two levers, a water access port, and a house-light. A
part, by b2-adrenergic receptors. By contrast, when downward force equivalent to 15 g (0.15 N) operated the right
isoproterenol is administered ICV, its effects are mediated lever, constituting a response; responses on the left lever had no
programmed consequence. When the schedule contingencies were
predominantly by b1-adrenergic receptors (O’Donnell et met, a dipper was raised to the water access port, providing 0.02 ml
al. 1994). Other lines of evidence suggest the importance of water for 4 s, constituting a reinforcer. Behavioral responses
of the hippocampus in the mediation of the effects of were recorded and scheduled events controlled using a Med
antidepressants. Repeated treatment with antidepressant Associates interface and operating system (St Albans, Vt., USA).
drugs normalizes the elevated norepinephrine and sero-
tonin concentrations of Flinders sensitive-line rats (Zan- Surgery
gen et al. 1997, 1999), down-regulates b1-adrenergic
receptors (Ordway et al. 1988), and increases expression All surgery was performed under aseptic conditions. Rats that
of CREB, BDNF, and cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase in previously had been trained to respond under a DRL 72-s schedule
were implanted with cannulae using the following coordinates: (1)
this region (Nibuya et al. 1995, 1996; Fujimaki et al. the right lateral ventricle, AP: 0.5 mm from bregma, ML:
2000; Ye et al. 2000). +1.6 mm from the midline, DV: 3.9 mm from dura (O’Donnell et
The results of studies completed to date suggest that al. 1994); (2) bilateral dorsal hippocampus, AP: 3.6 mm from
the dorsal hippocampus is an important, although not Bregma, ML: €3.0 mm from the midline, DV: 3.0 mm from dura
(Zhang et al. 2001). Rats were anesthetized (100 mg/kg ketamine
exclusive, region in the mediation of antidepressant-like and 6 mg/kg xylazine) and placed in a stereotaxic holder (Stoelting,
effects of b-adrenergic receptor agonists. Direct stimula- Wood Dale, Ill., USA). Guide cannulae 22-gauge (Plastic One,
tion of b2-adrenergic receptors in the dorsal hippocampus Roanoke, Va., USA) were implanted using the coordinates above
may produce antidepressant-like effects on behavior; and cemented to the surface of the skull. About 1 week after
surgery, rats resumed daily sessions under the DRL schedule.
blocking these receptors may attenuate the antidepressant- Testing was carried out after performance had stabilized. Following
like effects produced by systemic administration of b2- completion of the testing, sites of cannulae implantation were
adrenergic agonists. To address these issues, the effects of verified histologically.
the b2-adrenergic agonist clenbuterol on DRL behavior
were determined after central administration, either ICV Procedure
or intrahippocampal, of the lipophilic b-adrenergic
antagonist propranolol or the hydrophilic b-adrenergic Rats were trained to respond under a DRL 72-s schedule as
antagonist CGP-12177. Potential antidepressant-like ef- described previously (Zhang et al. 2001). The test sessions lasted
1 h and were conducted 5 days a week (Monday to Friday). Drug
tests were carried out on Tuesdays and Fridays; Thursdays served
as non-injected control days. Two groups of rats were used for the
experiments. The first group (14 rats) was used to test the
antagonism of the antidepressant-like effects of peripherally
administered clenbuterol by ICV infusions of b-adrenergic antag-
onists. The second group (15 rats) was first used to test the effects
of bilateral intrahippocampal infusions of clenbuterol on DRL
behavior. Next, the antagonism of the antidepressant-like effects of
peripherally administered clenbuterol by bilateral intrahippocampal
infusions of b-adrenergic antagonists was examined. Antagonism
experiments were carried out using the non-selective b-adrenergic
antagonists propranolol and CGP-12177, which are lipophilic and
hydrophilic, respectively (Conway et al. 1987; O’Donnell 1988a).
The antagonists or aCSF vehicle were administered centrally in a
volume of 10 l in a 1-min period (for ICV) or 1 l/side in a 2-min
period (for intrahippocampal infusions) using a syringe pump; the
28-gauge infusion cannulae, which were 1 mm longer than the
guide cannulae, were left in place for an additional minute to permit
diffusion. The dose of clenbuterol (0.3 mg/kg) used in the
antagonism experiments was selected based on the results of a
previous study (O’Donnell 1990). Clenbuterol was injected (IP)
20 min prior to the vehicle or antagonists, which were infused ICV
or intrahippocampally 10 min before testing. For intrahippocampal
administration, clenbuterol (1 l/side) was given 10 min prior to the

Statistical analysis

All data after treatment with vehicle or drugs were converted to

percentages of control response and reinforcement rates for each Fig. 1 Antagonism by ICV infusion of propranolol (A) or CGP-
individual animal. Control values were the median of response and 12177 (B) of clenbuterol- (0.3 mg/kg; circles) induced antidepres-
reinforcement rates for Thursdays (i.e. the non-injected control sant-like effects on response rates (open symbols) and reinforce-
days) during the testing period. Data were analyzed by analyses of ment rates (filled symbols) of rats under a DRL 72-s schedule.
variance (ANOVA); individual comparisons were made using Points represent means€SE for rats in each group (A 6–14 rats/data
Newman-Keuls tests. ED50 values for antagonists were calculated point; B 7–13 rats) expressed as a percentage of control
by non-linear regression analysis as described previously (O’Don- performance. Control (vehicle, Veh; squares) response rates
nell et al. 1994). All values are presented as means€SE, except (means€SD) were: A 93.0€13.0 and B 93.8€12.9. Control
control values, which are shown as means€SD. reinforcement rates (means€SD) were: A 9.1€2.3 and B 8.6€2.3.
*P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001 vs Veh, ##P<0.01, ###P<0.001
vs clenbuterol alone (0)

Infusion sites in the hippocampus
Antagonism of clenbuterol-induced antidepressant-like
effects by ICV infusion of b-adrenergic antagonists Historical verification of bilateral cannulae placements
was made on 100 m cresyl violet-stained coronal
Clenbuterol, which was administered IP at a dose of sections, which showed that the cannulae tips for
0.3 mg/kg, decreased response rates and increased hippocampal infusions were located in the CA1/CA2
reinforcement rates (both P<0.001) of rats under a DRL region of the hippocampus (Fig. 2; Paxinos and Watson
72-s schedule. These effects of clenbuterol were antag- 1986).
onized by ICV infusions of propranolol [10–100 g;
F(4,45)=11.63, P<0.0001 and F(4,45)=11.56, P<0.0001
for response and reinforcement, respectively] or CGP- Effects of bilateral intrahippocampal infusion
12177 [1–10 g; F(4,42)=14.82, P<0.0001 and of clenbuterol
F(4,42)=10.06, P<0.0001 for response and reinforcement,
respectively] in a dose-dependent manner (Fig. 1). Sig- Intrahippocampal infusion of clenbuterol (1–30 g bilat-
nificant antagonism of the effects of clenbuterol on erally) produced a decrease in response rates and an
response and reinforcement rates was observed following increase in reinforcement rates in a dose-dependent
treatment with 30 g propranolol or 3 g CGP-12177 manner [F(4,47)=3.66, P<0.05 and F(4,47)=4,27,
(Fig. 1A, B). P<0.01 for response and reinforcement, respectively;
Fig. 3]. When administered into the dorsal hippocampus
at a dose of 10 g, clenbuterol decreased response rate
(P<0.05) and tended to increase reinforcement rate; a
significant increase in reinforcement rate was observed at
a dose of 30 g (P<0.01).

Fig. 2 Infusion sites for the bilateral hippocampal drug adminis-

tration. This schematic shows the coronal sections of the rat brain at Fig. 4 Antagonism by intrahippocampal infusions of propranolol
–3.3, –3.6, and –4.3 mm from bregma (Paxinos and Watson 1986). (A) or CGP-12177 (B) of clenbuterol- (0.3 mg/kg; circles) induced
The CA1–3 hippocampal subfields and dentate gyrus (DG) are antidepressant-like effects on response rates (open symbols) and
labeled reinforcement rates (filled symbols) of rats under a DRL 72-s
schedule. The doses refer to each side of the bilateral infusions.
Points represent means€SE for rats in each group (A 7–15 rats per
data point; B 8–15 rats) expressed as a percentage of control
performance. Control (vehicle, Veh; squares) response and rein-
forcement rates (means€SD) were 99.3€21.6 and 8.1€1.7, respec-
tively, for both A and B. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001 vs Veh,
#P<0.05 vs clenbuterol alone (0)

[response rate: F(5,47)=4.12, P<0.01 and F(5,52)=4.90,

P<0.001 for propranolol and CGP-12177, respectively;
reinforcement rate, F(5,47)=5.20, P<0.001 and
F(5,52)=9.26, P<0.0001 for propranolol and CGP-
12177, respectively; Fig. 4]. Significant antagonism of
the effect of clenbuterol on response rate was observed at
a dose of 1 g CGP-12177; following pretreatment with
Fig. 3 Effects of clenbuterol administered intrahippocampally on this dose, clenbuterol no longer increased reinforcement
response rates (open symbols) and reinforcement rates (filled
symbols) of rats responding under a DRL 72-s schedule. The doses rate. Bilateral intrahippocampal infusion of 3 g CGP-
refer to each side of the bilateral infusions. Points represent 12177 significantly antagonized the effects of clenbuterol
means€SE for rats in each group (9–12 rats per data point) on both measures (P<0.05; Fig. 4B). Although propran-
expressed as a percentage of control performance. The control olol tended to antagonize the effects of clenbuterol
response and reinforcement rates (means€SD) were 103.1€22.3 and
8.5€2.3, respectively. *P<0.05, **P<0.01 vs vehicle (Veh) throughout the dose range tested, significant antagonism
was observed only at a dose of 10 g for response rate
(Fig. 4A).
Antagonism of clenbuterol-induced antidepressant-like
effects by intrahippocampal infusion
of b-adrenergic antagonists Comparison of potencies of b-adrenergic antagonists

Intrahippocampal infusions of propranolol (1–20 g To compare the potency of the antagonists, the ED50
bilaterally) or CGP-12177 (0.03–3 g bilaterally) dose- values for propranolol and CGP-12177 to antagonize the
dependently antagonized the antidepressant-like effects effects of clenbuterol on DRL behavior were calculated.
produced by peripheral administration of clenbuterol The ED50 values for ICV and intrahippocampal infusions
Table 1 Comparison of the po- Antagonists ED50 (mg)a
tencies of beta adrenergic an-
tagonists for antagonizing the Response rates Reinforcement rates
effects of clenbuterol on re- b
sponse and reinforcement rates ICV Intrahippocampal ICV Intrahippocampal
of rats under a DRL 72-s Propranolol 14.2 8.0 13.4 22.2
schedule CGP-12177 2.3 1.0 1.7 1.8
Ratioc 6.2 8.0 7.9 12.3
Data shown are ED50 values, which are defined as the doses of antagonists that, administered ICV or
intrahippocampally, inhibited the effects of clenbuterol (0.3 mg/kg, IP) on response and reinforcement
rates by 50%, as calculated by nonlinear regression (Zhang et al. 2001)
The ED50 values for intrahippocampal administration were calculated from the total doses of the
antagonists infused bilaterally into the hippocampus
The ratio is the ED50 value for propranolol divided by that for CGP-12177

of propranolol were 6- and 8-fold higher, respectively, Following peripheral administration, propranolol is a
than the corresponding ED50 values for CGP-12177 for more potent inhibitor than CGP-12177 of 125I-pindolol
effects on response rates. The ED50 values for ICV and binding in the brain in vivo, even though these drugs
intrahippocampal infusions of propranolol were about 8- exhibit similar potency in vitro (Conway et al. 1987;
and 12-fold higher, respectively, than those for CGP- O’Donnell 1988b). Given that access to the CNS depends,
12177 for effects on reinforcement rates (Table 1). in part, on the ability of drugs to cross endothelial cell
membranes, this finding is consistent with the in vitro
data. It would be expected that propranolol, when injected
Discussion into the dorsal hippocampus, would penetrate into cells
and be removed, to some degree, from its extracellular
The antidepressant-like effects of peripherally adminis- site of action. CGP-12177, by contrast, would under these
tered clenbuterol on DRL behavior were antagonized by conditions, remain in the extracellular space. Thus, the
either ICV or intrahippocampal administration of the b- effective concentration of a given intrahippocampal dose
adrenergic antagonists propranolol and CGP-12177. The of CGP-12177 would be higher than that of propranolol at
ability of the centrally administered antagonists to block the same dose. This may account for the higher antag-
the effects of clenbuterol suggests that its actions are onistic potency of CGP-12177 in the present study.
mediated centrally. This is consistent with earlier data Theoretically, it is possible that lipophilic b-adrenergic
supporting central mediation (O’Donnell 1988a). That antagonists could diffuse from the infusion site to other
study showed that peripheral administration of the lipo- brain regions so the effects could be suppressed. How-
philic antagonist propranolol more potently antagonizes ever, given the consideration of only 1 l of the infusion
the antidepressant-like effects of clenbuterol on DRL volume, which was very localized around the infusion
behavior than does the hydrophilic antagonist CGP-12177, site, it was not likely that such diffusion will affect the
even though these antagonists exhibit similar potency in result significantly.
vitro. Their differential potency in vivo results from a The ability of intrahippocampal administration of the
difference in their ability, following peripheral adminis- b-adrenergic antagonists to block the antidepressant-like
tration, to penetrate into the central nervous system and effects of peripherally administered clenbuterol suggests
block b-adrenergic receptors (Conway et al. 1987; some role for this brain region in the mediation of
O’Donnell 1988a). Consistent with this interpretation, it antidepressant activity. However, the antagonists were, at
has been found that these antagonists are equipotent at best, only slightly more potent when administered
blocking the effects of clenbuterol on locomotor activity intrahippocampally compared to the ICV route. Similarly,
(O’Donnell 1993a), an effect mediated by peripheral b- although clenbuterol, when administered intrahippocam-
adrenergic receptors (Geyer and Frampton 1988). pally, produced antidepressant-like effects on DRL
Given that CGP-12177 is about 40-fold less potent behavior, its potency appeared similar to that observed
than propranolol at antagonizing the behavioral effects of with ICV administration (O’Donnell et al. 1994). Isopro-
clenbuterol when both are administered peripherally terenol, a non-selective b-adrenergic agonist, has been
(O’Donnell 1988a), it was surprising that when adminis- found to be somewhat more potent when infused into the
tered centrally, CGP-12177 was approximately 10-fold dorsal hippocampus, compared to the frontal cortex or
more potent than propranolol. However, this is probably amygdala, or via the ICV route (Zhang et al. 2001).
due to the differential lipophilicity of these two antago- Although the effect of isoproterenol administered in-
nists. It has been shown that CGP-12177 does not cross trahippocampally is predominantly mediated by b1-
cell membranes in vitro, due to its hydrophilic nature adrenergic receptors, its effects also are blocked to some
(Staehelin et al. 1983). By contrast, drugs with propran- degree by a b2-selective adrenergic antagonist, indicating
olol-like structures, being lipophilic, readily cross cell possible involvement of hippocampal b2-adrenergic re-
membranes. This difference is also evident in vivo. ceptors in the mediation of its antidepressant-like effects.

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Acknowledgements This study was supported by research grants agonists and antidepressant drugs after down-regulation of
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