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Annotated Bibliography

Jessica Penate

November 15, 2023

Professor Encinias

CAS 115
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1. Ryu , Yeomin. “Children in El Salvador: Getting Exploited and Missing Opportunities .”

In this article we see the author Ryu Yeomin begin talking about how child labor began and
what children had to go through due to this major issue. Child Labor exploitations in El
Salvador began to become endemic during El Salvador’s civil war from 1979-1992 and up to
date there are children working at a young age. And this issue wasn’t only happening in El
Salvador it was also happening in other countries of Central America. Children had no choice
but to start working under low wages and work in poor and dangerous conditions, and they lost
their opportunity to get education. In this article we will be able to see the negative impact of
children being forced to work at a young age but also being forced to be part of the Civil war
that was occurring in El Salvador.

2. Humans Rights Watch. “Turning a Blind Eye: Hazardous Child Labor In El Salvador’s
Sugarcane Cultivation, 2004.

This report documents the prevalence of child labor in El Salvador’s sugarcane Cultivation;
the planting and cutting of sugarcanes. In this report we will see the hazardousness of working
for sugarcane harvest fields as young children. We will also be able to see some children's
experiences in working in the sugarcane fields and how it has affected their health and mental
health. Many children have no other option but work for several factors, but one mainly being
poverty especially in rural areas.

3. Schechter and Bochenek. “Working to Eliminate Human Rights Abuses of Children: A

Cross-National Study

In this book I saw one recent case, which covers child labor on sugar plantations in El Salvador.
This author's book explains how the international law on child labor has been formed.
Especially, while dealing with the case of El Salvador, he focuses on how child labor exploitation
is done and the difficulties of eliminating child labor in El Salvador because of multinational
corporations and he uses an example of a company “Coca-Cola”. As we know Coca Cola
company uses the sugar that El Salvador harvest for their bottle soda, what is upsetting is that
fact that the Coca-cola company was aware of children working within the sugar harvest but
they really bother to do anything. Coca Cola has principle that they have to follow and one them
saying that they will not tolerate any child labor, but they like i said they don’t bother checking if
there were children harvesting sugar for their product.

4. Miller, Samantha. “Child Soldiers in the Salvadoran Civil War.” Exhibit, (2016)

In the journal we will

be able to see more in depth of how children are exploited and how they are forced to be child
soldiers at such a young age. And during the Civil War of El Salvador recruiting children; there
was nothing wrong with it. And this is what made this Civil War Unique because the El Salvador
Civil War was practically fought by children. We also go into depth on how in El Salvador
children have big responsibilities starting at a young age and there is no distinction between
adulthood and childhood, children are forced to mature. It’s upsetting to see children being
forced to do something so dangerous, because if they didn’t join the civil war, their families
would be killed, or they would do it for economic benefits, or was just simply abducted. In this
article we will be going into depth about what children had to go through.

5. Amir Radfar. “Challenges and Perspectives of Child Labor” National library of

Medicine (2018).

In this article we will be able to see how child labor is very common all over the world because
of several factors; poverty being a big one. As I said Poverty is a very major issue in rural areas.
But a majority of us believe child labor is wrong and it should be stopped, but there are other
people who don’t see anything wrong. So the idea of child labor has so many different
perspectives. In some cultures, traditions encourage child labor as footsteps to their parents'
jobs. Socioeconomic disparities, poor governance, and poor implementation of international
agreements are among major causes of child labor. And as we know child labor prevents the
normal well-being including physical, intellectual, and emotional psychosocial development of
the child.

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