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Read the following texts and match the experts (1-6) with the topics (a-h).

There are two extra topics you do not need to

1 Sir David King, former scientific adviser to the British life-threatening. In about fifty years' time, the most
Government important question for our society might not be 'How long
If we don't reduce carbon emissions, the earth will become can humans live?' but 'How long do we want to live?'
warmer, polar ice will melt and the oceans will rise. People 3 J. Richard Gott, physicist
will flock inland from coastal areas causing overcrowding in During the next fifty years, our planet might suffer a
many cities, where the population is already too high. Cities catastrophe. There is a possibility that the Earth could be hit
like London and New York will disappear under the water. by a comet, which is a big iceball. Humans could disappear,
By 2100, Antarctica could be the only continent that is just like the dinosaurs and hundreds of other species did. The
suitable for human life – the rest of the world will be too hot. best way to make humans safe from extinction is to set up a
2 Francis Collins, geneticist self-supporting colony on Mars. Will we be smart enough to
Fifty years from now, millions of people will live past the do it before money for investment in space exploration runs
age of 100 and remain healthy. This will happen because out?
we'll be able to study each person's genetic code and find the 4 Ellen Heber-Katz, biologist
best way to treat and prevent illnesses in that individual. I believe that in the future we will have the technology to
We're close to finding the mistakes in the genome that cause cause damaged body parts to grow again. Five years from
cancer, so in the future diseases like this may no longer be now, we will be able to grow new fingers, and, a few years
after that, new limbs. Doctors will soon be able to prescribe of just a list of links. At a later date, this report will actually
drugs that cause broken spinal cords to heal and hearts to take the form of a simple conversation.
regenerate. Within fifty years, renewing an old and 6 Eric Horvitz, principal researcher at Microsoft
malfunctioning body part will be the solution to the health Research
problems of many elderly people. In fifty years' time, computers will be much more intelligent
5 Peter Norvig, director of research at Google than today. They will help people work, learn, remember,
Today, people all over the world have access to billions of plan and decide. Computers will help people from different
pages of text on the internet. At the moment, they type a few countries to understand each other by translating and
key words into a search engine to find information, but fifty interpreting from one language to another. Soon they will be
years from now, people will simply discuss their needs with able to reason on their own. In fifty years' time it will be
their computer. In response the computer will provide us computers that make important discoveries, not human
with a written report of the information we requested instead scientists.

a interactive searches on the internet

1 Sir David King b repairing the human body
2 Francis Collins c machines that think for themselves
3 J. Richard Gott d renewable energy
4 Ellen Heber-Katz e life expectancy
5 Peter Norvig f the space race
6 Eric Horvitz g the water shortage
h global warming

Match vocabulary used by Anna Calcedo (1-8) with a synonym or paraphrase used by Stephen Tenby (a-h).

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