How Can Fun Activities in College Trips Be Increased

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How can fun activities in college trips be increased

Getting your students together before going on an educational travel trip is a great way to prepare them
for what’s ahead. They can bond with their peers, as well as start believing in that sense of ‘team’ you
want to nurture throughout the trip. A unified group that gets along will make your life as the tour
leader much easier. Of course, while you are on the trip, engaged, respectful, and happy students make
for much easier group management.

Once on the road, the best way to engage your students is to make sure they are having fun.
Laughter is a universal language, and one of the easiest ways to connect all the different personalities in
a group. Organize fun learning activities that let students relax and have a laugh at themselves. You can
also get everyone into teams to work on a specific project that will create a sense of accomplishment or
pride. Depending on the age of your students, this could include things like bake-offs using locally grown
ingredients, ordering breakfast using the language of the country you are in, asking for directions to
local monuments instead of consulting a map, etc. Working together to achieve a common goal will
connect your students, and ensure they are having fun while learning on the educational travel trip.

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