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Tamera Garbutt

Moview Review Quiz

Watch the link for the short film and answer the questions that follow. (5 pts each)

1. Describe the protagonist or main character.

I would describe the girl that died first as a bad tempered person because the man already
told her the car was not his and they don’t have money but she still stab him any way.

The man that was driving I would consider him as a I don’t even know what to consider him
as because he reacted after he got the stab on his leg.

The man that was not driving I would consider him as a nice person who care about other
because he could have told on the girl but decided not to.

And the last girl I would also consider her the same because even though what she and her
friends where doing was wrong she got mad when her friend stab the man and she still told
the man to get in at the end.

2. Do you like him or her? Why or why not?

I like both because the man that survived at the end could have told the other male
about where the girl was but he didn’t. And I like the girl at the end also because when
her friend stab the man she got mad and also after the next man was dead she told the
next one to get in the car other than leave him their.

3. Describe the antagonist or opposing character.

The antagonist character would be the girl at the back when she started smelling a unusual
smell and also it could be when the girl came out the car and pointed the knives at the

4. What lessons did you learn from the movie?

I learned don’t judge someone by their appearance reason would he because she judge the
man based on the car he drive.

5. Would you recommend this short film to others? Why or why not?

Yes reason is this teaches you about never judge a book by its cover it also show why its
better to work for what you need than having to depend on other people and also it
teaches us that there are not all bad people in this world.

Grade the movie from 1 – 5 stars. State why you give it that grade.

I would give this movie a 5 stars I didn’t even want this to end I was so into it because this
show us the value of a lot of thing also show and teaches us a lot.

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