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1. Read the situations below and imagine you will take your turn into the
conversation, use polity language to interrupt it and give your opinion:
a. I think kids of all ages should be allowed to make their own decisions,
because they know what they like...

b. People should never spend more money than they make, this way they are
safe from getting in debt...

c. If you don’t have enough money to pay something in cash, you should pay in
installments, because you never know when you will have the opportunity to
purchase something you want...

d. Everybody should be able to live off the minimum wage, otherwise it

wouldn’t be called minimun wage...
1. Find the words below:
2. Think about your neighborhood or the place where you grew up and answer
the questions:
a. What is/was the predominant religion?
b. What is/was your school like?

c. How are/were the social circles divided?


d. What are/were people’s belifs in the community?


e. What are/were people’s roles in the community?


f. How do/did you see your community values?


g. What do you think makes a group a community? What are the elements
h. In your opinion, do you think people are losing the sense of culture and
community? Explain.

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