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Name : Revina Junitri Hutagalung

NPM : A1B020005
Class : 4A
Course : Structure 3
Lecturer : Zahrida, S.S., M.Hum

1. Find in articles 2 paragraphs that contain Adverb Clause

2. Find in articles 2 paragraphs that contain Transitional Signal
3. Find in articles 2 paragraphs that contain connectives as noun phrase or pronoun

Answer :
1. Two paragraphs from an articel with the title “Benefit of Education from an Online
High School” that contain Adverb Clause.

Traditional education for many people means more than just learning. When getting your
diploma on the Internet, you can avoid the distractions that come along with the traditional
classroom. You won’t have to deal with the cliques and other distracting students while you
work on your own time. You can study when you want and where you want. Plus, many
times a teacher in a traditional classroom just cannot spend extra time during class time
helping each individual student with his or her own specific problems. When working within
the online high school, if you do not understand a particular topic, you can take your time and
pace yourself to gain a better understanding of the subject.

Whether you are an adult with a full-time job, and you want to move up in the world, or you
think that your child would benefit from the pacing and attention involved in an online high
school, this educational choice may be the one for you. There are a variety of options out
there, so do some research and find out which one will work best for your circumstances.

2. Two paragraphs from an articel with the title “Keeping Skin Healthy and Beautiful, Do
not Need Expensive!” that contain Transitional Signal.

Numerous ladies are willing to do anything to get solid and excellent skin. Not occasionally
they are upbeat to pay enormous to keep her skin sound and wonderful. This sensation can be
found in ladies today. They invested more energy in spots of excellence for magnificence
tend to stay conscious. Squeeze ourselves had been the way of a lady. However, don’t do
something unreasonable in light of the fact that it was bad and precluded by religion.

Actual differences in the male reproductive cycle and women is that men produce new sperm
every day while women are born with a finite number of eggs and are not renewable in their
ovaries. Because the quality of the eggs continued to decrease with age, so women who are
aged above 35 years is more difficult to conceive. On the other hand, men face different
problems. Their fertility levels are heavily influenced by the quality, quantity and
spontaneous movement of their sperm.

3. Two paragraphs from an articel with the title “Climate Change Impacts” that contain
connectives as noun phrase or pronoun

The Earth's temperature had already warmed by 1°C compared to pre-industrial levels. This
temperature rise may appear small, but small rises in temperature translate into big changes
for the world’s climate. This is because the amount of extra energy needed to increase the
world’s temperature, even by a little, is vast. This extra energy is like force-feeding the global
climate system.
The most vulnerable groups, including children, the elderly, people with preexisting health
conditions, outdoor workers, people of color, and people with low income, are at an even
higher risk because of the compounding factors from climate change. But public health
groups can work with local communities to help people understand and build resilience to
climate change health impacts.

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