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An oscilloscope is a laboratory instrument which is used in analyzing the waveform of

electronic signals. Essentially, the device draws a graph of the instantaneous voltage as it varies
with time. During the experiment, the device was powered, the probe was attached to the input
channel 2 and the probe tip was attached to the probe compensation connector. When the “Auto”
button was pressed, it automatically chooses the best current waveform that can be displayed.
Probe compensation was done by adjusting the probe compensation adjustment knob located in
the probe body before measuring electronic signals. Note that an improperly compensated
oscilloscope probe will result in inaccurate frequency measurements. Here is an illustration of
possible waveforms when adjusting compensation.

ure 6.1 Signals from undercompensated, properly compensated, and overcompensated
oscilloscope probe (from left to right)

*idrawing ang oscilloscope and label the parts hahahaha

Before doing some adjustments, we familiarized ourselves in the parts of the

oscilloscope. Adjustment knobs are mainly divided into VERTICAL section and HORIZONTAL
section which both consists of position knobs and scale knobs, VOLT/DIV knob for the vertical
and SEC/DIV knob for horizontal scaling. Other important control is the INTENSITY knob
which adjusts the waveform to the desired brightness.
Figure 6.2 Initial Set-up

Initially, the set-up was 200µs/div and 1 volt/div where zero voltage is in the center of the
y-axis. Moreover, the coupling was set to AC which displays waveform as a graph of voltage
versus time and the bandwidth limit was set to close which reduced the noise produced by the

Position of the wave was adjusted vertically and horizontally by rotating the position
adjustment knob. In vertical positioning, the wave was moved up and down implying the shift of
zero voltage along the y-axis, while in horizontal positioning, the wave was moved to the left and
right or was moved back and forth along the x-axis.

*insert figure ng wave sa 100µs/div and 500µs/div

Scaling was adjusted horizontally by rotating the SEC/DIV knob and vertically by
rotating the VOLTS/DIV knob.

Adjusting SEC/DIV knob can be pictured as zooming in and out of the display relative to
the x-axis. If the SEC/DIV setting is decreased, the number of cycle is also decreased because
the voltage-time graph displayed is limited to a shorter duration, while if it is increased, the
number of cycles is also increased. That was why from 200µs/div with approximately two
cycles, it decreased to one cycle when the oscilloscope was adjusted to 100µs/div as opposed to
500µs/div which displayed voltage approximately five cycles which is greater than the latter.
Through observation, the number of cycle and sec/div have direct relationship.

*insert figure ng wave sa 0.5 volt/div and 2 volts/div

On the other hand, adjusting the oscilloscope from 1 volt/div to 0.5 volt/div decreases the
amplitude or height of the waveform, while adjusting it to 2 volts/div increases the amplitude.

Unlike the oscilloscope, which measures different properties of waves, the audio-
frequency (AF) generator is an instrument for creating signals, particularly audio, which are
waves in nature. It is convenient in studying the properties of a wave because it has controls and
functions which address the characteristics of a wave. One can control the frequency, amplitude,
the “shape” of the wave (e.g. sin wave) and many more functions. Regardless of the properties
set by the generator, a convenient view of the wave can still be achieved using the oscilloscope
such as setting the wave into only two cycles or controlling the “visible” height in the screen.

The amplitude or height of the wave can be controlled by turning the knob labeled
AMPL. It can be noticed that when the knob is rotated counter-clockwise, towards minimum, the
height or amplitude of the wave decreases and otherwise happens when the knob is turned
clockwise, towards maximum. When it was set to maximum, the whole wave cannot be
displayed in the initial setting since it was very high. However, by controlling volts/div, an
appropriate view of the wave on the screen can be obtained.
On the other hand, the frequency can be varied using buttons which control the decimal
value (1M, 100K, 10K, 1K, 100, 10, 1) and using the knob labeled frequency which control the
magnitude to have an exact value. In the experiment, it was first set to 200 Hz then adjusted to
300 Hz. (idrawing daw yung wave form? Sabi dun sa data. Paki drawing na lang)

It can be noticed that initially, more cycles appeared in the oscilloscope. However, this
can always be adjusted using the time/div setting the oscilloscope. It was made to be have
approximately two cycles in the experiment.

Using the oscilloscope view, the width of sine wave was measured which is 3.3 divisions
per cycle. Multiplying the value obtained to the time/div (1.00 millisecond), the period of the
wave can be computed which was 3.3 milliseconds. Remembering the relation of frequency and
period, which is frequency = 1/(period), we can compute frequency as 303.03 Hz. Comparing the
calculated frequency and the actual one reflected in the AF generator, it can be concluded that
the calculation done was valid since they are near to each other.

In the experiment, the AF generator has a minimum of 197.48 mHz and a maximum of
3.3413 MHz values for frequency. Varying the frequency affects the display of the screen
particularly the number of cycles displayed. Without manipulating the time/div of the
oscilloscope, it was observed that increasing the frequency also increased the cycle displayed and
the otherwise happens when frequency was decreased. This just shows the definition of
frequency that is the measure of no. of cycles that passes through a certain interval of time
(though it is usually denoted as cycles/second).

The view in the oscilloscope can be used to determine the frequency. The width of sine
wave can be measured. Multiplying the value obtained to the time/div (1.00 millisecond), the
period of the wave can be computed. Remembering the relation of frequency and period, which
is frequency = 1/(period), we can compute frequency. In the experiment, the width of the sine
wave was 3.3 div/cycle. Thus, we can compute for the period and frequency as 3.3 milliseconds
and 303.03 Hz respectively. Comparing calculated and experimental frequencies, it can be
concluded that the calculation done was valid since they are near to each other.

For steps 6 and 7, the number of cycles in the screen completely depends on setting of
time/div. For example: they can both be 2 cycles in the screen with the proper adjustment.
However, comparing the two alone, step 7 has more cycles since it has higher frequency.

It is important to know the limitations of the device which is dictated by the range. For an
instance, you know that the AF generator can produce a maximum frequency of 6 MHz; thus,
you know it will not be able to produce 10 MHz.. The purpose of the frequency was to control
how many cycles per second will occur. The output or level of the generator is for controlling the
amplitude of the signal or wave.

The Oscilloscope - Audio-Frequency generator setup is a compound apparatus setup

which makes it possible to directly and interactively study and observe behaviors and
characteristics of audio waveforms. It is a form of Oscilloscope – Function Generator setups,
wherein Function Generator (or signal generator) is any equipment that produces standard
signals like sinusoidal, triangle, square, random signals, etc. The other function generators
include temperature transducers (which produces voltage in response to temperature) and even
microphones (which produces voltage in response to sound waves). The oscilloscope, being a
voltage measurement device, detects and displays these signals – voltages as a function of time.
There are different settings which are changeable in the oscilloscope by which different views
and studying conditions can be achieved. Therefore the familiarization of the equipment is
fundamental. Using this setup, we study the different correlation of “independent” parameters
(such as frequency and amplitude) adjustable in the signal generator with the observed
parameters (signal frequency, period, peak values, RMS values, etc.) of the signal which are
viewable and inferable in the Oscilloscope display.

In this exercise, for example, increasing the frequency of the signal produced in the
generator has an equivalent effect of increased amount of wave cycles visible in the oscilloscope,
considering that the oscilloscope settings are kept constant. Aside from observing the effect of
changing parameters to the waveform, we proved the definition of frequency by setting a known
fixed frequency on the AF generator (300 Hz), visually inspecting and calculating the amount of
time the waveform makes 1 cycle to get its period and reciprocating the result to get practically
equivalent frequency (303.03 Hz) with 1.01% difference.

Reference:, Oscilloscope + Function Generator Experiment Oscilloscope Laboratory

Experiment, retrieved from <
/Scope/LabScope1.htm> on 20 October, 2015.

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