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Conference Report

Cultural Identity in México

Ana Karen Alvarado Sánchez


October 2023

Multicultural Agents and Perspectives

Cultural identity is the characteristics, beliefs, values, traditions and expressions
that define us as Mexicans. The elements of our cultural identity are diverse and rich due
to the history of our development and the diversity that exists in our country. The heritage
of race stands out, as well as religion, food, music, art, language and regional customs.
However, although all these aspects may seem to make our culture stand out, it is strongly
stereotyped internationally as well as nationally, which causes us as Mexicans to not feel
fully attached to this identity. Mexico is often associated with very ambiguous things,
which do not really go beyond the idea of interculturality and the mega diversity that can
exist within our own region. Most troubling of all are the stereotypes that prevail within
Mexico, which create divisions between regions within the country. That is why we must
understand that the cultural identity of a country and especially that of a country like
Mexico is not something that can be summarized in a short video or a brochure, as our
culture is one of the most complex and diverse. Recognizing and challenging the
stereotypes that have been created throughout the nations is essential for a clearer and
more inclusive appreciation promoting respect for our cultural identity.

I believe it is extremely important as Mexicans to know what aspects identify us

and make us stand out from the rest of the world from a deeper perspective. We all know
that Frida Kahlo is related to art and that tacos are fundamental in the development of our
gastronomy, but it is our duty as Mexicans to expand our knowledge before that of other
cultures. In order to recognize our roots and keep our traditions alive. It is extremely
important that, although the history of our culture is constantly being written by new
characteristics, our identity does not have to be totally rigid. This is what I mean by
knowing more clearly our cultural trajectory in order to generate our own identity as
Mexicans and thus transform and adapt the culture of our country. It is important to
mention that our changing culture adapts and molds itself through the generations, but
something that prevails and remains in the identity of all Mexicans are our values, not
only those that are taught to us in the education we receive at school but also at home.
From my perspective, talking about our culture and trying to define it in a
conceptualized or structured way is totally frightening not only because of how big it is
but because of all the roots transformed into traditions that it carries. What connects me
with my cultural identity are not the big regional events or the diverse small towns I do
not come from, what identifies me as Mexican are the stories my grandmother told me
about the traditions that prevailed in our family, all the recipes my great grandmother
gave me through memories that taste like union, the cozy feeling of home wherever I go,
the ease of understanding a local joke that reveals new roots of our culture, but also the
feeling of never ending to soak up the secrets of the country that gave me the gift of
belonging. Mexico is a country that is home to thousands of different identities, regardless
of clothing or dialect, we are all different, and that is what identifies us as Mexicans.

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