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CHAFrER 10/MassBalances and Hydraulic Flow Regimes


if V4 > V2
The quantity variation will be rectified by the approach outlined above but the
quality variation of flow exiting from
the equalization basin will not be totally
smoothed. Quality or loading depends
on both quantity and concentration. The follow-
ing equation would be used to calculate the average loading rate.


To design a basin to produce a constant loading would require continuous monitor-

ing of the constituent's concentrationin the influent.Mixing characteristicsin the
equalization basin would have to be known and a variable flow rate from the basin
would be used to produce a constant loading. Variable concentrations of different
components will make it impossible to achieve a uniform loading for all components.
However there will be some mixing in the basin and loading variation is normally
dampened considerably by pumping at a constant flow rate.
There will also be some equalizationof flow rate and quality as the water
passes through basins in the treatment plant because of mixing and the hydraulic
characteristicsof the channels.Most of the basins in a treatment plant discharge
flow over a weir. This will have a considerable effect on reducing the flow variation
(see Problem 30).


Individual operations are assembled together to form the complete treatment train.
Chemical addition, sludge withdrawal, flow recycle, and chemical and biological trans-
formations cause the liquid and solids flows to differ at various locations within the
treatment plant. Sometimessplit treatment schemesare used for one part of the
treatment. In split treatment, a portion of the water is treated to a degree higher than
the desired level, while the remainder bypasses the treatment. The two streams are
combined to form the product water from the unit operation.
To characterize the system, the performance of each individual operation, includ-
ing each of their inputs and outputs, must be known. The principles of mass balances
discussed earlier apply to each basin. There is usually more than one basin or reactor
for each unit operation. Some operations receive input from more than one other unit
operation. For instance, a solids digester in a wastewater treatment operation typically
has influent from both the primary and secondary clarifiers. The influent is a function
of the sludge concentrations in each of the clarifiers.The number of unit operations
and the number of cross-connectionsamongthem, as well as the variability of the
influent quality and flow, increase the challenge of finally sizing the number of basins
and characterizing the overall system inputs and outputs.
balances is to lay out the complete plant in
The approach to making the system
9.1—9.5.To facilitate making mass balances, a color
a logical sequence as done in Figs.
can be made solid and solids flow lines can
scheme can be used or liquid flow lines
dashed. The process performance characteristics
be dotted. Chemical feed lines can be
concentration in the process, quantity of solids
Ofeach unit operation (e.g., chemical
270 SECTION Ill/Water and Wastewater

along with other a priori known Characteristiq

generated or destroyed) are
commercially available agents. The influent flow and its
such as the concentrations of
listed at the front of the plant. Then mass balances are made
quality characteristics are
outputs are isolated. The inputs and
for each individualoperation.All inputs and
determine its outputs. This procedure is applied to
transformations in an operation necessarily straightforward because
each unit operation of the plant. The process is not
operations near the front of the
of return flowsfrom later treatmentoperationsto
required to achieve the correct
treatment train. A trial and error approach may be
balance. a whole,
as the sumof
For each individualunit operation,and for the system
or device is isolated
liquid inputs must equal the sum of liquid outputs. Each basin
and the symbolic representation of Eq. (10.1) is written for the unit. A box is drawn
around the unit and all lines that intersect the box are included in the materials balance
expression. Lines going into the box appear on the input side of the materials balance
expression and those going out of the box appear on the output side. In addition any
generation or destruction of a constituent by chemical or other means must be included
in the materials balance. Mass balancesfor any constituent must be fully accounted
for in the input—generation—outputbalances. When flow enters a Tee joint, the concen-
tration of dissolved or SS does not change through the joint.
To perform a materials balance exercise it is not necessary to know the detention
times or other design features of the units, which will be covered in later chapters.
The process is best illustrated by example. In the example, the necessary performance
characteristics of various processeswill be supplied. However, it is assumed that
principles covered in preceding chapters (particularly on chemical reaction stoichiome-
try) are to be applied as necessary.As the first exercise in designing a plant, typical
performance of individualoperationsis assumed and modified by any data that are
available. Later chapters cover the design of individual operations, after which this
exercise can be repeated taking into account the specific design details to achieve
expected performance of each operation.

Example 10.4 Mass Balance

The problem is to find the flow rates and solids
concentrations at all locations within
an activated sludge wastewater treatment plant as
illustrated in Fig. 9.4. A centrifuge
will be used to dewater the digested sludge from the
vacuum filter. Influent data and unit operation anaerobic digester instead Ofa
below. The process has been redrawn in Fig. 10.15 performance information are given
concentrations throughout the plant. with symbols for flow and solids
The definition of symbols in Fig. 10.15 is
to the sequence through the treatment train. follows. The list is arranged according
So influent BOD5 concentration
Q) influent flow rate
Xo influent SS concentration
(excluding screenings
flow rate after the screens and grit)
Qscw volumetric removal rate of
Xscw concentration (density) of
flow rate after the grit chamber
volumetric removal rate of
CHAPTER 10/Mass Balances and Hydraulic Flow Regimes 271

Grit Primary Aer. basin Qcl

Screens chamber QpoSed. basin sed. basin
so QA
esc Qg x po sp. s
xo 1 Disinfection
1 Qus
I xup rQp

Primary Qts
sed. basin Thickener
digester xck
QC t
Oct As Qup
figure 10.15 Materials balance flow diagram for an activated sludge wastewater treatment
plant.The symbols are defined in Example 10.4.

concentration (density) of grit collected in the grit chamber

total flow rate into the primary sedimentation basin
Xpo SS concentration of influent to the primary sedimentation basin
flow rate of clarified supernatant from the primary sedimentation basin
SS concentration of clarified supernatant from the primary sedimentation
BOD5concentration in the effluent from the primary sedimentation
Qup flow rate of underflow from the primary sedimentation basin
Xup SS concentration in the underflowfrom the primary sedimentation basin
QA flow rate of effluent from the aeration (activated sludge) basin
SS concentration in the effluent from the aeration basin
BOD5 concentration in the effluent from the aeration basin
Qs flow rate of clarified supernatant from the secondary sedimentation basin
Xs SS concentration of clarifiedsupernatant from the secondary
sedimentation basin
Qus flow rate of underflow from the secondary sedimentation basin
Xus SS concentration in the underflow from the secondary sedimentation
r ratio of recycled flow from underflowof secondarysedimentation basin
to flow from primary sedimentationbasin
QFe flow rate of chemical feed for ferric chloride
XFe SS concentration in the ferric chloride chemical feed
Qa gas flow rate of chemical feed for chlorine
Qf flow rate from the disinfection basin
flow rate of waste activated sludge from the underflow of the secondary
sedimentation basin
flow rate of underflow from the sludge thickener
272 SECTION Ill/Water and Wastewater

underflow from the sludge thickener

Xt SS concentration in the
the sludge thickener
Qts flow rate of supernatant from the sludge thickener
supernatant from
Xts SS concentration in the
the anaerobic digester
Qd flow rate from the underflowof digester
in the underflow from the anaerobic
Xa SS concentration polymer for the centrifuge
feed for conditioning
Qpl flow rate of chemical
chemical feed
Xpl SS concentration in the polymer
the centrifuge
volumetric removal rate of cake from
Xck SS concentration in the cake from the
Qa flow rate of centrate from the centrifuge
Xa SS concentration in the centrate from the
The following information is given:
so = 320 mg/L xo = 330 mg/L
QO= 437 ML/d (115.5Mgal/d)
So and Xo do not include materialthat will be removed by the screens or in the
grit chamber.
Screens: The quantity of screenings collected is 0.005 m3/1 000 m3 (67 ft3/100 Mgal)
Grit chamber: The quantity of grit collected is 0.008 m3/1 000 rn3 (107 ft3/100 Mgal)
Primary sedimentation basin: The SS removal is 55%.
The BOD5 removal is 35%.
The underflow concentration of SS is 3.8%.
Activated sludge aeration basin: Effluent soluble BOD5 is 5 mg/L.
The net SS yield based on influent BOD5 and soluble effluent BODs is 0.65
mg SS produced/mg BOD5 removed.
The concentration of SS in the aeration basin is 2 000 mg/L.
Secondary sedimentation basin: Ferric iron is being added to the influent to the
clarifier at 5 mg/L as Fe. The coagulant is FeC13.The feed solution of FeC13
contains FeC13at 20% by weight. The clarified overflow (effluent) from this
basin contains 10 mg/L of SS.
The underflow SS concentration is 0.75%.
Thickener: The thickener captures 85% of the solids (i.e., 85% of influent solids
appears in the underflow).
The underflow contains SS at 4.5%.
Disinfection: Chlorine gas is being added at a dose of 1.5 mg/L.
Anaerobic digester: SS reduction of 55% is achieved.
Centrifuge: 9 kg of polymer are being added to each tonne of solids. The feed
solution of polymer contains polymer at 80 g/L.
The unit captures 97.5%of the solids.
The cake SS content is 32%.

For convenience it will be assumed that the specific gravity (s.g.) of SS is 1.00•
The error associated with this assumption is small. (Chapter 20 discusses the equations
necessary to correct this problem.) It is also assumed that there is no soluble BOD5
generation in the anaerobic digester. Likewise, it is assumed that the thickener superna-
CHAPTER 101MassBalances and Hydraulic Flow Regimes 273

tantand centrifuge centrate do not contain soluble BOD. The only points where BOD5
tonsformationsoccur are after the primary clarifier and the aeration basin. After
consultationof later chapters, corrections for these assumptionsand other refinements
on the BOD and SS transformations can be made and incorporated into the material
balanceexercisebut the procedure for determining flowsand solids concentrations is
The solids concentration in the aeration basin is assumed to be uniform (i.e., CM
conditions exist).
Liquid,solids, and substrate balances can be written at each node in the system.
For example, the box in Fig. 10.15 isolates the liquid flow streams for the primary
clarifierand will be used below to construct the flow balance for this unit.
proceedingfirst with the balances for liquid flows:

Grit Chamber

Primary Sedimentation Basin


Activated Sludge Aeration Basin


Secondary Sedimentation Basin

Qus = Qw + rQp

Disinfection Basin

rate and will not affect the liquid flow rate. Therefore, this equation
Qa is a gas flow

= (ix)
Qup+ + Qt
Anaerobic Digester

= + (xi)
Qd + Qpl
these liquid balances for each individual unit, an overall liquid
In addition to process. This equation is not an independent relation
balancecan be made for the individual unit balances.
equations; it can be constructed from the
fromthe above

equations. Qa has been eliminated and only

There are 22 variables in the above need some more equations!
me of the •anables. Q,. has been specified.We now formulated.
golds and substrate balance equations

been given; therefore, screenings

The •dumetnc collectionrate of screeningshas Xe... = 0.005 rn3/1 000 rn3.Note
colkcted •ill calculated on a volumetric basis
solids concentration.
that ereentnp are not included in the influent

Grit Chamber
As for xreenings. grit is not includedin the influentsolids concentrationand the
of grit removed is x g. = m3/1 000 rn3 on a volumetric basis.

Q*xg. = (xiii)

Primary Sedimentation Basin

Solids Balances
There has been no change in Xo in the first two operations.
Qgxo+ Qaxa + Qtsxts= Qpxp+ (xiv)
Qgxo + + QtsXts= (xv)

The removal ratio for the primary clarifier has been specified; it will be represented
by R,.
Qpxp _ R (xvi)

Substrate Balance
There has been no change in the BOD5concentration in the first two operations. Also
by assumption there is no BODs in Qa or Qts. In the information supplied,the
reducuon factor for BOD, in the primary clarifier is fpBOD —
- 0.35. The BOD5 in the
underflow from the primary clarifier is also ignored. Therefore the substrate balance is
QgSo = Qps p + fpBODQgSo (xvii)

The last term in Eq. (xvii) describes the removal of BOD5 in the primary clarifier•

Activated Sludge Aeration Basin

Solids Balance
There is generation of solids in the aeration basin which will be termed AX in the
mass balance.
Qpxp + rQp& + AX = QAXA (xviii)
(MAETER IO/Mag Balance and Hydraulic Flow Re—s

Thesubstrate balance for the aeration basin includes a term (AS) for removal of BOD'.
Qrs p+ rQpSA= QASA+ as (xix)
To determine AX in Eq. (xviii). the net yield (designated Y) was supplied in the
information. ne net yield is based on the removal of BODSin the aeration basin.
ax = YAS (xx)

secondary Sedimentation Basin

Thedosingrate of FeCl, is defined as DFC.
(QFeXFe)/QA (xxi)

The Fey• will be transformed by chemicalreaction to Fe(OH),. is used to

QAXA+ = QsXs + (xxii)

There is no change in solids concentration where Qß splits into QP and Q..

Thereis no change in SS concentration in the disinfection basin because chlorine is
a solublegas. A very small amount of BOD will be oxidized by chlorine but it will
assumedto be negligible.

Thecaptureratio for the thickener will be defined as Ct.
+ Q.n = + QtXt (xxiii)
Qtxt (xxiv)

Solidsreduction in the anaerobic digester has been specified. A factor, fAD,will be
usedto describe the amount of solids reduction in the digester.
Qtxt = Q,Xd+ fADQtXt (xxv)

Thedosingrate for polymer is defined as Dø. The capture ratio for the centrifuge is
definedas C,.
Q,x, + = QaXa + QaXa (xxvii)
Qaxa (xxviii)
276 SECTION Ill/ Water and Wastewater

(includingAX and AS) in the above 17 equations

There are 21 new variables variables are specified
in the information
(Eqs. xii—xxviii).
However, 13 of these of equations; therefore
an equal number
supplied. There are a total of 28 unknowns solved, keeping units with the Parame.
equations are
the system is determined. As the calculations are correct. Also, it may be
ters will provide a check to ensure that the to solve for some of the variables.
in the system
helpful to isolate two or more units chamber are straightforward. From
the screens and grit
The solids removals in
Eq. (xii):
m 3) = 2.19 m 3/d
x 103 m 3/d) x (0.005 m 3/1 000
Qscv = (437

In U.S. units:
Mgal) = 77 ft3/d
= (115.5Mgal/d) x (67 ft3/100
Using Eq. (i),
= 437 x m3/d 2.19 m3/d = 437 x 103 m3/d

From Eq. (xiii),

Qgv = (437 x 10' m3/d) x (0.008 m3/1 000 m3) = 3.50 m3/d (124 ft3/d)
Using Eq. (ii),
Qg = 437 x 103 m3/d - 2.19 m3/d = 437 X 103 m3/d
The equations can be solved algebraically or by making a few reasonable assump-
tions and iteratively solving the equations. The latter approach is chosen here.
The main liquid stream has its solidsremoved in the primary and secondary
clarifiers. The substrate in the influent is removed in the aeration basin. These phenom-
ena will be used to derive the first estimates of unknown flows. In the primary clarifier,
55% of SS are removed. The first estimate of the underflow from this clarifier can be
based on the influent solids concentration. From Eqs. (xv) and (xvi) and ignoring Qa
and Qts in Eq. (xv),

SS removed in primary clarifier = 0.55 437 x 330!!! 1000L 1 kg

L m3 106mg
= 79 315 kg/d
In U.s. units: = 0.55(115.5Mgal/d) 33(P-g -1b
L Mgal —mg = 174800 Ibid
The solids content of the underflow from the clarifier is 3.8%
or 38 g/L based on
a s.g. of 1.00 for the solids. Qupcan be directly calculated by

79 315 kg
Qup= = 2087 m3/d

174 800
7 (0.454kg 1 gal 1 Mgal
in U.S. units: Qup
0.038 u 1b 3.79 L 106gal = 0.551 Mgal/d
CHAITER 10/Mass Balances and Hydraulic Flow Regimes

NowQPcan be calculated from Eq. (iii):

QP = Qg Qup= 437 X m3/d - 2087 m3/d = 434.9 x m3/d

The effluent solids content in QP from the primary clarifier is

XP = (1 - Rp)xo = (1 mg/L) = 149mg/L
The effluent substrate content in QP from the primary clarifier is found from
Eq. (xvii),
(1 - fp)Qgso_ (1 - X 103 mg/L)
= 209 mg/L
434.9 x 103m 3/d

In the equations for the aeration basin, the unknownsare r, AX, and AS.
Theonlysource of BOD5 is the influent to the aeration basin and the final BOD5
concentrationfrom the aeration basin is given as 5 mg/L. Therefore, using Eqs. (v)
and (xix),
1031-4 1 kg
AS = Qp(Sp—s A) = 434.9 x 103L —
L m3 106 mg)
= 88 719 kg/d
NowEq. (xx) can be used to find AX. Then Eqs. (xviii) and (v) can be solved
togetherto find r and QA. For AX,
AX = YAS = 0.65(88 719 kg/d) = 57 667 kg/d
Combining Eqs. (xviii) and (v),
Qpxp + rQpxus + AX = (1 + r)QpXA
The underflow from the secondary clarifier, Xushas been given as 7 500 mg/L
(0.75%)and the aeration basin SS concentration (XA) has been given as 2 000 mg/L.
Qp(Xp - XA) + AX
Qp(XA XuS)
IOOOL 1 kg + 57 667
434.9 x
L m3 106mg
= 0.31
434.9 x 103L 1 kg
L m3 106 mg

From Eq. (v),

QA = (1 + r)Qp = (1 + x 103 m3/d) = 570.8 x 103 m3/d

The concentration of Fe3+in the influent to the secondary clarifier is 5 mg/L. The
amountof FeC13added will be 14.5 mg/L. The concentration of FeC13in the feed
streamis 0.20 kg/L. QFecan be determined from Eq. (xxi).

14.5 570.8 X 103

DFeQA- = 41.4 m3/d
QFe = 106mg
SECTION Ill/Water and Wastewater

Fe(OH)3. The Fe(OH)3 formed is X,

FeCl, will react with alkalinity to form influent solids to the secondary
Eq. (xxii). which can be considered to be part of the will be formed.
clarifier. For every 14.5mg/L of FeC13,9.6 mg/L
solve for Qs and Qus• Xs has been
Equations (vi) and (xxii) can be combined to
specified as 10 mg/L.
Qus)Xs + QusXus
QAXA+ QFex;e = (QA + QFe-
which can be rearranged to solve for Qus.

570.8x 103L 2 + 41.4

= 151.7 x m3/d
From Eqs. (vi) and (vii),
Qs = QA + QFe- Qus= (570.8X 103+ 41.4 - 151.7 X 103) m3/d = 419.1 X 103
= Qus - rQp = [151.7 x 103 - x 103)] m3/d = 16.9 x 103m3/d
The effluent flow from the treatment plant, Qf is equal to Qs from Eq. (viii) and
is 419.1 x 103 m3/d.
Because the dose of C12is 1.5 mg/L, the flow rate of C12gas can be calculated.
Applying Eq. (xxiv), QtXt may be found.
Qtxt = ct(Qwxus+ Qupxup)
= 0.85 16.9x 7 + 103L 1 kg
1m 3 106mg
= 175.1 x 103kg/d
The thickener underflow is determined using Xt =
0.045 kg/L (4.5%).

175.1x 1m3
Qtxt d IOOOL
0.045 E.g

Q is also the flow rate from the anaerobic

digester according to Eq. (x).
The supernatant flow from the thickener
is (Eq. ix),
Qts = Qup+ Qw- Qt = (2087 + 16.9 X 103
- 3891) m3/d = 15.1 X 103m3/d
The concentration of solids in the
supernatant is (Eq. xxiii):
+ Qtxt

2087 L 38000 -Q! 3

+ 16.9x10 3!2-
3 891

15.1 X 103@
=2 mg/L d
CHARIER 10/Mass Balances
and Hydraulic Flow Regimes 279

The anaerobic digester's output loading is (Eq. xxv):

QdXd= (1 - fAD)QtXt= (1 - X kg/d) = 78795kg/d
The concentration of solids in the effluent from the
digester is
Xd = QdXd/Qd= (78 795 891 m3/d) = 20.3 kg/m3 = 20.3 g/L
The polymer is applied at 9 kg/tonne of
solids (Dp). The application rate of
polymer(API)to be added to the flow rate of 392 m3/d
from the digester containing
79380 kg of solids is

Apl= 78 795!! 1 tonne 9 kg

d 1 000 kg = 709 kg/d
The polymer feed flow rate is (Eq. xxvi),
kg 1 tonne
9 3 891 — 20.3 Eg
DplQdXd _ tonne d rn3 1 000 kg
Qpl= X = 8.9 m3/d
L m3 1 ooog)
Equation (xxviii) is used to find the centrifuge cake output loading rate, QckXck.
= Cc(QdXd
+ Qp,xpl)
rn3 1 kg
= 0.975 3891— 20.3B + 80 g 1000L
d m 3 1 000 g
= 77 707 kg/d
The volumetric rate of cake production is

77 707
Qck = 243 m3/d

Using Eq. (xi), Qct can be determined as

= Qd + Qpl- Qck= (3 891 + 8.9 - 243) m3/d = 3657 m3/d
Equation (xxvii) can be used to find the concentration of solids in Qt.
QdXd + Qplxpl - QckXck

+ rn3
20.3 Ek 8.9 — 243— 320kg
3 891
7 -
3 657 —
= 0.53 kg/m3 = 530 mg/L
The first estimates of all quantities are now complete. At least another iteration
should be performed using the values obtained for thickener and centrifuge superna-
tant return flows and their respective SS concentrations to obtain better accuracy.
This is left as an exercise for the student (see Problem 33).
SECTION rt1/W.ter
m3/d mg/L
MOW mg/L
Qs 419 X xs 10
mg/L XP 149 Q. 16.9x
x, 330 O, 435X xo 2036
o. x O. 15.3X
2 19
3 679 x, 38 3 891 X, 20.3b

0.008 0 2087 XA 2000 Qa 243 X. 320b

Or. 3.50 QA 571 X 10' x 6 7500 QFe 41.4
o, 437x 152x
437 x tot X»30
•In m' 'l m'.

around the system that are given

solids concentrations the clarifiers are small compared
Examine the flow rates and underflows from assumption to ignore
in the table above. It is seen that
iteration, it is often a good
first reductions.
to the main liquid stream. In the resulting from these
the adjustments in the main liquid


directions negate PF conditions? Would it
1. Would mixingin only the vertical and lateral
negate CM conditions? Explain. for PF and
be made over the whole basin volume
2. Why or why not can mass balances
CM basins? dispersion? Would
among bulk flow, advection, diffusion, and
3. What are the differences
sus}xnded solids be subject to all phenomena? that decays
What volume of a PF reactor is required to remove 90% of a substance
4. is 395 m3/d
constant of 0.05 d-l? The flow rate
according to first-order kinetics with a rate
(104 350 gal/d).
90% removal of a substance that decays
S. Compare the total reactor volume required for
d-l in a CM system that
to first-orderkinetics with a rate constant of 0.05 of equal volume
CM reactors
contains a single reactor against a system that contains three
in series.
a PF
6. (a) What are the relative volume requirements for a CM reactor compared to
reactor if first-order kinetics apply and treatment efficiencies of 50, 75, 90, 95, and
99% are required? The same rate constant and flow rate apply to each system.
(b) Perform the same exercise if second-order kinetics apply.
7. What are the characteristicsof an ideal tracer?
8. Using the results from the exit concentrationcurve for a slug input of dye into a CM
reactor. prove that the average residence (detention) time of a particle of dye, and thus
of a particle of water, in a CM unit is V/Q for a reactor with a volume, V, receivinga
steady input flow of Q.
9. An experimenter wishesto conduct steady state studies on a continuous flow CM reactor.
It is generally thought that data can be safely taken after at least 95% of the initial material
that has been in the reactor at startup is washed out. How many detention times must
this experimenter wait until data should be taken?
10. A reactor is operated in the followingmanner: (i) the reactor fills with influent; (i) a
chemical agent is added and mixingis applied to the basin; and (iii) after the reaction is
completed, mixingis terminated and the basin is emptied to begin
another cycle. Would
this reaction be modeled with CM or PF kinetics?
IL What is the expressiondescribingthe concentration of tracer in
the effluent from a CM

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