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Republic of the Philippines


Asingan Campus


I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Understand the written and spoken discussions about nutrient utilization process.
2. Differentiate the process of digestion, absorption, and metabolism
3. Obtain information about the interrelationship of nutrition.
4. Identify excretory organs.

II. Subject Matter

• Topic : Nutrition Utilization and Interrelationship
• References :
Nutrient Utilization and Interrelationship
• Materials : LCD, Laptop, Cellphones, Visual Aids, Tarpaulin

II. Learning Procedure

Preliminary Activities
 Greetings
 Prayer
 Students attendance checking
 Acknowledgments
 Checking/passing of homework
Review of the past lesson
 Prepared to recall the topics discussed during the last meeting
 Ask questions about the highlights of the recent topic.
Motivation ( 10minutes)
 The teacher calls out student attention to group them to two and have 2
representative per group. The 1 representative will be blindfolded helped
by the 2nd representative. The teacher will hand them something to touch
and to be observe when the foods will intake inside the body. The rest of
the student will be handed over papers to raise their answers in estimating
how long does it take to digest.
 (Questions Indicate below)

1.)How does food break down?

2.) If we measured our digestive system, how long would it be?
3.) In your estimation, how long does it take to digest…
Apple Cupcakes Water

Presentation of the Lesson

 Now that the students have the idea on the next topic, after the activity
been done.
 The teacher will frequently ask students about their insights and
understanding about the topic.Everyone will given a starter chance to widen
up the lesson
Guide Questions:
1. What do you think is our lesson for today? Let exchange ideas students.
2. In your own words, what is meant by utilization when we are talking
about nutrition?
3. How does the body get nutrients from food?
4. How do you ensure nutrition utilization?
5. Why is interrelationships of nutrients important?

 Teacher shows series of Powerpoint Presentation that states the Nutrition
Utilization and its categories.
 To add things up, will briefly discuss the foods and activities that
increases metabolism.
 10 minutes to discuss the significance of Interrelationships of Nutrition.
Analyze the topic given.
 Teacher grabs time during the on going discussion to ask questions:

Guide Questions:
1. How nutrient utilization happens in the human body?
2. Differentiate between the process of digestion, absorption, and
 What is Digestion and its process?
 What is absorption in the digestive system?
 Simple definition of Metabolism.
3. Give me other example of foods that can digest in less than 2 hours.
4. Where does the chemical digestion begin?
5. What is the importance of Interrelationships of nutrients?

Everyone should participate.

 W hat might affect our nutrient utilization?

 Can we combine any nutrients? Why yes and why not?

The teacher will show some real life situations of nutrient diseases in
terms of nutrient utilization in the Powerpoint Presentation and let the
students give their own solution.
 What will you do if you have diarrhea?
 Thoughts about Ulcer?
 Abdominal Pain?
IV. Evaluation

Students will be handed a multiple choice for activity that will test their
understanding of today’s lesson. The activity measures how many students were
able to classify the discussed topic.

I. Encircle the correct answer.

1.) How does food move through your digestive tract?

a.) By gravity
b.) By wavelike muscle contractions
c.) By cilia
d.) By chemical absorption

2.) Where does most of the digestive process take place?

a.) Small Intestine
b.) Large Intestine
c.) Stomach
d.) All of the above

3.) Which of these causes ulcers?

a.) Bacterial infection in the stomach
b.) Aspirin and other inflammatory medicines
c.) C. Chronic Stress
d.) A and B

1.B, by wavelike muscle contractions. These contractions move food from
the esophagus to the stomach, then through the intestines.
2. A, small intestine. Food broken down and transported through the
intestinal wall to other parts of the body
3. D, a and b. Ulcers can be caused by the bacterial infection. When
infection is the cause, antibiotics can cure the condition.

Direction: Right the correct answer.

____1) How long is small intestine?
Answer: 22 ft.
____2) The digestive process starts in the:
a) Stomach
b) Esophagus
c) Mouth
d) Bathroom
Answer: Mouth
____3) The liver’s role is to:
a) Mash up food
b) Turn water into food
c) Help stomach
d) Remove harmful substances from the blood
Answer: Remove harmful substances form the blood

Essay type:
4.) What does the digestive system do?
5.) Importance of nutrient interrelationship?

V. Assignment
 After the quiz, teacher will flash the an assignment.


 The teacher will remind the students to have advance reading about the next
lesson so they’ll be ready.

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