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Final assignment

Group 3

Class: 30ENG046_NNA D2020 N04

Course instructor: Trinh Phan Thi Phong Lan (MA)

Ha Noi, November 2023




Topic: Startup proposal recycling bag service.

Group members

Name Student’s code

Hoàng Thị Hậu 220000591

Đặng Thị Thu Trang 220000669

Bùi Lê Vân 220000687

Phạm Thị Ngân Vang 220000686

Ha Noi, November 2023

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who has contributed to the
successful completion of this project.

First and foremost, we would like to thank my lecture, Mrs. Trinh Phan Thi Phong Lan,
for providing us with invaluable guidance and support throughout the project. She gave us
moral support and guided us in different matters regarding the topic. She had been very
kind and patient while suggesting to us the outlines of this project and correcting out
doubts. We thank her for her overall support.

Second, I am very thankful to everyone who all supported me We are also grateful to my
classmates for their constructive feedback and suggestions., for I have completed my
project effectively and moreover on time.

Finally, I would like to thank my family and friends for their unwavering support and
encouragement. Their love and encouragement kept me motivated throughout the project.

Thank you all for your contributions to this project.

Table of contents
PART 1. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................... 5
1. About our group members ............................................................................................... 5
2. Our ideas for the Marketing Campaign ............................................................................ 5
PART 2. OUR START-UP PROPOSAL ...................................................................................... 6
1. Introduction to Marketing Campaign proposal ................................................................. 6
2. The sector and the product(s) ........................................................................................... 7
3. The marketing tools ......................................................................................................... 7
4. The Marketing Mix analysis ............................................................................................. 7
5. The advertising activities/ channels................................................................................... 8
5.1. Online Marketing .......................................................................................................... 8
5.2. Offline marketing ........................................................................................................ 11
6. WHY our MKT campaign is significant and valuable .......................................................... 12
7. Budget. .............................................................................................................................. 13
PART 3: INDIVIDUAL WORK ................................................................................................ 13
I. Hoàng Thị Hậu _ 220000591 ............................................................................................... 13
II Đặng Thị Thu Trang_ 220000669 ....................................................................................... 18
III Bùi Lê Vân_ 220000687 .................................................................................................... 21
IV Phạm Thị Ngân Vang_ 220000686 ..................................................................................... 29
REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 34


1. About our group members

We have 4 members:
Leader: serves more as a project manager: Hoang Thi Hau
Approver: Dang Thi Thu Trang, Pham Thi Ngan Vang, and Bui Le Van who have the
final say on a given aspect of the project.
Contributors: Dang Thi Thu Trang, Pham Thi Ngan Vang, Bui Le Van. The people in the
organization may be consulted for their opinions, expertise, or unique vantage points to
help with project decisions.

2. Our ideas for the Marketing Campaign

Our campaign “Long Live Fashion” is a movement that aims to promote sustainable
fashion practices and inspire positive change in the fashion industry. The campaign focuses
on three main ideas: saving old clothes from jeans to become fashionable, raising
awareness of the environment in fashion, and influencing consumer behaviors.

One way to save old clothes from jeans is to repurpose them into new fashion items. This
can be done by cutting up old jeans and using the fabric to create new clothing items such
as shorts, skirts, or bags. Another way to save old clothes is to donate them to charity
organizations that can distribute them to people in need.

Raising awareness of the environment in fashion is another important aspect of the

campaign. This can be done by promoting sustainable fashion practices such as using eco-
friendly materials, reducing waste, and minimizing the carbon footprint of the fashion
industry. The campaign can also encourage consumers to make more informed choices
when purchasing clothing items by providing information about the environmental impact
of different materials and production processes.

Finally, the campaign can influence consumer behaviors by promoting sustainable fashion
practices and encouraging consumers to make more informed choices when purchasing
clothing items. This can be done by partnering with fashion brands that are committed to
sustainable practices and by providing consumers with information about the
environmental impact of different materials and production processes.

Overall, the Long Live Fashion Campaign is a great initiative that can help promote
sustainable fashion practices and inspire positive change in the fashion industry. By
focusing on saving old clothes, raising awareness of the environment, and influencing
consumer behaviors, the campaign can help create a more sustainable and responsible
fashion industry.


1. Introduction to Marketing Campaign proposal

We are excited to present our marketing campaign proposal for Reans Company, focusing
on our mission to recycle old jeans and transform them into fashionable bags, hats, and
wallets. The campaign is titled "Long Live Fashion" which celebrates the longevity and
versatility of denim by showcasing how old jeans can be given a new lease on life through
our recycling process. We will highlight the unique and stylish products we create,
emphasizing their eco-friendly nature and their contribution to reducing textile waste.

Our target audience consists of environmentally conscious fashion enthusiasts, individuals
who value sustainability, and those seeking unique and stylish accessories.
We aim to reach both male and female customers across different age groups, who are
interested in eco-friendly fashion and appreciate the story behind the products they

The campaign, "Long Live Fashion: Transforming Old Jeans into Sustainable Style,"
focuses on showcasing the unique selling proposition of Reans Company's products, which
repurpose old jeans into trendy accessories. We will emphasize the quality craftsmanship,
eco-friendliness, and fashion-forward design of our products to differentiate ourselves
from traditional fashion brands.

The campaign will be executed across various marketing channels, including online
platforms. Our online presence will be prominent on social media platforms such as
Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. Offline platform is standee and banner.

The campaign will commence on November 25 and run for a month. This timeline allows
us to create a consistent and impactful brand presence, build momentum, and generate
significant interest among our target audience.
We are running this campaign because we believe in the power of sustainable fashion and
the important role it plays in reducing textile waste and promoting a more environmentally
friendly industry. By promoting Reans Company and its recycled denim accessories, we
aim to inspire individuals to make conscious fashion choices and contribute to a more
sustainable future.

2. The sector and the product(s)

REANS Company operates in the fashion and sustainability sector. Our primary products
are bags, hats, and wallets crafted from recycled denim. We aim to provide fashionable
accessories that combine style, functionality, and environmental consciousness.

3. The marketing tools

Key marketing tools we will utilize include:
Social media marketing: Engaging with our audience on platforms like Instagram and
Facebook, sharing product images, recycling facts, and behind-the-scenes content to
provide a glimpse into our manufacturing process and highlight our commitment to
Encouraging users to like, share, and tag friends in our posts to expand our reach.
Running targeted Facebook ads to reach specific demographics interested in sustainable
fashion and upcycled accessories.
Content marketing: Creating posts, articles, and videos about sustainable fashion,
upcycling, and the benefits of our recycled denim accessories.

4. The Marketing Mix analysis

Product: Our products offer a unique selling proposition by repurposing old jeans into
stylish items. They are designed to meet the needs of fashion-forward individuals who
value sustainability.

Price: We will adopt a pricing strategy that reflects the quality, craftsmanship, and eco-
friendliness of our products. The pricing will be competitive in the market while
considering the cost of production and the added value of recycled materials. As a result,
orders will be moderately priced, suitable for the pockets of our potential group of

Place: Our products/services will be available for purchase/ ordering through our website.
We will also explore collaborations with eco-conscious boutiques to expand our
distribution network.

Promotion: We launch advertising campaigns as well as encourage customers to choose

our services with attractive promotions. The customer can get a new bag with 3 old jeans.

5. The advertising activities/ channels

5.1. Online Marketing

1. Advertise type: image

Ad platform: Facebook and Instagram.

Description of Ad
Attention: The advertisement begins with the
denim background with the words "Reans from
trash to fashion" in white. This can grab
customers' attention because the brand's message
is to transform from junk into fashion.
Interest: Some images below are some demo
products we created from old denim fabric,
including backpacks, and hats. This encourages
customers to learn more about our services.
Desire: There is a banner under the words "Reans
from trash to fashion" with the words "Please join
us for sustainable fashion" in white. This can help customers eager to get involved in the
sustainable fashion movement. The phrase "join now" expresses the desire for people to
join this campaign with REANS.
Action: Finally, the ad has a "Learn more" button with an arrow in the lower right corner.
This can encourage customers to take action to learn more about the brand's products and
services. This arrow will link directly to our website. There, people will learn more about
Timeline: from November 25th
Budget: around 5 million VND

2. Ad Type: Video - ad
Ad Platform: Facebook and Tiktok
Description of Ad: A 58-second pre-video ad. The Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok
video ad will feature a captivating and visually stunning short video showcasing the
transformation process of old jeans into our trendy upcycled denim accessories. The video
will highlight the craftsmanship, attention to detail, and fashion-forward designs of our
products. It will emphasize the sustainable aspect by showcasing the recycling process and
the positive impact on the environment.
Timeline: November 25
Budget: 1.900.000 VND - 4.600.000 VND ( target: 4300 – 6700 view)
The video opens with an image of an old pair of jeans lying on a table.
Right from the start, the video captures the viewer's attention with a unique image and
contrasting color scheme.
By using a voiceover "narrating as the jeans," the video quickly draws viewers into the
story of the old jeans' life.
By focusing on the jeans as a character, the video creates an emotional connection with the
As the video progresses, the jeans begin to narrate their process of renewal and emphasize
the transformation from an old and worn-out item into a new work of art.
The use of words like "transformation," "unique accents," and "vibrant fabrics" creates a
desire in the viewer to be a part of this process.
The video concludes by inviting the viewer to join the jeans on their journey of renewal.
It directs the viewer to visit the website or get in touch for more information.
3. Ad type: Image
Ad Platform: Facebook and Instagram

The dominant color of denim, blue, is used in the image to create a strong connection with
the original material of jeans.
The blue is used to focus on the main images and the key message of the advertisement.
“ How do we make a new life for your jeans?”
This sentence generates interest and curiosity from the viewers. It provides a clear message
about the goal of our company, which is to give a new life to customers' old jeans. The
sentence sparks curiosity and interest in how your company executes the recycling process.
By clearly illustrating each step from left to right in the recycling process, this image
arouses interest from the viewer. They may feel curious and want to learn more about how
your company executes this process.
The image of someone sitting at a sewing machine and another person receiving a bag and
hat evokes associations with the completion of the process and the final product. This can
stimulate a desire to own a recycled product from old jeans.
“ How do we make a new life for your jeans?”
This sentence can also encourage viewers to take action, especially when combined with
the QR code. It prompts viewers to visit the company's website to learn more and
potentially participate in the recycling process.
The QR code in the bottom right corner makes it easy for viewers to access your company's
website, providing a convenient way for them to learn more and take actions such as
making a purchase or getting in touch.
Timeline: November 25, 2023
Budget: 2.500.000 VND - 4.300.000 VND ( target: 4300 – 6700 click)
4. Ad type: Animation - Video ad
Ad Platform: Facebook and Tiktok
Use the dynamic motion of the arrow and flashing colorful lines to immediately captivate
viewers. The "R" in the center signifies that REANS company is the hub that connects and
assists customers in recycling their old jeans.
Interest is further piqued when viewers see the upcycled bag in the bottom left corner,
creating an expectation of recycling and reusing products.
The phrase "3 old jeans for 1 bag" in the top right corner generates interest in a specific
By pressing the button with the motion of a hand, the video encourages viewers to
participate in the recycling process. This fosters a desire to engage in environmental care
and repurposing old items.
Furthermore, clicking on the button leads to Reans' website.
The note "Don't let our future go trash. Please recycle" in the center delivers a clear call to
action, urging viewers to get involved in recycling.
Timeline: November 25, 2023
Budget: 1.900.000 VND - 4.600.000 VND ( target: 4300 – 6700 view)

5.2. Offline marketing

1. Standee

Attention: The standee grabs attention with its bold colors and simple design. The use of
a single image of a woman carrying a REANS bag is effective, as it allows viewers to
immediately understand what our company is selling. The text "REANS Opening Soon" is
also prominent and easy to read.
Interest: The standee generates interest by highlighting the benefits of recycling old jeans
into bags and wallets. The text "Recycling old jeans" is prominent and placed directly
below the company name, so it is one of the first things that viewers will see.
Desire: The standee creates a sense of desire for REANS products by emphasizing their
uniqueness. The image of a woman carrying a REANS bag also conveys a sense of
exclusivity, as it suggests that REANS bags are not widely available.
Action: The image includes a clear call to action, urging viewers to "SAVE THE DATE"
of the REANS opening. This is a good way to encourage viewers to take the next step and
learn more about the company and its products.
Budget: 75k/1 standee

2. Banner: For offline marketing activity we not only use a standee but also a banner
that we have designed and now we will describe it in more detail
Attention: The banner has a blue background and its main color inspires jean material with
white text and images of 2 models wearing the jean bag from our company resulting in the
recycling process. The text “10% OFF” is in large font and is the first thing that catches
the eye. It creates a strong contrast with the background and attracts the attention of the
viewer. On the top left side is the logo "REANS" that gives the customer's knowledge about
our company.
Interest: The texts “New Campaign” and “Long Live Fashion” create interest in the viewer
to learn more about the campaign. It implies that our company is offering a product new
and trendy and that the viewer can be part of it. The images of 2 models wearing jean bags
also create interest by showing how the products look on different body types and styles.
Desire: The images of people wearing jean bags and the text “Save the date: November
25, 2023” create a desire in the viewer to participate in the campaign. We want to show the
benefits of the products, such as comfort, durability, and versatility. Also, create a sense
of urgency and exclusivity by indicating that the offer is limited and time-sensitive.
Action: The text “10% OFF” creates a sense of urgency and incentive in the viewer to take
action and participate in the campaign. It shows the value proposition of the products and
also appeals to the viewer’s emotions by making them feel like they are getting a great deal
and saving money.
The price for the banner, our company estimates is approximately 200.000VND for size
100x500cm. The material is hiflex because of good ink adhesion and little color fading
during use. When used outdoors, the product's durability ranges from 3 - 12 months.

6. WHY our MKT campaign is significant and valuable

Our marketing campaign holds significant value for several reasons:
Environmental impact: By recycling old jeans and transforming them into fashionable
accessories, we contribute to reducing textile waste and promoting a circular economy.
Unique selling proposition: Our upcycled products offer a distinctively eco-friendly
alternative to conventional fashion accessories, appealing to customers who value
sustainability and individuality.
Brand differentiation: The "Long Live Fashion" campaign sets us apart from competitors
by showcasing our commitment to sustainability and creativity, boosting brand loyalty
among environmentally conscious consumers.

Social influence: By raising awareness about sustainable fashion and encouraging others
to make conscious choices, our campaign can inspire positive change and influence
consumer behaviors beyond our immediate customer base.
Overall, our "Long Live Fashion" marketing campaign positions Reans Company as a
leader in the sustainable fashion industry, providing stylish and eco-friendly accessories
for a more sustainable future.

7. Budget.
The total budget for starting a company that recycles jeans can range from 200 million to
400 million VND
In a month, after a period of testing, our company has estimated the revenue received in 1
month, with the price for 1 product can be 300 thousand VND to 500 thousand VND.
With about 15-20 million spent per month, we plan to spend approximately 70% on
advertising on online platforms (more focus on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok), and the
remaining amount will be invested in direct advertising (standee, banners).


I. Hoàng Thị Hậu _ 220000591

1. What is the definition of marketing, and advertising? How are they different?
What is marketing?
According to the American Marketing Association, marketing is
 the activity
 set of institutions
 processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings
=> that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.
We have to make company's marketing strategy regularly because the market situation is
constanly changing.
We have 4 main tenets to consider when planning a marketing strategy:
 Product: the thing that you are selling to exchange for money
 Price: The amount of money you are asking for in exchange for the product. Price
is an important factor for marketing because it impacts how customers view your
 Place: The best place for customers to find information about your product.
 Promotion: The way customers reach about your brand. This is often done with
What is advertising?
- Is activities to attract customers through communication channel.

- Is the exercise of promoting a company, and its product or service through paid channels.
 Is just one aspect of marketing
The difference between marketing and advertising
 Marketing includes a variety of strategies including branding, content marketing,
public relations, sales strategy, and more.
 Advertising is one of the strategies underneath the marketing umbrella.
In summary, marketing is a broader concept that encompasses all activities related to
identifying and satisfying customer needs, while advertising is a specific promotional
activity within the marketing mix that aims to communicate and persuade customers.

2. Some main marketing tools used in business nowadays include:

a. Digital Marketing:
Social Media Marketing: Utilizing platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and
LinkedIn to engage with customers, share content, and promote products or services.
Content Marketing: Creating and distributing valuable, relevant content to attract and
engage a target audience. This can include blog posts, videos, infographics, and more.
Email Marketing: Sending targeted emails to a list of subscribers to nurture leads, promote
products, and build customer loyalty.
b. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM):
SEO: Optimizing a website's content, structure, and backlinks to improve its visibility in
search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific keywords or phrases.
SEM: Using paid advertising to appear in search engine results for specific keywords. This
can include pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns on platforms like Google Ads.
c. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software:
A system for managing interactions and relationships with customers. It helps track
customer information, communication history, and preferences to improve customer
service and marketing efforts.
d. Market Research and Analytics Tools:
Tools for gathering, analyzing, and interpreting data about target markets, customer
behavior, and industry trends. This information helps businesses make informed decisions
about their products, services, and marketing strategies.
e. Content Management Systems (CMS):
Software platforms that allow businesses to create, manage, and publish digital content on
their websites. Popular CMS platforms include WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal.
f. Influencer Marketing Platforms:
Platforms that connect businesses with social media influencers who have a large and
engaged following. Influencers promote products or services to their audience, often
providing authentic and relatable endorsements.
g. Email Marketing Platforms:
Tools that facilitate the creation, scheduling, and tracking of email campaigns. They often
include features for list management, automation, and analytics.

h. Customer Feedback and Survey Tools:
Software for collecting and analyzing customer feedback, opinions, and preferences. This
helps businesses understand customer satisfaction, identify areas for improvement, and
make data-driven decisions.
3. I'll choose Cocoon Viet Nam as the company for analysis:
a) Marketing Mix of Cocoon:
Cocoon has established a smart product strategy, following today's beauty trends, specially
he Vegan and Cruelty Free trends. This helps Cocoon attract a large number of customers
and build reputation for its brand.
In Vietnam, Cocoon is known as one of the pioneering vegan cosmetic brands. Their
products are made from Vietnamese botanical ingredients and are not tested on animals,
defeating customer concerns.
Cocoon is not only a vegan product, but also a mark of "made in Vietnam" with natural
ngredients from Vietnamese nature. All ingredients are certified to originate from reputable
suppliers, and the product must also pass microbiological, pH, stability and irritation tests,
complying with standards. of the Japanese DRC center in Thailand, as well as regulations
of the Vietnamese Ministry of Health.

Cocoon's pricing strategy is built with flexibility and creativity. Their products are priced
at a mid-range level, from 160,000 VND to 260,000 VND, attracting all classes of
Cocoon is not only limited to retailing products but also provides beauty combos at more
preferential prices, creating favorable conditions for customers to choose. In a market
where vegan products and 100% natural ingredients are rare, keeping prices at this level
not only encourages customers to switch to new products easily, but also maintains
Cocoon's position as a a quality and trustworthy brand.

Cocoon has built a widespread distribution system, helping customers easily access
products. Currently, Cocoon is present at more than 300 points of sale in famous cosmetics
distribution systems such as Watsons, SammiShop, Hasaki, and many other systems
throughout Vietnam. In addition, Cocoon is not only limited to sales at traditional stores
but also expands online sales through two official websites, and along with e-commerce platforms such as Shopee. and Lazada.

Cocoon Vietnam utilizes various digital marketing channels such as social media
(Facebook, Instagram), email marketing, and their website to promote their products. They
often emphasize the benefits of eco-friendly living, reducing waste, and making sustainable
choices in their messaging.
Cocoon is a brand that positively inspires users by implementing many meaningful
programs such as: "Cocoon's campaign to grow trees from old plastic jars on Earth Day
2020", "Exchange old bottles to receive new products" In particular, the "Discover
Vietnam" campaign deployed by the company on its fanpage by organizing mini games
and attractive gifts attracted more than 7,000 participants.
In addition, Cocoon also launched a product advertising campaign in collaboration with
female rapper Suboi called "Queen" Cool on October 19. With the spirit of "Cool from the
inside out" as affirmed, the two sides have officially launched the "Queen" Cool collection
including 2 dead skin cleansing products for body and lips from raw Dak Lak coffee,

b) Distribution Channels of Cocoon Viet Nam:

E-commerce Website:
Cocoon likely operates its own e-commerce platform where customers can directly
purchase their products online. This provides a convenient way for customers to access
their eco-friendly products from the comfort of their own homes.
Online Marketplaces:
Cocoon may also sell its products through third-party online marketplaces like Amazon,
Etsy, or other specialized platforms for eco-friendly products. This can help expand their
reach to a wider audience.
Brick-and-Mortar Retailers:
In addition to online sales, Cocoon may partner with physical retail stores that align with
their brand values. These stores could include eco-conscious or sustainable living
boutiques, zero-waste shops, or other retailers that prioritize eco-friendly products.
Eco-Friendly Markets and Events:
Cocoon may participate in eco-friendly markets, fairs, and events, where they can
showcase their products to a targeted audience interested in sustainability and
environmentally conscious living.
Specialty Stores and Boutiques:
Cocoon's products may be available in specialty stores and boutiques that focus on eco-
friendly and sustainable products. These retailers cater to customers who specifically seek
out environmentally conscious options.
Partnerships with Eco-Initiatives:
Cocoon may collaborate with environmental organizations, non-profits, or other eco-
initiatives to promote their products as part of broader sustainability efforts.
Subscription Boxes and Services:
Cocoon might partner with subscription box services that curate eco-friendly products.
This allows their products to reach a targeted audience interested in sustainable living on
a regular basis.
Corporate Gifting Programs:

Cocoon may offer their products as part of corporate gifting programs, where businesses
can provide eco-friendly gifts to their employees or clients, aligning with their
sustainability values.

c) Recent Advertising Activities of Cocoon Viet Nam:

In 2020, Cocoon combined with Lazada, one of the leading e-commerce platforms in
Vietnam, to carry out a series of promotions and special discounts for its products. The
campaign was promoted through both Cocoon and Lazada's social media platforms,
including Facebook and Instagram.
In the "Lazada 8.8" promotional campaign, Cocoon has introduced many discounts up to
20%, only available on Lazada.
This cooperation has brought great success, proven by Cocoon being honored at the
LazMall Brand Awards 2022, winning the "Vietnam Brand of the year" award, for brands
has outstanding growth index through each campaign on Lazada.

In addition to cooperating with Lazada, Cocoon also established a solid partnership with
Hasaki Beauty & Clinic, one of the leading health and beauty store chains in Vietnam,
headquartered in Ho Chi Minh City. Recently, on April 16, 2023, Hasaki Beauty & Clinic
opened its 100th store.


II Đặng Thị Thu Trang_ 220000669

Task 1. The definition and the differences between marketing and advertising

Marketing Advertising
Marketing refers to a Advertising is a specific
comprehensive set of subset of marketing that
activities and processes focuses on the
that businesses undertake communication and
to create, communicate, promotion of products,
deliver, and exchange services, or ideas through
offerings that have value various media channels.
for customers, clients, It involves creating and
partners, and society at disseminating persuasive
large. It involves messages to a target
understanding customer audience with the aim of
needs and desires, influencing their
developing products or attitudes, beliefs, and
services to meet those behaviors in favor of a
needs, determining particular brand or
pricing strategies, offering. Advertising
selecting appropriate typically employs paid,
distribution channels, non-personal
and implementing communication methods,
promotional efforts to such as print ads, TV
reach and engage target commercials, radio
audiences. Marketing spots, online banners,
encompasses a broad social media campaigns,
range of activities aimed and more. Its primary
at building brand purpose is to
awareness, generating raise awareness, generate
leads, fostering customer interest, and stimulate
relationships, and demand for a product or
ultimately driving sales service.
and business growth
Differences Marketing is a broader Advertising specifically
concept that focuses on the
encompasses various communication aspect of
activities, including marketing, using paid
market research, product media product
development, pricing, development, ricing,
distribution, and distribution, and
promotion. promotion.
Marketing encompasses Advertising primarily
both personal and non- relies on non-personal,
personal communication paid communication
methods, including through different media
advertising. channels.
Marketing activities can Advertising is
involve costs across specifically associated
Cost different aspects, such as with costs related to
research, product creating and placing
development, and advertisements in media
distribution. outlets.
Marketing consists of Advertising falls under
various elements known the promotion
as the marketing mix, component of the
which includes product, marketing mix, along
Relationship to
price, place with other promotional
Marketing Mix
(distribution), and tools such as public
promotion. relations, sales
promotions, and direct

Task 2. Some common marketing tools

1. Social Media Marketing: Leveraging popular social media platforms like Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube to engage with target audiences, build brand
awareness, share content, run ads, and foster customer relationships.
2. Content Marketing: Creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content
such as blog posts, articles, videos, podcasts, infographics, and ebooks to attract and engage

target audiences, establish thought leadership, and drive customer acquisition and
3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimizing website content, structure, and technical
aspects to improve organic search engine rankings and increase visibility, traffic, and
conversions from search engines like Google and Bing.
4. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Running targeted paid ads on search engines (Google
Ads) or social media platforms (Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, LinkedIn Ads) where
businesses pay for each click on their ads, allowing them to reach specific audiences and
drive traffic to their websites or landing pages.
5. Email Marketing: Using email campaigns to communicate with prospects and
customers, share valuable content, promote products or services, nurture leads, and build
customer loyalty and retention.
6. Influencer Marketing: Collaborating with influential individuals, bloggers, vloggers, or
social media personalities who have a dedicated following to promote products or services,
generate brand awareness, and tap into their audience's trust and influence.
7. Marketing Automation: Employing software platforms (e.g., HubSpot, Mailchimp,
Marketo) to automate repetitive marketing tasks, such as email campaigns, lead nurturing,
social media scheduling, and customer segmentation, to streamline marketing efforts and
improve efficiency.
8. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Utilizing CRM software (e.g., Salesforce,
HubSpot CRM, Zoho CRM) to manage and track customer interactions, store customer
data, streamline sales processes, and enhance customer service and retention.
9. Website Analytics: Analyzing website traffic, user behavior, and conversion data using
tools like Google Analytics to gain insights into audience demographics, website
performance, and marketing campaign effectiveness, enabling data-driven decision-
10. Video Marketing: Creating and sharing videos on platforms like YouTube, Instagram,
and Facebook to engage audiences, demonstrate products or services, provide educational
content, and build brand awareness and loyalty.
Task 3. AMAZON
1. Marketing Mix Analysis
Product: Amazon offers a vast range of products, including consumer electronics, books,
clothing, household goods, and more. In addition to physical products, Amazon provides
digital products and services such as Kindle e-readers, e-books, Amazon Prime Video, and
Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Price: Amazon is known for its competitive pricing strategy. They aim to offer competitive
prices across various product categories, leveraging their scale, efficient supply chain, and
data-driven pricing algorithms. Amazon also utilizes dynamic pricing, adjusting prices
based on factors like demand, competition, and customer behavior.
Place: Amazon primarily operates as an online retailer, delivering products directly to
consumers. They have established a robust logistics network, including fulfillment centers,
distribution hubs, and last-mile delivery services, to ensure efficient and timely delivery.
Additionally, Amazon operates physical stores like Amazon Books, Amazon Go, and hole
Foods Market, providing offline shopping experiences.
Promotion: Amazon employs several marketing and promotional strategies to engage
customers and drive sales. Some key promotion activities include:
● Online Advertising: Amazon utilizes targeted online advertising, including display ads,
sponsored product listings, and video ads, to reach customers on their website and across
the internet. They leverage customer data and purchase history to personalize ad
● Amazon Prime: Amazon heavily promotes its subscription service, Amazon Prime,
which offers benefits like free two-day shipping, access to streaming services, exclusive
deals, and more. This program aims to increase customer loyalty and drive repeat
● Recommendations and Personalization: Amazon utilizes data analytics and algorithms
to provide personalized product recommendations to customers. They leverage customer
browsing history, purchase behavior, and similar customer profiles to suggest relevant
products, driving cross-selling and upselling opportunities.

2. Distribution Channels:
Amazon primarily operates through its online platform,, serving customers
worldwide. They own and manage a vast network of fulfillment centers and employ various
shipping methods, including their delivery fleet and partnerships with postal services and
couriers. Additionally, Amazon has expanded its physical presence through stores like
Amazon Books and Whole Foods Market.

3. Advertising Activities:
Amazon invests significantly in advertising to promote its products, services, and
programs. Recently, some notable advertising activities include:
● Television Commercials: Amazon releases television commercials that showcase the
convenience, variety, and benefits of shopping on Amazon. These commercials often
highlight specific products, services like Amazon Prime, or emphasize customer
● Digital Advertising: Amazon employs digital advertising across various platforms,
including display ads, sponsored product listings, and video ads. They leverage customer
data and targeting capabilities to deliver relevant and personalized ads to customers as they
browse the internet.
● Prime Day: Amazon's annual sales event, Prime Day, has become a notable advertising
and promotional activity. It offers exclusive deals and discounts to Amazon Prime
members, driving customer engagement and sales.

III Bùi Lê Vân_ 220000687

1. The definition of marketing and advertising. The differences between them.
a. Marketing
The practice of developing, promoting, providing, and trading offerings that are valuable
to partners, consumers, clients, and society at large is known as marketing. It also refers to
a system of organizations and procedures.
In marketing, the target market's needs and wants are identified, a product or service that
meets those needs and wants is developed, a competitive pricing is set, the product or
service is promoted through a variety of channels, and the product or service is delivered
to the customers. In addition, market research, consumer behavior analysis, market
segmentation, product or service positioning, and efficacy evaluation are all part of
Product, pricing, place, and promotion are the four Ps of marketing, and they make up one
of the most popular frameworks for marketing.
 Product: The product should be designed to meet your target audiences needs,
motivations, and wants. It should also have a unique selling proposition that
differentiates it from the competitors.
 Price: One of the most crucial components of any marketing strategy is price. It
affects a number of things, including as trends, your target market, financial goals,
and profit margin. Setting a competitive pricing that accurately captures the worth
of the product and appeals to your target market is crucial.
 Place: Through online channels or physical stores spread across different locations,
the company should prioritize accessibility and a seamless purchasing experience
for potential customers. It also considers the distribution channels, intermediaries,
logistics, and inventory management involved in delivering the product to the
 Promotion: Promotion is the process of creating awareness, interest, desire, and
action among target market for product or service. Promotion can include various
methods: advertising, public relations, sales promotion, personal selling, social
media, content marketing, and more.

Any company or organization that wants to add value for its stakeholders and clients must
prioritize marketing. Enhancing brand reputation and loyalty, boosting sales and revenue,
improving customer happiness and retention, and gaining a competitive edge in the market
are all made possible by marketing. By addressing social issues, increasing awareness, and
advancing social causes, marketing also contributes to a positive social impact and benefits
society. The dynamic and ever-evolving field of marketing demands ongoing education,
imagination, and ingenuity.
b. Advertising
Advertising is a form of communication that aims to persuade people to take some action
or interest in a product, service, idea, or cause. Advertising can have different purposes,
like informing, educating, entertaining, or influencing the audience. Additionally,
advertising can have a variety of effects, including raising awareness, igniting demand,
cultivating brand loyalty, or altering behavior. A variety of media, including radio,

television, newspapers, magazines, billboards, internet, social media, can be used for
c. The differences between Marketing and Advertising
Advertising is a particular type of promotion that employs paid methods to reach the target
audience, whereas marketing is a broader process that comprises developing,
communicating, providing, and exchanging value for customers. A variety of tactics and
actions, including market analysis, product creation, pricing, distribution, and
communication, are included in marketing. Among the components of communication are
public relations, sales promotion, personal selling, and advertising. The goal of advertising
is to encourage the audience to take an interest in or action regarding a product or service.

In summary, advertising is a component of marketing that concentrates on paid promotion.

Marketing is the entire process of producing and delivering value to customers. Marketing
produces advertising, but advertising does not produce marketing.

2. Some main marketing tools that mostly used in business nowadays.

 Customer relationship management (CRM): This software assists companies in
managing their relationships with both present and potential clients. CRM solutions
can help companies segment customers, measure customer activity, store and
manage customer data, automate marketing campaigns, offer customer support, and
produce insights and reports. CRM solutions can boost a company's revenue,
loyalty, and client retention. Some examples of CRM tools are HubSpot CRM, Zoho
CRM, Zendesk, and Pipedrive.
 Marketing automation: This software assists companies in automating
timeconsuming and repetitive marketing activities, like lead generation, lead
nurturing, lead scoring, social media posting, and email marketing. Businesses may
improve marketing performance, save time, become more efficient, and customize
communications with the use of marketing automation solutions. Some examples of
arketing automation tools are HubSpot Marketing Hub, ActiveCampaign,
Mailchimp, Marketo, and HubSpot Sales Hub.
 Email marketing: This type of digital marketing entails emailing subscribers or
potential customers on a list. Businesses may develop, design, send, and monitor
email campaigns with the aid of email marketing tools. Email marketing solutions
can assist companies in generating leads, driving sales, strengthening connections,
raising brand recognition, and tracking outcomes. Some examples of email
marketing tools are HubSpot Email Marketing, Constant Contact, AWeber,
ConvertKit, and MailerLite.
 Social media marketing: This type of digital marketing entails connecting with and
engaging with the target audience using social media sites like Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Businesses may produce, plan, manage, and
keep an eye on social media postings and advertisements with the use of social

media marketing tools. Businesses can use social media marketing tools to develop
their following, attract more customers, create leads, and improve conversion rates.
Some examples of social media marketing tools are HubSpot Social Media
Software, Buffer, Hootsuite, BuzzSumo, and Iconosquare.
 Lead capture and conversionThese are the kinds of tools that companies use to draw
in visitors and turn them into leads, subscribers, or buyers. Businesses may design
and optimize landing pages, forms, pop-ups, quizzes, surveys, and chatbots with the
use of lead capture and conversion tools. Businesses may expand email lists, gather
feedback, qualify leads, and enhance website conversions with the aid of lead
capture and conversion solutions. Some examples of lead capture and conversion
tools are HubSpot Lead Capture Tools, Unbounce, Leadpages, Typeform, and Drift.
 Advertising: This type of paid advertising entails placing advertisements across a
range of platforms, including websites, applications, social media platforms, and
search engines. Businesses may create, manage, and optimize advertising
campaigns with the use of advertising technologies. Businesses can use advertising
technologies to improve brand awareness, generate leads, drive sales, reach and
target the correct audience, and track outcomes. Some examples of advertising tools
are HubSpot Ads Software, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, AdRoll, and WordStream.
 Search engine optimization (SEO): This is the process of increasing a website's
volume and quality of naturally occurring search engine traffic. Businesses can use
SEO tools to research keywords, evaluate rivals, improve the content of their
websites, track their performance, and find and address technical problems.
Businesses may improve website exposure, drive more traffic, create leads, and
increase conversions by utilizing SEO tools to help them rank higher on search
engine results pages. Some examples of SEO tools are HubSpot SEO Tools, Ahrefs,
SEMrush, Moz, and Keywords Everywhere.
3. Samsung
Samsung is a South Korean company that makes various products and services, from
electronics to biologics. It started as a trading company in 1938 and expanded into different
industries over time. It is a global leader in innovation and quality, with a vision to inspire
the world and shape the future. It also cares about the social and environmental impact of
its business.

a. The marketing mix
 Product: Samsung offers a wide range of products, such as smartphones, tablets,
TVs, laptops, cameras, home appliances, and more. Samsung is known for its
innovation, quality, design, and features. Samsung products are designed to meet
the needs and wants of different segments of customers, such as premium, mid-
range, and budget. Samsung also invests heavily in research and development to
create new products and improve existing ones. Samsung has a strong brand image
and reputation in the global market.
 Price: Samsung uses different pricing strategies for different products and markets.
For its high-end products, such as the Galaxy S and Note series, Samsung uses a
skimming pricing strategy, which means setting a high price initially to attract
customers who are willing to pay more for the latest technology and features. This
helps Samsung to maximize its profits and recover its costs quickly. For its mid-
range and low-end products, such as the Galaxy A and M series, Samsung uses a
competitive pricing strategy, which means setting a price that is similar or lower
than the competitors to gain market share and increase sales volume. This helps
Samsung to cater to the price-sensitive customers and compete with other brands,
such as Xiaomi, Oppo, and Vivo.
 Place: Samsung has a wide and efficient distribution network that covers over 75
countries. Samsung sells its products through various channels, such as online
platforms, retail stores, authorized dealers, and service providers. Samsung also has
its own e- commerce website and app, where customers can buy products directly
from the company. Samsung also has its own physical stores, such as Samsung
Experience Stores and Samsung Digital Plazas, where customers can experience
and interact with the products before buying them. Samsung also has a global
network of service centers, where customers can get after-sales support and
 Promotion: Samsung uses various promotional tools and techniques to
communicate its value proposition and create awareness, interest, desire, and action
among its target audience. Samsung uses advertising, such as TV commercials, print
ads, online ads, and billboards, to showcase its products and features. Samsung also
uses sales promotion, such as discounts, coupons, cashback, and free gifts, to
stimulate sales and encourage repeat purchases. Samsung also uses public relations,
such as press releases, sponsorships, and events, to enhance its brand image and
reputation. Samsung also uses personal selling, such as sales representatives, to
persuade and assist customers in buying its products. Samsung also uses digital
marketing, such as social media, content marketing, email marketing, and influencer
marketing, to engage and interact with its customers and prospects.
The marketing mix of Samsung is a result of its market research, customer analysis,
competitor analysis, and environmental analysis. Samsung adapts its marketing mix
according to the changing needs and preferences of its customers and the dynamics of the
market. Samsung’s marketing mix helps it to achieve a competitive advantage and a loyal
customer base in the global market.
b. The distribution channels
The distribution channels of Samsung are the ways that Samsung delivers its products to
its customers. According to a report, Samsung uses a variety of distribution channels,
 Retail stores: Samsung has its own physical stores, such as Samsung Experience
Stores and Samsung Digital Plazas, where customers can experience and interact with the
products before buying them. Samsung also sells its products through third-party retailers,
such as big box department stores, specialized electronics or appliance stores, and network
 Online stores: Samsung has its own e-commerce website and app, where customers
can buy products directly from the company. Samsung also sells its products through online
platforms, such as Amazon, Flipkart, and
 Wholesalers and distributors: Samsung has a network of wholesalers and
distributors that help it reach customers in different markets, especially in emerging and
rural areas. These channels include wholesalers that resell products to smaller retailers,
distributors that supply products to retail stores, and dealers that handle key accounts and
corporate sales.
 Service centers: Samsung has a global network of service centers, where customers
can get after-sales support and assistance. These service centers provide warranty, repair,
and maintenance services for Samsung products.
Samsung’s distribution strategy is to maximize its global reach, customer convenience, and
logistics efficiency using all possible and relevant distribution channels. Samsung adapts
its distribution channels according to the changing needs and preferences of its customers
and the dynamics of the market. Samsung’s distribution channels help it to achieve a
competitive advantage and a loyal customer base in the global market.
c) Advertising activities recently
These are some of the recent and most impressive advertising activities of Samsung:

 Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G: The Epic Everyday: This is a TV commercial that
showcases the features and benefits of the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G smartphone, such
as the 8K video recording, the 108 MP camera, the 100x zoom, the 5G connectivity, and
the S Pen. The commercial uses stunning visuals, catchy music, and a voice-over that says
“This is not a smartphone. This is the epic everyday”. The commercial aims to highlight
how the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G can make everyday moments epic and

 Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3 5G: Unfold Your World: This is a digital campaign that
introduces the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3 5G, the first foldable smartphone with an
underdisplay camera and S Pen support. The campaign uses a microsite, a video, and social
media posts to showcase the design, features, and benefits of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3
5G, such as the immersive 7.6-inch display, the multitasking capabilities, the water
resistance, and the durability. The campaign also invites users to explore the Samsung
Galaxy Z Fold3 5G in 3D and to pre-order the device with exclusive offers.

 Samsung Galaxy Buds2: Sound That Moves You: This is a digital campaign that
launches the Samsung Galaxy Buds2, the wireless earbuds with active noise canceling and
ambient sound modes. The campaign uses a video, a microsite, and social media posts to
emonstrate the sound quality, comfort, and style of the Samsung Galaxy Buds2, as well as
the seamless onnectivity with other Samsung devices. The campaign also features

testimonials from usic artists, such as Billie Eilish, BTS, and Dua Lipa, whoshare their
experiences and opinions about the Samsung Galaxy Buds2.

 Samsung Neo QLED: See the Brilliance: This is a TV commercial that promotes
the Samsung Neo QLED, the smart TV with quantum mini LED technology and quantum
matrix technology. The commercial uses a cinematic approach, with scenes from popular
movies and shows, such as The Mandalorian, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and The
Suicide Squad, to illustrate the picture quality, contrast, brightness, and detail of the
Samsung Neo QLED. The commercial also uses a voice-over that says “See the brilliance.
Feel the emotion. Experience the Samsung Neo QLED.”

Samsung Bespoke: Designed for you ,by you : This is a digital campaign that showcases
the Samsung Bespoke, the customizable refrigerator that allows users to choose the size,
color, material, and configuration of the fridge. The campaign uses a video, a microsite,
and social media posts to highlight the flexibility, functionality, and personality of the
Samsung Bespoke, as well as the environmental and social benefits of the product. The
campaign also encourages users to create their own Samsung Bespoke online and to share
their creations with the hashtag #MakeItYours

2) Advertising Strategy of Samsung (
3) Samsung Marketing Mix (4Ps) Analysis | EdrawMind

IV Phạm Thị Ngân Vang_ 220000686

1. The definition of marketing, and advertising. The differences between them.
A, Marketing
Marketing is “the action or business of promoting and selling products or services,
including market research and advertising." In another way, marketing is “the activity, set
of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging
offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large”
B, Advertising
Advertising is the act of purchasing a specific place in order to communicate with your
target audience about your product or service. Advertising is a very visible component of
marketing. Advertisements are likely to appear on billboards as you drive home, on the
radio during your commute, at the top of Google searches, or on your Instagram feed, to
name a few.
C, The differences between Marketing and Advertising.
Advertising is a subset of marketing, and it is just one of the many tools used in marketing.
While marketing is a broader term that encompasses all the activities involved in promoting
a product or service, advertising is a specific tool used to promote a product or service
through various media channels.
Understand simply, Marketing encompasses a wide range of methods, including branding,
content marketing, public relations, sales strategy, and others. Advertising is one of the
marketing methods.

2. Some main marketing tools that mostly used in business nowadays.

a) Customer Relationship Management (CRM): This tool helps businesses manage
their interactions with customers and prospects. It can help with tasks such as tracking
customer interactions, managing leads, and automating sales processes.
b) Marketing Automation: This tool helps businesses automate repetitive marketing
tasks such as email campaigns, social media posts, and lead generation.
c) Email: Email marketing is a popular tool for businesses to reach out to their
customers and prospects. It can be used for newsletters, promotional offers, and other types
of communication.
d) Social Media: Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are
widely used by businesses to reach out to their customers and prospects. They can be used
for advertising, customer support, and other types of communication
e) Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO is the process of optimizing a website
to rank higher in search engine results pages. It can help businesses increase their visibility
and attract more traffic to their website.
f) Promotional Marketing Tools: Promotional items, such as brochures, business
cards, press kits, websites, informational videos and merchandise, are tangible marketing
tools. Some of these items include large amounts of detailed information and highlight
attributes of your products or services; business cards and trade show giveaways may
display only a company logo and provide contact information. It can help businesses
increase their brand recognition by creating awareness of their products or services.
g) Digital Marketing Media: It includes search engine optimization, mobile
marketing, interactive online advertisements, opt-in email and online partnerships such as
affiliate marketing and sponsorships. A web analytics, which provide information on an
internet user's online activities, IP address and search keywords. This information can then
be used to craft a targeted advertising campaign to reach your business's core audience.

3. Nestle MILO
MILO is a chocolate malt beverage that is made by Nestle, one of the world’s largest food
businesses. The company was launched in Australia in the early 1930s and has since
become a popular drink in many countries around the world.
a) The marketing mix
Product: MILO is a chocolate-flavored powder product that can be made with cold or hot
water or milk. It provides the required vitamins and minerals to encounter the energy and
nutrition demands of teenagers. The brand is sold as a powder product in a green tin, often
relating to various sporting activities. In some places, it’s also available as a premixed
beverage, and it’s been turned into a breakfast cereal, chocolate candy, and a
macromolecule shake.
In the product development group, the Nestle Milo focuses on the following areas:
Continuous innovation, research, and development to enhance the product’s quality which
further enhances the product’s effectiveness. Product availabilities in different sizes
provide larger options to the end-users to get products. Milo also focuses on an eco-
efficient packaging approach that creates differentiation. So, let’s get to know about the
pricing strategy of Milo.
Price: The pricing strategy of MILO varies from country to country. In some countries, it
is priced higher than other chocolate malt beverages, while in others, it is priced lower. The
pricing strategy is influenced by factors such as competition, production costs, and
consumer demand.
The brand focuses on the concept of other pricing approaches based on quantity discounts,
functional discounts, cash discounts, seasonal interests, and offers, direct and indirect
business offers and benefits, geographical pricing strategies that include free onboard
pricing procedures, zone pricing methods, flexible and single pricing, and other customized
pricing methods.
Place: MILO is sold in many countries around the world. It is available in supermarkets,
convenience stores, and online retailers. The distribution channels used by Nestle to make
MILO available to customers vary from country to country.
Promotion: MILO is promoted through various channels such as television, print, and
online media. The brand has also been associated with various sporting events and
activities. In some countries, MILO has sponsored sports teams and events.
Milo's main promotional activities include:
 Buy milo give gifts (swimming goggles, school supplies, hot and cold glasses)
 Buy 2 get 1 free Minigame program for parents and children, with gifts.
 Collect scratch cards, redemption sports cards
 Discount promotion when buying
 Freeship crates on Shopee Scan the code on the teen milo lid to earn redemption points
b) The distribution channels
According to a report, Nestle MILO uses two channels, retailers and wholesalers, to
distribute its products to end-users. These channels provide other support functions to the
company that involve transaction function, logistic function, and facilitating function that
improve the overall frequency of order processing in shorter time.
Online retailers: Milo is available on various online platforms such as Amazon, Walmart,
and Nestle’s own e-commerce website. MILO maintains an official website that serves as
a central hub for information about its products, nutritional content, and recipes. The
website also includes an e-commerce section for online sales. MILO actively participates
on major social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.
These channels are used to connect with consumers, share engaging content, and respond
to inquiries.

Influencer Partnerships: Milo collaborates with fitness and parenting influencers who
align with their target demographics. These influencers create content featuring Milo as a
nutritious and energy-boosting addition to their daily routines. These partnerships leverage
the influencer’s credibility and reach. Milo partnered with a well-known fitness influencer
who shared her daily workout routines and how she includes Milo as a post-workout
recovery drink. Her posts and videos not only showcased the product but also highlighted
its role in an active lifestyle.
c) Advertising activities recently
MILO - GROW WITH SPORTS: In 2017, Nestle MILO launched a national advertising
campaign called ‘MILO - GROW WITH SPORTS’. The campaign promoted MILO Ready
to Drink, a cocoa-malt milk beverage crafted specially for growing children, with less than
10 grams of added sugar per pack (180 ml).

MILO Moments Campaign: Nestle MILO launched the ‘MILO Moments’ campaign in
January 2022. The campaign rewards 1000 winners each week for three months with sports
and educational equipment such as laptops, tabs, reloads, scooters, bikes, skateboards,
basketballs, footballs, skipping ropes, shoes, and trampolines.

Mix It Up Campaign: In 2023, Nestle MILO launched the ‘Mix It Up’ campaign in
Australia. The campaign aimed to refamiliarize teens and young adults with MILO while
also introducing them to MILO Pro, a new protein product. The campaign reframed the
popular drink as beyond just a beverage and promoted it as a portal of self-expression,
individualism, and personal taste. The campaign was promoted through various channels
such as digital platforms, social media, and OOH.

1. Marketing mix - Nestle Milo The report will contain in depth (



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