Gen Chem Module 12

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General Chemistry 2

Module 12
Julia Mae Jimenez 12 STEM-A

1. C
2. A
3. Add acid to water
4-5.Measure 458.3 cm3 distilled water using a graduated cylinder and add carefully 41.7
cm3 concentrated HCl to make 500 cm3 of solution.

2. Molality
3. Mole fraction
4. v/v percent
5. m/v percent

1. x
2. √
3. √
4. x
5. x

Time to explore
1. A weighed amount of a substance (the solute) is put into the volumetric flask.
2. A small quantity of water is added to the solute.
3. The solid is dissolved in the water by gently swirling the flask (with the stopper in place).
4. More water is added, until the level of the solution reaches the mark etched on the flask

 58.8 g
 The chemist must weigh out 58.8 g K2Cr2O7, transfer it to a 1.00 L volumetric flask,
and add distilled water to the mark on the flask.
 Using commercially available household bleach at 5% active chlorine, dilute 1 part
of bleach to 9 parts of clean water.

Apply What You Have Learned

 0.16 L
 Dissolve 10 g NaOH pellets in sufficient distilled water and dilute to make a 250
cm3 solution.

1. C
2. A
3. Add acid to water
4-5.Measure 458.3 cm3 distilled water using a graduated cylinder and add carefully 41.7
cm3 concentrated HCl to make 500 cm3 of solution.

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