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Link: FIRST STT recording


- What are your plans and intentions for the rest of this year? (10 lines).

My plans and intentions for the remainder of this year are to finish well academically taking all

my subjects forward with positive grades I would like not only this semester but also the second

we see in the year to be equally positive I would also like to achieve my sports goal by doing a

good performance in the First C soccer tournament that is now the third division of Colombian

soccer I want to achieve that my team has a good performance in the tournament and if possible I

want to be champion and celebrate with all my teammates I would also like a large team from

Colombia or outside the country to be interested in me and sign me I would like to finish with a

good performance as a person I want to improve my physique I want to be a better student I want

to help my family more in the lavores of the house so that we can be much better and spend more

time with my family I also want to have a better coexistence with God and go to church more.

- What personal goals will you have achieved by 2025? (10 lines).

My personal goals for 2025 are to achieve first of all to become independent to have a house to

have a good economic income to be able to settle with my partner help her achieve all her goals I

would also like to know many parts of the world travel with my partner and know different types

of culture and learn from them by 2025 I already plan to have my university degree as a public

accountant and if football does not arrive to happen that I hope that if I manage to be a footballer

I think to exercise my professional career but if the football thing happens I hope to be in a good

professional team and in this team get many titles and be recognized as a good player of

Colombian football I also want that in the team in which this is one of the great teams in Europe

I also want that by 2025 to play with the Colombia selection and achieve some important title

and be a reference player in the team


Link: SECOND STT recording


- What do we use the future perfect for? (Write three examples).

The main function of the future perfect is to express completed actions, either at a specific point

in time or before other actions begin. Thanks to this, it is also possible to visualize the possible

consequences of such action.


 I will have worked

 You will have worked

 He will have worked

-Explain the two main differences in the use of will and going to. (Write three examples for

each one).

We talk about "going to" and "will". We generally use "to be + going to + infinitive verb" for

actions that are going to happen very soon or to express a plan that you have. We use "Will" is

used to express a promise, a prediction or something you want to do in the future.


Examples of Will

 I’m sure it will rain tomorrow.

 Cesar Peralta will win the election.

 I will go to the pharmacy tonight.

Examples of going to

 He is going to pay with a credit card

 I am going to drop off my prescription over there

 I’m going to learn English

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