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Republic of the Philippines


College of Agriculture
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan

NAME:________________________________________ DATE:_____________
COURSE, YEAR & SECTION: _____________________ SCORE: ___________

Plant Classification


Plants are highly complex and diverse, with millions of plant species—some of which
have yet to be fully discovered and studied! To continue the study and organization of
plants, finding a way to categorize the many different species is necessary. While all
plants have similar parts necessary for survival (such as roots, stems, and leaves), they
often look different. These differences in characteristics are used to classify and thus
organize plants into species.


Activity aims to
Classify Crops by its family, scientific names and English names

A. Complete the table

Local Name English Family Scientific Name
1. Mustasa
2. Kulitis
3. Seleri
4. Karot
5. Abaka
6. Tanglad
7. Raber, goma
8. Sambong
9. Sayote
10. Sampalok
11. Ubas
12. Chico
13. Caimito
14. Duhat
15. Mabolo
16. Monggo
17. Luyang dilaw
18. Kalamansi
19. Dayap
20. Limon
21. Kahel
22. Bayabas
23. Duhat
24. Makopa
25. Petsay baguio
26. Labanos
27. Kangkong
28. Sili
29. Sili labuyo
30. Kondol
31. Langka
32. Pakwan
33. Pipino
34. Sigarilyas
35. Pili
36. Pakupis
37. Mani
38. Kutsai
39. bataw
40. patani
41. Hanidyu
42. Upo
43. Bawang
44. Kalabasa
45. Asparagus
46. Okra
47. Malunggay
48. Kadios
49. Amplaya
50. Patola
51. Utaw
52. Batao
53. Mais
54 Kamatis
55. Talong
56. Patatas
57. Saluyot
58. Guyabano
59. Patani
60. Singkamas

B. Site your reference in APA format

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