LKPD Kelas X-Descriptive

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3 Descriptive
Task 1
Please, watch the video! Then, answer the questions below!

1. What is Taj Mahal actually?


2. Where is Taj Mahal located?


3. Who built Taj Mahal?


4. Why did the King build Taj Mahal?


5. According to your opinion, what are the special things of Taj Mahal?

Read text 1 carefully. Pay attention to the expressions used to

Task 2
Please understand the text. Then, answer the questions below!
Kuta is the exciting tourist area in the southern part of Bali. Most tourists visit Bali
because of its exotic and beautiful beaches. Kuta is located in southwestern Bali, not
too far from the Ngurah Rai airport.

Kuta is one of the world’s most famous beaches. It first attracted Western surfers
with its world renowned surf break followed closely behind by sun worshipers and
party goers attracted to its wide stretches of white sandy beach.

Kuta is the center of night life activities and is a shopping mecca, with its lines of
shops, boutiques, and galleries.

Restaurants line up the streets as well as the beach front hotels, ranging from small,
inexpensive home stay to a luxurious resorts.


1. What does the text tell us about?

2. Where is Kuta located?
3. Why does most of tourists visit Bali?
4. According to your opinion, what is the best title for the text?
5. What is your favorite beach? Please describe it!

Task 3
Please learn the concept of descriptive text!


Fungsi sosial:
Untuk mendeskripsikan orang, benda dan tempat dan untuk mengembangkan
komunikasi interpersonal dengan yang lain

Struktur Teks:
Descriptive text:
- Identification
- Description

Unsur Kebahasaan:
- Kosakata yang terkait dengan topik
- Grammar:
 Noun phrase
 Adjective
 Simple Present Tenses
 Linking verbs
- Ejaan dan tanda baca yang jelas dan rapi.
- Ucapan, tekanan kata& intonasi yang tepat ketika mempresentasikan secara

Task 4
Please understand the text. Then, answer the questions below!

Text 1


Wirda Mansur is Yusuf Mansur’s daughter. She was born in Tangerang on

November 29th, 1999.

She is the first child in her family. Her father is an businessman and also a good
moslem. He often gives a speech about Islam. He inspires Wirda to be a hafizhah.
Her mom is Siti Maemunah. Wirda has four siblings, such as Muhammad Kun Syafii,
Qumii Rahmatal Qulub, Muhammad Yusuf Al Haafidz, and Aisyah Humairoh

She is a religius and charming girl. She has a beautiful black eyes. And, she has
pointed nose. She usually wears veil.

Wirda left formal Elementary School when she was nine years old. Then, she took
homeschooling program. It is because she wants to focus on memorizing and
comprehending Al Qur an. Amazingly Al Quran has help her to go abroad to study
Arabic and English. She studied Arabic in Yordania and English in America.

Wirda likes to upload her videos in Youtube. So that, she is called youtuber. She is
interested in singing too. She has a single with the title Cahaya Cinta.

1. Who is being described in the text?

A. Wirda Mansur’ s Family
B. Yusuf Mansur’s daughter
C. Yusuf Mansur and his wife
D. Wirda Mansur’s video

2. What does Wirda look like?

A. She left formal Elementary School.
B. She is charming.
C. She is a hafizah and religious.
D. She is talented in singing.

3. “Wirda has four siblings , such as Muhammad Kun Syafii....” (P.2, L.5). the
synonym of the bold typed word is ...
A. brothers
B. brothers and sisters
C. sisters
D. Niece and nephew

4. Why is she called youtuber?

A. Because she likes to see video in youtube.
B. Because she uploads her video in youtube often.
C. Because she like to share video from youtube.
D. Because she watch many video in youtube.

Text 2

Maudy Ayunda

Maudy Ayunda is my favorite artist. She makes me fall in love with her since first I
saw her at TV. My first time seeing her is when she promoted a beauty product on a
TV’s advertisement. Since then, she is playing movies and also become a singer.
Her voice is also nice . I like the song since the first time I heard it.
She is good looking. She is not too tall, with fair skin and straight black hair that she
often puts in a ponytail. She is not talk active. Besides, she is really smart. That is
the reason why so many fans like her very much.
She really cares about her education. I hear now she is studying somewhere at
foreign university. I hope she will make new films and songs soon.

5. What does the text tells us about?

A. Writer’s favourite girl
B. Maudy Ayunda
C. Maudy’s Career
D. Artist life

6. How is Maudy’s personality?

A. smart and calm
B. smart and talkactive
C. good looking and cares with her study
D. fair skin and straight black hair

7.“She is good looking “(P.2;L.1). The bold typed word is similar in meaning with ....
A. handsome
B. ugly
C. generous
D. charming

8. What do you think of the writer?

A. The writer is Maudy Ayunda fans
B. The writer knows her exactly
C. The writer misses her news
D. The writer is Maudy’s friends

Task 5
Please describe your favorite beach in written.


Air Manis Beach

Air Manis beach is located in Padang, West Sumatera.

The beach has beautiful scenery. There are trees and gazebos where we can sit and
enjoy the sea.

There are AGV motors. Tourists may ride it, but of course they have to pay for it.

The unique thing is Malin Kundang stone. The legend said that this a stone of
disobedient son named Malin Kundang. Most of tourists like to take a photo near the

Task 6
Please describe your favorite beach in spoken.

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