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KA-POLI NOTES What is the scope of this right?

(1.) The kernel of the right is not against all compulsion, but
testimonial compulsion only.
(2.) The right against self-incrimination is simply against the
legal process of extracting from the lips of the accused
an admission of his guilt.
(3.) It does not apply where the evidence sought to be
excluded is not an incriminating statement but an object
(4.) What is actually proscribed is the use of physical or moral
compulsion to extort communication from the accused-
appellant and not the inclusion of his body in evidence
when it may be material.
(5.) Thus, substance emitted from the body of the accused
may be received in evidence. Hair samples taken from
the accused may be admitted in evidence against him.
(6.) Evidence involving deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is
likewise admissible, and in People v. Yatar, G.R. No.
150224, May 19, 2004, was utilized to affirm the death
sentence on the accused found guilty of child-rape with
This reviewer is made out of love and fear for the law. Please
do not hesitate to share this material because sharing is caring
(7.) A person may be compelled to submit to fingerprinting,
and karma always has its ways. #NoToCrabs
photographing and paraffin testing, as there is no
testimonial compulsion involved.
Can this be waived?
Section 17. No person shall be compelled to be a witness Yes. The right against self-incrimination may be waived, either
against himself. directly or by a failure to invoke it, provided the waiver is
certain and unequivocal and intelligently made. Thus, the
RIGHT AGAINST SELF-INCRIMINATION accused who takes the witness stand voluntarily and offers
testimony on his behalf may be cross-examined and asked
incriminating questions on any matter he testified to on direct
When is this right be available?
(1.) The right is available not only in criminal prosecutions
but also in all other government proceedings, including
A person suspected of having committed a crime and
civil actions and administrative or legislative
subsequently charged with its commission has the following
investigations. It may be claimed not only by the accused
rights in the matter of his testifying or producing evidence, to
but also by any witness to whom a question calling for
an incriminating answer is addressed.
(2.) As a rule, it may be invoked only when and as the
Before the case is filed in Court [or with the public prosecutor,
question calling for an incriminating answer is asked,
for preliminary investigation], but after having been taken into
since the witness has no way of knowing in advance the
custody or otherwise deprived of his liberty in some
nature or effect of the question to be put to him. This is
significant way, and on being interrogated by the police: the
true, however, only of an ordinary witness.
continuing right to remain silent and to counsel, and to be
(3.) In a criminal prosecution, the accused may not be
informed thereof, not to be subjected to force, violence,
compelled to take the witness stand, on the reasonable
threat, intimidation or any other means which vitiates the free
assumption that the purpose of the interrogation will be
will; and to have evidence obtained in violation of these rights
to incriminate him
rejected and inadmissible; and
(4.) The same principle shall apply to the respondent in an
administrative proceeding where the respondent may be
After the case is filed in Court: to refuse to be a witness; not
subjected to sanctions of a penal character, such as the
to have any prejudice whatsoever result to him by such
cancellation of his license to practice medicine.
refusal; to testify in his own behalf, subject to cross-
examination; and while testifying, to refuse to answer a
specific question the answer to which tends to incriminate him
for some crime other than that for which he is being


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
What is the right to self-incrimination? ➔ He was then stripped of his clothing and was examined
It is where the accused cannot be compelled to be a witness by a policeman. He was found to have the same
against him. symptoms of gonorrhea.
➔ The policeman took a portion of the substance emitting
What is its common origin? from the body of the defendant and turned it over to the
Nemo Tenetur Seipsum Accusare which means no man is Bureau of Science.
bound to accuse himself. The origin is basically older than our ➔ The results showed that the defendant was suffering
constitution. from gonorrhea.
➔ The lower court held that the results show that the
What are the two (2) bases of this fundamental right?
disease that the victim had acquired came from the
(1.) Policy – This is because of the fact that it would place the
defendant herein. Such disease was transferred by the
witness against the strongest temptation to commit
unlawful act of carnal knowledge by the latter. The
defendant alleged that the said evidence should be
(2.) Humanity-This is because of the fact that it would be to
inadmissible because it was taken in violation of his right
extort a confession of truth and the degree of which the
against self-incrimination.
law abhors.
Issue: Whether or Not the physical examination conducted
Who is entitled to invoke these rights?
was a violation of the defendant’s rights against self-
(1.) The accused and the ordinary witness; but not with the
same extent because an accused occupies a different tier
of protection as compared to ordinary witness. An
Held: The court held that the taking of a substance from his
ordinary witness may be compelled to take the witness
body was not a violation of the said right. He was neither
stand and claim the privilege as each question requiring
compelled to make any admissions or to answer any
an incriminating answer is shot at him.
questions. The substance was taken from his body without his
(2.) On the other hand, accused may altogether refuse to
objection and was examined by competent medical authority.
take the witness stand and refuse to answer any and all
questions. He need not wait for an incriminating
The prohibition of self-incrimination in the Bill of Rights is a
question. The RATIONALE behind this is because for in
prohibition of the use of physical or moral compulsion to
reality the purpose of calling an accused as a witness for
extort communications from him, and not an exclusion of his
the prosecution would be to incriminate him.
body as evidence, when it may be material. It would be the
same as if the offender apprehended was a thief and the
What is the essence of this constitutional guarantee?
object stolen by him may be used as evidence against him.
➔ TESTIMONIAL COMPULSION. One may be subjected to
physical evidence. The substance was taken from the body of the defendant
➔ According to Justice Holmes: “The prohibition of without his objection, the examination was made by
compelling a man in a criminal court to be a witness competent medical authority and the result showed that the
against himself, is a prohibition of the use of physical or defendant was suffering from said disease.
moral compulsion, to extort communications from him,
not an exclusion of his body as evidence, when it may be As was suggested by Judge Lobingier, had the defendant
material. been found with stolen property upon his person, there
certainly could have been no question had the stolen property
United States vs. Tan Teng been taken for the purpose of using the same as evidence
G.R. No. 7081. September 7, 1912 against him. So also if the clothing which he wore, by reason
of blood stains or otherwise, had furnished evidence of the
Facts: commission of a crime, there certainly could have been no
➔ Tan Teng was gambling near the house of the victim and objection to taking such for the purpose of using the same as
it was alleged that he entered her home and threw the proof. No one would think of even suggesting that stolen
victim on the floor and place his private parts over hers. property and the clothing in the case indicated, taken from
➔ The defendant raped Oliva Pacomio, a seven-year-old the defendant, could not be used against him as evidence,
girl. without violating the rule that a person shall not be required
to give testimony against himself.
➔ Several days later, Pacomio was suffering from a disease
called gonorrhea.
The question presented by the defendant below and repeated
➔ Pacomio told her sister about what had happened and
in his first assignment of error is not a new question, either to
reported it to the police.
the courts or authors.
➔ Tan Teng was called to appear in a police line-up and the
victim identified him.


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
In the case of Holt vs. U.S. (218 U.S., 245), Mr. Justice Holmes, Villaflor vs. Summers
speaking for the court upon this question, said: G.R. No. 16444. September 8, 1920
But the prohibition of compelling a man in a criminal court to
be a witness against himself, is a prohibition of the use of Facts:
physical or moral compulsion, to extort communications from
➔ Petitioner Villaflor was charged with the crime of
him, not an exclusion of his body as evidence, when it may be
material. The objection, in principle, would forbid a jury (court)
➔ The trial judge ordered the petitioner to subject herself
to look at a person and compare his features with a
into physical examination to test whether or not she was
photograph in proof.
pregnant to prove the determine the crime of adultery
being charged to her.
Moreover, we are not considering how far a court would go in
➔ Herein petitioner refused to such physical examination
compelling a man to exhibit himself, for when he is exhibited,
interposing the defense that such examination was a
whether voluntarily or by order, even if the order goes too far,
violation of her constitutional rights against self-
the evidence if material, is competent.
To admit the doctrine contended for by the appellant might
Issue: Whether or Not the physical examination was a
exclude the testimony of a physician or a medical expert who
violation of the petitioner’s constitutional rights against self-
had been appointed to make observations of a person who
plead insanity as a defense, where such medical testimony
was against necessarily use the person of the defendant for
Held: No. It is not a violation of her constitutional rights.
the purpose of making such examination.

The rule that the constitutional guaranty, that no person shall

The doctrine contended for by the appellants would also
be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against
prevent the courts from making an examination of the body
himself, is limited to a prohibition against compulsory
of the defendant where serious personal injuries were alleged
testimonial self-incrimination. The corollary to the proposition
to have been received by him. The right of the courts in such
is that, an ocular inspection of the body of the accused is
cases to require an exhibit of the injured parts of the body has
been established by a long line of decisions.

The sole legal issue from the admitted facts is whether the
The prohibition contained in section 5 of the Philippine Bill
compelling of a woman to permit her body to be examined
that a person shall not be compelled to be a witness against
by physicians to determine if she is pregnant, violates that
himself, is simply a prohibition against legal process to extract
portion of the Philippine Bill of Rights and that portion of our
from the defendant's own lips, against his will, an admission
Code of Criminal Procedure which find their origin in the
of his guilt.
Constitution of the United States and practically all state
constitutions and in the common law rules of evidence,
The doctrine contended for by appellant would prohibit
providing that no person shall be compelled in any criminal
courts from looking at the fact of a defendant even, for the
case to be a witness against himself.
purpose of disclosing his identity. Such an application of the
prohibition under discussion certainly could not be permitted.
The maxim of the common law, Nemo tenetur seipsum
accusare, was recognized in England in early days, but not in
Such an inspection of the bodily features by the court or by
the other legal systems of the world, in a revolt against the
witnesses, cannot violate the privilege granted under the
thumbscrew and the rack. A legal shield was raised against
Philippine Bill, because it does not call upon the accused as a
odious inquisitorial methods of interrogating an accused
witness — it does not call upon the defendant for his
person by which to extort unwilling confessions with the ever
testimonial responsibility. Mr. Wigmore says that evidence
present temptation to commit the crime of perjury.
obtained in this way from the accused, is not testimony but
his body itself. Nemo tenetur seipsum accusare – “no man is
The kernel of the privilege as disclosed by the text writers was
bound to accuse himself”
testimonial compulsion.

Doctrine: The prohibition of self-incrimination in the Bill of

As forcing a man to be a witness against himself was deemed
Rights is a prohibition of the use of physical or moral
contrary to the fundamentals of republican government, the
compulsion to extort communications from him, and not an
principle was taken into the American Constitutions, and from
exclusion of his body as evidence, when it may be material. It
the United States was brought to the Philippine Islands, in
would be the same as if the offender apprehended was a thief
exactly as wide — but no wider — a scope as it existed in old
and the object stolen by him may be used as evidence against
English days. The provision should here be approached in no
blindly worshipful spirit, but with a judicious and a judicial
appreciation of both its benefits and its abuses.


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
Perhaps the best way to test the correctness of our position is In the case at bar, the witness is compelled to write and create
to go back once more to elements and ponder on what is the by means of the art of writing, evidence which does not exist,
prime purpose of a criminal trial. As we view it, the object of and which may identify as a falsifier.
having criminal laws is to purge the community of persons
who violate the laws to the great prejudice of their fellow men. Where does section 17 apply?
Criminal procedure, the rules of evidence, and constitutional The prohibition applies to the compulsion for the production
provisions, are then provided, not to protect the guilty but to of documents, papers, and chattels that may be used as
protect the innocent. No rule is intended to be so rigid as to evidence against the witness. The only exception is when the
embarrass the administration of justice in its endeavor to state has a right to inspect the same.
ascertain the truth.
Is the right available during Preliminary investigation?
No accused person should be afraid of the use of any method Yes. In the case of Beltran vs Samson; it will be so absurd to
which will tend to establish the truth. For instance, under the limit it to trial.
facts before us, to use torture to make the defendant admit
her guilt might only result in including her to tell a falsehood. Beltran vs. Samson
G.R. No. 32025. September 25, 1929
But no evidence of physical facts can for any substantial
reason be held to be detrimental to the accused except in so Facts:
far as the truth is to be avoided in order to acquit a guilty
➔ This is a petition for a writ of prohibition, wherein the
petitioner complains that the respondent judge ordered
him to appear before the provincial fiscal to take
Fully conscious that we are resolving a most extreme case in
dictation in his won handwriting from the latter.
a sense, which on first impression is a shock to one's
➔ The order was given upon petition of said fiscal for the
sensibilities, we must nevertheless enforce the constitutional
purpose of comparing the petitioner's handwriting and
provision in this jurisdiction in accord with the policy and
determining whether or not it is he who wrote certain
reason thereof, undeterred by merely sentimental influences.
documents supposed to be falsified.
Once again we lay down the rule that the constitutional
guaranty, that no person shall be compelled in any criminal
Issue: W/N petitioner may be compelled to take dictation in
case to be a witness against himself, is limited to a prohibition
his own handwriting to determine if he is the one who wrote
against compulsory testimonial self-incrimination.
certain documents supposed to be falsified

The corollary to the proposition is that, an ocular inspection

Held: NO. As to the extent of [the right against self-
of the body of the accused is permissible. The proviso is that
incrimination], it should be noted first of all, that the English
torture of force shall be avoided. Whether facts fall within or
text of the Jones Law, which is the original one, reads as
without the rule with its corollary and proviso must, of course,
follows: "Nor shall he be compelled in any criminal case to be
be decided as cases arise.
a witness against himself." This text is not limited to
declaration but says "to be a witness."
It is a reasonable presumption that in an examination by
reputable and disinterested physicians due care will be taken
The question, then, is reduced to a determination of whether
not to use violence and not to embarrass the patient any more
the writing from the fiscal's dictation by the petitioner for the
than is absolutely necessary. Indeed, no objection to the
purpose of comparing the latter's handwriting and
physical examination being made by the family doctor of the
determining whether he wrote certain documents supposed
accused or by doctor of the same sex can be seen.
to be falsified, constitutes evidence against himself within the
scope and meaning of the constitutional provision under
Doctrine: The rule that no person shall be compelled in any examination.
criminal case to be a witness against himself, is limited to a
prohibition against compulsory testimonial self-incrimination. Whenever a defendant, at the trial of his case, testifying in his
The corollary to the proposition is that, an ocular inspection own behalf, denies that a certain writing or signature is in his
of the body of the accused is permissible. own hand, he may on cross-examination but compelled to
write in open court in order that the jury may be able to
Are transcription or signature a pure mechanical act? compare his handwriting with the one in question. It was so
In the case of Beltran vs. Samson, transcription or signature held in the case of Bradford vs. People inasmuch as the
are not just pure mechanical acts, because writing is defendant, in offering himself as witness in his own behalf,
something more than moving the body, or the hands, or the waived his personal privileges.
fingers. It is not purely a mechanical act because writing
requires the application of intelligence and attention. But the cases so resolved cannot be compared to the one now
before us. We are not concerned here with a defendant, for it
does not appear that any information was filed against the


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
petitioner for the supposed falsification, and still less is it a Meneses alias "Lory" Meneses, Peter Doe, Charlie Doe
question of a defendant on trial testifying and under cross- and Paul Doe.
examination. This is only an investigation prior to the ➔ The trial court gave credence to Sumilang's averment
information and with a view to filing it. that he paid good money for the car, and was thus
We cite this case particularly because the court there given cleared. So was Asistio whom the trial court believed to
prominence to the defendant's right to decline to write, and be a mere buyer of the car. The court found no case
to the fact that he voluntarily wrote. against "Pita" and "Lory". "Ging" was also acquitted for
he was not identified in court.
Writing is something more than moving the body, or the ➔ Hence, among the 9 accused, only Roger Chavez was not
hand, or the fingers; writing is not a purely mechanical and acquitted by the trial court. As to him, the court had this
attention; and in the case at bar writing means that the to say: "Roger Chavez does not offer any defense. As a
petitioner herein is to furnish a means to determine or not he matter of fact, his testimony as witness for the
is the falsifier, as the petition of the respondent fiscal clearly prosecution establishes his guilt beyond reasonable
states. Except that it is more serious, we believe the present doubt." The trial court branded him "a self-confessed
case is similar to that of producing documents of chattels in culprit."
one's possession. ➔ To note, petitioner was called by the prosecution as the
first witness to testify for the People during the first day
We say that, for the purposes of the constitutional privilege, of trial. Petitioner objected and invoked the privilege of
there is a similarity between one who is compelled to produce self-incrimination. This he broadened by the clear-cut
a document, and one who is compelled to furnish a specimen statement that he will not testify. But petitioner's
of his handwriting, for in both cases, the witness is required to protestations were met with the judge's emphatic
furnish evidence against himself. statement that it "is the right of the prosecution to ask
anybody to act as witness on the witness-stand including
Doctrine: This constitutional prohibition embraces the the accused," and that defense counsel "could not object
compulsory preparation and creation by a witness of self- to have the accused called on the witness stand."
incriminatory evidence by means of a testimonial act. "For ➔ The trial court then came to the conclusion that if
though the disclosure thus sought" (the production of Johnson Lee was not paid for his car, he had no one but
documents and chattels) "be not oral in form, and though the Roger Chavez to blame.
documents or chattels be already in existence and not desired
to be first written and created by a testimonial act or utterance Issue: W/N there was a violation of petitioner’s right against
of the person in response to the process, still no line can be self-incrimination
drawn short of any process which treats him as a witness;
because in virtue of it he would be at any time liable to make Held: YES. Petitioner, as accused, occupies a different tier of
oath to the identity or authenticity or origin of the articles protection from an ordinary witness. Whereas an ordinary
produced." In the case before us, writing is something more witness may be compelled to take the witness stand and claim
than moving the body, or hand, or fingers; writing is not the privilege as each question requiring an incriminating
purely mechanical act; it requires the application of answer is shot at him, an accused may altogether refuse to
intelligence and attention; writing means for the petitioner take the witness stand and refuse to answer any and all
here to furnish, through a testimonial act, evidence against questions. For, in reality, the purpose of calling an accused as
himself. a witness for the People would be to incriminate him. The rule
positively intends to avoid and prohibit the certainly inhuman
Chavez vs. Court of Appeals procedure of compelling a person "to furnish the missing
G.R. No. L-29169. August 19, 1968 evidence necessary for his conviction." This rule may apply
even to a co-defendant in a joint trial.
➔ The thrust of petitioner's case is that he is entitled, on Compulsion as it is understood here does not necessarily
habeas corpus, to be freed from imprisonment upon the connote the use of violence; it may be the product of
ground that in the trial which resulted in his conviction, unintentional statements. Pressure which operates to
he was denied his constitutional right not to be overbear his will, disable him from making a free and rational
compelled to testify against himself. choice, or impair his capacity for rational judgment would in
➔ The indictment upon which the judgment of conviction our opinion be sufficient. So is moral coercion "tending to
was rendered was for qualified theft of a motor vehicle. force testimony from the unwilling lips of the defendant."
➔ Accused were the following: Petitioner herein, Roger
The judge's words — "But surely, counsel could not object to
Chavez, Ricardo Sumilang alias "Romeo Vasquez",
have the accused called on the witness-stand" — wielded
Edgardo P. Pascual alias "Ging" Pascual, Pedro Rebullo
authority. By those words, petitioner was enveloped by a
alias "Pita", Luis Asistio alias "Baby" Asistio, Lorenzo
coercive force; they deprived him of his will to resist.


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
Thus, the record discloses that by leading questions Chavez, ➔ Roger asked the group to help look for her. Elena Talan
the accused, was made to affirm his statement given to the informed his uncle, Barangay Ex-kagawad Mario
NBI agents, and this statement detailed the plan and Fernandez, about her daughter's disappearance.
execution thereof by Sumilang (Vasquez), Asistio and himself ➔ When Jaime mentioned that Gallarde was the last person
to deprive the Chinese of his Thunderbird car. The trial court he saw talking to Editha, the searchers went back to the
described Chavez as the "star witness for the prosecution." house of Gallarde. The searchers found Gallarde
squatting with his short pants at the toilet about 6
It cannot be said that he has waived his right. He did not meters away from Gallarde's house; his hands and knees
volunteer to take the stand and in his own defense; he did not covered with soil.
offer himself as a witness; on the contrary, he claimed the right ➔ Back in the field, Virginia Fernandez tripped on a wet
upon being called to testify. If petitioner nevertheless ground.
answered the questions in spite of his fear of being accused
➔ The searchers, thereafter, noticed disheveled grasses,
of perjury or being put under contempt, this circumstance
and a wide hole among the disheveled grass. When Ex-
cannot be counted against him.
kagawad Fernandez forthwith scratched some earth
aside and then Editha's hand pitted out. Fernandez
There is therefore no waiver of the privilege. "To be effective,
screamed in terror. Meantime, Barangay Captain
a waiver must be certain and unequivocal, and intelligently,
Mendoza heard shouts saying: "She is here, she is now
understandably, and willingly made; such waiver follows only
here already dead!"
where liberty of choice has been fully accorded. After a claim
➔ Mindful of Gallarde's safety, Brgy. Captain Mendoza
a witness cannot properly be held to have waived his privilege
decided to bring Gallarde to the municipal building. On
on vague and uncertain evidence."
their way though, they met policemen on board a
vehicle. He flagged them down and turned over the
Doctrine: Petitioner, as accused, occupies a different tier of
person of Gallarde, saying: "Here is the suspect in the
protection from an ordinary witness. Whereas an ordinary
disappearance of the little girl. Since you are already
witness may be compelled to take the witness stand and claim
here, I am giving him to you."
the privilege as each question requiring an incriminating
➔ The policemen together with Gallarde proceeded to
answer is shot at him, an accused may altogether refuse to
where the people found Editha. One of the policemen
take the witness stand and refuse to answer any and all
shoved more soil aside. The lifeless Editha was
completely naked when she was recovered. A picture of
Gallarde was taken without any counsel present.
People vs. Gallarde ➔ On 24 June 1997, Gallarde was charged with the special
G.R. No. 133025. February 27, 2000 complex crime of rape with homicide.

Facts: Issue: Whether The taking of pictures of an accused violates

➔ In the evening of 26 May 1997, at the house of spouses his constitutional right against self- incrimination.
Talan their neighbors converged.
➔ Among them were Radel Gallarde, Francisco, Renato, HELD: We cannot agree with the trial court's rejection of the
Edwin, all surnamed Fernandez. photographs (Exhibits "I," "J" and "K") taken of GALLARDE
➔ Idling by was Editha, 10 year old daughter of spouses immediately after the incident on the ground that "the same
Talan. were taken while [GALLARDE] was already under the mercy of
➔ After a while, Roger stood up and invited Jaime and the police."
Gallarde to dine in the kitchen. As they partook of the
meal, Gallarde suddenly left. Jaime, too, stepped out of The constitutional right of an accused against self-
the kitchen to urinate. Outside the house, he chanced incrimination proscribes the use of physical or moral
upon Gallarde and Editha talking to each other. compulsion to extort communications from the accused and
➔ Jaime whistled at Gallarde but instead of minding him, not the inclusion of his body in evidence when it may be
the latter sprinted towards the road leading to his house. material.
➔ Thereafter, Editha entered the kitchen and took hold of
Purely mechanical acts are not included in the prohibition as
a kerosene lamp. Editha answered that she would look
the accused does not thereby speak his guilt, hence the
for Gallarde. Soon Editha left enroute to where Gallarde
assistance and guiding hand of counsel is not required. The
essence of the right against self- incrimination is testimonial
➔ By 10:00 p.m., the drinking buddies had dispersed but
compulsion, that is, the giving of evidence against himself
Jaime, Francisco, Edwin and Rose regrouped at Renato's
through a testimonial act.
place where they talked and relaxed.
➔ Moments later, Roger arrived and informed them that The taking of pictures of an accused even without the
Editha was missing. assistance of counsel, being a purely mechanical act, is not a
violation of his constitutional right against self-incrimination.


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
The constitutional right of an accused against self- ➔ Pascual, through counsel, made of record his objection,
incrimination proscribes the use of physical or moral relying on the constitutional right to be exempt from
compulsion to extort communications from the accused and being a witness against himself.
not the inclusion of his body in evidence when it may be ➔ The Board of Examiners, took note of such a plea, at the
material. Purely mechanical acts are not included in the same time stating that at the next scheduled hearing, on
prohibition as the accused does not thereby speak his guilt, February 12, 1965, Pascual would be called upon to
hence the assistance and guiding hand of counsel is not testify as such witness, unless in the meantime he could
required. secure a restraining order from a competent authority.
➔ Pascual then alleged that in thus ruling to compel him to
The essence of the right against self-incrimination is take the witness stand, the Board of Examiners was
testimonial compulsion, that is, the giving of evidence against guilty, at the very least, of grave abuse of discretion for
himself through a testimonial act. failure to respect the constitutional right against self-
incrimination, the administrative proceeding against
Hence, it has been held that a woman charged with adultery him, which could result in forfeiture or loss of a privilege,
may be compelled to submit to physical examination to being quasi-criminal in character.
determine her pregnancy; and an accused may be compelled
➔ With his assertion that he was entitled to the relief
to submit to physical examination and to have a substance
demanded consisting of perpetually restraining the
taken from his body for medical determination as to whether
respondent Board from compelling him to testify as
he was suffering from gonorrhea which was contracted by his
witness for his adversary and his readiness or his
victim; to expel morphine from his mouth; to have the outline
willingness to put a bond, he prayed for a writ of
of his foot traced to determine its identity with bloody
preliminary injunction and after a hearing or trial, for a
footprints; and to be photographed or measured, or his
writ of prohibition.
garments or shoes removed or replaced, or to move his body
➔ On February 9, 1965, the lower court ordered a writ of
to enable the foregoing things to be done.
preliminary injunction issued against the respondent
Board commanding it to refrain from hearing or further
Doctrine: The constitutional right of an accused against self-
proceeding with such an administrative case.
incrimination proscribes the use of physical or moral
➔ Respondent Board, while admitting the facts stressed
compulsion to extort communications from the accused and
that it could call Pascual to the witness stand and
not the inclusion of his body in evidence when it may be
interrogate him, the right against self- incrimination
being available only when a question calling for an
incriminating answer is asked of a witness.
Purely mechanical acts are not included in the prohibition as
the accused does not thereby speak his guilt, hence the ➔ A motion for intervention by Salvador Gatbonton and
assistance and guiding hand of counsel is not required. The Enriqueta Gatbonton, the complainants in the
essence of the right against self- incrimination is testimonial administrative case for malpractice against Pascual
compulsion, that is, the giving of evidence against himself asking that they be allowed to file an answer as
through a testimonial act. intervenors.
➔ Such a motion was granted and an answer in
intervention was duly filed by them on March 23, 1965
Can the right be invoked during non-criminal proceedings?
sustaining the power of respondent Board, which for
Yes. In the case of Pascual vs BME. The constitutional
guarantee extends to civil and administrative proceedings them is limited to compelling the witness to take the
stand, to be distinguished, in their opinion, from the
which possess a criminal or penal character; penal in nature
power to compel a witness to incriminate himself. They
which imposes penalties.
likewise alleged that the right against self- incrimination
cannot be availed of in an administrative hearing.
Pascual vs. Board of Medical Examiners
➔ A decision was rendered by the lower court on August 2,
G.R. No. L-25018. May 26, 1969
1965, finding the claim of Pascual to be well-founded
and prohibiting respondent Board "from compelling the
petitioner to act and testify as a witness for the
➔ On February 1, 1965, Arsenio Pascual, Jr., petitioner- complainant in said investigation without his consent
appellee, filed with the Court of First Instance of Manila and against himself."
an action for prohibition with prayer for preliminary
➔ Hence this appeal both by respondent Board and
injunction against the Board of Medical Examiners, now
intervenors, the Gatbontons
➔ It was alleged therein that at the initial hearing of an Issue: Whether the right against self- incrimination can be
administrative case for alleged immorality, counsel for availed of in an administrative hearing.
complainants announced that he would present as his
first witness herein petitioner-appellee, who was the
respondent in such malpractice charge.


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
Held: Yes. The right against self-incrimination is equally Mapa, Jr. vs. Sandiganbayan
applicable to a proceeding that could possibly result in the G.R. no. 100295. April 26, 1994
loss of the privilege to practice the medical profession.
The Court held that in an administrative hearing against a
➔ On January 20, 1987, petitioners Placido L. Mapa and
medical practitioner for alleged malpractice, respondent
Lorenzo Vergara, together with Gregorio Ma. Araneta III,
Board of Medical Examiners cannot, consistently with the self-
Fernando Balatbat, Ramon Aviado, Jr., Dominador Lopez,
incrimination clause, compel the person proceeded against to
Jr., Fernando Maramag, Jr., and Jose Crisanto, Jr., were
take the witness stand without his consent.
charged with violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt
Practices Act (R.A. 3019).
It further stated that in accordance with the well-settled
➔ In the interim, the late President Ferdinand E. Marcos and
principle that "the accused in a criminal case may refuse, not
Mrs. Imelda R. Marcos were charged in New York with
only to answer incriminatory questions, but, also, to take the
violations of the Racketeer Infuenced and Corrupt
witness stand." which is also applicable in the case at bar.
Organization Act (RICO) by transporting to the United
States and concealing the investment of money through
In Cabal v. Kapunan, the SC held that a respondent in an
cronies and offshore organizations.
administrative proceeding under the Anti-Graft Law cannot be
➔ To insure the conviction of the Marcoses, the prosecution
required to take the witness stand at the instance of the
solicited the testimonies of witnesses. Among these
complainant. So it must be in this case, where petitioner was
witnesses were petitioners Vergara and Mapa. Petitioner
sustained by the lower court in his plea that he could not be
Vergara was interviewed in 1987 by PCGG lawyers
compelled to be the first witness of the complainants, he
Kendall and Severina Rivera and by United States
being the party proceeded against in an administrative charge
Prosecutor Charles La Bella.
for malpractice.
➔ Petitioner Mapa was interviewed on November 14, 1988
Furthermore, The constitutional guarantee against self- and August 11, 1989 also by Prosecutor La Bella at the
incrimination is not limited to that of allowing a witness to behest of former Secretary of Justice Sedfrey Ordonez
object to questions the answers to which could lead to a penal and former PCGG Chairman Mateo Caparas.
liability being subsequently incurred. The constitutional ➔ After their interviews, petitioners were requested to
guarantee protects as well the right to silence. As far back as testify in the said RICO cases against the former First
1905, we had occasion to declare: "The accused has a perfect Couple. They were promised immunity from further
right to remain silent and his silence cannot be used as a criminal prosecution. They agreed.
presumption of his guilt." ➔ On May 16, 1990, the Philippine Government through the
PCGG, and the petitioners formalized their separate
In Chavez v. Court of Appeals, speaking through Justice agreements in writing.
Sanchez, we reaffirmed the doctrine anew that is the right of ➔ On the same day, May 16, 1990, former PCGG Chairman
a defendant "to forego testimony, to remain silent, unless he Mateo Caparas wrote to petitioner Mapa informing him
chooses to take the witness stand—with undiluted, unfettered that among the criminal cases which the Republic agrees
exercise of his own free genuine will." to cause the dismissal of the case entitled "People of the
Philippines vs. Mr. Gregorio Ma. Araneta III, et. al., "
Doctrine: The principle against self-incrimination is equally Criminal Case No. 11980 of the Sandiganbayan. A similar
applicable to a proceeding that could possibly result in the letter was sent to petitioner Vergara.
loss of the privilege to practice the medical profession. ➔ The petitioners complied with their respective
undertaking. They travelled to New York to testify
Note: Right to self-incrimination is identified with right to against the Marcoses.
privacy. ➔ Despite their availability and willingness to testify, the US
prosecutors decided not to call them to the witness
According to Justice Douglas: "The Fifth Amendment in its stand.
Self-Incrimination clause enables the citizen to create a zone ➔ The result was a debacle for the US prosecutors and the
of privacy which the government may not force to surrender PCGG. Mrs. Imelda Marcos was acquitted by the jury.
to his detriment." So also with the observation of the late Earlier, former President Marcos was delisted as an
Judge Frank who spoke of "a right to a private enclave where accused as he died in the course of the proceedings.
he may lead a private life. That right is the hallmark of our ➔ On October 22, 1990. on the basis of the immunity
democracy granted to them, petitioners filed a Joint Motion to
Dismiss for their Criminal case.
According to Justice Laurel, how should this provision be ➔ Despite PCGG's concurrence, the respondent court
construed? denied the Joint Motion to Dismiss, by a vote of 4-1.
It should be construed with the utmost liberality in favor of
➔ Petitioners were undaunted. On April 8, 1991, they filed
the right of the individual intended to be served
a Motion for Reconsideration.


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
➔ On May 23, 1991, by a Supplement to the Motion for other information compelled under the order (or any
Reconsideration. The deputized prosecutors again filed information directly or indirectly derived from such testimony
a Manifestation reiterating PCGG's acquiescence to or other information) may be used against the witness in any
petitioners' Motion for Reconsideration. Respondent criminal case." In contrast, under section 5, the friendly
court, however, refused to budge from its prior position. witness is completely immunized from prosecution.
It denied petitioners' motions.
➔ Hence, petitioners charge the respondent court with The case at bench involves an exercise of power by PCGG
grave abuse of discretion in denying their Motion to under section 5. Petitioners are not hostile but friendly
Dismiss and Motion for Reconsideration. witnesses. It is not disputed that they furnished information
➔ The proceedings before us took a new wrinkle with the to the PCGG during their interviews conducted by PCGG
appointment of Atty. David Castro as Chairman of PCGG. lawyers and US prosecutor La Bella. Due to their cooperation,
In its Comment dated January 6, 1992, the PCGG they were extended immunity from prosecution by the PCGG.
somersaulted from its stance supporting the petitioners. In return, they flew to New York to testify in the RICO trial of
Imelda Marcos. As they were witnesses for the prosecution,
➔ In its Comment, it stated that:
their expenses were shouldered by the PCGG itself. At the last
1. The Presidential Commission on Good Government
minute, however, US prosecutor La Bella decided to dispense
has indeed granted Messrs. Placido L. Mapa, Jr., and
with their testimony. The rest is history. The prosecution failed
Jesus Lorenzo Vergara immunity from investigation,
to convict Mrs. Marcos.
prosecution and punishment for any offense for
which civil and criminal cases have been or to be
Section 5 of E.O. No. 14, as amended, confers on the PCGG
􏰈led against them within the purview of Executive
the power to grant immunity alone and on its own authority.
Orders Nos. 1, 2, 14 and 14-A but such immunity is
The exercise of the power is not shared with any other
authority. Nor is its exercise subject to the approval or
2. The conditions for giving such immunity is the
disapproval of another agency of government. The basic
cooperation said petitioners shall give to said
reason for vesting the power exclusively on the PCGG lies in
Commission by way of information and testimony
the principles of separation of power. The decision to grant
in cases now pending or to be 􏰈led before the
immunity from prosecution forms a constituent part of the
Sandiganbayan against other defendants therein to
prosecution process.
prove the latter's acquisition or accumulation of
property or properties in violation of existing laws.
The SC held that in reviewing the grant of a section 5
3. Failure on the part of petitioners Placido Mapa, Jr.
immunity made by the PCGG to the petitioners, the power of
and Jesus Vergara to testify in favor of the
the respondent court can go no further than to pass upon its
government and against other defendants on
procedural regularity. The respondent court should only
matters referred to in the immediately preceding
paragraph nullifies the immunity granted to both
(a.) whether the person claiming immunity has provided
information or testimony in any investigation conducted
➔ It further stressed that "[T]he granting of 'Immunity' from
by the PCGG in the discharge of its functions;
criminal liability and/or prosecution is a matter subject
(b.) whether in the bona fide judgment of the PCGG, the
to the court's judicious determination and approval, after
information or testimony given would establish the
applying the test of compliance and the standard of
unlawful manner in which the respondent, defendant or
reasonableness with the rigid requirements for such
accused has acquired or accumulated the property or
grant under Section 5 of Executive Order No. 14-A, as
properties in question; and
amended." The Solicitor General defended the stance of
(c.) whether in the bona fide judgment of the PCGG, such
the PCGG and the respondent court.
information or testimony is necessary to ascertain or
prove the guilt or civil liability of the respondent,
Issue: Whether petitioners who are cooperative witnesses,
defendant or accused.
who have been granted immunity still have the right to be free
from further prosecution despite not being able to testify as
Respondent court cannot substitute its judgment to the
agreed upon.
discretion of the PCGG without involving itself in prosecution
and without ceasing to be a court catering untilted justice.
Held: Yes.
Applying this standard, we hold that the respondent court
committed grave abuse of discretion when it denied
Under the powers granted to PCGG by EO no. 14, Section 4
petitioners' motion to dismiss based on a claim of immunity
thereof deals with the power which PCGG can use to compel
granted by the PCGG under section 5 of E.O. 14, as amended.
an unwilling witness to testify. On the other hand, section 5 of
speaks of the power which PCGG can wield to secure
The records show that petitioners provided information to the
information from a friendly witness. Under section 4, the
PCGG relating to the prosecution of the RICO cases against
hostile witness compelled to testify is not immunized from
the Marcoses in New York. They gave the information in the
prosecution. He can still be prosecuted but "no testimony or


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
course of interviews conducted by PCGG lawyers Kendall and The grant of section 5 immunity must not be strictly construed
Severina Rivera and US prosecutor Charles La Bella. They against the petitioners. It simplistically characterized the grant
collaborated with the prosecution. as special privilege, as if it was gifted by the government, ex
gratia. In taking this posture, it misread the raison d'etre and
Sec. 5 requires that the information should relate to "any case" the long pedigree of the right against self-incrimination vis-
which PCGG can prosecute as mandated by the Constitution a- vis immunity statutes.
and E.O. Nos. 1, 2, 14 and 14-A. It does not limit said
information to be given only in a case where the informant is Immunity statutes in varying shapes were enacted which
himself an accused or a respondent. Such a reading adopted would allow the government to compel a witness to testify
by the respondent court is unduly restrictive of the despite his plea of the right against self- incrimination. To
intendment of section 5 of E.O. No. 14, as amended, even as insulate these statutes from the virus of unconstitutionality, a
it is clearly in contravention of its plain language. witness is given what has come to be known as transactional
or a use-derivative-use immunity, as heretofore discussed.
Contrary to the ruling of the respondent court, the failure of Quite clearly, these immunity statutes are not a bonanza from
petitioners to testify in the RICO cases against the Marcoses the government. Those given the privilege of immunity paid
in New York can not nullify their immunity. They have satisfied a high price for it — the surrender of their precious right to
the requirements both of the law and the parties' be silent. Our hierarchy of values demands that the right
implementing agreements. Under section 5 of E.O. No. 14, as against self-incrimination and the right to be silent should be
amended, their duty was to give information to the accorded greater respect and protection. Laws that tend to
prosecution, and they did. erode the force of these preeminent rights must necessarily
be given a liberal interpretation in favor of the individual. The
Their failure to testify was not of their own making. It was government has a right to solve crimes but it must do it,
brought about by the decision of the US prosecutors who may rightly.
have thought that their evidence was enough to convict the
Marcoses. Since petitioners' failure to testify was not of their Doctrine: Immunity statutes in varying shapes were enacted
own choosing nor was it due to any fault of their own, justice which would allow the government to compel a witness to
and equity forbid that they be penalized by the withdrawal of testify despite his plea of the right against self- incrimination.
their immunity.
What are the conditions that must concur to completely
Indeed, the PCGG itself adopted the posture that the invoke the immunity to witnesses provided under PD 749?
immunity of petitioners stayed and should not be disturbed. (1.) The information must refer to consummated violations
It joined the motion to dismiss filed by petitioners in the of any of the above-mentioned provisions of law, rules
respondent court. When the respondent court denied the and regulations;
motion, PCGG stuck to its previous position as it again joined (2.) The information and testimony are necessary for the
the petitioners in their motion for reconsideration. It is only in conviction of the accused public officer;
this petition for review on certiorari that PCGG, after a change (3.) Such information and testimony are not yet in the
of Chairman, flip-flopped in its position. possession of the State;
(4.) Such information and testimony can be corroborated on
We also rule that there was nothing irregular when PCGG its material points;
granted a section 5 immunity to petitioners while they were (5.) The informant or witness has not been previously
already undergoing trial in Criminal Case No. 11960. Section convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude."
5 of E.O. 14, as amended, does not prohibit the PCGG from
granting immunity to persons already charged in court and What are the two types of statutory immunity granted to a
undergoing trial. As long as the privilege of immunity so given witness?
will in the judgment of the PCGG assist it in attaining its (1.) Transactional immunity - is broader in the scope of its
greater objectives, the PCGG is well within legal grounds to protection. By its grant, a witness can no longer be
exercise this power at any stage of the proceedings. prosecuted for any offense whatsoever arising out of the
act or transaction.
This section 5 immunity frees and releases one from liability, (2.) Used-and-derivative-use immunity - a witness is only
and as it inures to the benefit of an accused, it can be invoked assured that his or her particular testimony and evidence
at any time after its acquisition and before his final conviction. derived from it will not be used against him or her in a
Our regard for the rights of an accused dictates this result. subsequent prosecution.
Thus, we have consistently held that laws that decriminalize
an act or a grant of amnesty may be given retroactive effect. NOTE: A power to compel testimony is not absolute. It has a
They constitute a bar against the further prosecution of their number of exemptions from the testimonial duty. The most
beneficiaries' regardless of the appearance of their guilt. important is the Fifth Amendment privilege against
compulsory self-incrimination- The privilege reflects a
complex of our fundamental values and aspirations, and



KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
marks an important advance in the development of our
liberty. It can be asserted in any proceeding, civil or criminal,
administrative or judicial, investigatory or adjudicatory; and it
protects against any disclosures that the witness reasonably
believes could be used in a criminal prosecution or could lead
to other evidence that might be so used.



KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva

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