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Movie Reaction Paper

“AI Artificial Intelligence”

By Steven Spielberg

What is your key takeaway from AI?

The key takeaway from the movie revolves around the exploration of the nature of consciousness, the
ethical implications of creating sentient beings, and the emotional connections between humans and
artificial intelligence.

The film follows the story of a humanoid robot named David, who is designed to experience and express
love. Throughout the narrative, the movie raises questions about the boundaries between artificial and
genuine emotions, as well as the moral responsibility of those who create intelligent beings.

Ultimately, "AI Artificial Intelligence" invites the audience to reflect on the complex relationships
between humans and technology, the ethical considerations of creating intelligent entities, and the
enduring quest for connection and understanding in the face of artificial intelligence. The film
encourages viewers to ponder the implications of pushing the boundaries of technology and the ethical
considerations associated with creating beings with emotions and self-awareness.

Based on the movie, what are the pros and cons of Artificial Intelligence?
Here are the Pros and Cons of the movie.
1. Exploration of Humanity: The film provides a deep exploration of what it means to be human. It
raises questions about emotions, empathy, and the essence of consciousness, offering a
poignant examination of human experience.

2. Ethical Dilemmas: "AI" presents ethical dilemmas related to the creation and treatment of
artificial intelligence. It prompts viewers to consider the responsibilities and consequences that
come with developing sentient beings, contributing to meaningful discussions about technology
and morality.

3. Symbolism and Allegory: The movie uses symbolism and allegory effectively. The Pinocchio
motif, with David's desire to become a "real boy," adds layers of meaning, connecting the
narrative to classic themes of longing, identity, and the quest for acceptance.

1. Ambiguous Ending: The ending of the film can be interpreted in different ways, and some
viewers may find it ambiguous or open to multiple interpretations. This ambiguity can be
frustrating for those who prefer more definitive conclusions in storytelling.

2. Simplification of Complex Themes: While the film delves into complex themes, some critics
argue that it simplifies certain aspects of the ethical and philosophical questions it raises. The
portrayal of artificial intelligence and human emotions may be seen as overly sentimental by
some viewers.

3. Stereotypical Characters: Some characters in the movie may be perceived as one-dimensional or

stereotypical. For example, the character of Professor Hobby, the creator of David, might be
criticized for embodying the stereotypical mad scientist trope without much depth.

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