Amo & Quality System Manual Bt-Gen-01 Amqsm Issue 0 Rev. 12, Dated 19 December 2018

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Issue 0 Revision 12, Issued date 19 December 2018
Page : 1.1-1
Issue : 0
Revision : 0
AMO & Quality System Manual Date : 08 April 2014

 Reference : CASR Part 145.0 Regulatory Reference

This company’s primary business is the maintenance, preventive maintenance and alteration
of civil aviation aircraft, engine and components. This manual is knew as the Batam Aero
Technic and Quality System Manual (AMOQSM). It describes the housing, facilities, equipment,
personnel, and general operating rules pertinent to the operation of a Batam Aero Technic
certificated by Civil Aviation Authorities.

The ratings issued to this Batam Aero Technic by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation
(DGCA) are described in its Certificate of Approval, and Operations Specifications. Certificates,
acceptances and approvals received from other civil aviation authorities are based upon the
information contained in this manual. When regulations require differ from Civil Aviation Safe-
ty Regulations (CASR), compliance procedures are contained in supplemental manuals that are
referenced when work is being performed under foreign civil aviation authority requirements.

Batam Aero Technic will follow the requirement of Civil Aviation Safety Regulation (CASR) 145
which required by Aviation Act number 1, 2009 Chapter VIII “Aircraft Airworthiness and Opera-
tions” Article 49, Chapter X “Air Transportation” Article 136 and Chapter XIII “Aviation Safety
Act” Article 314.

This manual specifically includes a description of the general policies and procedures that will
be used by this Batam Aero Technic to meet all requirements of CASR part 145 that pertain to:

• An Batam Aero Technic manual and

• A quality control manual.

Additional details for performing or recording particular operations are contained in the fol-
lowing documents:

• Technical Data: Manufacturer’s instructions for continued airworthiness (e.g., maintenance,

overhaul and repair manuals), service bulletins, service information letters, Airworthiness
Directives, air carrier or commercial operator’s maintenance manuals and procedures with
the method, techniques, practices, aids ,equipment and tools accordance with current
document, including customer special requirements, and/or other data acceptable to or
approved by the applicable civil aviation authority. These data will be available in current
condition at the time work is being performed.

 Customer Special Requirements List: A document developed to address customer special

requirements, such as Service Bulletin compliance, parts usage, special repair approvals,
and other items that are requested by a specific air carrier customer.

• AMO and Quality System Manual (AMOQSM): Documents which developed to address
particular requirements of the civil aviation authority and this approved maintenance or-
ganization. These documents are referenced where applicable in this manual and are
available for review and auditing purposes.
Page : 1.1-2
Issue : 0
Revision : 0
AMO & Quality System Manual Date : 08 April 2014

• Forms/Tags: Documents used to provide objective evidence that the quality system is be-
ing followed. Forms/Tags associated with performing maintenance, preventive mainte-
nance and alterations on civil aviation aircraft, engine, propeller and aircraft component
will be kept in the Forms and Tags Control List for ease of reference.

Each of these documents are developed, updated and made available electronically and/or
hard copy to assigned locations in accordance with policies outlined in this manual, the AMO
and Quality System Manual (AMOQSM). When other manuals or procedures are used to ac-
complish a policy set forth in this manual, that document will be specifically referenced.
Page : 1.2-1
Issue : 0
Revision : 8
AMO & Quality System Manual Date : 17 January 2017


GENERAL ................................................................................................................................1-3
1.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 1.1-1
1.2 TABLE OF CONTENT ..................................................................................................................... 1.2-1
1.3 MANUAL REVISION PROCESSES .................................................................................................... 1.3-1
1.4 LIST OF ISSUE/REVISION ............................................................................................................... 1.4-1
1.5 DECLARATION .............................................................................................................................. 1.5-1
1.6 RESERVED .................................................................................................................................... 1.6-1
1.7 MANUAL CONTROL ...................................................................................................................... 1.7-1
1.8 LIST OF MANUAL HOLDER ............................................................................................................ 1.8-2
1.9 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES ............................................................................................................. 1.9-1
1.10 DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................................. 1.10-1
1.11 GENERAL CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................. 1.11-1
1.13 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS ...................................................................................................... 1.13-1
1.14 WORK PERFORMED AT A LOCATION OTHER THAN FIXED LOCATION ........................................... 1.14-1
1.15 INSPECTION BY THE DGCA .......................................................................................................... 1.15-1
1.16 AVAILABILITY OF CERTIFICATE .................................................................................................... 1.16-1
1.17 PROCEDURE OF WRITING THE COMPANY PROCEDURE MANUALS .............................................. 1.17-1
1.18 COMPANY CAPABILITY LIST ........................................................................................................ 1.18-1
1.19 ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 1.19-1
CERTIFICATE & OPERATIONS .................................................................................................2-1
2.1 CERTIFICATE REQUIREMENTS, CHANGE OR TRANSFER ................................................................. 2.1-1
2.2 CERTIFICATE LIMITATIONS AND PRIVILEGES ................................................................................. 2.2-1
2.3 RESERVED .................................................................................................................................... 2.3-1
2.4 LINE MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY ...................................................................................................... 2.4-1
ORGANIZATIONS ...................................................................................................................3-1
3.1 GENERAL ..................................................................................................................................... 3.1-1
3.2 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE .................................................................................................... 3.2-1
3.3 RESPONSIBILITY DELEGATIONS .................................................................................................... 3.3-1
PERSONNEL & RESPONSIBILITIES ...........................................................................................4-1
4.1 GENERAL ..................................................................................................................................... 4.1-1
4.2 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION ........................................................................................................ 4.2-1
4.3 DUTY & RESPONSIBILITY............................................................................................................... 4.3-1
4.4 BATAM AERO TECHNIC ROSTER.................................................................................................... 4.4-1
FACILITIES ..............................................................................................................................5-1
5.1 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................... 5.1-1
PR .................................................................................................................................................... 5.1-1
5.2 OCEDURES FOR LOCATION, HOUSING OR FACILITY CHANGES ....................................................... 5.2-1
6.1 GENERAL PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS............................................................................................. 6.1-1
6.2 TRAINING RECORDS ..................................................................................................................... 6.2-1
6.3 PROCEDURES FOR REVISING THE TRAINING PROGRAM ................................................................ 6.3-1
6.4 HANDLING THE TRAINING PROGRAM........................................................................................... 6.4-1
WORKING PROCEDURES ........................................................................................................7-1

Chapter : 1 Sub chapter 1.2

Page : 1.2-2
Issue : 0
Revision : 8
AMO & Quality System Manual Date : 17 January 2017

7.1 WORK PERFORMED PROCEDURE FOR CERTAIN OPERATORS ........................................................ 7.1-1

7.2 LINE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE ................................................................................................ 7.2-1
7.3 BASE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES .............................................................................................. 7.3-1
WORKSHOP PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................. 7.3-1
7.4 ............................................................................................................................................................ 7.4-1
QUALITY AND SAFETY SYSTEM ..............................................................................................8-1
8.1 QUALITY CONTROL SYSTEM – INTRODUCTION AND BASIC REQUIREMENTS .................................. 8.1-1
8.3 SAFETY PROGRAM – GENERAL ..................................................................................................... 8.3-1
8.4 EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND TECHNICAL DATA.......................................................................... 8.4-1
8.5 MAJOR REPAIRS AND MAJOR ALTERATIONS ................................................................................. 8.5-1
8.6 MAINTENANCE CONTRACTORS .................................................................................................... 8.6-1
8.7 CORRECTIVE ACTION PROCEDURES .............................................................................................. 8.7-1
8.8 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION FORMS..................................................................................... 8.8-1
RECORDS & REPORTS ............................................................................................................9-1
9.1 GENERAL POLICY .......................................................................................................................... 9.1-1
9.2 MAINTENANCE RECORDS ............................................................................................................. 9.2-1
9.3 REPORTS OF SERIOUS FAILURES, MALFUNCTION AND DEFECTS .................................................... 9.3-1
9.4 FORMS & TAGS ............................................................................................................................ 9.4-1
APPENDIX A ....................................................................................................................................................... 1
CROSS REFERENCE TABLE ............................................................................................................................... 1

Chapter : 1 Sub chapter 1.2

Page : 1.3-1
Issue : 0
Revision : 12
AMO & Quality System Manual Date : 19 December 2018


 Reference : CASR Part 145.207 AMO (approved maintenance organization) manual, CASR
Part 145.209 AMO (approved maintenance organization) manual contents, CASR Part
145.211 Quality and safety system.

This manual will be maintained current at all times. Batam Aero Technic will ensure currency
and consistency of the manual is to maintain only one version, which will be made available
electronically to all Batam Aero Technic personnel and other persons requesting or requiring
a copy (see List of Manual Holder). The President Director is responsible for finalizing all
changes to this manual. The General Manager Quality is responsible for initiating, and coordi-
nating all changes and for ensuring that the version of the manual that is made available to
assigned persons or locations, both internal and external, is current.

If AMO manual will revised the Batam Aero Technic are following below :
a. Submit formal notification to propose any changes of AMO Manual to the DGCA Office,
with contain :
- AMO Manual last revision as reference.
- Table of Contents
- Highlight the of revised section
- The List of Effective Pages
- Related Pages of Revised, with vertical lines marking to identifying revisions on the
right side portion of the page manual.
b. During DGCA review, the DGCA officer can invite to conduct meeting for review the man-
ual revision.
c. After the revision has approval, the Batam Aero Technic will record and distribution this
manual with refer to AMOQSM Chapter 1.8 List of Manual Holder.
d. Socialization of new procedure to manual holder for ensure the procedure have imple-

Chapter : 1 Sub chapter 1.3

Page : 1.4-1
Issue : 0
Revision : 08
AMO & Quality System Manual Date : 17 January 2018


This page describes the change is lacking whole or in part of this manual. The current changes
are described as in the fields below.

Issue Issue Revision

Revision Date Description of revision
No. Date No.
0 8 Apr 2014 0 - 1. Initial
1. New model of numbering system.
2. Additional of manual holder.
3. Additional statement of work per-
formed at a location other than fixed
4. New Organization Structure.
5. Responsibility delegation for primary
0 8 Apr 2014 1 30 May 2014
6. Duty& Responsibility.
7. Additional statement of roster record
inside at the form & tag control list.
8. Additional of Hangar Batam Facility.
9. Safety & security department working
under Technical director.
1. Sub chapter title 1.3 “Record of Revi-
sion” replaced with “List of Issue/ Revi-
2. Sub chapter title 1.4 “Highlights of re-
vision No.1, May 30, 2014” to be re-
3. Additional Senior Manager Quality
Management responsibility to
aircraft maintenance under scope A-
Check of capability list.
0 8 Apr 2014 2 23 Oct 2014
4. Additional line maintenance facility for
aircraft type Airbus “A320”
5. Change of lay out LM-UPG facility.
6. Handling procedure for inapplicable
task card to be change.
7. Additional definition for serious failure,
malfunction and defects.
8. Sentence of “ forms and tags instruc-
tion manual ” replaced with “ forms
and tags control list.

Chapter : 1 Sub chapter 1.3

Page : 1.4-2
Issue : 0
Revision : 8
AMO & Quality System Manual Date : 17 January 2017

Issue Issue Revision

Revision Date Description of revision
No. Date No.
1. Split of Quality Control function to un-
der production department.
2. Position of Senior Manager Quality
Management replaced with Quality As-
surance Senior Manager.
3. Additional Layout Sta. Gorontalo (GTO)
dan Sentani (DJJ)
4. Additional personnel qualification for
0 8 Apr 2014 3 8 May 2015
Batam Aero Technic key personnel.
5. Additional description for maintenance
facility at hangar Batam.
6. Additional duties and responsibilities
of General Manager of Continue Air-
worthiness Management.
7. Additional statement of integrated
system for TRAX system & LAIPD
1. Additional description aircraft type
A330 & EC 135 in Out Station.
2. Reserved chapter 2.3, and combined
with chapter 1.12
3. Changed layout of Station Halim
Perdana Kusuma Airport.
21 October
0 8 Apr 2014 4 4. Reserved Chapter 5.1.3 Point H, the
station halim perdanakusuma airport
is part of main station.
5. Changed layout of Kualanamu Airport.
6. Additional Chapter Appendix B Com-
pany Capability Limitation Table at the
customer certain location.
1. Upgrade maintenance capability
EC135P2+ up to 100 FH/12 Months at
Sta. Halim Perdanakusumah (HLP).
2. Upgrade maintenance capability Airbus
18 February
0 8 Apr 2014 5 A330 up to A-Phase 01 Check at
Hangar Batam (BTH).
3. Upgrade maintenance capability Airbus
A320 up to Weekly Check at Sta. Halim
Perdanakusumah (HLP).

Chapter : 1 Sub chapter 1.3

Page : 1.4-3
Issue : 0
Revision : 9
AMO & Quality System Manual Date : 20 February 2017

Issue Issue Revision

Revision Date Description of revision
No. Date No.
1. Changed organization structural
2. Changed duty & responsibility with
refer to organization structural
3. Deleted qualification of organization
management personnel
4. Developed description of Hanggar
5. Changed layout of Main station
Terminal 1A, 1B, 1C, and Sta. Halim
6. Additional layout & facility of QA
office and Terminal 2 Delta
7. Changed layout of out station
surabaya, denpasar, ujungpandang,
manado, jogjakarta, and ambon.
0 8 Apr 2014 6 05 April 2016
8. Changed layout of lion village facility
9. Changed training record kept by “Or-
ganization & Business Development
Department” replaced with “Qualifica-
tion & Personnel Licensing section”
10. Stated “Engineering Procedures Man-
ual known as Doc.BT-GEN-01.07-01”
repalced with “Continuing Airworthi-
ness Procedure Manual known as
11. Assessment of contractor every “12
Months” repalced with every “24
12. Removed Appendix B and extracted in
the Capability List Approval
1. Moving Capability Capability EC 135 +
0 8 April 2014 7 15 June 2016 100FH or 12 month to location at
Hangar Balaraja.
1. Changed of AMO organization.
 Additional of Procurement Depart-
 Duty & responsibility of Management
17 January 2017 Personnel for :
0 8 April 2014 8
- SBU Supply Chain and
Procurement Director.
- General Manager Consumable

1. General Manager Rotable


Chapter : 1 Sub chapter 1.3

Page : 1.4-4
Issue : 0
Revision : 9
AMO & Quality System Manual Date : 20 February 2017

2. Update lay out facility.

 Additional Terminal 1C.
 Deleted QA Office in Terminal 1A.
 Deleted PPC & Engineering in
Terminal 2D.
 Deleted LM Terminal 3
17 January 2017  Additional LOC Facility in Selapa-
0 8 April 2014 8
 Update Lay Out Station GTO.
 Update Lay Out Hangar BTH.
3. Reorganized of AMOQSM in Chap-
ter 1 content.
4. Additional Regulation references in all
related chapter.
8 April 2014 1. Changed of AMO organization.
 Replaced position of Senior Man-
ager with General Manager.
 Adapted Duty & Responsibility re-
lated to the position
2. Added Lay out Line Maintenance
 Lay Out Terminal 1 A A3 MCC CGK
 Lay Out Store Line Maintenance
20 February
Station DPS
 Lay Out Hub Store Line Mainte-
nance Station SUB
0 9
3. Inserted in Chapter 7 Working Proce-
dure for :
4. Maintenance Contractor changed
from 2 (Two) Years to 12 ( twelve )
5. Inserted in Chapter 9 Procedure for
completing Maintenance and Inspec-
tion Record error

Chapter : 1 Sub chapter 1.3

Page : 1.4-5
Issue : 0
Revision : 12
AMO & Quality System Manual Date : 19 December 2018

Issue Issue Revision

Revision Date Description of revision
No. Date No.

1. Change of Batam Aero Technic or-

2. Additional detail procedure of manu-
al revision processes.
3. Update for Facility at Out Station
0 8 April 2014 10 15 March 2018
4. Update new regulation requirement.
5. Change of Tool & Equipment equiva-
lent create responsibility.

1. Updated layout facility of main

station halim perdana kusuma.
09 September 2. Updated layout facility of Lion
0 8 April 2014 11
2018 operation center and included
avionic and electrical facility

1. Deleted Sub chapter 1.3.1 Temporary

2. Revision duty and responsibility for
GM shop and part manufacture
3. Remove all detail lay out and correc-
tion description of maintenance facili-
19 December
0 8 April 2014 12 ty.
4. Insert working procedure policy for
procedure workshop.
5. Insert Quality Control System for
6. Insert CASR part 145.111 at cross ref-

Chapter : 1 Sub chapter 1.3

Page : 1.5-1
Issue : 0
Revision : 8
AMO & Quality System Manual Date : 17 January 2017


Chapter : 1 Sub chapter 1.5

Page : 1.6-1
Issue : 0
Revision : 8
AMO & Quality System Manual Date : 17 January 2017



Chapter : 1 Sub chapter 1.6

Page : 1.7-1
Issue : 0
Revision : 8
AMO & Quality System Manual Date : 17 January 2017


 Reference : CASR Part 145.207 (AMO manual)

This AMOQSM is prepared by Quality Assurance Department and approved by DGCA. It has
document no., revision no., and issued date.

A list of effective pages indicates the currency of respective manual page and information of
persons as manual arranger (prepared by and approved by).

Batam Aero Technic has Company Procedure Manuals which categorizes in level 1, level 2 and
level 3 manuals. The categorizes are arranged based on approval obtained either from exter-
nal or internal approvals as follows :

 Level 1 : Approved by General Manager Quality and Accepted by Authority Body.

 Level 2 : Prepared by Departmental Person, Approved by Departmental General Manager
and Accepted by General Manager Quality.
 Level 3 : Prepared by Responsible Person in affected area of Department, Approved by
Departmental General Manager and Accepted by General Manager Quality.

Quality Assurance Department has arranged numbering system of Batam Aero Technic Com-
pany Procedure Manuals as follows :

BT- GEN – 0X.0Y - WZ

Indicates the designated number for Company Procedure

Manual Level 3 evolved from level 2 manual, where W and Z are
Alphanumeric from 1 up to 9.

Indicates the designated number for Company Procedure Manual

Level 2 evolved from level 1 manual, where Y is alphanumeric
from 1 up to 9.

Indicates the designated number for Company Procedure Manual

Level 1, where X is alphanumeric from 1 up to 9.

Abbreviation for General procedures.

Stand for the company name of Batam Aero Technic.

 Level 1 Manual
Level 1 manual is issued by Quality Assurance Department with numbering system BT –
GEN – 0X, where X is alphanumeric from 1 – 9.

 Level 2 Manual
Level 2 Manual is issued by Departmental Area in Batam Aero Technic with numbering sys-
tem BT – GEN – 0X.0Y, where X is numbering for level 1 manual and Y is numbering for level
2 manual evolved from level 1 manual. X and Y are alphanumeric from 1 – 9.

Chapter : 1 Sub chapter 1.7

Page : 1.7-2
Issue : 0
Revision : 8
AMO & Quality System Manual Date : 17 January 2017

 Level 3 Manual
Level 3 Manual is issued by Departmental Area in Batam Aero Technic with numbering sys-
tem BT – GEN – 0X.0Y-WZ, where X is numbering for level 1 manual, Y is numbering for lev-
el 2 manual evolved from level 1 manual and WZ is numbering for level 3 manual evolved
from level 2 manual. W and Z are alphanumeric from 1 – 9.

Detail of designated numbering system of Batam Aero Technic Company Procedure Manuals
Level 1, 2 and 3 for all of Departmental areas and respective title of manual are available at
Quality Assurance Department and informed to respective Departmental area.

General Manager Quality will review case by case the AMOQSM contents with all relevant de-
partment concern. This review will either confirm that the manual still current condition and
valid for Batam Aero Technic activities or requires to be revised accordingly.

Chapter : 1 Sub chapter 1.7

Page : 1.8-1
Issue : 0
Revision : 10
AMO & Quality System Manual Date : 15 March 2018


 Reference : CASR Part 145.207 AMO ( approved maintenance organization)


The AMO & Quality System Manual (AMOQSM) is distributed either in soft copy (S) or hard
copy (H) formats. The manual distribution arrangements to include manual format are carried
out by Technical Publication to manual holder as following below :

Manual No. Manual Holder Format

Original General Manager Quality H
Copy No. 1 DGCA S or H
Copy No. 2 Batam Aero Technic President Director S or H
Copy No. 3 Technical Publication S or H
General Manager Organization& Business Development HR
Copy No. 4 S or H
and GA
Copy No. 5 General Manager Safety & Security S or H
Copy No. 6 General Manager Line Maintenance S or H
Copy No. 7 General Manager Heavy Maintenance S or H
Copy No. 8 General Manager Maintenance Shop and Part Manufacture S or H
Copy No. 9 General Manager Technical Services S or H
Copy No. 10 General Manager Engineering and DOA S or H
Copy No. 12 General Manager Warehouse S or H
Copy No. 13 All Department with internal network (Trax System) S
Copy No. 14 Customer – Lion Air Quality Assurance Manager S or H

Copy No. 13 Customer – Wings Air Quality Assurance Manager S or H

Customer – Angkasa Super Service Quality Assurance Man-
Copy No. 15 S or H
ager (Lion Bizjet)
Copy No. 16 Customer – Batik Air Quality Assurance Manager S or H
Customer – Angkasa Aviation Academy Quality Assurance
Copy No. 17 S or H

Chapter : 1 Sub chapter 1.8

Page : 1.9-1
Issue : 0
Revision : 12
AMO & Quality System Manual Date : 19 December 2018


Page No. Issue No. Revision No. Date
Chapter 1
1.1-1 0 0 08 April 2014
1.1-2 0 0 08 April 2014
1.2-1 0 8 17 January 2017
1.2-2 0 8 17 January 2017
1.3 1.3-1 0 12 19 December 2018
1.4-1 0 8 17 January 2017
1.4-2 0 8 17 January 2017
1.4 1.4-3 0 8 17 January 2017
1.4-4 0 9 20 February 2017
1.4-5 0 12 19 December 2018
1.5 1.5-1 0 8 17 January 2017
1.6 1.6-1 0 8 17 January 2017
1.7-1 0 8 17 January 2017
1.7-2 0 8 17 January 2017
1.8 1.8-1 0 10 15 March 2018
1.9-1 0 12 19 December 2018
1.9-2 0 12 19 December 2018
1.9 1.9-3 0 12 19 December 2018
1.9-4 0 12 19 December 2018
1.9-5 0 12 19 December 2018
1.10 1.10-1 0 10 15 March 2018
1.11 1.11-1 0 10 15 March 2018
1.12 1.12-1 0 10 15 March 2018
1.13 1.13-1 0 10 15 March 2018
1.14-1 0 8 17 January 2017
1.14-2 0 8 17 January 2017
1.15 1.15-1 0 8 17 January 2017
1.16 1.16-1 0 8 17 January 2017
1.17-1 0 8 17 January 2017
1.17 1.17-2 0 8 17 January 2017
1.17-3 0 8 17 January 2017
1.18 1.18-1 0 10 15 March 2018
1.19 1.19-1 0 8 17 January 2017
Chapter 2
2.1 2.1-1 0 0 08 April 2014
2.2 2.2-1 0 0 08 April 2014
2.3 2.3-1 0 4 21 October 2015
2.4 2.4-1 0 0 08 April 2014
Chapter 3

Chapter : 1 Sub chapter 1.9

Page : 1.9-2
Issue : 0
Revision : 12
AMO & Quality System Manual Date : 19 December 2018

Page No. Issue No. Revision No. Date
3.1 3.1-1 0 0 08 April 2014
3.2-1 0 1 30 May 2014
3.2 3.2.2 0 9 20 February 2017
3.2.3 0 10 15 March 2018
3.3 3.3-1 0 1 30 May 2014
Chapter 4
4.1 4.1-1 0 10 15 March 2018
4.2-1 0 8 17 January 2017
4.2-2 0 10 15 March 2018
4.3-1 0 10 15 March 2018
4.3.2 0 10 15 March 2018
4.3-3 0 10 15 March 2018
4.3-4 0 10 15 March 2018
4.3-5 0 10 15 March 2018
4.3-6 0 12 19 December 2018
4.3-7 0 10 15 March 2018
4.3-8 0 10 15 March 2018
4.3-9 0 10 15 March 2018
4.3-10 0 10 15 March 2018
4.3-11 0 10 15 March 2018
4.3-12 0 10 15 March 2018
4.4-1 0 0 08 April 2014
4.4-2 0 0 08 April 2014
Chapter 5
5.1-1 0 12 19 December 2018
5.1-2 0 12 19 December 2018
5.2 5.2-1 0 0 08 April 2014
Chapter 6
6.1 6.1-1 0 0 08 April 2014
6.2 6.2-1 0 6 05 April 2016
6.3 6.3-1 0 0 08 April 2014
6.4 6.4-1 0 0 08 April 2014
Chapter 7
7.1-1 0 0 08 April 2014
7.1-2 0 9 20 February 2017
7.1-3 0 9 20 February 2017
7.1-4 0 9 20 February 2017
7.2 7.2.1 0 0 08 April 2014

7.3 7.3-1 0 0 08 April 2014

7.4 7.4-1 0 12 19 December 2018

Chapter : 1 Sub chapter 1.9

Page : 1.9-3
Issue : 0
Revision : 12
AMO & Quality System Manual Date : 19 December 2018

Page No. Issue No. Revision No. Date
Chapter 8
8.1-1 0 12 19 December 2018
8.1-2 0 10 15 March 2018
8.1-3 0 10 15 March 2018
8.1-4 0 0 08 April 2014
8.1 8.1-5 0 0 08 April 2014
8.1-6 0 0 08 April 2014
8.1-7 0 0 08 April 2014
8.1-8 0 0 08 April 2014
8.1-9 0 0 08 April 2014
8.1-9 0 10 15 March 2018
8.2-1 0 0 08 April 2014
8.2-2 0 0 08 April 2014
8.3-1 0 1 30 May 2014
8.3-2 0 1 30 May 2014
8.4-1 0 10 15 March 2018
8.4 8.4-2 0 0 08 April 2014
8.4-3 0 0 08 April 2014
8.5 8.5-1 0 0 08 April 2014
8.6 8.6-1 0 9 20 February 2017
8.7 8.7-1 0 0 08 April 2014
8.8 8.8-1 0 8 17 January 2017
Chapter 9
9.1 9.1-1 0 0 08 April 2014
9.2-1 0 9 20 February 2017
9.2-2 0 0 08 April 2014
9.3-1 0 2 23 October 2014
9.3 0
9.3-2 0 08 April 2014

9.4 9.4-1 0 2 23 October 2014

Appendix A
A-1 0 12 19 December 2018
A-2 0 12 19 December 2018
A-3 0 12 19 December 2018
A-4 0 12 19 December 2018
A-5 0 12 19 December 2018
A-6 0 12 19 December 2018
A-7 0 12 19 December 2018

Chapter : 1 Sub chapter 1.9

Page : 1.9-4
Issue : 0
Revision : 12
AMO & Quality System Manual Date : 19 December 2018

Chapter : 1 Sub chapter 1.9

Page : 1.10-1
Issue : 0
Revision : 10
AMO & Quality System Manual Date : 15 March 2018


 Reference : CASR Part 145.3 Definition of terms

The following definitions apply to all activities of this approved maintenance organization. The
definitions are consistent with those found in the civil aviation authority regulations.


Means an occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft, which takes place
between the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of flight and all
such persons have disembarked, and in which any person suffers death or serious inju-
ry, or in which the aircraft receives substantial damage.


The person designated by the Batam Aero Technic who is responsible for and has the
authority over all Batam Aero Technic operations conducted under CASR Part 145, in-
cluding ensuring that Batam Aero Technic personnel follow the regulations and serving
as the primary contact with the DGCA.

The position named to fulfill these obligations by this Batam Aero Technic is the Presi-
dent Director.


The person who is employed on a full time, part time, or temporary basis by hazmat
employer and who in the course of such full time, part time or temporary employment
directly affect hazardous material transportation safety.

Self-employee (including an owner-operator of a motor affect hazardous material ve-

hicle, vessel, or aircraft) transportation hazardous materials in commerce who in the
course of such self-employment directly affect hazardous material transportation


Chapter : 1 Sub chapter 1.10

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 Reference : CASR Part 145.5 (a) Certificate and operations specification requirement.

To operate as an Indonesian certificated approved maintenance organization, this company

must have a valid Batam Aero Technic certificate which issued in accordance with the applica-
ble civil aviation regulations.

The Batam Aero Technic will only operates under approved certificate and operations specifi-
cations has approval granted by DGCA.

In addition to having an appropriate certificate, prior to performing maintenance, preventive

maintenance or alteration on a civil aviation article, this Batam Aero Technic must have availa-
ble any required special technical data, equipment, personnel and facilities. Additional and
more detailed information concerning personnel, housing, facilities, equipment, materials, and
technical data is found else where in this manual.

Chapter : 1 Sub chapter 1.11

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 Reference : CASR Part 145.101 Housing, Facilities, Equipment, Material and Data & CASR
145.109 Equipment, materials, and data requirements, CASR Part 145.111 Source of Aer-
onautical Product.

Batam Aero Technic shall maintain personnel, housing, facilities, equipment, materials, and
technical data at least equal in terms of quality and quantity as when they were found by a
civil aviation authority to meet applicable requirements for the issuance of our certificate and

This Batam Aero Technic performs such maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alteration
in accordance with the operator's manual, if applicable, and approved maintenance program.

The housing, facilities, tools and equipment for the maintenance execution carried out by Ba-
tam Aero Technic, can be provided either owned by Batam Aero Technic or borrowing through
contract and agreements with related party.

Chapter : 1 Sub chapter 1.12

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 Reference : CASR Part 145.1 Applicability, CASR Part 145.201 Operating rules – Privileges
and limitations of certificate

Unless otherwise prescribed by the customer of a foreign registered civil aviation article, the
maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alteration work performed under this Batam Aero
Technic shall conform to requirement of CASR.

Batam aero technic will perform maintenance, alteration, or preventive maintenance, on air-
craft, airframe, engine, propeller or aircraft components by the personnel using the tools,
equipment, methods, techniques, or instruction in accordance with the manufacturer or ac-
ceptable by DGCA follow with the requirements in CASR part 43.

Chapter : 1 Sub chapter 1.13

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 Reference : CASR Part 145.203 Work performed at another location.

Batam Aero Technic may perform work away from its fixed location on a recurring basis. Only
the President Director or General Manager Quality may initiate the performance of work at a
location other than the approved maintenance organization. The work scope shall be limited
to those inspection actions that can be accomplished with personnel, equipment, material,
tooling, and technical data that can be transported to or are available where the maintenance
will be performed.

It is can occur in such work on a recurring basis as :

• Flying in the pioneer area still lack facilities, while there is no connection with the
larger station.
• Use of aircraft for a particular flight, which is difficult to determine the location
for treatment.
• Changes new routes with limited facilities.

Upon initiation of a request for off-location work, the President Director or General Manager
Quality shall:

• Initiate Work Order

• Obtain a description of the:
- Article
- Location, and
- Discrepancies.

• Record the information along with a list of the required:

- Personnel,
- Equipment,
- Tooling, and
- Data needed to accomplish the anticipated work scope.

• Assign:
- A person in charge of the workforce and technicians and inspectors specifically familiar
with and capable of performing the work scope anticipated.
- Provide the equipment, tooling, and data necessary to accomplish the requested work
scope (including the pertinent sections of this manual or of an air carrier or commer-
cial operator’s manual); and,
- Ensure there is adequate and continual communication between the personnel in the
field and the approved maintenance organization.

Upon arrival, the personnel shall:

- Determine that the location where the work to be performed is safe and protected
from the elements as required by the applicable maintenance data;
- Record where the work is actually performed, if different from original description
and ,

Chapter : 1 Sub chapter 1.14

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- Record the use of any special equipment by listing that equipment by nomenclature,
type, manufacturer, and date of last calibration, as applicable.

The mechanism of the preparation and completeness are verified by quality department will
be submitted to DGCA for approval or as requested notification only.

This Batam Aero Technic may also perform work away from the Batam Aero Technic location
for one time or case circumstances:
• Aircraft on the ground
• Preparation for special flight
• Warranty work
• Others maintenance task/work specified on the DGCA approved certificate and cus-
tomer approved maintenance program.

These circumstances must be notified to the DGCA office, General Manager Quality is respon-
sible to notify in advance the DGCA office thru available methods of communication then fol-
low-up by a formal letter.

The worked will be recorded on the appropriate documents as approved by DGCA and its cus-

After the work is completed, the technician and inspectors shall:

• Document the work performed in the aircraft log in accordance with the air carrier or
commercial operator’s procedures, ensuring that the Work Order number assigned by
the Batam Aero Technic is also noted and,
• Document the work performed on the Work Order.

Normally, a DGAC Form 21–18 will not be generated for work performed at a location other
than the approved maintenance organization. However, if a DGAC Form 21–18 is generated, it
will be completed as outlined in this manual.
Any article removed from the outside location and transported to the Batam Aero Technic for
a more complete work scope, shall be routed through the Batam Aero Technic in accordance
with the procedures set forth in this manual.

Chapter : 1 Sub chapter 1.14

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 Reference CASR Part 145.223. DGCA Inspection

The Batam Aero Technic will allow the DGCA to inspect its inspection system, records, and
procedures to determine compliance with CASR at any reasonable time. The Batam Aero
Technic will ensure, through the wording in its contracts/purchase orders with any individual
or organization to whom it contracts maintenance functions which does not hold a DGCA cer-
tificate, that the DGCA is permitted to inspect that contractor while work is being performed
on the approved maintenance organization’s behalf. Any required coordination during DGCA
inspections will be the responsibility of the General Manager Quality.

Chapter : 1 Sub chapter 1.15

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 Reference : CASR Part 145.5 Certificate and operations specification requirements, CASR
145.207 AMO ( approved maintenance organization) manual.

The original Batam Aero Techniccertificate and operation specification must be hold and kept
current by General Manager Quality. In addition, copy of the certificate and operation specifi-
cation is displayed in the lobby area of head office in Hangar Batam and displayed also at Line
Maintenance and maintenance shop facility.

Chapter : 1 Sub chapter 1.16

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Quality Assurance Department arranges the procedures to standardize of writing Batam Aero
Technic Company Procedure Manuals as follows :

1. General
1.1 Title of Manual Sheet :
Title of Manual Sheet is located in front of manual.
The information in this sheet are:
- Batam Aero Technic Logo (center side)
- Title of Manual (center side)
- Document No., current Revision No. and current Date of Issue (center side)
1.2 Chapter Separation Sheet :
Chapter Separation Sheet is used to separate between last chapter page and new
chapter page.
The information in this sheet are :
- Batam Aero Technic Logo (upper left side)
- Title of manual
- Chapter No. and Title of Chapter (center side)
- Page No., Issue No., current Revision No. and current Date of Issue (upper right

1.3 Paper Size : A4

1.4 Margin Setting :

Top : 1.25”
Bottom : 0.75”
Left : 1.25”
Right : 0.75”

1.5 Orientation : Portrait

1.6 Header/Main Page/Footer Area : Separated by 1 lines.

2. Header
2.1 Font : Calibri
2.2 Font Style : Bold Italic (Title Manual)
Regular (Page No. Issue No., current Revision No. and current Date
of Issue)
2.3 Font Size : 12 (Title of Manual)
11 (Page No. Issue No., current Revision No. and current Date of Is-
2.4 Batam Aero Technic Logo :
Size : Width = 2.34” and Height = 0.52” (align text to the left)

2.5 Title of Manual : Bold character (align text to the upper left side)
2.6 Chapter No.and Title : Bold character (align text to the center)

3. Main Page

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3.1 Font : Calibri

3.2 Font Style : regular
3.3 Font Size : 11
3.4 Title of Section/Sub Section : Bold character (align text to the left)
3.5 Numbering of Section/Sub Section : Example : 1.1. , 1.1.1. , etc.
3.6 Line Spacing : Single
3.7 Distance between paragraph : Single
3.8 Distance between 2 lines separation of header/main page and first sentence on
main page : Single
3.9 Distance between Title of Section and first sentence in section : Single
3.10 Distance between Title of Sub Section and first sentence in sub section : Single
3.10. Text arrangement : Justify (Ctrl+J)
3.11. Section and Sub Section arrangement :

Example : 1.1. Title of Section


1.1.1. Title of Sub Section


4. Footer
4.1 Font : Calibri
4.2 Font Size : 10
4.3 Chapter No. : X (align text to the left), which X is alphanumeric
4.4 Sub Chapter No. : X.Y (align text to the left), which X,Y both of them are alphanu-

Sequences of page is accumulated to one chapter or sub chapter, every new chapter will
use new page with sub chapter - X system.

Current status of Revision No, Issued and Page no. every manual page are subject to List
of Effective Page (LEP) in Chapter: 1 GENERAL for respective manual.

5. Minimum Information in Manual Contents

5.1. Chapter 1 : General
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Manual Declaration (for manual Level 1)
Management Commitment (for manual Level 2)
Instruction Condition of Use (for manual Level 3)
1.3. Table of Contents
1.4. List of Effective Pages
1.5. Record of Revisions
1.6. Manual Control
1.7. List of Manual Holders
1.8. Abbreviations.

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5.2. Chapter 2 and onwards : Manual Contents

Manual Level 1 : Subject to Authority requirements for Manual Contents.
Manual Level 2 : - Departmental Organization Structure
- Departmental Personnel Duty and Responsibility
- Departmental Procedures
Manual Level 3 : Work Instructions to implement Departmental Procedures

Description of information as details will be divided in some chapters and sub chap-
ters as required.

5.3. Appendix (if any).

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 Reference : CASR Part 145.209 AMO ( approved maintenance organization) manual con-
tents. CASR Part 145.215 Capability List.

Document performing maintenance, preventive maintenance and alteration on an aircraft,

engine, propeller and component in accordance with applicable airworthiness requirement
detail of work that the organization is capable performing based within the scope of the rat-
ing stated on the approved certificate shall be listed in the Capability List document no. BT-

The detail procedures on how to develop and perform self evaluation the in house rating ca-
pability on aircraft, engine, propeller and component to be included on the Capability List can
be found on the company Quality Procedures Manual (BT-GEN-01-01).

Batam Aero Technic will perform the self-evaluation on housing, facilities, equipment, mate-
rials, technical data, process, and trained personnel in place to do the work on the aircraft,
engine, propeller and components as required by standard requirement and the approve
maintenance approved shall maintain documentation of the evaluation file.
In case evaluation result of all requirement are not completed, the General Manager Quality shall
report to President Director to further action.

General Manager Quality is responsible to make sure all requirement has been complied
with CASR part 145.

Chapter : 1 Sub chapter 1.18

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AFML : Aircraft Flight and Maintenance Log

AMO : Batam Aero Technic
AMOQSM : Batam Aero Technic and Quality System Manual
CASR : Civil Aviation Safety Regulation
DGCA : Directorate General of Civil Aviation
PPC : Planning and Production Control
MCC : Maintenance Control Center
NDT : Non Destructive Test
NIST : National Institute of Standards and Technology
NTSC : National Transportation Safety Committee

Chapter : 1 Sub chapter 1.19

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 Reference : CASR Part 145.55, CASR Part 145.57, and CASR Part 145.105 Duration and re-
newal of Certificate ,and amendment to/or transfer certificate & Change location, housing,
or facilities, Part 145.215 Capability List.

An Batam Aero Technic certificate is required before accomplishing any work as a approved
maintenance organization. This Batam Aero Technic will not perform any Batam Aero Technic
work in violation of its certificate. If the certificate is expired, surrendered, suspended, or
revoked, it must be return to the DGCA.

Each documents are expired or not valid to kept in special room/area as obsoleted document
for 2 (two) years and will be destroyed after 5 (Five) years later.


If the Batam Aero Technic seeks a change to its rating or operations specifications, or
AMO location a written request for a change will be prepared and submitted to the
applicable civil aviation authority. If the Batam Aero Technic transfers its assets, the
new owner will be notified that it must apply for an amended certificate in accordance
with CASR part 145 and other applicable civil aviation regulations.

If the Batam Aero Technicany be change of content the with company address,
organization, facility and capability will be submit to the DGCA.

The General Manager Quality is responsible for ensuring the written requests are gen-
erated and written permission is obtained as required by this section.


Chapter : 2 Sub chapter 2.1

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Reference : CASR part 145.201 Privileges and limitation of certificate

This Batam Aero Technic may maintain and alter any of the aircraft, engine, propeller and air-
craft component covered by its ratings and approve for return to service those aircraft, en-
gine, propeller and aircraft component. If there are any special technical data, equipment,
personnel or facilities required, the Batam Aero Technic must also have those available.

All major repairs and major alterations must be accomplished with data approved by the ap-
plicable civil aviation authority. (See the Subsection entitled “Major Repairs and Major Altera-
tions” for further explanation of the procedures this Batam Aero Technic will follow when ac-
complishing major repairs or major alterations.)

Chapter : 2 Sub chapter 2.2

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Date : 21 October 2015



Chapter : 2 Sub chapter 2.3

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 Reference : CASR Part 145.3 Definition of terms

The Line Maintenance activity covering different station being handled by Batam Aero Technic
is always based on the customer Air Carrier complex routes system and extend of that activity
to be able to perform is based on the customer approved maintenance program.

Line maintenance activity in Batam Aero Technic is divided in two categories as follows :
a. Schedule maintenance :
 Pre flight check
 Post Flight Check
 Transit Check
 Daily Check
 Line Check
 Weekly Check
 Service Check
 A Phase Check
 A Check

Note : Schedule maintenance for Weekly Check, A Phase Check & A Check in which do not
require specialized training, equipment or facilities.

b. Un-schedule maintenance :
 Line Defect Rectification
 Maintenance in which performed when any specific or unusual condition in operation
of the aircraft.

This line maintenance activity is defined in details in the Line Maintenance Procedures manual
(LMPM) refer as document number BT-GEN-01.02.

Chapter : 2 Sub chapter 2.4

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This Batam Aero Technic primarily performs maintenance, preventive maintenance and alter-
ation on transport category aircraft, engine, propeller and aircraft component for air carriers
and commercial operators. Therefore, this organization segregates general maintenance ac-
tivity from inspections functions establishing the appropriate separation between “produc-
tion” and “inspection”, even though some inspection items have to be delegated on the air-
craft, engine, propeller and aircraft component worked on by this approved maintenance or-

Chapter : 3 Sub chapter 3.1

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Date : 20 February 2017


 Reference : CASR Part 145.209 AMO ( approved maintenance organization) manual contents.

This approved maintenance organization’s organization is as shown in the following chart. The chart includes those positions with duties and responsibilities
relating to the management and operations of the Batam Aero Technic under CASR part 145 and other Civil Aviation Regulations. Not all the positions listed
are filled at any given time; one person may be assigned to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of more than one position without diminishing the delivery of
quality product and failure of committed services and functions.

Chapter : 3 Sub chapter 3.1

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The detail composition of individual department organizational table can be shown at level 2 manual.

Chapter : 3 Sub chapter 3.1

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Date : 30 May 2014


With respect to specific duties, the following are the primary positions of responsibility along
with its direct replacement:

Duty Primary Secondary

Scrap Quality Control Inspector General Manager Quality
Shelf Life Stockroom Clerks General Manager Quality
Technical Data Technical Publications Clerk General Manager Quality
Tool Calibration Quality Control Inspector General Manager Quality

Chapter : 3 Sub chapter 3.3

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 Reference : CASR Part 145.151 Personnel requirements , CASR Part 145. 153 Manager or
Supervisor Personnel requirements, CASR Part 145.155 Inspection personnel requirement,
CASR Part 145.165 Hazardous material training, CASR Part 145.213 Inspection of mainte-
nance, preventive maintenance ,or alterations

The Batam Aero Technic ensures that has an adequate number of employees to planning, per-
form, supervision, audit and approve for return to service of the maintenance, preventive
maintenance and alteration.

The Manager/supervisory function shall have aircraft maintenance engineer license when
he/she directs and/or oversees the work performed.

Further, the Batam Aero Technic will ensure that all persons assigned inspection functions:

• Thoroughly familiar with the applicable regulations and the requirements of this manual.
• Thoroughly familiar with the methods, techniques, practices, aids, equipment and tools
used to determine the airworthiness of the article upon which work was performed.
• Proficient in using the various inspection aids used to make airworthiness determinations.
• Understand the current specifications as set forth in technical data acceptable to or ap-
proved by the applicable civil aviation authority.
• Appropriately listed on the Batam Aero Technic roster.
 Be trained in inspection technique and procedures.
 Be trained in safety management system, human factor, and hazardous material (if in-
 Appropriately capable to understand, read, and write in English.

This section of the manual sets forth the duties and responsibilities of each management po-
sitions per department while other position are defined on detailed in the departmental level
2 manual.

All employees performing maintenance or other safety-related functions for an air carrier or
commercial operator certificated under CASR Part 121 or Part 135 are included in a DGCA ap-
proved anti-drug program.

Chapter : 4 Sub chapter 4.1

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 Reference : CASR Part 145.151 Personnel requirements, CASR Part 145.153 Manager or
Supervisory personnel requirements, CASR Part 145.155 Inspection personnel require-
ments, CASR Part 145.157 Certifying Personnel authorized to approve an approve an arti-
cle for return to service, and CASR Part 145.159 Auditor Requirements

All employee should qualifications are determined by a comprehensive review of employment

history, verifiable training, certification, knowledge, experience, and by evaluating performance
during practical tests or initial assignment. Job assignments and training requirements are based
on an evaluation of the employee’s qualifications.

As stated earlier in this manual, the Batam Aero Technic ensures that it has an adequate number
of employees to plan, perform, supervision and audit of the maintenance, preventive mainte-
nance and alterations.

Qualifications maintenance personal for planners, mechanics, engineers, supervisor and auditors
will follow the requirements in accordance with CASR Part 145. The detail personnel qualification
to described in the Quality Procedure Manual (QPM) and Training Program Manual (TPM).

Minimum requirements of each of the functions described in the manual of there relevant de-
partment and additional personnel qualification for Batam Aero Technic key personnel :

 President Director/Accountable Manager responsible to authority over all Batam Aero

Technic operations that are conducted under CASR Part 145, including that personnel’s fol-
low the regulations and serving as the primary contact with the DGCA.
Minimum Qualification such as:

Holder of Engineering Degree or Equivalent

Holder AME License
 Be thoroughly familiar with appropriate parts of the CASR
 Knows the policies and procedures outlined in the AMO Manuals.
 Be trained in safety management system and human factor
 Management/Leadership Training
 Understand, read, and write English.
 Accountable Experience 5 years of A/C Maintnance/Engineering/ Workshop/
Planning or material management, included one years in supervisory capacity.

 General Manager to manage or supervise and direct the work performed under the
AMO certificate and operations specifications
Minimum Qualification such as:
 Be licensed under CASR Part 65 when direct and/or oversee the work peformed
maintenance under the AMO certificate and operations specifications especially
for GM/Managers Line Maintenance, GM/Manager Heavy Maintenance
GM/Manager Maintenance Shop and General Manager Quality.

Chapter : 4 Sub chapter 4.2

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 Be trained in safety management system and human factor.

 Be thoroughly familiar with appropriate parts of the CASR
 Knows the policies and procedures outlined in the AMO Manuals.
 Management/Leadership Training.
 Understand, read, and write English.
 Experience 3 years of A/C Maintenance/Engineering/Workshop/Planning or
material management, included one years in supervisory capacity.

Chapter : 4 Sub chapter 4.2

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 Reference : CASR Part 145.209 AMO (approved maintenance organization) manual con-

This section sets forth the duties, responsibilities and general qualifications of each man-
agement key position set forth in the company organization structure.

Duties and responsibilities for the managers and the lower level will be described in the de-
partmental manual as level 2 manual.


 Reference : CASR Part 145.1 Definition of term
 Reference : CASR Part 145.151 Personnel requirements

The Director is the position designated by this Batam Aero Technic (AMO) to fulfill the
responsibilities of Accountable Manager or with another term that the accountable
manager is the director. In addition to the complete administration of the approved
maintenance organization, this position will ensure that the Batam Aero Technic-
continues to comply with applicable local, State, and Civil requirements and as prima-
ry contact with the authority.

With respect to the CASR, the President Director shall ensure the Batam Aero Technic
continues to meet the requirements for providing adequate housing, facilities,
equipment, and personnel appropriate to the ratings of the approved maintenance
organization. In addition, this position shall ensure the financial resources are availa-
ble to adjust to any changes in workload or to adjust the workload to the resources

The qualifications necessary to fulfill the position of Accountable Manager include

corporate authority to bind the Batam Aero Technic in matters associated with those
issues specified in the duties and responsibilities. Therefore, prior to being listed on
the Batam Aero Technic roster in the position of Accountable Manager, a person
must be provided the corporate authority to act on behalf of the Batam Aero Technic
in matters described delineated in applicable civil aviation regulations, including CASR
part 145.

In addition to the overall responsibilities listed above, this position has the following
specific duties with respect to compliance with civil aviation regulations:
 Ensure the implementation of policies and procedures as contained in approved
company manuals.
 Ensure all activities are in compliance to Civil Aviation/Government regulations
and requirements.
 Presiding the company management periodic meeting.
 Overall in charge of the company administrative and management issues.
 Introducing system, methods and procedures to enhance productivity and assur-
ing the safety program implementation.

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 Communicating with airworthiness regulatory and customers on all relevant

matters and ensuring appropriate corrective actions are taken.
 Review and approve the annual Directorate budget and plan required to main-
tain smooth/continuous operation within the industry standard.
 Develop and administer policies and standard to provide highly technically
skilled and professionally efficient engineering staff for maintenance, repair and
overhaul of Aircraft Engine and equipment.
 Administer all functions required for the overhaul, repair and modification of
Aircraft, engine(s) and component(s) in accordance with the prescribed stand-
ards and specifications
 Collaborate with the management team to develop and implement plans for the
operational infrastructure systems, processes, and personnel designed to meet
the current business needs and accommodate the rapid growth of the Group
 Drive the whole team to achieve and surpass its targets, profitability, cash flow,
business goals and objectives.
 Ensure implementation of organizational changes without adverse effect on
quality of service.
 Ensure required flight regularity performance as required by Customers with ob-
servance of required quality and safety levels.
 Ensure cost efficiency of the operations process.
 Ensure proper in-house aircraft maintenance in order to reduce maintenance

Other duties associated with the position of AMO-Accountable Manager may be del-
egated to appropriate personnel; however, the delegation does not relieve the posi-
tion of responsibility.


The General Manager Quality reports to the President Director/Accountable Manag-
er. The position is responsible for planning, developing, directing and implementing
quality and inspection standards necessary to fulfill civil aviation regulations and cus-
tomer requirements.

Additionally, this position has authority to supervise personnel and to approve air-
craft, engine, propeller and aircraft component for return to service after mainte-
nance, preventive maintenance or alteration has been performed. Therefore, no
person may hold this position or be delegated such duties unless it is determined the
individual :
 Manage the implementation of policies and procedures as contained in ap-
proved company manuals.
 Manage all activities are in compliance to Civil Aviation/Government regulations
and requirements.
 Establish standard & system that ensures all maintenance or alteration process-
es are completed and documented on the maintenance forms as required by
regulation and/or the customer’s requirements.

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 Develop/implement organizational short term and long term program and pre-
pare the annual budget for the program execution.
 Be champion of continuous improvement program.
 Review workload, people and resources case by case in pursuing optimum or-
ganization efficiency.
 Review personnel’s competencies case by case and establish People develop-
ment program.
 Manage Company Health, Safety policy and SMS is complied with.
 Manage personnel training in safety practices and procedures, including proper
use and location of fire fighting equipment.
 Enforce the observation of all safety precautions related to the duties of the as-
signed personnel.
 Liaison with the foreign/local aviation authority on relating to the company’s
approval when required.
 Manage revision to company policy manuals and procedures, subject to the ap-
proval of the EVP Maintenance and Engineering.
 Establish the standards for initial qualification and training for all maintenance
 Establish and conduct an effective quality assurance program thru audit & sur-
veillance program to maintain compliance with regulations and customer re-
 Ensure that persons performing internal and external audit in order to maintain
quality standard are familiar with the applicable regulations, audit methods, and
audit techniques.
 Ensure that the Batam Aero Technic roster of management, supervisory, inspec-
tion, and certifying personnel is kept current and revised, and inform the author-
ity of any changes within the set period stated in the regulation.
 Ensure changes to the approved maintenance organization’s certification, hous-
ing and facilities are appropriately coordinated with the applicable civil aviation
 Initiate and obtain approval of work performing outside the Approved Mainte-
nance Organization’s fixed location.
 Submit reports of serious defects or recurring un-airworthy conditions in ac-
cordance with the procedures described in this manual.
 Determine the qualifications for the assignment of inspection responsibilities
and ensuring responsibilities are assigned only to qualified personnel.
 Establish the standards and system for maintenance procedure and maintain of
the technical data for current document.
 Ensure that continuity of inspection responsibility is properly adhered to and
that required inspections are completed when shift or assignment changes
occur. Oversee the proper calibration of inspection tools, equipment and the
maintenance of calibration records, this ensures that the inspection tools are in
proper working order and the proper calibration information is affixed.
 Obtain approval of the training program included any changes to the program
when required, and Ensure that all training is accomplished and record

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 Assist in the auditing of vendors, parts suppliers and maintenance subcontrac-

tor/contractors and establishing for acceptance of inclusion in “Approved Ven-
dor List”.
 Accomplish other related duties and responsibilities as may be delegated by his


The General Manager Business & Organization Development reports to the AMO
President Director. The position is responsible for planning, developing, directing and
implementing organization development necessary to fulfill civil aviation regulations
and customer requirements :
 Organize the company planning cycle within the maintenance and engineering
department and monitoring the implementation.
 Ensuring that all units prepare their annual budget and facilitate the budget
alignment within department.
 Ensuring that performance management system is effectively implemented.
 Organizing regular company meeting.
 Organizing the department continuous improvement program.
 Evaluating business opportunities and calculating its full potential by using some
tools as marketing, sales, information management and customer to increase
the company profitability.
 Coordinating with purchasing, finance and internal maintenance and
engineering department in relation with employee’s benefits such as uniform,
incentive, and any related aspects.
 Coordinating with other departments for the personnel travel documents,
travelling allowance, and reimbursement.
 Ensuring that the effectivess of IT system in Batam Aero Technic.
 Accomplish other related duties and responsibilities as maybe delegated by his


 Manage Company Health, Safety policy and Safety Management System are
complied with.
 Manage personnel training in safety practices and procedures, including proper
use and location of fire fighting equipment.
 Facilitate & coordinate hazard identification, risk analysis and management
 Monitor the implementation of actions taken to mitigate risks.
 Provide periodic reports on safety performance.
 Ensure maintenance of safety management documentation.
 Ensure that there is safety management training available and that training is
 Provide advice on safety matters.
 Initiate and participate in internal occurrence/accident investigation
 Accomplish other related duties and responsibilities as maybe delegated by his

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General Manager Technical Services reports to Production Director. He/she is re-
sponsible to ensure that all required resources and information for the Performance
of A/C Maintenance are available and timely to Maintenance Department and His
duties includes :
 Ensure the implementation of policies and procedures as contained in approved
company manuals.
 Review Department program execution and advice corrective actions as neces-
 Ensure complied with the Company Health and Safety policy and concern to high
degree of safety.
 Institutionalize Continuous improvement program in all Departments.
 Conduct regular meeting with all manager in order to ensure coordinating be-
tween functional areas.
 Establish department work standards, hour of work and shifts to be worked.
 Develop budget requirements for current operation and capital expenditure.
 Institutionalize an effective communications among managers and foster the
team work spirit among the employees.
 Responsible for availability of facilities appropriate to the planned work includ-
ing hangars, workshops office accommodation, stores as applicable for the
planned work.
 Responsible for availability of a working environment appropriate to the tasks
being undertaken.
 Responsible for availability of tools, equipment and materials to perform the
planned tasks.
 Responsible for availability of sufficient competent personnel to plan, perform,
supervise, inspect and certify the work being performed.
 Responsible for notifying the Accountable Manager whenever deficiencies
emerge which require his attention in respect of finance and the acceptability of
 Responsible for supplying the necessary technical documents for customers and
storage of the organisation’s technical records.
 Responsible for ensuring the competence of all personnel engaged in mainte-
nance by establishing a programme of training and continuation training using
internal and external sources (other field than base maintenance).
 Responsible for the satisfactory completion and certification of all work required
by contracted operators/customers, in accordance with the work specification.
 Accomplish other related duties and responsibilities as maybe delegated by his

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Date : 19 December 2018


The General Manager Line Maintenance reports to the Director. The position is re-
sponsible for planning, developing, directing and implementing line/ base/ mainte-
nance shop activities necessary to fulfill civil aviation regulations and customer re-
quirements :
 Manage the implementation of policies and procedures as contained in ap-
proved company manuals.
 Develop/implement organizational short term and long term program and pre-
pare the annual budget for the program execution.
 Develop budget requirements for current operation and capital expenditure.
 Review workload, personnel competencies and other resources in pursuing op-
timum or organization efficiency.
 Manage personnel training qualification requirement in his responsibility.
 Ensure complied with the Company Health and Safety policy and concern to high
degree of safety.
 Organized an effective communications among managers.
 Ensure the timely production of aircraft maintenance to meet operating sched-
 Arrange regular meeting with all manager in order to ensure coordinating be-
tween functional areas.
 Concern to improvement program in all departments.
 Establish department work standards, man power, hour of work and manage the
all requirement maintenance are adequate.
 Perform periodic safety inspections of the working areas and take necessary
steps to correct any discrepancies noted.
 Responsible for ensuring that the organisation's procedures and standards are
complied with when carrying out maintenance.
 Ensure all necessary and appropriate work records and form is current and
properly executed by the responsible person.
 Review maintenance record system evaluation to maintenance performance.
 Responsible for the implementation of the safety policy and human factor issues
as well as reporting of un-airworthy conditions.
 Accomplish other related duties and responsibilities as maybe delegated by his


The General Manager of Rotable Procurement reports to Director of Supply Chain and
Procurement. He is responsible to ensure that all procurement process, purchase and
repair or claim of Rotable parts eg. engine LRU’s, HT components, emergency
equipments and other Rotable parts to achieve the best effort and the availability of the
stock and his duties include:

 Ensure the implementation of policies and procedures as contained in approved

company manuals.
 Develop/implement organization short term and long term program.

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 Review Department program execution and advice corrective actions as neces-

 Ensure the Company Health and Safety policy is complied with.
 Institutionalize Continuous improvement program in all Departments.
 Conduct regular meeting with all manager in order to ensure coordinating be-
tween functional areas.
 Establish department work standards, hour of work and shifts to be worked.
 Develop budget requirements for current operation and capital expenditure.
 Institutionalize an effective communications among managers and foster the
team work spirit among the employees.
 Ensure that all Rotable procurement process are efficiently processed through
initiation, planning, execution, control and closure for every component Shop
Visit with emphasis on quality and scheduled delivery as required by customers.
 Ensure the review and analysis for short and long term program to corrective
actions of found problems in Procurement.
 Ensure the availability of stock and fulfilled all requisitions.
 Ensure to achieve the best and provitable cost of agreement for company
 Ensure the TRAX function related to Rotable procurement process is fully
 Ensure all the warranty coverage facility are used optimally.
 Accomplish other related duties and responsibilities as maybe delegated by his


General Manager Warehouse reports to Production Director. He is responsible to

ensure that all required materials and tools for the Performance of A/C Maintenance
are available and timely to Maintenance Department. His duties include:
 Ensure the implementation of policies and procedures as contained in approved
company manuals.
 Ensure all activities are in compliance to Civil Aviation/Government regulations
and requirements.
 Review Department program execution and advice corrective actions as neces-
 Ensure the Company Health and Safety policy is complied with.
 Institutionalize Continuous improvement program in all Departments.
 Conduct regular meeting with all manager in order to ensure coordinating be-
tween functional areas.
 Establish department work standards, hour of work and shifts to be worked.
 Develop budget requirements for current operation and capital expenditure.
 Institutionalize an effective communications among managers and foster the
team work spirit among the employees.
 Responsible for availability of tools, equipment and materials to perform the
planned tasks.
 Responsible for all materials and tools shipment are properly handled.
 Responsible for availability of sufficient competent personnel to plan, perform,
supervise, inspect and certify the work being performed.

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 Responsible for the implementation of the safety policy and human factor is-
sues as well as reporting of un-airworthy conditions.
 Accomplish other related duties and responsibilities as maybe delegated by his


Responsibility are :
 Ensure the implementation of policies and procedures as contained in approved
company manuals.
 Review maintenance program execution and advice corrective actions as
 Ensure complied with the Company Health and Safety policy and concern to
high degree of safety.
 Concern to improvement program in engineering sub department.
 Conduct regular meeting with all manager in order to ensure coordinating
between functional areas.
 Establish department work standards, hour of work and shifts to be worked.
 Develop budget requirements for current operation and capital expenditure.
 Institutionalize an effective communications among managers and foster the
team work spirit among the employees.
 Ensure the process of creation, update, and monitor jobs schedules and
milestones are established.
 Ensure the timely production of aircraft maintenance to meet operating
schedules as required by customers.
 Ensuring that all continuing airworthiness activities can be financed and are
carried out to the standard required by the regulations .
 Arrange regular meeting with all manager in order to ensure coordinating
between functional areas.
 Establish department work standards, manpower, hour of work and manage the
all requirement maintenance are adequate.
 Ensuring that all due continuing airworthiness activities, including maintenance,
is performed on time and in accordance with the applicable requirements,
regulations and approved standards and that the aircraft has a valid Certificate
of Airworthiness for all flights undertaken.
 Nominates the management staff for the competent authorities in coor-
dination with the Quality Manager.
 Accomplish other related duties and responsibilities as maybe delegated by his

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 Reference : CASR Part 145.161 Records of Management, supervisory,

inspection and certifying personnel , CASR Part 145.209 AMO (approved
maintenance organization) manual contents.

This approved maintenance organization, through the General Manager Quality, shall keep a
roster of personnel that includes the names of the officials of the Batam Aero Technic that
responsible for its management and the names of its technical supervisors, inspectors, and
certifying personnel.

In addition to the name of the individual, the roster will also include the title(s) held by that
person as well as their inspection authority (receiving, preliminary, in-process, final and
approval for return to service) or responsibility (e.g., technical supervision or directly in charge
of maintenance activities), signature, initials, and a revision date.

Any person who becomes aware of a change in personnel, through termination or change in
assignment that would affect the roster must notify the General Manager Quality by letter,
e-mail, telephone another media. The General Manager Quality will obtain the required in-
formation from the supervisor or concerned employee and update the roster if any changes.

To manage personnel data is current update Batam Aero Technic using the BATPD (Batam
Aero Technic Personnel Database) which updated by Qualification & Personnel Licensing sec-

The Batam Aero Technic roster is maintained by the General Manager Quality, is posted in the
production area and is on Doc. No. BT-QMF-047 in Quality Assurance Department office.


Prior to listing a person on the Batam Aero Technic roster as stated In the Form &
Tag control list with form No. BT-QMF-047, and this Batam Aero Technic shall ensure
it has recorded in form no. BT-QMF-019 with the following information :
• Present title and scope of employment.
• Total years of experience in the type of work assigned by reference to the date
the experience started.
• Employment history, including name of previous employer and length of em-
ployment by month and year.
• Type of aircraft training and number of any certificate held along with any ratings
or limitations.
• Educational background.

List personnel in the Batam Aero Technic roster includes personnel with the level at
least Manager only.

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This Batam Aero Technic will revise the roster at least within 5 business days in the
following situations:

• Termination of employment or personnel additions,

• Assignment of a new person to the inspection team,
• Changes in current title or scope of employment.
• Organizational changes

When a revision to the roster has been made, the revision date of the Batam Aero
Technic roster will be changed accordingly.

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 Reference : CASR Part 145.101 Housing, Facilities, Equipment, Material and Data General,
CASR Part 145.209 AMO ( approved maintenance organization) manual contents.

This Batam Aero Technic head office is addressed in Kawasan Bandar Udara Hang Nadim, Batu
Besar, Nongsa, Batam, Kepulauan Riau - Indonesia

This Batam Aero Technic maintains housing and facilities adequate for the ratings obtained
from the DGCA. Generally, there are :

• Adequate housing for the approved maintenance organization’s personnel, equipment,

and material needed to properly perform the work authorized by its ratings.
• Adequate space for all work performed.
• Adequate facilities for storage, room separation, storing, segregating, and protecting ma-
terials, parts, and supplies so that work is protected from weather elements with control
to air ventilation, adequate lighting and monitor the humidity and temperature of the
room within a certain time interval.
• Adequate facilities to ensure workers are protected as to prevent impairment of their
physical efficiency.
• Suitable shop space for machine tools and equipment so that work is not done in an area
that may contaminate other parts or processes.
• Suitable assembly areas for the largest items to be properly worked on under the repair
station’s ratings.
• Suitable environmental controls for the work performed.


Hangar Facility is provided for aircraft maintenance which inspection required protect to
local weather and sufficiency of hangar space to carry out planned base maintenance,
for example schedule maintenance, structure repair, aircraft painting, and other heavy
maintenance and and all maintenance activity need to hangar space.

Batam Aero Technic location of hangar facility have stated in Batam Aero Technic Opera-
tion Specifications and capability list (document number BT-CL-01).

Generally the hangar facility there are type of space :

 Hangar area
 Office/administration and specialty area
 Warehouse area
 Building utilities area
 Mobile office

Hangar facility are equipped also with:

 Fire alarms and fighting system
 Electrical power source
 Hangar Lighting

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 Regulated Air Pressure

 Aircraft Tools and Equipment
 Drainage system

Detail lay out for hangar is described in BAT facility lay out Doc. No. BAT-HFL


Batam Aero Technic for line maintenance facilities consist of Main Station and Out
Station to provided any unscheduled maintenance resulting from unforeseen event or
scheduled check that contain servicing and/or inspection that do not require
specialized requirement or facilities.

Detail lay out for line maintenance facility is described in BAT facility lay out Doc. No.

Batam Aero Technic several line maintenance station with detail location in capability
list document number BT-CL-01.


Batam Aero Technic have 3 (three) location of Maintenance Shop Facility :

 Lion village
 Lion operation center
 Hangar Batam Aero Technic

Maintenance shop facility are provided for perform component inspection, repair, overhaul,
in accordance with capable as stated in capability list document number BT-CL-01.

Its facilities required protect to local weather and sufficiency of facility space to carry out
supported maintenance shop processes, for example PPC, warehouse, officer, and other
supporting maintenance shop.

The area includes:

 Offices for Director and General Managers,
 Workshop activities, including furnishing shop, avionic shop, Wheel & Brake Shop, etc.
 Warehouse activities : Material shipping & Receiving area and Main store.
 Activities related to other entities of Lion Group, such as simulator.

Detail lay out for maintenance shop facility is described in BAT facility lay out Doc. No. BAT-

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Whenever a change is made to the location of the approved maintenance organization, a revi-
sion to the Batam Aero Technic manual will be initiated and coordinated with the applicable
civil aviation authority. Activities will be coordinated in such a manner as to ensure that the Ba-
tam Aero Technich as written authority from the DGCA to move its location and a complete un-
derstanding of the work that may be performed during the process.

If the President Director determines that the Batam Aero Technic must make a change in the
housing or facilities required by CASR part 145 that could have a significant effect on its ability
to perform maintenance, preventive maintenance or alterations under its Batam Aero Technic
certificate, the DGCA shall be notified in writing of the nature of the contemplated change, the
time frame for the change and a description of how work may be performed during the change,
along with a draft revision to this Section of the manual. The Batam Aero Technic understands
that it may not make any changes to its housing or facilities that have a significant affect on its
ability to perform work without written permission from the DGCA.

After receiving DGCA written approval and any DGCA-prescribed conditions or limitations that
affect this approved maintenance organization’s work during any transition, the change may be
initiated and the manual revision distributed.

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 Reference : CASR Part 145.163 Training requirements, CASR Part 145.165 Hazardous ma-
terial training, CASR Part 145.51 Application for certificate.

This policy describes the procedures for training program of all maintenance personnel with
appropriately trained. It shall be complied with applicable regulations as outlined in the CASR
145.163 and approved by DGCA.

The training program shall ensure each employee who assigned to perform maintenance,
preventive maintenance, alterations and inspection functions is capable in performing the as-
signed task. Training program shall include knowledges and skills related to human perfor-
mance and hazardous materials.

Training is conducted by classroom instruction, factory training and on-the-job by qualified

and appropriate instructors or supervisors. Training is recorded as required by this manual
and customer requirements.

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 Reference : CASR Part 145.163 Training requirements, CASR Part 145.209 AMO Manual

This Batam Aero Technicmaintains in each technical employee’s Training Record the basic
qualifications, training, and experience for persons performing maintenance, preventive
maintenance and alteration. Training records indicate as applicable, the type of training,
method, duration of each session, date each segment or session was completed, the location
of each session, any certificates received, completion or passage of any testing required, the
name of the trainer or instructor and his qualifications (if pertinent).

Most training will be recorded on the list however, any documentation establishing the in-
formation listed above may be used to determine an employee’s qualifications for any job as-
signment and shall be retained in the employee’s Training Record. Training records will be
maintained as long as the individual accomplishes work for this Batam Aero Technicand kept
by the Qualification & Personnel Licensing section.

Recording of training is ensured that all employees’ training data is documented and retained
for a minimum 2 years.

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 Reference : CASR Part 145.163 Training requirements, CASR Part 145.209 AMO ( approved
maintenance organization) manual contents.

The training program is continuously evaluating to ensure it meets all of this approved
maintenance organization’s needs and the applicable regulatory requirements. If a change is
required or desirable, a proposed revision will be developed and transmitted to the applicable
civil aviation authority for approval. After receiving the required approval, a final manual revi-
sion will be instituted, taking into account any civil aviation authority recommendations or re-
quirements. The revision will then be incorporated for future training requirements. This re-
quirement will become effective after the training program has been submitted to the DGAC
for approval.

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 Reference : CASR Part 145.163 Training requirements

The Organization & Business Development is directly responsible in handling the training re-
quirement of the Approved Maintenance Organization. The detailed description of the training
program can be referred to document no. : BT-GEN-03 (Training Program Manual).

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 Reference : CASR Part 145.205 Maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations

performed for certificate holders under parts 121, 135, and for foreign air carriers or for-
eign persons operating an Indonesian registered aircraft in common carriage under CASR
part 129, CASR Part 209 AMO (Approved Maintenance Organization) manual content.

Maintenance work to be performed by the Batam Aero Technic for the organization that has
a continuous airworthiness maintenance program under the certificate part 121 and 135 or
129 shall be follow the operator's maintenance program.

In addition Batam Aero Technicalso perform maintenance on operators that have an ap-
proved maintenance program by authority under section 141 certificates.

The President Director through the General Manager Quality and Engineering Manager estab-
lishes an understanding of the contractual arrangements for the particular requirements of
each customer.

The customer’s requirements may include but are not limited to :

• Knowledge and/or training requirements for technicians and inspectors assigned to per-
form work;
• Review and acceptance of documents used by the Batam Aero Technic when recording
work performed;
• Following specified procedures contained in the customer’s operations specifications,
maintenance program or as set forth in the general maintenance manual; and,
• Specific approvals or authority to perform major repairs or alterations.

If the customer provides technical data, it will be referenced in the applicable maintenance
record. If there is any question as to what technical data is to be used at any time during per-
formance of work, it will be brought to the attention of management or the customer for ap-
propriate resolution. The Customer Specific Requirements list sets forth the special instruc-
tions from each air carrier customer and is used as a reference guide to ensure proper
maintenance is performed as required by the air carrier or commercial operators’ manual.

In addition, through audits by the air carriers and commercial operators, this Batam Aero
Technic will ensure continuation compliances with the customer’s requirements with respect
to record keeping, training of personnel and other matters covered by the customer’s con-
tract and/or maintenance manual procedures

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The progress of maintenance will be controlled and monitored in daily basis meeting.
Participants will discuss the progress of maintenance, bring up quality and production
problems and define corrective actions to bring the program in track. Production re-
covery plans will be established when turn around time is out of control. Inspection
progress will be monitored and controlled through the General Manager Quality and
the Quality Performance Inspection personnel. The progress meeting will ensure also
the proper utilization of inspection personnel.


The Line Maintenance and Heavy Maintenance Managers will provide such a mainte-
nance status book in which the inspection or repair that is to continue from the next
shift will be recorded to provide information to the succeeding inspector or engineer.
It should reference manufacturer’s inspection standards for the maintenance of par-
ticular items. Its purpose is to assure a continuing repair and inspection responsibility
for the work in progress. Further detailed explanation for this item could be referred
to Line Maintenance Procedures Manual (Document No. BT-GEN-01-02) & Base
Maintenance Procedures Manual (BT-GEN-01-03).

Before the group leader/chief is leaving his work at the end of the shift, he is respon-
sible to brief the arriving shift’s leader and personnel of the exact status of in pro-
gress repair and inspection. This briefing includes accounting for the in progress
maintenance status book and work order records (job card) to assure adequate con-
tinuation of the work by the next shift. Any inspection that could not be completed
by the inspector as a result of a shift change or other work interruption must be ade-
quately turned over to the next inspector, through written and verbal communica-


This Batam Aero Technicdoes not perform Required Inspection Item inspections for
air carriers except the customer required, but the AMO personnel must have authori-
zation to conduct Required Inspection Item under customer’s maintenance program
as defined in the Quality Procedures Manual (Doc. BT-GEN-01.01).


The Authorized persons are responsible to perform maintenance ,if the maintenance
will perform by non Certified person ( mechanic ) should be supervised by authorized
person to ensure that it is being done properly.
However, this paragraph does not authorize the performance of any inspection re-
quired by part 91 or any inspection per-formed after a major repair or alteration. The
Authorized persons qualification is described in QPM Chapter 3.4

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 Reference : CASR Part 145.205 Maintenance, preventive maintenance, and altera-

tions performed for certificate holders under parts 121, 135, and for foreign air
carriers or foreign persons operating an Indonesian registered aircraft in common
carriage under CASR part 129.

Details for line maintenance procedures together with the procedure of the work performed
out of the premises are covered in the Line Maintenance Procedure Manual (LMPM) docu-
ment no. BT-GEN-01-02.


The following are typical of the pre-flight, transit , daily inspection, minor check &
maintenance procedures performed on the line stations. Specific detailed instruc-
tions from the operator are followed depending on the type of aircraft and operator.

 Perform a walk around type inspection;

 Inspection of the maintenance log;
 Consumable fluids, gases, etc are correctly checked & recorded;
 All doors are securely opened / closed ;
 Locks, covers, restrains have been removed;
 External surfaces and engines are free for foreign aircraft, engine, propeller
and aircraft component;
 Perform scheduled inspections;
 Defects rectification;
 Perform schedule works as per the operator’s approved maintenance program.



The maintenance log will be completed as required by each operator. Usually the
aircraft maintenance log contains the release to service statement as required by
the authority.

The statement for DGCA Approval certificate is the following:

“This Signature Certifies That Work Specified Was Carried Out In Accordance With
The Civil Aviation Safety Regulation And In That Respect The Aircraft / Component Is
Safe for Return to Service.”

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Details of base maintenance procedures covering the aircraft schedule maintenance pro-
gram of the customer Air Carrier and the shop activity are covered in Base Maintenance Pro-
cedures Manual (BMPM) Document No. BT- GEN-01-03.


Work package to be accomplish on the customer Air Carrier aircraft is based on their ap-
proved maintenance program.


The AMO issued a certificate of maintenance after the completion of the maintenance
schedule check performed to the customer Air Carrier aircraft in compliance to the regula-
tion. This completed check is also entered on the aircraft assigned logbook owned by the Air
Carrier (AFML/Airframe logbook).

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Procedure to determine maintenance shop process is described Maintenance Shop Procedure Man-
ual (MSPM)- document number BT-GEN-01.05.

Scope and limitation of each maintenance shop refer to Batam Aero Capability List in Doc. No. BT-CL-

Component Maintenance Job Card (CMJC) package is detail task of performing maintenance in work-
shop to accomplish on the customer requirement.

Maintenance Shop Return to service (RTS) working process completion of work as certain mainte-
nance task/maintenance data are performed, and record are completed prior to approving for re-
turn to service.

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 Reference : CASR Part 145.109 Equipment, materials, data and aeronautical product;
CASR Part 145.211 Quality and safety system,

This section of the AMOQSM contains the approved maintenance organization’s general qual-
ity control policies and procedures. The basic purpose of the Quality Control (QC) system is to
ensure that persons performing inspections under the AMO certificate and operations speci-
fications are familiar with the applicable regulations in the CASRs and with the inspection
methods, techniques, practices, aids, equipment, and tools used to determine the airworthi-
ness. When detailed procedures exist, they are referenced and made available to all person-

This section describes the following :

 Purchasing
 Incoming inspection
 Preservation and storage
 Material and parts issuance
 Preliminary inspection
 Hidden damage inspection
 In-process inspection
 Continuity of inspection
 Final inspection
 Approval for return to service
 Control of equipment and technical data
 Selection, use and control of maintenance contractors
 Corrective action procedures.

Detail procedure of section above described in the Line Maintenance Procedure Manual
(LMPM) with document no. BT-GEN-01.02, Base Maintenance Manual (BMPM) with docu-
ment no. BT-GEN-01.03 to aircraft maintenance, Technical Service Procedures Manual (TSPM)
with document no. BT-GEN-01.04 and. Maintenance Shop Procedure Manual (MSPM) docu-
ment no BT-GEN -01.05 for aircraft component shop.

When performing maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alteration all personnel under

Batam Aero Technic must follow to the Departmental Quality Control System.

The General Manager Quality is primarily responsible for ensuring all inspections are per-
formed and recorded correctly. Maintenance management personnel are responsible for en-
suring maintenance operations are performed in the appropriate sequence and that inspec-
tions are requested in an orderly and timely manner.

Each engineer, inspector and certifying personnel is responsible for performing maintenance
and inspection activities according to the appropriate technical data, with particular attention
to customer requirements.

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The purchasing process relating to civil aviation articles begins with the identification
of parts/materials that need to be brought, or the service that needs to be obtained to
perform a maintenance function. Purchasing creates a requisition and purchase orders
are placed with qualified suppliers.

The purchase/repair order contains the description and identification of the parts or
maintenance function or service to be provided and the technical, quality and delivery
requirements. Applicable pre-determined technical specifications are referenced and
provided to contractors.

Information may be added to the purchase/repair/sales order where appropriate such


• Requirements for approval of product, procedures, processes and equipment

• Requirements for qualification of personnel
• Quality assurance system requirements
• Auditing or surveillance activities by customers or regulatory authorities.

Batam Aero Technic thru the Quality Assurance evaluates and selects contractors
based on their ability to supply product or services in accordance with the require-
ments. The criteria for selection, evaluation and re-evaluation are defined. The results
of evaluations and follow-up are recorded and maintained. The level of control for
particular products and services will be applied appropriate to the effect on produc-
tion and/or the final product.

Batam Aero Technic shall ensure the procurement of aeronautical products are obtain
from the source as required by CASR part 145.111

Determine to sources of aeronautical product handling procedure will described in

QPM Chapter 10.


All incoming materials and aircraft components are visually inspected to verify that
each of them appropriately preserved and free from defects and malfunctions. Specifi-

• Documentation from the vendor must match the company’s purchase order with
respect to quantity, part number, nomenclature and other specifications.
• Raw materials will be visually inspected for deterioration or corrosion.
• New parts or components will be visually inspected to confirm :

 The quantity

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 The part and/or serial number

 The part markings the general condition of the article (handling damage, leak-
age, corrosion, etc).All parts / components must be accompanied by docu-
ments / certificates that clearly indicate an approved / acceptable source.

 Maintained or altered aircraft components received from certificated approved

maintenance organizations will be visually inspected to ensure the part is identified
as recorded on the maintenance record and the data or identification plate. The
maintenance record will be reviewed to verify that the work scope requested by
the Batam Aero Technicwas completed and recorded as requested and that the sta-
tus of the part is clearly documented by a person with authority to do so, detail
procedure of receiving process at out station to be described in LPM (Logistic
Procedur Manual) Chapter 4.2.
 Maintained or altered aircraft components received from non-certificated ap-
proved vendors shall be inspected by the Quality Assurance Department to ensure
the work was performed in an appropriate manner and the article is eligible for in-

 Shelf-life items will be identified at incoming inspection.

A record of the initial verification procedure or inspection shall be placed in the Ba-
tam Aero Technicrecords to ensure that each part or material can be traced to the
source from which the Batam Aero Technicobtained the article.

Any material, part or component failing to meet the incoming inspection review
shall be “red tagged” with a list of discrepancies. All red-tagged aircraft, engine,
propeller and aircraft component shall be segregated until final disposition is de-
termined. Final disposition of such aircraft, engine, propeller and aircraft compo-
nent will be corrected the discrepancies or to return the article or to dispose of the

Generally, this Batam Aero Technicwill attempt to correct discrepancies noted or to

resolve any issues with the manufacturer, distributor or service provider. However, if
the discrepancy involves activity believed to be a violation of the CASR or if criminal
activity is suspected, this Batam Aero Technicmay voluntarily report the suspected un-
approved part using the DAC Form 21-35.

DAC Form 21-35 shall be completed in accordance with the guidance contained in the
instructions in Advisory Circular 21-29 (as revised), entitled “Suspected Unapproved
Parts Notification”.


Aircraft, engine, propeller and aircraft component stored in the Batam Aero Technicfor
installation on civil aviation aircraft, engine, propeller and aircraft component or
awaiting customer disposition shall be stored and/or preserved

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in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations or other government or in-

dustry standard practices applicable to the article involved. Preservation measures
afford adequate protection from humidity, extreme temperatures, dust, rough han-
dling, and/or damage during processing or shipping.

Aircraft, engine, propeller and aircraft component subject to long-term storage shall
be placed in a separate location as designated by the Stockroom Clerk. The preserva-
tion techniques shall be in accordance with the article manufacturer’s recommenda-
tions or other government or industry practices designed to provide the maximum
protection from physical damage or deterioration. Since it is not anticipated that the
Batam Aero Technicshall be preserving or storing items on a long-term basis the de-
scribed method shall be adequate.


Parts and material are taken from the stockroom as needed basis. Information perti-
nent to the airworthiness of a particular part or material will be re-verified during issu-
ance and against the normal course of maintenance based on the AMO established



Prior to performing any maintenance or alteration on civil aviation aircraft, this Batam
Aero Technicwill assess the requirements of each customer order and verify that it has
the capability to accomplish the work. In particular, this Batam Aero Technicwill ac-
complish the following steps :

• Evaluate the customer requirements and clarify with the customer any questions
about the scope and type of work to be done, and what technical data are to be
used to perform the work.
• Verify that the work required is within the authority of this Batam Aero Technicas
defined in its ratings and Operations Specifications.
 Verify required parts and materials are available accompanied by appropriate
certificate of serviceability.
• Verify all required technical data are available and current, including any specific
requirements of the air carrier or commercial operator customer (i.e., Engineer-
ing Order, build requirements, part substitution allowances, etc.).
 Work Order to authorize the work performed for any customer under the ap-
proved maintenance organization’s certificate and to establish the Batam Aero
Technicrecord :
 Each work order will be a consecutively numbered document, and the num-
ber will be used as reference for all maintenance, alteration or inspections
performed on the article received. Documentation of the work performed
may include the Batam Aero Technicforms as well as forms or document re-
quired by the customer.

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 Record of each Work Order in numerical sequence with the customer’s name,
the article part number, the serial number, special instructions and general
description of work to be accomplished.
 Supplemental instructions may be necessary to ensure proper servicing, in-
spection and test.
 The “original” of the printed and numbered Work Order form will be retained
in the computer system and in the production control office.
 Check paperwork to determine if any incoming article may have been involved
in an accident. If there is any question, consult with the customer. If the article
may have been involved in an accident, include an inspection for hidden damage
as described in this manual.
• Assign personnel for work after verifying qualifications.


Civil aviation aircraft, engine, propeller and aircraft component received by this Ba-
tam Aero Technicfor maintenance or alteration will be given an appropriate prelimi-
nary inspection check and test to determine their state of preservation and apparent
defects as necessary to fulfill the customer-requested work scope. The preliminary
inspection of the entire assembly and of each unit during the disassembly process
includes verification, as applicable, of general condition, obvious damage, and the
possibility that a specific hidden damage inspection will be required.

The results will be noted on the appropriate form provided by this Batam Aero
Technicor the customer, which will remain under the same Work Order until the ar-
ticle is approved for return to service.
In either event, if the customer’s work scope is limited in nature, the General Man-
ager Quality will determine whether the requested maintenance, preventive
maintenance or alteration can be accomplished within the applicable data despite
any other damage or discrepancies noted.

Records will be made of all preliminary inspections. The type of records used will be
determined by the requirements of the customer air carrier or commercial operator
or by the instructions in the Form and Tag Manual as defined in the Quality Proce-
dures Manual (Doc.BT-GEN-01-01).


When units are removed from a customer’s article, the Batam Aero Technicshall ap-
propriately tag and segregate the component parts on carts or in containers to en-
sure that all individual parts or units are identified to that product. No part may be
reinstalled on an article without appropriate inspections, tests or

maintenance to ensure eligibility for installation. Records of any inspection, test or

maintenance performed on removed parts shall be appropriately recorded and
made part of the Batam Aero Technicrecords.

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Suitable trays, racks, stands and containers are provided in the shop areas to ensure
proper segregation and maximum protection of all parts during the maintenance
and/or alteration process.

All parts are handled according to the manufacturer’s recommendations to ensure

that aircraft, engine, propeller and aircraft component or parts are not damaged in
transit from one area of the Batam Aero Technicto another. Particular attention
should rendered on the ESD (electrostatic sensitive device) components.


Parts shall be tagged for most of their movement within the approved maintenance
organization. At a minimum, all parts tags will contain:

• The part number of the end unit

• The serial number (if applicable)
• The name of the part; and
• The associated Work Order.


All aircraft, engine, propeller and aircraft component known to have been involved
in an accident will be given a thorough inspection for hidden damage. Hidden dam-
age inspections may also be generated by noted discrepancies during any prelimi-
nary or in-process inspection.

When a hidden damage inspection is required, it will be accomplished in accordance

with the specific instructions provided by the applicable manufacturer of the article
or as determined by

The customer or Engineering Manager in cooperation with the General Manager


When the manufacturer does not specify hidden damage inspection criteria, the En-
gineering Manager will evaluate the unit to determine the scope of inspection re-
quired. The scope of the inspection will account for:

• Customer requirements
• The type of unit involved, including the affect its failure may have
• Previous operating history, including a review of any malfunction and defect
reports and,
• The inspection will include areas adjacent to or likely to have been affected by
the obviously damaged area.

The results of this inspection will be recorded and the Work Order will also include a
copy of the Engineering Manager’s validation of the inspection scope and method.

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 Reference : CASR Part 145.213 Inspection of maintenance , preventive mainte-

nance , or alterations.

Inspections on aircraft, engine, propeller and aircraft component are a continuous

process from receiving inspection through the various stages of maintenance or al-
teration until the final inspection prior to approval of the work for return to service.
All maintenance, including in-process inspections will be performed in accordance
with the manufacturer's recommendations or in accordance with the customer's Air
Carrier approved maintenance program, as appropriate.

Inspections will be made as necessary so that final inspection to determine airworthi-

ness will not require disassembly. It will be the responsibility of the person approving
the work on the article for return to service to determine through a review of the
documentation, or through observation or inspection that inspections have been

When the customer requests a specifically limited work scope, and the preliminary or
in-process inspection indicates discrepancies which do not affect the completion of
the limited work scope, the final inspection and approval for return to service will be
limited to the particular work performed.

The appropriately qualified and certificated person (see Batam Aero Technicroster) is
responsible for ensuring that in-process inspections on aircraft, engine, propeller and
aircraft component are performed properly, and that the inspection results are ac-
ceptable. The requirement for and frequencies of the in-process inspections shall be
determined by the customer’s requirements, applicable manufacturer’s Instructions
for Continued Airworthiness (e.g., maintenance, repair, and overhaul manuals), Ser-
vice Bulletins, service letters, Airworthiness Directives, and/or other data acceptable
to or approved by the DGCA.

When a record of an inspection by dimension or test is required by the applicable

technical data, the results will be recorded in the appropriate section or form and in-
cluded in the approved maintenance organization’s documentation. The inspections
shall be recorded and validated with the employee’s signature or initials on the doc-

Whenever an in-process inspection or work scope inspection determines that a

maintenance step or function has been accomplished incorrectly, the work will be re-
peated and inspected to ensure proper completion.


Specific notations will be made on the printed Work Order when recording special-
ized inspection, testing and/or calibration of a unit. Any special inspections, such as

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NDT or functional tests, may be recorded on separate forms. These forms shall be-
come part of the Work Order and Batam Aero Technicrecords.


Work will be performed in the sequence determined by the applicable maintenance

data. No maintenance or alteration may be accomplished following any item needing
an in-process inspection until the inspection has been accomplished and the results
found acceptable as evidenced by the inspector’s initials or signature.

If work out of sequence is contemplated, an appropriate review will be made to en-

sure that the airworthiness of the article will not be affected.


 Reference : CASR Part 145.213 Inspection of maintenance , preventive mainte-

nance , or alterations.

Before generating an approval for return to service, the appropriately qualified per-
son (see Batam Aero Technicroster) from the Quality Assurance Department shall au-
dit the work order package to determine whether:

 The work was accomplished in accordance with the work scope requested by
the customer.
• Each task was accomplished or determined to be non-applicable to the work
scope requested and the technician’s signature or initials indicate that the task
has been accomplished on the appropriate work order package document.
• Each inspection required by the work order package has been satisfactorily
completed and recorded on the appropriate document.
• The specific section of any Service Bulletin referenced in an Airworthiness Di-
rective (AD) are appropriately completed and recorded (a reference to the AD
may be made, but this Batam Aero Technicdoes not accomplish AD’s, only spe-
cific portions of Service Bulletins referenced in AD’s, therefore the specific sec-
tion of the Service Bulletin should be clearly referenced).
 Life limited parts status are appropriately transferred or completely established
the traceability since birth.
• Any discrepancies in work and/or records are appropriately disposition.

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 Reference : CASR Part 157 Certifying Personnel to approve an article for return
to service, CASR Part 145.201 Operating rules – Privileges and limitations of
certificate, CASR Part 145.213 Inspection of maintenance, preventive mainte-
nance or alterations

Every the final inspection of aircraft maintenance, preventive maintenance and or

alteration has been perform accordance with the provisions requirement of CASR
part 43 can be approve for Return to service.

There are two approval for return to service issued by Batam Aero Technic are for
aircraft with document form no. BT-QMF-005 and aircraft component with DAC
Form 21–18.

Batam Aero Technic will not maintain or alter of airframe, engine, propeller or
components that is not in accordance with the present condition and will not main-
tain or alter technical capabilities that are not available of technical data, equip-
ment or facilities.

Return to service not approved by Batam Aero Technic unless the maintenance,
preventive maintenance, or alteration and major repair or major alteration was
performed in accordance with the applicable approved technical data with rating
acceptable to the DGCA.

General Manager Quality is the responsibility for each perform of maintenance,

preventive maintenance and or major repair or major alteration to the sample fol-
lowing approved technical data:
 Form 21-09 (Application for approval or alteration and major repair)
 Form 43-337 (Return to service after embodiment of alteration or major repair)

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 Reference : CASR Part 145.211 Quality and safety system.

The basic function of Batam Aero Technic quality assurance system is to remain in compliance
with aviation regulatory demands and deliver safe/airworthy products to customer airlines.
The quality assurance program is a continuous improvement program to take corrective action
of findings, deficiencies, or any undesirable condition.

The correction of findings/deficiencies is part of improvement process, and could include revi-
sions to procedures that were not working properly. All the findings/deficiencies, corrective
actions and evaluations will be documented and submitted for Batam Aero Technic Manage-
ment Review periodically. The President Director shall ensure the department’s managers
takes the corrective actions in their responsible area.

The corrective action will be taken following the result of :

 Internal evaluation programs

 Audits by outside agencies
 Assessment of contractors and sub-contractors
 Special investigations such as incident investigations, customer complaints, rework inves-
tigation as well as personnel spot-check findings

Depending on the finding consequences, correction actions can be immediate corrected for
airworthiness related findings or minor findings on the spot. For other findings, such as : pro-
cedural, systematical, facility, equipment, personnel, material, technical data that do not af-
fect the airworthiness of the article, the time frame shall be evaluated on case by case basis, to
avoid delivery products and to ensure the most expedient corrective action is taken.


QA Program will comprise the following elements :

 An internal evaluation programs.

 An established audit plan.
 A record of audit findings and corrective and/or preventive actions.
 Assurance of appropriate corrective and/or preventive action.
 All elements necessary to confirm the maintenance organization is in compliance
with the applicable regulations and AMOQSM.
 The QA Program confirms all referenced procedures remain applicable and effec-

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 Reference : CASR Part 145.211 Quality and safety system.

QA Program will includes the use of the following processes :

 An initial evaluation, using the published Audit Checklist that cover all aspects of
the Batam Aero Technic maintenance organization technical activities, conducted
within 12 months with appropriate management approval following the date that
the DGCA approval and operating certificate is issued.
 Recurring evaluations conducted at interval establish in the AMOQSM.
 Records of findings of compliance and non-compliance resulting from the re-
quired of an initial and recurring evaluation above.
 Procedures to ensure the findings of the evaluations are communicated to the
person appointed and made available to the customer (if required).
 Where appropriate, immediate and long-term actions to correct the root cause of
each non-compliance noted.
 Follow-up procedures to ensure necessary corrective/preventive actions (both
immediate and long-term) implemented by the Maintenance Organization are ef-
 A record-keeping system to ensure details of evaluation findings, corrective ac-
tions, preventive actions and follow-up are recorded and that the records are re-
tained for two complete evaluation cycles.

The accomplished of all activities that currently used/implemented for this sub-chapter
will be defined as details in an independent manual to be called as Quality Procedure
Manual Doc no. BT-GEN-01.01 which under the responsibility and controlled by Asst.
Manager Quality Assurance.

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 Reference : CASR Part 145.211 Quality and safety system

In Batam Aero Technic, as approved maintenance organization, all personnel will ensure that
every effort is made to promote safety in all of facilities and operations. An employee will re-
port any dangerous or unsafe situation to his or her Manager or designated person. Also, if in
doubt about safety program procedures in any situation, the Manager or designated person
should be consulted.

A well-kept, clean office, shop, or other work area promotes safety. Each employee of Batam
Aero Technicis expected to ensure that his own work station and equipment are kept clean
and orderly.


The company’s responsibilities :

 Are responsible for maintaining safe and sanitary working conditions in all its fa-
cilities. Adequate safety facilities and equipments, such as first aid kit, eye wash-
es, showers, and fire extinguishers, will be provided at strategic and easily acces-
sible location throughout facilities.
 Will not require an employee to work under unsafe of unsanitary conditions. In
order to eliminate, as far as possible, all accidents and industrial illness, the safety
procedures will be strictly enforced.
 Will make available safety equipment such as : safety glasses and goggles, ear
plugs and protective shields. Also requires that while engaged in hazardous work
activities, employees wear or use the appropriate safety equipment, and if need-
ed, will provide appropriate clothing to employees who are required to work with
acids and chemicals that are destructive to ordinary clothing.

The Safety & Security Department that working under Batam Aero Technic Director
which responsible :

 To development and implementation of Batam Aero Technic, safety management

system (SMS) and provides direction to all activities that ensure the safety of per-
sonnel and property.
 To performs periodic audits of Batam Aero Technic, Batam Aero Technicfacilities
in order to identify unsafe working environments and practices. Based on these
findings, will develops guidance material for use by company personnel.
 To maintains record of personnel injury and accident reports, analyzes the rec-
ords, and develops improvement program to facilities, equipment, and proce-

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All General Managers in Batam Aero Technic, Batam Aero Technicare responsible :
 To ensure that employees under their supervision maintain safe working condi-
 To instruct, interpret, and enforce the rules, regulations, and methods necessary
for the prevention of accidents. Managers also responsible for the proper place-
ment of workers in their jobs and for giving proper instructions in job procedures
and safety methods.
 In the enforcement of safety regulations, the Managers in collaborating with the
Safety & Security Department, must provide leadership for promoting safety pro-
cedures, and must constantly follow-up to ensure that personnel under his direc-
tion understand and adhere to safe practices.

All Employees of Batam Aero Technic, Batam Aero Technicare responsible :

 To comply with company safety regulations, policies, and standard practices. The
employee will keep himself, his co-workers, and equipment in his area free from
accidents by complying with safety requirements.
 To pay strict attention to signs and placards concerning the proper operation of
machinery or special tools. When in doubt about the operation or condition of
machinery/special tools, the employee is required to consult with his Manager/s.


Batam Aero Technic as Batam Aero Technicthrough the Safety & Security Department
will maintain an effective safety program to protect the safety of its employees and its
property by established a Safety Management System Manual (SMS Manual), Batam
Aero Technic document no. : BT-GEN-02 that has a minimum :
 Identifies safety hazards and assesses and mitigate risks.
 Ensures that remedial action necessary to maintain an acceptable level of safety
is implemented.
 Provides for continuous monitoring and regular assessment of the safety level
 Aims to make continuous improvement to the overall level the safety.

The basic program will be supplemented with specific procedures for specific situa-
tions. These additional procedures will be tailored to suit specific work rules, available
facilities and equipments, and other unique considerations.
Examples of procedures that may be added include : handling of flammable and haz-
ardous material, protection against noise and precautions during welding, use of spe-
cific machines and equipments, etc.

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 Reference : CASR Part 145.101 , CASR Part 103, Housing, Facilities , Equipment, Material
and Data General, CASR Part 145.109 Equipment, material, and data requirements,


All equipment, materials, and technical data needed for the work this Batam Aero
Technicperforms will be available where the work is accomplished and be under the
approved maintenance organization’s control when the work is being performed.


In general, the requirements of the manufacturer directs the technical data required
to be used by this approved maintenance organization. Additionally, the air carrier or
commercial operator customer is required to provide the applicable portions of its
general maintenance manuals pertaining to the maintenance being accomplished by
this approved maintenance organization.

Batam Aero Technic controls the documents and data provided by its customers thru
proper recording of the Technical publication. The Batam Aero Technicmakes perti-
nent technical data available to maintenance personnel in the form of Work Order and
inspection instructions as required by the customer. Information pertinent to a partic-
ular article or customer may include, but is not limited to:

• Engineering orders
• Build standards
• Drawings and/or schematic information
• Supplemental Type Certificate information

In addition to the customer specified technical data, this Batam Aero Technicwill
maintain current and accessible at least the following materials and technical data
pertaining to the performance of any work under the Batam Aero TechnicCertificate.
The technical data handling are defined in Continuing Airworthiness Management, re-
ferred as document number BT-GEN-01.07.
• Airworthiness directives,
• Instructions for continued airworthiness,
• Maintenance manuals and overhaul manuals
• Standard practice manuals, and services bulletins.
 Other applicable data acceptable to or approved by the DGCA.

Maintenance personnel, supervisors, inspectors and the Quality Mangement Depart-

ment will continually review all technical data to ensure proper information is being
used. Whenever work is being performed, personnel should ensure the data refer-
enced is applicable to the customer and to the article.

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The Batam Aero Technicshould be maintain the tools and equipment required or used
to hold the class ratings and as recommended by the manufacturer, or technically
proven equivalent to that recommended by the manufacturer and accepted by the au-
thority. It is the responsibility of the General Manager Quality and the related depart-
ment to determine equivalency and document that determination.

A list of the other tools and equipment used by the Batam Aero Technicin the perfor-
mance of maintenance preventive maintenance and alteration on civil aviation aircraft,
engine, propeller and aircraft component is available for review by the customer and
civil aviation authority personnel. A list of calibrated tools and equipment are kept by
the store keeper as defined in Technical Service Procedure Manual, refer as document
number BT-GEN-01.04.


When an equivalent equipment or tool is contemplated, the Manager Tools Design and
Field Engineering will create a file that documents the following actions:

• Reviewing in detail the manufacturer’s recommendation and thereafter performing

a comparative analysis of the specific usage for the equipment, material or tool will
be the basis for determining equivalency. The evaluation will include:

 A review of the maintenance manual to determine the exact requirements of

the equipment or tool. Appropriate sections of the manual will be copied and
made part of the equipment or tool file.
 An overview of the specific function of the equipment or tool, i.e. the technical
requirements, the parameters of the test, the expectations of the work to be
performed by the tools or equipment. Appropriate notes will be taken to ensure
establishment of an equivalent substitute.

• The appropriate drawings and specifications that define the configuration, the type
of material and specific dimensions of tool or equipment that locally manufactured
have to approved by Engineering Manager. This item is defined on the Continuing
Airworthiness Procedure Manual known as Doc.BT-GEN-01.07.

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Materials and parts used to perform maintenance, preventive maintenance or altera-

tion are ordered as required. Material is requisitioned from the stockroom to a particu-
lar job as needed to complete the work in an airworthy manner. No work is com-
menced, continued or completed without appropriate materials being used. Details on
the material & parts handling including scrap part, Beyond Economic Repair (BER) and
Return As Is (RAI) resolution process are defined on the Logistic Procedure Manual BT-
GEN-01-07 and Quality Procedure Manual BT-GEN-01-01


With respect to substitution of material (which includes raw material and parts), when
an equivalent material is contemplated, a file will be
created. Reviewing in detail the manufacturer’s recommendation and thereafter per-
forming a comparative analysis of the specific usage for the equipment, material or tool
will be the basis for determining equivalency.

Standard parts and materials that are no longer available may be substituted with a
showing that the new (or substitute) standard specification itself has determined the
equivalency of the available (new) part or material after the evaluation conducted by
Engineering Department then covered by certain in house publication.

Other than the standard part or material substitute, the evaluation will include:

• A review of the maintenance manual to determine the exact requirements of the

material. Appropriate sections of the manual will be copied and made part of the
• An overview of the specific function or purpose of the material, i.e. the technical re-
quirements, the material properties, configuration (if any), etc. Appropriate notes
will be taken to ensure establishment of an equivalent substitute.

Equivalency will be determined by the usage of the material and whether the substitute
will return the article worked on to at least its original or properly altered condition.

A file will be created delineating the original material or part recommendation along
with the technical information necessary to determine equivalency.

Substitute parts and materials will be used only as allowed and directed by the civil avi-
ation regulations and the customer requirements.

Chapter : 8 Sub chapter 8.4

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Tools and equipment used by this Batam Aero Technicto determine the airworthiness
of a part during maintenance, preventive maintenance, or alteration will be subject to
periodic checks and calibration. All calibration standards used are traceable to the
National Standard (Komite Akreditasi Nasional/KAN).

No person may use any tool or equipment to determine the airworthiness of any part
unless it has been appropriately calibrated and labeled.

In general, each tool or equipment used to determine the airworthiness of any part
must be calibrated according to the procedures and at the intervals prescribed by the
manufacturer of the tool or equipment. Calibrated tools/equipment will be marked and
tracked. Frequency of any check or calibration may vary depending upon the use of the
tool or equipment. Therefore, the interval shall be listed for each tool or equipment as
required by the NIST standard or as recommended by the manufacturer of the equip-

Whenever a tool or equipment is determined to be out of calibration, the Batam Aero

Technicwill determine whether the condition had any impact on the airworthiness of
the article. If the out-of calibration condition did have an impact on airworthiness, the
steps in required to correction deficiencies set forth in this manual shall be followed.
Details on calibration policy and procedures are defined in the Panduan Sistem Mutu
Laboratorium Kalibrasi, refer as Batam Aero Technic Document No. BT-GEN-04.

Chapter : 8 Sub chapter 8.4

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This Batam Aero Technicmust use only DGCA-approved technical data when it accomplishes a
major repair or major alteration. If there is any question as to whether technical data is DGCA-
approved, the issue will be brought to the attention of supervisory personnel and the Quality

This Batam Aero Technicwill use CASR Parts 1 and 43 (Appendix A) and Advisory Circular 120-
77 as guidance to determine if a repair/alteration is classified as major or minor. If a repair or
alteration is to be accomplished and it is not obvious if it should be classified major or minor,
the Quality Inspection Assurance will be consulted.

The General Manager Quality will coordinate and discuss with the Quality Department of the
customer Air carrier. If the customer holds a DGCA certificate with authority to determine ma-
jor and minor as stated on the approved maintenance program for the subject case, this Ba-
tam Aero Technicwill follow the customer’s instructions. If the customer cannot make such a
determination, the General Manager Quality will make the determination and document the
analysis that supports the determination of minor repair/alteration and will obtain approval of
all major repair/alteration.

Records of major repairs will be included on the customer’s Work Order and the maintenance
release required by the applicable civil aviation authority. Upon customer request, records of
major repairs will include a completed DAC Form 43-337. Records of major alterations on In-
donesian registered aircraft will be made on DAC Form 43-337. After completion, the original
DAC Form 43-337 shall be supplied to the customer, a copy will be made part of the work or-
der package for the Batam Aero Technicrecords, and a copy will be forwarded to the DGCA Of-
fice for approving the article for return to service.

Chapter : 8 Sub chapter 8.5

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 Reference : CASR Part 145.201 AMO ( Privileges and limitations of certificates) CASR Part
145.217 Contract maintenance.

Maintenance contractors are chosen based on their capability to perform maintenance, pre-
ventive maintenance or alteration services either they have certificated or non-certificated
maintenance contractors.

Certificated maintenance contractors are required to have a quality control system that en-
sures they have the housing, facilities, equipment, trained personnels and all data necessary to
accomplish the specific work requested by this approved maintenance organization.

Non-certificated maintenance contractors shall follow quality control system of this Batam
Aero Technicwhich remains directly in charge of the work performed by them, with issuing
work orders as a reference procedure that has been determined through the Component En-
gineering Order which contains the requirements and procedures must be done by a third par-
ty. This Batam Aero Technicverifies satisfactory airworthiness of the works performed by non
certificated contractors before approving it for return to service.

Batam Aero Technic would not contract, perform and issuance return to service for each
maintenance will be performed to non-certificated maintenance contractors before inspected,
observed and permitted by DGCA.

The assessment may include audit or questionnaire to contracted maintenance to ensure their
capabilities meet with the specific requirement. Their capabilities are assessed every 24
months to ensure that they maintain their capability or revised accordingly if there is any

List of approved maintenance contractors and any correspondence associated to the imple-
mentation of the maintenance of production will be monitored by the Quality Department.

General Manager Quality is responsible for the current condition of the approved list of
maintenance contractors to be reported to the local authority (DGCA).

Chapter : 8 Sub chapter 8.6

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There are two times when corrective action is required under this approved maintenance or-
ganization’s quality control system:

• Prior to the work being approved for return to service; and,

• After the work has been completed and approved for return to service.

Whenever an inspection or work scope determines that a maintenance step or function has
been accomplished incorrectly, the work will be repeated and inspected to ensure proper

Additionally, the incident will be reviewed to ensure that the improper work was not the result
of a deficiency in facilities, equipment, tooling or material. When deemed appropriate by the
Quality Assurance Department, the incident will be recorded and tracked. A summary of the
actions taken will be made available to the civil aviation authority and/or customer upon re-
quest. However, specific records will be released only at the direction of the President Director
and shall contain warnings that the information will be considered confidential business data
which may not be released, duplicated or disseminated by the party receiving it without the
company’s specific written consent.

Whenever it is discovered that an improper maintenance, preventive maintenance or altera-

tion action was approved for return to service, this Batam Aero Technicwill immediately rectify
the situation with the customer.

Chapter : 8 Sub chapter 8.7

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Date : 17 January 2017


The maintenance and inspection activity should be used with registered forms that are devel-
oped and maintained by this Batam Aero Technicthorough control and monitored by Quality

Forms will be formatted to include a form number and revision date. Forms that are recording
in-process work will be acceptable with old revision numbers provided the work began prior to
the current revision being instituted as described in sub chapter 9.4.

Chapter : 8 Sub chapter 8.8

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 Reference : CASR Part 145.209 AMO ( approved maintenance organization) manual con-
tents, CASR Part 145.219 Record keeping

Records require to be developed, maintained and stored by the Batam Aero Technicare:

• Maintenance, preventive maintenance and alteration records

• AMOQSM revision records
• Employee records including:
 Qualification records
 Training records
• Batam Aero Technicvendor records and lists
• Reports of defects and un-airworthy conditions.

All records required to be maintained under applicable civil aviation regulations are available
for inspection by the DGCA and the National Transportation Safety Committee (NTSC) upon
request. All such requests shall be coordinated with the General Manager Quality and may
require the approval of the President Director. Records and reports may also be made availa-
ble to customers and/or may be copied for government officials with the understanding the
information data is confidential and may not be released, copies or disseminated by the re-
ceiver without the express written permission of Batam Aero Technic.

Chapter : 9 Sub chapter 9.1

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Date : 20 February 2017


A detailed record of all work performed by the Batam Aero Technicshall be maintained for
aircarft and aircraft component maintained or altered or returned to the customer in “as-is”
condition. The description of the work performed shall be set forth in the Work Order package

In daily activity, Batam Aero Technic use the integrated computer system was called TRAX
System to manage recording of maintenance activity.

Work Order documents may include, but are not limited to:
• Work Order
• Records of special inspections
• Engineering orders and documentation of accomplishment
• Service bulletins and documentation of accomplishment
• Documentation of work performed by approved vendors
• Supplemental Type Certificate data and instructions
• Rejected materials and the reason for the rejection or the return “as-is”.

Describe of required maintenance entry or form an aircraft, airframe, engine , Propeller, ap-
pliance or component part unless using methods, technic, and practices and tested with ac-
ceptable by DGCA.


All engineers are responsible for completing the appropriate paperwork. Unless other-
wise directed by the customer air carrier or commercial operators written procedures,
all steps in each maintenance or inspection document shall be:
• In blue/black ink
• Completed or
 Determined to be inapplicable to the scope of work requested by the customer. If
any steps on the forms are found to be inapplicable, where a task card allows partial
deletion or the partial N/A annotation of its requirements due to modification state
or method of test (differing test equipment options) then the card must have clear
statement stating why that part of the task is N/A (Not Applicable).
For instance, “this method not used” or “N/A, equipment not fitted to this aircraft”
would be acceptable. If the entire task card is not applicable, then the customer
must withdraw it from the work order.
Any entry made in error not permited to delete/erase, use with a single line through
the error and sign date added at the end of the line, to the effect that an error had
been made. The use of correction fluid or eraser to obliterate text is not permitted
under any circumstance.
• At the completion of a work step the person performing the step will initial, sign or
stamp in ink the appropriate place on the document
Inspectors shall indicate the acceptance of the work or inspection performed by af-
fixing their initials or signature in blue ink next to the technician’s on the mainte-
nance document.

Chapter : 9 Sub chapter 9.2

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 Reference : CASR Part 145 219 Record keeping

All maintenance records, including records of work performed by outside sources,

shall be retained in the Work Order file for not less than 2 (two) years following the
date of the work was approved for return to service. Customer required records will
be maintained for the duration established by the civil aviation regulations governing
the customer or the contract. Records will be stored in such a manner as to provide
reasonable access and to prevent deterioration. Details for this items is defined in the
Quality Procedures Manual, refer as document number BT-GEN-01.01.

Chapter : 9 Sub chapter 9.2

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Date : 23 October 2014


 Reference : CASR PART 145.221 Report of failure, malfunction, or defects

Batam Aero Technic will be report to the DGCA with the acceptable format, if found
a serious failure, malfunction or defect of the aircraft, engine, propeller, and aircraft
components, are described condition such as :
 Aircraft structure that requires major repair;
 Cracks, permanent deformation, or corrosion of aircraft structures, if more
than the maximum acceptable to the manufacturer or the DGCA;
 Emergency evacuation systems or components including all exit doors, passen-
ger emergency evacuation lighting systems, or evacuation equipment that are
found defective, or that fail to perform the intended functions during an actual
emergency or during training, testing, maintenance, demonstrations, or inad-
vertent deployments.
 The number of engines removed prematurely because of malfunction, failure
or defect, listed by make and model and the aircraft type in which it was in-

The format of the report include the information as is available :

Aircraft register, Type, make, and model of the aircraft, engine, propeller or aircraft

In this case, because Batam Aero Techniccurrently serving operators in the same group
then reporting the failure, malfunction or defect of the aircraft to the local authority do
sufficient by the operator only.


The General Manager Quality is responsible for the proper and timely filing of reports
on serious Failures, Malfunctions, or Defects. These reports will be made within 96
(ninety-six) hours after discovery on a form and in a manner prescribed by the DGCA.
The report describes the defect or malfunction completely, without withholding any
pertinent information.


If the report may prejudice the approved maintenance organization, the General Man-
ager Quality will notify the responsible DGCA office and develop with them an appro-
priate disposition consistent with the CASR. If the defect could result in an imminent
safety hazard to flight, the DGCA office will be provided a preliminary report via tele-
phone or electronic means.

Chapter : 9 Sub chapter 9.3

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The Batam Aero Technicwill provide any information necessary to its customer air car-
rier or commercial operator customer particularly during flight malfunction of the air-
craft handled the line maintenance activity so that compliance with Parts 121, 129 or
135 reporting requirements may be met.

Chapter : 9 Sub chapter 9.3

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Date : 23 October 2014


This sub-chapter describes a Quality Assurance Control System of all forms and tags that being
used for recording of data, proper identification, information and reference system, etc. in Ba-
tam Aero Technic. No forms or tags to be used or to be revised particularly as aircraft, engine
or components provided documents without indicated forms control number and/or approval
by Quality Assurance Department.

This sub-chapter states all forms and tags that currently used/implemented will have a specific
purposes of its usage and defined the accomplishment as details in an independent document
to be manage with “List forms and tags Batam Aero Technic” (Doc. No. QSD-FC) it’s monitor
under Quality Assurance Department.

Chapter : 9 Sub chapter 9.4

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§ 145.0 AMO QSM Chapter 1.1

Regulatory Reference Introduction
§ 145.1 AMO QSM Chapter 1.13
Applicability. Performance Standard
§ 145.3 AMO QSM Chapter 1.10
Definition of terms. Definition
AMO QSM Chapter 4.3.1
Batam Aero Technic Director/Accountable manager (a) (c) ,
and (b) Noted
AMO QSM Chapter 2.4
Line Maintenance Activity (d)
§ 145.5 AMO QSM Chapter 1.16
Certificate and o p e r a t i o n s Availability of Certificate (b), (a) Noted
specifications requirements.
§ 145.51 All the requirement of CASR 145.51 (a) has been covered
Application for certificate. by AMO QSM and Approved capability List.
AMO QSM Chapter 1.12
Maintain of personnel, housing, facility, Equipment, Material &
technical data (b) ,
(c ) Not Applicable & (d) Noted

§ 145.53 (a), (b), & (c) Noted and (d) Not Applicable
Issue of certificate.
§ 145.55 AMO QSM Chapter 2.1
Duration and renewal of certif- Certification requirement, change or transfer (d),
icate. (a) Noted, (b)&(c) Not Applicable

§ 145.57 AMO QSM Chapter 2.1.1

Amendment to or transfer of Change or transfer (a), and (b) Noted

§ 145.59 (a),(b),(c),(d),(e),(f) Not Applicable

§ 145.61 (a)(b) Approved Company Capability list (Doc. No. BT-CL-01)
Limited ratings. (c ) Not Applicable

§ 145.101 AMO QSM Chapter 5

Housing, Facilities, Equip- Facilities
ment, Materials and Data AMO QSM Chapter 8.4
General Equipment, Material and Technical Data

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§ 145.103 AMO QSM Chapter 5

Housing and facilities require- Facilities (a)(1)
ments. AMO QSM Chapter 8.4
Equipment, Material and technical Data
AMO QSM Chapter 5.1
Physical Description (a)(2)(i)(ii),(v)
AMO QSM Chapter 8.1.7
Segregation & handling of parts (a)(2)(iii)(iv)
AMO QSM Chapter 5.1.1 Hangar
Facility (b)
AMO QSM Chapter 1.14
Work performed at a location other than fixed location (c )

§ 145.105 AMO QSM Chapter 2.1

Change of location, housing, Certification Requirement, change or transfer (a)(b)(c)
or facilities.
§ 145.107 (a)(b)(c) Not Applicable
Satellite AMO (approved
maintenance organization).
§ 145.109 AMO QSM Chapter 1.12
Equipment, materials, and da- Maintain of personnel, housing, facilities, equipment, materials &
ta requirements. technical data (a)
AMO QSM Chapter 8.4.7
Calibration policy & procedures (b)
AMO QSM Chapter 8.4.3
Equipment & tooling (c )
AMO QSM Chapter 8.1.1
Purchasing (d)
AMOQSM Chapter 8.4.2
Technical data (e)

§ 145.111 AMO QSM Chapter 8.1.1

Sources of aeronautical prod- Purchasing (d)

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§ 145.151 AMO QSM Chapter 4.3.1

Personnel requirements. Accountable Manager (a)
AMO QSM Chapter 4.1
General (b)
QPM Chapter 3.1.8 & QPM 3.5.2
Audit personnel
TPM Chapter 2.2.4.D.10
Auditor (c )
AMO QSM Chapter 4.2
Personnel Qualification (d)
TPM Chapter 2.2.4.A
Aircraft Mechanic (e)

§ 145.153 AMO QSM Chapter 4.1

Manager or Supervisory Per- General
sonnel requirements AMOQSM Chapter 4.2
Personnel Qualification
TPM Chapter 8.1
Work performed by interim maintenance employees
(a)(b)(c )

§ 145.155 AMO QSM Chapter 4.1

Inspection personnel require- General
ments. TPM Chapter 2.2
Identification of Training needs
QPM Chapter 3.5.2
Personnel Authorization Requirement
(a)(b)(c )

§ 145.157 AMO QSM Chapter 4.2

Certifying Personnel author- Personnel Qualification (a)(1), (a)(2) Not applicable
ized to approve an article for QPM Chapter 3.5.2
return to service. Personnel Authorization requirement (b)

§ 145.159 AMO QSM Chapter 4.2

Auditor Requirements Personnel Qualification
TPM Chapter 2..2.4
D10 Auditor
QPM Chapter 3.5.2.
Personnel Authorization requirement

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§ 145.161 AMO QSM Chapter 4.4

Records of management, AMO Roster (a)(1)(2)(3)
supervisory, inspection AMO QSM Chapter 4.4.1
and certifying personnel. Roster records (a)(4)
AMO QSM Chapter 4.4.2
Roster revision (b)

§ 145.163 AMO QSM Chapter 6.1

Training requirements. General Program Description (a)(b)
AMO QSM Chapter 6.2
Training Records (c )
AMO QSM Chapter 6.3
Procedure for revising the Training Program (d)

§ 145.165 AMO QSM Chapter 1.10

Hazardous material training. Definition
AMO QSM Chapter 6.1
General Program Description (a) and (b) Noted

§ 145.201 AMO QSM Chapter 1.11

Operating Rules - Privileges Performance Standard (a)(1)
and limitations of certificate. AMO QSM Chapter 8.6
Maintenance Contractors (a)(2)
AMO QSM Chapter 8.1.14
Approval for return to service (a)(3),(b), (c)(1)(2) and
(c )(3) Not applicable

§ 145.203 AMO QSM Chapter 1.14

Work performed at another Work performed at a location other than fixed location (a),(b)

§ 145.205 AMO QSM Chapter 7.1

Maintenance, preventive Work performed procedure for certain operators (a)
maintenance, and altera- (b) Not applicable
tions performed for certifi- AMO QSM Chapter 7.2
cate holders under parts Line maintenance procedure
121, 125, and 135, and for AMO QSM Chapter 1.12
foreign air carriers or for- Maintain of personnel, housing, facilities, equipment, materials &
eign persons operating an technical data (c )(1)(2)
Indonesian registered air- and (c) (3) Noted
craft in common carriage
under CASR part 129.

Appendix A
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§ 145.206 Reserved

§ 145.207 AMO QSM Chapter 1.7

AMO (approved maintenance Manual Control (a)
organization) manual. AMO QSM Chapter 1.3
Manual Revision (b) (d) (e)
AMO QSM Chapter 1.8
List of manual holder (c).

Appendix A
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§ 145.209 AMO QSM Chapter 1.5

AMO (approved maintenance Declaration (a)(1)
organization) manual con- AMO QSM Chapter 4.3
tents. Duty & Responsibility.(a)(2)(3)
AMO QSM Chapter 4.4
AMO Roster (b)
AMO QSM Chapter 1.11
General Certification Requirement
AMO QSM Chapter 5.1
Physical Description.
AMO QSM Chapter 1.12
Maintain of Personnel Housing, Facilities, Equipment mate-
rial & Technical Data (C)
Company Capability List
QPM Chapter 3.3
General- Capability Development (d)(1)(2)
AMO QSM Chapter 6.3
Procedures for Revising the Training Program (e)
AMO QSM Chapter 1.14
Work Performed at a Location other than Fixed Location (f)
AMO QSM Chapter 7.1
Work Performed Procedure for Certain Operators
AMOQSM Chapter 8.1.5
Processing aircraft engine, propeller and aircraft, component received
for maintenance and alteration (g)
AMO QSM Chapter 8.6
Maintenance Contractors (h)(1)(2)
AMO QSM Chapter 9.1.
General Policy
AMOQSM Chapter 9.2.2
Maintenance Storage and Duration (i)
AMO QSM Chapter 1.3
Manual Revision Processes. (j)
AMO QSM Chapter 1.7
Manual Control System (k)

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§ 145.211 AMO QSM Chapter 8.1

Quality and safety system Quality Control System (a)(b)(c)
AMO QSM Chapter 1.3
Manual revision processes (d)
AMO QSM Chapter 8.2
Quality Assurance System
QPM Chapter 3.1.7
Independent Audit (e)
AMO QSM Chapter 8.3
Safety Program General
SMS Manual BT-GEN-02 (f)(1)(2)
SMS Manual BT-GEN-02 (g)

§ 145.213 AMO QSM Chapter 8.1.10

Inspection of maintenance, In-process Inspection (a)
preventive maintenance, or AMO QSM Chapter 8.1.13
alterations. Final Inspection
AMOQSM Chapter 8.1.14
Approval for Return to Service (b)
AMO QSM Chapter 4.1
TPM Chapter 2.2
Identification Training Need(c ) and (d) Not Applicable
§ 145.215 AMO QSM Chapter 1.18
Capability list. Company Capability List (a)(b)(c) (d)

§ 145.217 AMO QSM Chapter 8.6

Contract maintenance. Maintenance Contractor (a)(b)(c)
§ 145.219 AMO QSM Chapter 9.1
Record keeping. General Policy (a)(b) (e)
AMO QSM Chapter 9.2.2
Maintenance record Storage & duration (c )
AMO QSM Chapter 7.6
Record retention (d)

§ 145.221 AMO QSM Chapter 9.3

Reports of failure, malfunc- Report of serious failures, malfunction & defect (a)(b)
tions, or de- and (c) (d)(e) Noted
§ 145.223 AMO QSM Chapter 1.15
DGCA inspections. Inspection by DGCA (a)
AMOQSM Chapter 8.6
Maintenance Contractor (b)(c)

Appendix A

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