Gerunds Vs Infinitives

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Ew BIN gINGS meu Hane ‘Verbs with a bullet (2) can also be followed by gerunds. See Chart 14-9. ‘A. VERBS FOLLOWED IMMEDIATELY BY AN INFINITIVE 1. afford T can’ afford to buy it. 24. loner 1 love 10 go to operdi. 2, agree They agreed to help us, 25, manage She managed to finish ber work etl. 3. appear “She appears tobe tired. 26, mean 1 didn't mean to hurt Yous feslings. 4, arrange 1 arrange 1o meet you atthe; 27. need 1 need to have your opinion. airport. 28, offer ‘They offered to help vs 5. ask He ashed come with us, 29. plan 1 am planning to have party. 6. can'tBear I can't bear waitin long lines. | 30. prgere Ann prefer .o walk Yo work, 1. beg He begged to come with us. 31.-propare We prepared wo melome them. 8 begin © began to rain 32, pratand ‘He prevends not to understand. 8. care 1 don't care to see that show. 33, promise I promise not belate. 10. dam She claims vo knowa famous movie | 34, refuse T refs 1 believe his story. star. 35, regres I regret wo sellyou that you failed, 11, consent She finally consented t0 marry him, - | 36, remember I remembered 1 loc the door. 12. continue Hee continued to speak - 37. seem “That cat seems 10 be friendly. 13, decide have decided to leave on Mondny. | 38, can't stand I can’s stand 10 waitin long Lines, 14 demand I demand to know who is responsible. | 39, sare It suaned to rain 15, deseroe She deserves to win the prize, 40, avuggle —- Trsrugeed ony awake. 16 expect T expect ntergradunteschoolin | 41.‘rear She sore wo cllthe truth, fall. «| 421 shrgsen Ske vhreatened wo ely parents. V7 Se fad no eur bok ot, | a: yen tne ee bar Bagh i fue tee Settee Pe Tere mamma cod Gee heen alta mcacding 20. hesitate Dan's hesitate toa for my help. ith ‘She enbtes eo cone wit use 21. hope Jack hope 1 arrive next week. 22, Jearn Hee learned to play the plano, 23. ike 1 ike co goto the movies. “~~ B, VERBS FOLLOWED BY A (PRO)NOUN + AN INFINITIVE 48. advise She advised me to wait I: insite insruced them to be care Te 7 62. invite Harry sneied the Johnsons to come to 49, allow She alowed me to weber car. his pary. 50. ak 1 asked John 10 help ws. 63, need We needed Ghris to help us gore out 51. beg ‘They begged wt 10 come. ‘he solution. 52, eawe Hier laziness caused her to fait 64. onder “The judge ondered me to paya fine. 55, challenge She challenged me ro race ber to the | 65. permit He permitudthe children to nay up comer. é tate. 34, convince Leouldn't convince him to aceprout | 66. periwade ° 1 persuaded him wo come fora visit. help. 61, remind She reminded me to lock the door. 55, dere’ ~ He dared me co dobeter than he had | 68. require Our teacher require is 10 be on time. done. 69. teach My brother Loughe me to sein. 56, encourage He encouraged me tou again. 70. ull “The doctor told me to rake these 37. expect‘ expeciyou 0 be on time. pills. 58. forbid. 1 forbid you wo tli. 11, urge 1 urged her 10 apply forthe job. 59. force ‘They forced him vo edithe truth, | 72 want 1 ant you to be Boppy. 60. hive She hired a boy to mow the lawn. | 73, warn 1 ward you. ot wo drive 10 fest 3 Gerunds and infnives, Part 1 319 Escaneado con CamScanner } | » Maria Neyandia infinic See Chart 14-10. He admiued sealing the money. She aduted waiting unl rom T anticipate having a good time oh vacation. 1 appreited hearing fom them. : He avoided anzuering my question. 6, can bear __T can’ bear wating in long lines, FT begin Te began rng. cnpiie ——T Boal emplaced wi 9. consider will consider going with you. . 1h day He died ein for school 12. dey She dovted camming te rime. 13, discuss ‘They discussed opening a new business. 14 dite 1 dite dreing long distances. 15, enon We ented eting tem. 16 fh She fred sudying bout te. 1, forges ‘Pll never fonget visiting Napoleon's tomb. ee ee ee Sis cant hap Tear peor abot 20. heep hep hoping be wil come. Dike ke ging to movies. Ste mented ong a mos Tull you min ing me Wi? Tims Bing wit my ty. 36, patvone “Lats ponpone leaving wn tomorrow. Bi, praee, —-‘Thbe ableteprotad cron the ball 28. reer ‘Ann pers thing diving 10 2 git tad ing 1 9H the problem. 30. reall 1 don call meeting im before. Bi, reatece ‘Ton eae meting bn bere : 32. recommend ‘She recommended seeing the show. Saree ‘cing him my se 34, remember 1 can remember meeting him when I was. achild, 35. resent Tse Be itring ny Busnes. 1 couldn’ rveeeacing the dessert. 36. resist 37. risk She ris losing al of hex money. 38 contestand> 1 can't stand waiting in Jong lines, Fonsane . Te qaried rata . 40. sup ‘She stopped going to classes when she got sick. At, suggeit She sured going toa move te he won cleate cheating dt So Sa ea toy bth mp a wrk, Far uadastand Von's undersiand his Teaving chor 318 CHAPIER 14 Escaneado con CamScanner

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