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Personal narrative speech outline

● Topic: Something that makes me happy and motivated

● Grabber: Did you know playing Valorant can reduce stress, improve skills, and break
the enemy mentality.
● Introduction: My name is Kevin William Wijaya, I'm here to talk about something that
makes me happy and motivated, and that thing is playing Valorant
● Thesis statement: Playing Valorant can make me happy and motivated because it
helps me improve my skills, and can be fun for breaking the enemy mentality.
● Setting: I grew up in a big city, I loved spending my time playing games, cycling
outside, and sleeping.
● Conflict: When I started high school, I didn’t have as much time to play the game
Valorant, I was focused on my final project. I started to feel stressed.
● Rising action: One day, I decided to play the game Valorant at my house, i listened to
a song on the website and felt like I had eye bags on my face. I started to feel
happier when I played Valorant.
● Climax: I realized that playing Valorant was the perfect way to break the enemy
mentality, I started to practice aim, and improve my skill
● Failing action: As I played Valorant, I started to feel happier and more motivated I
was better able to practice aim and focus on my playing skills I also found new
inspiration in the world of esports.
● Resolution: Toda, playing Valorant is still one of my favorite things to do it helps me to
stay happy and motivated
● Summary: Playing Valorant, makes me happy and motivated it help me to break
mental enemy and improve my skills
● Reflection: I’ve learned that it’s important to make my aim good because the skin
teneneng on the Valorant market can boost your aim because the skin sounds like
● Call to Action: I encourage you to find something that makes you happy and
motivated, it could be anything from playing Valorant with friends or duo with loved,
whatever it is make sure to play it.

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