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The Human Flourishing in Terms of Scientific method

Science and Technology 1. Observe and identify using your
senses the unexplainable
occurrences around you.
Aristotle’s human flourishing
2. Identify the problem and identify
- a product of different factors such as the possible factors involved.
phronesis, friendship, wealth and
power. The Ancient Greek believed 3. Formulate hypothesis that
that for the people to achieve the could explain the said
true meaning of happiness these
occurrences. Ideally, the goal is
qualities should be acquired,
- , the good is what is good for to reject the null hypothesis and
purposeful and goal-directed accept the alternative hypothesis
for the study to be significant and
- Good means “good for” the individual
beneficial to the society.
moral agent. Egoism is an integral
4. Conduct experiment by setting
part of Aristotle’s ethics.
up dependent and independent
variables and see how the
The Western Society independent variable affects the

- where Atistotle is included tends to dependent variable.

be more focused on the individual, 5. Gather and analyze the data
The Eastern Society once your experiment is

- are more community-centric. complete. Collect your

Individual flourishing as an end then measurements and analyze them
is primarily more of a concern for
to see if they support your
western civilization.
hypothesis or not. Accept or
Technology as a way of reject the hypothesis or modify
revealing the hypothesis if necessary.
6. Formulate conclusion and
Science as Method
provide recommendation in
- Science is an organized way of
studying things and findings answers case others would like to extend
to questions. Scientific method is an the broaden the study you have
approach to seeking knowledge that
involves forming and testing a

Prepared By: Josef Alhambra, BS Med Bio 1-A


Science as a Social Endeavor - Interactions in society encourage

- The process of science is flexible and innovation and development of ideas
may take many possible paths, Many about new lines of evidence, new
of them are passionate about their applications, new questions, and
work and many of them are creative alternate explanations about a
towards achieving their goals. technology.
5. Diversity and collaboration divide
importance of diversity and collaboration labor.
in the scientific community towards - Science is too wide for an individual
human flourishing. on his or her own to handle.
- Collaborations and division of labor
1. Collaboration and diversity are increasingly important today, as
balance possible biases. our scientific understanding,
- Scientists should not be impartial but techniques, and technologies
be objective in their assessments of expand.
scientific issues.
2. Diversity and collaboration
stimulate problem solving.
- A diverse community is better able to The Moral Life
generate new research methods, One basic way in which we use the
word “good” is to express moral approval.
explanations and ideas, which can
help science over challenging This moral conception of the good life has
had plenty of champions. Socrates and
obstacles and shed new light on Plato both gave absolute priority to being a
problems for the betterment of the virtuous person
society. The Life of Pleasure
3. Diversity and collaboration Pleasure is enjoyable, it’s fun,
facilitate specialization ….well…pleasant! The view that pleasure is
the good, or to put it another way, that
Scientists have different pleasure is what makes life worth living, is
strengths and different interests, known as hedohism.
They may have different questions on
The Fulfilled Life
a certain topic, different methods that
According to Aristotle, we all want to be
are based on their interests.
happy. We value many things because they
4. Diversity and collaboration are
are a means to other things
inspiration and motivation

Prepared By: Josef Alhambra, BS Med Bio 1-A


The Meaningful Life should be based acts on behavior

a lot of people are implying that every rather than words.
happenings in life has a purpose, at first its Theism
all hell, but the sweet success of life in on the - The ultimate basis of happiness for
end. theists is the communion with God.
The Finished Life They believe that they can find the
The Greek had a saying: Call no man happy meaning of their lives by using God
until he’s dead. There is wisdom in this. In as the creator.
fact, one might want to amend it to: Call no Humanism
man happy until he’s long dead. For - human beings have the right and
sometimes a person can appear to live a fine responsibility to give meaning and
life, shape their own lives. “It is not theistic
and does not accept supernatural
Materialism views of reality”-IHEU, International
- The first materialists were the Humanist and Ethical Union.
atomists in Ancient Greece. The
atomist philosophers thought that Ultimate Goal of a Good life
universe and matter are only made - Aristotle was the originator of the
up of atoms “atomos” or seeds concept of eudaimonia (from daimon-
- founders of this theory was the Greek true nature). He deemed happiness
philosopher (Leucippus and his to be a vulgar idea, stressing that not
disciple Democritus (1round 460- all desires are worth pursuing
370 BC.). This belief aims that
comfort, pleasure, and wealth are When Technology and Humanity
the only highest goals.
Technology keeps on progressing due to the
- The hedonists see the end goal of life
changing times and environment and also to
in attaining pleasure. For hedonists,
the ever-progressing mind and mankind.
since life is limited, one must indulge
itself with pleasures.
- Epicurus Television Sets, Mobile Phones,

Stoicism Computers and Humanity

- Stoicism asserts that virtue (e.g. Almost all households, if not all, own these

wisdom) is happiness and judgment types of devices. To be more specific, and

Prepared By: Josef Alhambra, BS Med Bio 1-A


computers. People all over the world use Robotics and Humanity
these technologies everyday to accomplish Robots are now widely used. The
different purposes. International Federation of Robotics
(IFR) and the United Nations Economic

Kantar Media Commission for Europe (UNECE)

- 92% of the urban homes and 70% of a. robot is actuated mechanism

rural homes own ate least one programmable in two or more

television set. It is for the reason why axes with degree of

television remains to be the ultimate autonomy, to perform

medium for advertisement intended tasks. Autonomy in

placements this context means the ability

The television to perform intended tasks

- Paul Gottlieb, Nipknow, a German based on the current state

student, in the late 1800’s was and sensing human

successful in his attempt to send application.

images through wires with the aid of b. to perform intended tasks.

rotating metal disk Autonomy in this context

- This invention was then called the means the ability to perform

“electric telescope intended tasks based on the

Mobile phones current state and sensing

- On April 3, 1973, Martin Cooper, a human application.

senior engineer at Motorola, made c. A personal robot or a service

the world’s first mobile phone call. robot for personal use

Laptops and Computers

- The first true portable was released Robots Played by Robot

in April 1981. It was called the robots also have their own set of rules, These

Osborne 1 (Orfano, 2011). From that laws were formulated by Isaac Asimov back

moment on, the evolution of laptops in the 1940, when he was thinking of the

continued until the present time ethical consequences of robots.

where various designs and models

are already available.

Prepared By: Josef Alhambra, BS Med Bio 1-A


These are the following:

Law One:
A robot may not injure a human being
or, through inaction, allow a human being to
come to harm.
Law Two:
A robot must obey the orders given
by human beings except where such orders
would conflict with the first law.
Law Three:
A robot must protect its own
existence as long as such protection does
not conflict with the first and second law.

Ethical Dilemma/s Faced by Robotics

Safety - Who should be held
accountable if someone’s safety is
compromised by a robot? Who should be
emotional component - it is not
completely impossible for robots to develop

If the problems arise when the robot

deviates from the laws specified, then the
maker or the inventor of the amchine
should be blameworthy. It just means that
the robot was not programmed very well
because it violated the laws.

Prepared By: Josef Alhambra, BS Med Bio 1-A

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