Selamat G20 (ENG) - Rev 2 - 0

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Congratulations and Success for the G20 Forum!

By: Sandy Afrian

This time, from the bottom of our hearts, we wish congratulations and success to all Indonesian
G 20 Presidency participants, Bali November 2022, especially to Mr. Jokowi as the president of
Indonesia - the host of the G20 forum this time.

Hopefully the results of the series of activities at the end of this year will produce results in
accordance with the expectations of all distinguished participants, observers and invited guests
who attended and participated actively and followed up on what was agreed on into concrete
forms and actions for humanity in the future.

We also hope that the results of this meeting of world leaders are in line with Indonesia's Vision
2045: Sovereign, Forward, Just and Prosperous as stated in the document prepared by the
Indonesian National Development Planning Agency. The document, which begins with Pak
Jokowi's notes in Merauke, 30 December 2015, underlines the ideals of this nation which are in
line with various analyzes from world experts that 2035 – 2045 Indonesia will become the
world's number 4 economic power, after China, America and India.

This vision will be a dream that can be realized if Indonesia has independence in all fields, such
as agriculture, transportation, energy, information technology and finance. Especially in the
field of defense and security technology. Citing vision 2045, this field has a vision statement in
the form of: Enhanced defense and security to realize: (a) Inclusive Public Order, (b) Highly
Trembling Defense, and (c) Dignified Human Security.

From this level and vision, we are trying to break it down into the programs and procedures
that were still carried out by Mr. Jokowi as a solid foundation to be passed on to the next
Indonesian president in 2024.

Inclusive public order, meaning that public service governance must fully adhere to a single ID,
it is indeed more difficult to unite people who have continued to have various identities for
community services than one number for all like the social security number that has been
adopted by developed and neighboring countries.

Indonesia already has an eKTP which can actually be the basic capital, where the ID card
number must have been owned since birth, so this number is carried on until it has basic rights
as a citizen for elections, carrying out obligations as a tax payer, getting social assistance
facilities, public facilities, education basic and others.

The idea of making eKTP the center of life, perhaps, can be started by making eKTP a legal
means of payment, which is now technologically possible and can be implemented. At a
minimum to avoid identity forgery. Because eKTP can actually be used as an authentication
tool, because it stores the owner's biometric information.
Furthermore, digital independence that we have written about in the previous article. It really
needs to be applied urgently. Bearing in mind that Indonesia is a peace-loving country, settling
disputes with other countries, in the form of military aggression and physical attacks, is the last
option that will be implemented if necessary. But that doesn't mean digital colonization is

In the United States itself, at an open session of senators with digital giants such as Google,
Facebook, they were warned to start limiting themselves from collecting user data, because the
convenience received has seriously violated the privacy of smart device users. Imagine that all
gadget users in Indonesia have reported their whereabouts to the operators of the devices and
applications on their devices, every time, knowingly or unknowingly.

All records of digital and physical visiting activities are monitored for the benefit of
advertisements and data collectors.

Indonesia really needs to have an independent internet for the life of its financial industry,
communication and interaction paths for government and military data, as well as restrictions
on access to data collection that are out of context from the needs of its use.

This digital self-sufficiency even needs to be followed up, as has been done by China, by forming
a digital attack army (state hackers), which is trained, filtered and fostered by the state,
producing thousands of hackers per year, as a form of high-defense defense, which is currently
not owned by Indonesia. Due to the nature of digital resilience, it is not only defensive but also
actively attacking. The concept of Active – Defense, from the world of defense and information
security, advises countries to have a blue (defense) team to defend, secure and guard, and a
red (active) team to test the security that has been created as well as to test the defense of
other countries, if necessary.

Why is independence or self-sufficiency important? Indonesia's vision itself, Indonesia's Vision

2045, the word sovereign is written at the very front, meaning this is the first priority.
Independence in the field of community service, especially through independent internet-based
digital services and digital security defense that must be sovereign in their own country,
without dependence on other countries.

The Indonesian nation, as a large nation, needs to maintain information security from human
beings, so that every individual who is connected to the Internet, through a gadget or other
device, has all his rights and dignity guaranteed and protected by qualified technology, which
allows this nation to sit and stands on equal footing with other nations that have preceded
achieving internet independence and high data privacy protection.

Once again, congratulations on collaborating in Bali in the G20 Presidency, keep working on
realizing the vision of Indonesia 2045: Sovereign, Advanced, Just and Prosperous.

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