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What is the ‘reality’ behind these (your) photos?

The reality behind my photo is that I see a lot of teenagers suffering from obesity that impacts
their self-esteem and then leads to depression and other mental health problems. I think we need
to educate parents and kids more about how they can make healthier choices in food to not only
avoid future medical conditions, but that can also help them feel and look better.

How did these photos affect your perception of the situation in your community?
Seeing the images of overweight or obese teenagers provided me with the real representation of
the issue in my community. It brought a lot of emotions and made me want to raise more
awareness of the issue.

How do you feel this assignment has shaped your thinking?

It has made me want to do more research on the battle of teenage obesity and learn what plans
are implanted now to help the issue. It also has brought up so many ideas to mind on how I can
help implement anything new to help. It has encouraged more critical thinking to help me
develop a more comprehensive view of the subject matter.

What changes do you hope can be made with your discovery?

I hope we can one day offer free meals to all schools and offer healthier choices. I also hope we
can offer cooking classes or offer a class that can educate kids more about how their eating habits
can really impact their health. Another hope I have is that we can offer help to those families that
struggle financially and can’t afford to provide healthier food choices to their families that then
leads them to providing unhealthy meals to their kids that then leads to obesity in kids and

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