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TIME: 1 hour (+ GEO = 2 hours)


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Write your name, Form and Teacher’s name in the space provided on the front of this booklet.

Answer ALL QUESTIONS in this booklet.

Write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet.

Continue on Grammar refill if necessary.


The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

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Section A: Source analysis
Read the following sources and answer the questions which follow.

Source A

The deeper we penetrated into the spirit of [understood] this Treaty, the more we became convinced of its
impracticability [not usable]. The demands raised go beyond the power of the German Nation.... We know
the impact of the hate we are encountering here, and we have heard the passionate demand of the
victors, who require us, the defeated, to pay the bill and plan to punish us as the guilty party. We are asked
to confess ourselves the sole culprits; in my view, such a confession would be a lie ... We emphatically deny
that the people of Germany, who were convinced that they were waging a war of defence, should be
burdened with the sole guilt of that war.

Count Brockdorff, foreign secretary and leader of the German delegation, speaking to the Allies (May 1919)

1. Study Source A. Why was this published in May 1919? [5]

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Source B

Cartoon published in December 1919, in Punch magazine [Note: a ‘keystone’ is the central stone at the top
that locks all the others together]

2. Study Source B. What is the message of the cartoon? [5]

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Section B: Structured Paragraphs
Answer ALL of the questions below:

DESCRIPTIVE paragraphs. Remember to include specific details in your answers.

3. Describe the military restrictions imposed on Germany in the Treaty of Versailles. [3]

4. Identify the major failures of the League of Nations in the 1930’s. [3]

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EXPLANATORY paragraphs. Remember to explain fully with detail in your answers.
5. Explain an important cause of war in Europe in 1939. [5]

6. Explain another important cause of war in Europe in 1939. [5]

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EVALUATIVE paragraphs
7. Consider your answers to Questions 5 and 6. Which of these was a more important cause of war in
Europe in 1939? Evaluate. [2]

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Mark Scheme

Source analysis

1. Study Source A. Why was this published in May 1919?

Level 5 Answer fully explains reasons for publication, in context 5 marks

Answer explains the reasons for publishing this source using the content (eg: The demands of the
Treaty were too harsh as seen in the source where it says…) AND the specific context of May 1919 (eg:
the terms of the Treaty of Versailles have been presented to Germany, but not yet signed) AND
presents the cartoonist’s purpose (Clearly unhappy with the Treaty as feel it is too harsh/ unrealistic/
designed as a punishment, so specifically trying to lighten the terms, especially War Guilt Clause and
the attached reparations that will later be set)

Level 4 Answer explains reasons for publication 4 marks

Answer explains the reasons for publishing this source using the content (eg: The demands of the
Treaty were too harsh as seen in the source where it says…) AND the specific context of May 1919 (eg:
the terms of the Treaty of Versailles have been presented to Germany, but not yet signed) OR the
cartoonist’s purpose (Clearly unhappy with the Treaty as feel it is too harsh/ unrealistic/ designed as a
punishment, so specifically trying to lighten the terms, especially War Guilt Clause and the attached
reparations that will later be set)

Level 3 Answer partially explains reasons 3 marks

Answer asserts reasons for publication based on the source’s content only (eg: The demands of the
Treaty were too harsh as seen in the source where it says…)
OR on the context only (eg: the terms of the Treaty of Versailles have been presented to Germany, but
not yet signed)
OR on the author’s message only (eg: the terms are too harsh and unfair)

Level 2 Answer comments on the message of the source 2 marks

Answers may make undeveloped comments on the message of the source, without using them as
reasons for publication, OR provides reasons based on mis-readings of the source, OR describes the
context without referring to the cartoon

Level 1 Answer describes the source 1 mark

2. Study Source B. What is the message of the cartoon?

Level 5 Answer accurately identifies the cartoonist's intended message/ view 5 marks
*key is to show they understand that this is the cartoonist’s view and the message supported by
reference to source/ some knowledge.
Eg: The cartoon shows the keystone is missing, saying that the League of Nations will not be complete
without the USA, and so will not be strong (potentially will fail). More importantly the cartoonist’s
intention is to criticise the USA for being hypocritical and failing to join, seen by the sign saying
‘designed by Uncle Sam’ who is pictured asleep against the keystone. This is because in 1919 Wilson
had still failed to gain support from Congress and they rejected the ratification of the Treaty of

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Versailles. It suggests if the bridge collapses, it will fall into disaster (the darkness underneath) so
suggest failure, even war.

Level 4 Answer accurately interprets the big message of the cartoon 4 marks
*supported by reference to source/ some contextual knowledge.
Eg: The cartoon shows the keystone is missing, saying that the League of Nations will not be complete
without the USA, and so will not be strong (potentially will fail). In 1919 the USA had still not joined the
League. It suggests if the bridge collapses, it will fall into disaster (the darkness underneath) so suggest
failure, even war.

Level 3 Answer accurately interprets one of the cartoon’s sub-messages 3 marks

*more simple assertions with little support or reference to the main cartoon and message.
Eg: the League of Nations is weak/ not complete as the stone is missing. The League are still waiting for
the USA to join as a man representing the USA is taking a break at the side. The bridge/ Leage may
collapse/ is not strong.

Level 2 Answer fully describes the cartoon 2 marks

Eg: the source shows a bridge being built with stones from many countries, but the USA stone is still
missing, and the man having a break is leaning on it.

Level 1 Answer partially describes the cartoon 1 mark

Eg: A man has not finished the building of the bridge/ is taking a break.

Structured Paragraphs

General mark schedules for different question types:

Descriptive (Remember ‘descriptives’ must be in clear factual sentences, not bullet points, and relevant
to this question. It is also NOT a structured paragraph. Marking levels follow):
Level 1 1–3
One mark for each relevant point; additional mark for supporting detail

Level 0 0
No evidence submitted OR response does not address the question

Explanatory (Remember: This must be in a structured paragraph - ONE of these points should be
expanded and supported only, not a list. Any ‘another reason…another reason…’ probably means they
have described and listed so will be stuck in level 2. Marking Levels as below):

Level 3 4–5
Explains ONE reason
Four marks for an undeveloped explanation; five marks for a full explanation.

Level 2 2–3
Identifies AND/OR describes reasons
One mark for each identification/description.
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Level 1 1
General answer lacking specific contextual knowledge

Level 0 0
No evidence submitted OR response does not address the question

Level 2 2
Evaluation of the arguments
A L2 answer will compare the arguments on both sides and reach a judgement explaining which side they
agree with more.

Level 1 1
Evaluation of the arguments
A L2 answer will explain whether or not they agree with the statement in the question.

Level 0 0
No evidence submitted OR response does not address the question

3. Describe the military restrictions imposed on Germany in the Treaty of Versailles. [3]
Suggested content:
The army was limited to 100,000 men
Conscription was banned—all Germany’s soldiers had to be volunteers
Germany was not allowed any armoured vehicles, tanks, submarines or aircraft
The German navy was only allowed 6 battleships
The Rhineland became a demilitarized zone: no German troops or military bases were allowed in this

4. Identify the major failures of the League of Nations in the 1930’s. [3]
Suggested content:
They failed to achieve disarmament/ failure with the World Disarmament Conference 1932-34
The Manchurian Crisis 1931-33
The Abyssinian Crisis 1934-6
Did not challenge Hitler in his breaches of Treaty of Versailles, eg: reoccupation of the Rhineland 1936,
Anschluss 1938
Major (permanent) members of the League left like Japan, Germany and Italy
*Please ensure that any broader points are specific/ detailed enough so not vague Eg: Failure to use the
powers of the League effectively fully like omission of oil/ steel in economic sanctions; Members often
disagreed on what measure to use/ failure of collective security (Britain and France disagree in
Manchuria); They failed to control leading members from acting in self-interest (Hoare-Laval Pact,
Anglo-German Naval agreement 1935 etc).
BUT NOT “didn’t act”, “were slow”, etc

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5. Explain an important cause of war in Europe in 1939. [5]
*Please note: You should accept only ‘important’ reasons for these questions (q.5 and q.6).
Suggested reasons:
Policy of Appeasement
The Failure of League
Hitler’s foreign policy
The effects of the Great depression
The Nazi-Soviet Pact
The Treaty of Versailles

Eg: Appeasement was an important cause of war in Europe in 1939 because it allowed Hitler to
strengthen Germany between 1935 and 1939, and allowed him to continue to expand militarily and
territorially, leading to war. He was not stopped when he rearmed from 1935, when he remilitarized
the Rhineland in 1936, when he achieved Anschluss in March 1938, or when he demanded the
Sudetenland in September 1938. The British (led by Neville Chamberlain) followed a policy of
appeasement, which encouraged Hitler to make more demands and more demands, so increasing
the tensions in Europe. Thus, even though Britain had guaranteed Poland’s security, Hitler believed
he would be able to invade and take Poland unopposed due to the policy of appeasement.

6. Explain another important cause of war in Europe in 1939. [5]

Eg: The Nazi-Soviet Pact was another important cause of war in Europe in 1939 as it meant that
Germany did not have to worry about opposition on the eastern front, eliminating the threat of a
two front war and so giving him the all clear to make further gains in Europe by invading Poland.
The Nazi-Soviet Pact of 23rd August 1939 gave Hitler the assurance from Stalin that there would be
no aggression which meant it made it easier for Poland to be divided and occupied. This triggered
the invasion of Poland as Hitler had already got his soldiers on standby, and so also triggered Britain
to act on their guarantee of Poland’s security that had been agreed in March 1939.

7. Consider your answers to Questions 5 and 6. Which of these was a more important cause of war in
Europe in 1939? Evaluate. [2]
Level 2 2
Evaluation of the arguments
A L2 answer will compare the arguments on both sides using evidence and reach a judgement
explaining which side they agree with more.
The Nazi-Soviet Pact played a part in deciding the timing of the outbreak of war in 1939 as Hitler
was waiting for assurance from Russia over Poland, but in the long term, appeasement played a
greater part in actually causing the war in Europe in 1939 so was more important. This is because
appeasement allowed Hitler to strengthen Germany between 1935 and 1939 and encouraged him
to make more demands, which he thought would go unopposed like in Czechoslovakia, leading to
the invasion of Poland.

Level 1 1
Explanation of most important
A L1 answer will explain whether or not they agree with the statement in the question, providing some
supporting evidence.

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Eg: appeasement allowed Hitler to strengthen Germany between 1935 and 1939 and encouraged
him to make more demands, which he thought would go unopposed like in Czechoslovakia, leading
to the invasion of Poland.

Level 0 0
Response does not address the question, or asserts an answer but provides no evidence in support
Eg The most important cause of war in Europe in 1939 was appeasement.


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