Simple Past 3

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Simple Past

Vicente Espinoza
Waleska Barahona
Betzaidath Suarez.
Regular verbs

They are those that can conjugate without modifying the

root. When they are conjugated in the present or future
they do not suffer alterations, when they are conjugated in
the past some rules apply to add endings or suffixes.

For verbs whose infinitive ends in – e, we will only add one

– d when passing to the simple past tense:

Create – Created
Bake – Baked
If the verb ends with the letter Y, change the Y to the ending ied.

To know how the verbs are conjugated in the simple present in

English, we use the infinitive for the subjects “I” , “you” , “we”
and “they” while for the third persons, “he” , “ she and it” , we
add an – s at the end of the verb.

Worry – worried
Cry – cried
Study – studied
Irregular verbs
they are called irregular because they modify their root completely,
either in their past simple form or participle form or both.

Examples of irregular verbs

(To) be, am, are, is = was, were (ser, estar)

Can = could (poder)
Choose = chose (elegir)
Draw = drew (dibujar)
Drink = drank (beber)
• Most verbs in the simple past end in - ed.
want - wanted need- needed show –showed
• For verbs ending in -e, add -d.
live - lived hate - hated practice – practiced
• For verbs ending consonant + -y, we remove the -y and add -ied.
study - studied carry- carried marry – married
• For verbs ending consonant + vowel + consonant, we double the
final consonant and add -ed.
shop - shopped chat - chatted stop – stopped
• Some simple past verbs are irregular.
become - became come - came put – put

TO BE – Past Tense

TO BE – Past Tense


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