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Full game description:

and stay at the same location. The goal of the game is to hit the dot back with the
paddle to the opposite direction and to not let the dot touche the edge of the
window we are on. Everytime the dote touches the inside of one the paddles, it
bounces back to the opposite side. Everytime the ball touches one of the side it
also bounce to the opposite side.However, if the dot touches either the right or
left side of the window, a point is added to the scoreboard. The score of each
user is shown on the top right and left corner of the window with the size of 20pi
and a white colour. If the right user scores, it adds one point on the left
scoreboard vise-versa. The game end either when one of the player scored 11
points or if the exit key is pressed.

Version 1 description:

When the game starts, a 500 pi x 400 pi window appears. The window has
for title “Pong”. The window has a black background. On the background,
there is a white dot approximately of 10pi radius in the middle of the
screen. When the game start, the white dot moves at a constant velocity
diagonally forward to right and left edges from middle of the screen, there
are two white paddles that are approximately 10pi by 40pi. The paddles do
not move and the dot goes through the paddles. It does not bounce back.
The dot is moving either straight lines or diagonal lines and the dot is
moving faster horizontal. When the dot hit one of the side of the window it
wraps on the opposite side. The game end when the user press the exit

Functional Tests:

1. Start the program

1. Does a window open?
2. Is the window 500 pixels wide and 400 pixel high?
3. Does it have “pong” for title?
4. Is the background black?
5. Is the white dot in the middle of the screen with a radius of 10
6. Does the right paddles appear 10 pi away to the right side and
17 pi away from the top and 17 pi away from the bottom with a
radius of 10 pi by 40 pi?
7. Does the left paddles appear 10 pi away to the left side and left
side and 17 pi away from the top and 17 pi away from the
bottom with a radius of 10 pi by 40 pi?
2. Play the game
2.1 Is the dot moving?
2.1.1 Is the dot move first diagonally to the right side?
2.1.2 Does it moves straight lines (diagonally)?
2.1.3 Is the dot moving at a constant speed?
2.1.4 Is the dot moving two time faster horizontally than
2.1.5 Does the dot go through the paddles?
2.2 Does the ball wraps of the window?
2.2.1 If it wraps on the ride side does it appear back on the
opposite side left of the screen
2.2.2 If it wraps on the left side does it appear back on the
opposite side right of the screen
2.2.3 If it wraps at the bottom does it appear back on the top
of the screen of the screen
2.2.4 If it wraps at the top does it appear back at the bottom of
the screen of the screen
2.2.5 Does it move a certain distance from where it appeared
2.3 Paddles
2.3.1 Do the paddles don't move?
2.3.2 Do the paddles have the size of 10pi by 40pi?
3. End game:
3.1 When press the exit key does the window close?

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