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The researcher can better grasp her subject to this study’s potential to define ambiguous
concepts. It also directs the researcher when comparing his findings to those of other comparable
studies about public restrooms in public markets. Therefore, it is essential that the associated
materials have real value.


To improving handwashing facilities in public restrooms and developing those facilities. Open
defecation might be decreased by better management and accessibility of public restrooms, as
well as kid-friendly amenities. And to keep the toilets in the public market clean.

Local Related Literature

Most recently more investigation into the availability, administration, and maintenance of
public restrooms has been done. Governmental, professional, organizational, and cultural
institutions, and their execution contexts. Kitchin and Law (2001) claim that the design of public
restrooms is stiill at the center of current conflicts over space and “offers a helpful illustration” A
more general point: how certain power geometries and power structures are used to create
landscapes.Social justice and citizenship ideas have shaped people.
Studies the availability of public restrooms in Britain and proposes that in order to address
current bathroom issues, a dramatic reconceptualization is required. Examine the health and
safety issues that public bathrooms present, particularly for women, children, the elderly, and
those with disabilities. Although the public market in Legazpi City has placed a lot of emphasis
on providing accessible restrooms.
In order to guarantee the right to sanitation in public areas and, more broadly, the right to
inclusive and sustainable cities, public restrooms are a necessary piece of infrastructure.
Additionally, because the equipment directly interacts with users, it is critical to comprehend
their requirements. Given this, the current study attempts to comprehend the viewpoint of those
who use the public restrooms at the public market in Legazpi City. Overall, this study underlined
the value of the user’s perspective and placed special emphasis on developing effective urban
planning with relation to concerns of accessibility, sanitation, and health. This research is guide
to collecting information and suggestions from the public toilet users in public market.


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