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Knitted dragon designed by JoansGarden. You may contact Joan at JoansGarden1@gmail.


Note: This pattern is written for experienced knitters. It uses many techniques. If you are not experienced and
wish to try it, please do a web search first and learn how to do
wrap and turn (w&t),
knitted cast-on,
Kitchener st closure,
picking up edge stitches (both knitwise and purlwise),
3-needle bind-off,
knit on I-cord (both knitwise and purlwise),
circular knitting on dp needles.

Other stitches used are:

M1L (make 1 left), M1R (make 1 right),
KLL (knit into the st below on the left side of the loop), KRL (on the right side of the loop)
K2tog (knit 2 together), and P2tog (purl 2 together)
SSK (slip, slip, knit, pass slipped st over), and SSP (slip, slip, purl, pass slipped st over)
S2KP (slip 2 together knitwise, knit 1, pass slipped st over)
SK2P (slip 1, knit 2 tog, pass slipped st over)

Yarn and gage: Use any yarn that includes at least 50% wool in order to hold the shape.
I used Noro Kureyon sock yarn, which has long colorways. If you use a similar yarn (approx. 200 yards/50g)
and size 4 needles you will need approximately 60g yarn – a little more if you need to match colors.
However, you may use any weight yarn, so long as you use a needle size to give a tight weave so that the
stuffing does not show through. If you use a heavier weight yarn the final dragon size will be quite a bit bigger
and it is likely that you will not be able to support the weight with pipe cleaners.
You will need just a little scrap yarn of the same weight for the eyes and teeth.

Needles etc: You will need a set of dp (double point) needles and 2 circular needles, a tapestry needle, pipe
cleaners (chenille sticks), polyester fiberfill.

Left Side Row 24: K40 (6 st from the end), w&t
cast on15 st Row 25: P80 (16 st from end), w&t,
Row 1 and all odd numbered rows though row 15: Row 26: K94 (2 st from the end), w&t
Purl Row 27: P9, w&t
Row 2: K1, M1R, K13, M1L, K1 Row 28: K11
Row 4: K1, M1R, K15, M1L, K1 Row 29: Using the knitted cast-on method, CO an
Row 6: K1, M1R, K17, M1L, K1 additional 25 stitches at the beginning of this row
Row 8: K1, M1R, K19, M1L, K1 for a total of 127 stitches. P29, w&t
Row 10: K1, M1R, K21, M1L, K1 Row 30: K6, w&t
Row 12: (K1 M1R) 2X, K21, (M1L K1) 2X Row 31: P5, w&t
Row 14: (K1 M1R) 2X, K23, (M1L K1) 2X Row 32: K19, w&t
Row 16: Using the knitted cast-on method, CO an Row 33: P17, w&t
additional 69 stitches at the beginning of this row Row 34: K20, w&t
for a total of 102 stitches. Row 35: P25, w&t
K92, (10 st from the end) w&t Row 36: K31
Row 17: P28, w&t Row 37: P30, w&t
Row 18: K14, w&t Row 38: K28 (2 st from the neck end), w&t
Row 19: P18, w&t Row 39: P77 (47 st from tail end), w&t,
Row 20: K15, w&t Row 40: K80
Row 21: P69 (6 st from end), w&t, Row 41: P67 (60 st from tail end), w&t,
Row 22: K64, w&t Row 42: K67
Row 23: P14, w&t Row 43: Purl to end using a circular needle

Right Side

Cast on 15 stitches. Work as for Body, Left Side through row 15. Continue working as follows:
Row 16: Knit to end. Continue the row by picking up an additional 69 stitches from the knitted cast-on edge of
the left side of the body. Use figure 1 as a guide.

Figure 1: Stitches picked up along the knitted cast-on edge of the tail region. Note that the upper needle is the
working needle. These stitches will be used to form the right side of the tail region.

Row 17: P92, (10 st from the end) w&t Row 21: P15, w&t
Row 18: K28, w&t Row 22: K69 (6 st from end), w&t,
Row 19: P14, w&t Row 23: P64, w&t
Row 20: K18, w&t Row 24: K14, w&t

Row 25: P40 (6 st from the end), w&t Row 34: K17, w&t
Row 26: K80 (16 st from end), w&t, Row 35: P20, w&t
Row 27: P94 (2 st from the end), w&t Row 36: K25, w&t
Row 28: K9, w&t Row 37: P31
Row 29: P11 Row 38: K30, w&t
Using the knitted cast-on method, CO an additional Row 39: P28 (2 st from the neck end), w&t
25 stitches purlwise at the end of this row for a total Row 40: K77 (47 st from tail end), w&t,
of 127 stitches. See figure 2. Row 41: P80
Row 30: K29, w&t Row 42: K67 (60 st from tail end), w&t,
Row 31: P6, w&t Row 43: P67
Row 32: K5, w&t Row 44: Knit to end using a circular needle
Row 33: P19, w&t

Figure 2:
Stitches being picked up purlwise from the cast on
edge of the neck region. The bottom needles are
the working needles.

Join in the back ridge yarn color. Bind off from tail to neck using a 3-needle bind off; stuff with pipecleaners and
stuffing the tail and neck regions as you go. See figure 3. Use about 4 pipe cleaners twisted tightly together in
the main part of the body and neck. You may also want to insert another set of pipe cleaners on the opposite
side of the neck once the neck as been closed. Leave the ends protruding about 2” to stuff up into the head
when it is attached later.

Set aside. You may continue with the belly, but I prefer to knit the legs next to be sure I have have enough of
the colorway to match the body.

Figure 3:
Tail region has been bound off, belly region will remain
open on the underside, neck region will be closed over
fiberfill and pipe cleaners.

If using yarn with long colorways, choose a color to match the body color.

CO 56 stitches. Row 22: K4, w&t.
Row 1: P18, w&t. Row 23: P12, w&t.
Row 2: K18 Row 24: K51.
Row 3: P16, w&t Row 25: P48, w&t,
Row 4: K14, w&t Row 26: K48
Row 5: P12, w&t Row 27: P1, M1, P11, w&t.
Row 6: K12, K2tog Row 28: K11, w&t.
Row 7: P8, w&t Row 29: P10, w&t.
Row 8: K8 Row 30: K8, w&t.
Row 9: P2tog, P10, w&t. Row 31: P12, w&t.
Row 10: K8, w&t. Row 32: K15, M1, K1
Row 11: P10, w&t. Row 33: P32, w&t.
Row 12: K11, K2tog Row 34: K10, w&t.
Row 13: P33, w&t. Row 35: P8, w&t.
Row 14: K18, w&t. Row 36: K6, w&t.
Row 15: P14, w&t Row 37: P11, w&t.
Row 16: K6, w&t. Row 38: K15, w&t.
Row 17: P8, w&t. Row 39: P26, w&t.
Row 18: K10, w&t. Row 40: K9, w&t.
Row 19: P26, w&t. Row 41: P18
Row 20: K10, w&t. Row 42: K54, M1, K1
Row 21: P6, w&t.

Using a new needle, pick up a total of 56 stitches from the CO edge of the work. Refer to Figure 4 for guidance
in picking up these stitches. Cut yarn, leaving a 24” tail. Insert at least 2 pipe cleaners twined tightly together in
the leg and stuff the fleshy portions of the leg with polyfill, being careful not to overstuff. Using a tapestry needle
and this long yarn tail, graft (Kitchener stitch) the 56 stitches from the first needle to the 56 stitches picked up
from the CO edge.

Figure 4
Stitches being picked up from the cast on edge. The right needle
is the working needle.

For each leg, work 3 additional claws as follows.

cast on 6, 8, 10 st leaving a long tail
purl to last 2 st, w&t
knit to end
purl 1 row

knit 1 row
pick up an equal number of st from the cast on edge.
Kitchener st closed over a short length of pipe cleaner. Push the end of the pipe cleaner into the foot, and sew
in place (see figures 5 and 6).

Fig. 5: claws Fig. 6: Finished leg

Left hind leg

Work left hind leg as the right hind leg, except:

Use a purlwise cast on.
Knit all the purl rows and purl all the knit rows.

When attaching the claws, place them on the opposite side of the main toe on the first hind leg (to create left
and right feet).

(Make 2)

cast on 40st, leave a long tail Row 14: (claw 2) cast off 5, K2, w&t,
Row 1: P8, w&t Row 15: P2, knit cast on 7
Row 2: K6, M1R, K2 Row 16: K8, w&t,
Row 3: purl Row 17: Purl back to end
Row 4: K5, w&t Row 18: K11, w&t
Row 5: P5 Row 19: P11
Row 6: (claw 1) cast off 5, knit to last 2 st, M1R, K2 Row 20: (claw 3) cast off 7, K20, w&t
Row 7: P13, w&t Row 21: P15, w&t
Row 8: K10, w&t Row 22: knit to last 2 st, M1R, K2
Row 9: purl to end, knit cast on 5 Row 23: P12, w&t
Row 10: K6, w&t Row 24: K9, w&t
Row 11: P6 Row 25: P29, w&t
Row 12: K8, w&t Row 26: K17, w&t
Row 13: P8 Row 27: purl to end, cast on 5

Row 28: K6, w&t Row 36: K6, w&t
Row 29: P6 Row 37: P6
Row 30: K8, w&t Row 38: K8, w&t
Row 31: P8 Row 39: P8
Row 32: (claw 4) cast off 5, K20, w&t Row 40: (claw 5) cast off 8, knit to last 3 st, SSK,
Row 33: P12, w&t K1
Row 34: knit to last 3 st, SSK, K1 Row 41: P10, w&t
Row 35: purl to end, knit cast on 5 Row 42: K5, SSK, K2

leave st on needle, break yarn

Fold claws and sew closed over a short length of pipe cleaner. See figure 7.
With a second needle, pick up 9 st around foot 2 at each side end, 1 for each claw. See figure 8.
P6, w&t
K3, w&t,
Purl to end
K2tog, K1 (2 st)

With a third needle and pick up 33 st from cast on edge, using the long tail from the cast on.
You will have 2 needles along the sides of the leg with 33 st and 1 needle across the top with 2 st.
Put 1 st of the 2 on the top needle onto the end of each of the 2 side needles.
Kitchener st closed over at least 2 pipe cleaners twisted tightly together and fill. Leave a short length of pipe
cleaner protruding from the end and push into the body when the leg is attached later. See figure 9.

Fig 7: Sewing claws closed. Fig 8: St picked up around claws

Fig 9: Kitchener stitch closed

Pick up 31 st on each side of opening (9 down the knit side, 13 across the cast on, 9 along the other knit side).
Starting at neck end, pick up 1 st on a third needle, and purl 1 st from left needle, the picked up st and 1 st from
right needle (3 st). See figure 10.
Continue by knitting crosswise between the st on the side needles, joining with K2tog or P2tog on each end of
every 2nd row. See figure 11.
Work a rib of 3 purl ribs followed by 2 stocking st rows, (purl, knit, purl, purl, knit, knit, purl, knit, knit, purl)
Increase 1 st at center of row every 5th row to 9 st.
Fill body cavity loosely with fiberfill. See figure 12.
Decrease 1 st at center of row every 5th row to 4 st.
Thread yarn though the remaining 4 st and tie off.

Fig. 10: 31 st picked up on each side of the belly opening. 1st

picked up on a third needle.

Fig. 11: Attach to picked up st along the side of

belly by purling together a belly st and a picked
up st at the end of each purl row.

Fig. 12: Stuff body cavity with fiberfill

when beginning to decrease the number of st.

Work reverse stocking st I-cord around the edge of the belly plate. See figure 13.
Pick up about 30 st on each side of the belly plate. Do not knit them to pick them up – just take loops from
existing st.
With a new needle cast on 3 st. Purl these for a reverse stocking st I-cord, attaching to the picked up st every
second row with P2tog.
Be sure to pull the yarn tightly across the back of the 3 st.

Fig. 13: Picking up st for iCord Fig. 14: knitted on iCord (purlwise)

cast on 21 st Row 30: K14, w&t

Row 1: purl Row 31: P5, w&t
Row 2: knit Row 32: K7, w&t
Row 3: purl Row 33: P8, w&t
Row 4: K1, (K1 KLL K1) 10X Row 34: K16, turn
Row 5: purl Row 35: P5, w&t
Row 6: K1, (K1 KLL K1) 15X (46 st) Row 36: K5, turn
Row 7: P43, w&t Row 37: P4, w&t
Row 8: K40, w&t Row 38: K4, turn
Row 9: P39, w&t Row 39: P23, turn
Row 10: K38, w&t Row 40: K4, w&t
Row 11: P37, w&t Row 41: P4, turn
Row 12: K36, w&t Row 42: K1, SSK, K2tog, K5, K2tog, K6, SSK,
Row 13: purl to end K2tog, K1,turn
Row 14: K10, w&t Row 43: P18, turn
Row 15: P8, w&t Row 44: K2tog, SSK, K10, K2tog, SSK, turn
Row 16: knit to end Row 45: P14, sl 2 st from left needle to rt needle,
Row 17: P10, w&t pass 1st st over 2nd, slip another from left to rt
Row 18: K8, w&t needle, pass 1st st over 2nd – cont until 6 st have
Row 19: P13, M1R, P1, M1R, P14, M1L, P1, M1L, been removed, slip the rem st back to the left
P15 needle, P3, P2tog, P1. See figure 15.
Row 20: K1, K2tog, K13, M1L, K2, M1L, K14, M1R, Row 46: K1, K2tog, K16, remove 6 st as in previous
K2, M1R, K13, SSK, K1 row, K3, SSK, K1
Row 21: P1, SSP, P9, w&t Row 47: P1, SSP, purl to end (22 st)
Row 22: K8, SSK, K1 Row 48: K2, M1R, K2tog, SSK, K10, K2tog, SSK,
Row 23: P47, P2tog, P1 M1L, K2
Row 24: K1, K2tog, K9, w&t Row 49: purl
Row 25: P8, P2tog, P1 Row 50: K2, M1R,K2tog, SSK, K8, K2tog, SSK,
Row 26: K35, turn (no wrap) M1L, K2
Row 27: P23, turn Row 51: purl
Row 28: K5, w&t Row 52: K2, M1R, K2tog, SSK, M1L, K6, M1R,
Row 29: P5, turn K2tog, SSK, M1L, K2
Row 53: purl Row 66: K7, KRL, K2, w&t
Row 54: K2, M1R, K2tog, SSK, M1L, K6, M1R, Row 67: P4, w&t
K2tog, SSK, M1L, K2 Row 68: K2, KRL, K2, w&t
Row 55: purl Row 69: P4, w&t
Row 56: K2, K2tog, SSK, K6, K2tog, SSK, K2 Row 70: K4, w&t
Row 57: purl Row 71: P11, w&t
Row 58: K1, M1R, K2tog, SSK, M1L, K4, M1R, Row 72: K1, S2KP, K3, S2KP, K1, SSK, M1L, K1
K2tog, SSK, M1L, K1 (don’t try to knit the wraps)
Row 59: purl Row 73: purl
Row 60: K2, K2tog, K7, w&t Row 74: K1, M1R, K2tog, SSK, S2KP, K2tog, SSK,
Row 61: P7, w&t M1R, K1
Row 62: K2, KLL, K1, w&t Row 75: P1, SSP, P2tog, P1, P2tog, P1
Row 63: P4, w&t divide onto 2 needles
Row 64: K2, KLL, K1, w&t Kitchener st closed
Row 65: P4, w&t

Sew back of head closed from cast on edge to bind off edge.

Fig.15: eye socket being shaped Fig. 16: stitches picked up for eyes.

To work the right eye, pick up 7 stitches in eye color along the bound off stitches. Begin at the end closest to
the nose. Turn work, and pick up an additional 7 stitches along the rim of the eyelid making sure to close the
gap at the bottom of the eye. See figure 16. Join these 14 stitches into a round and continue:
Round 1: Knit.
Round 2: SSK, K3, K2tog 2X
Cut yarn, Kitchener stitch closed
Sew on a slit-like pupil with black yarn

To work the left eye, pick up 7 stitches in EC along the rim of the eyelid. Begin at the end closest to the nose.
Turn work, and pick up an additional 7 stitches along the bound off stitches. Join these 14 stitches into a round
and continue as for right eye.


Outside Lower Jaw

Using head color pick up 12 st across the back of the head – 6 st on each side from eye to neck. See figure 17.

Fig. 17: stitches picked up for underside of jaw. Fig. 18: knitting between the picked up stitches.

Row 1: Using a new set of needles, Kfb into the first st from each of the side needles.
Continue to incorporate stitches from the side needles on every knit row with K2tog at the start of the row and
SSK at the end of the row, each time knitting together 1 st from the working needle with 1 st from the side
needles. See figure 18.

Row 2: P4 Row 13: K1, M1, K1, SSK, M1L, K8, M1R, K2tog,
Row 3: K2tog (working st plus picked up st), KRL, K1, M1, K1
K1, KRL, K1, SSK (working st plus picked up st) Row 14: purl
Row 4: P6 Row 15: K1, M1R, K2tog, SSK, K8, K2tog, SSK,
Row 5: K2tog, M1R, K1, M1R, K2, M1L, K1, M1L, M1L, K1
SSK Row 16: purl
Row 6: P10 Row 17: K1, M1R, K2tog, SSK, K6, K2tog, SSK,
Row 7: K2tog, K2, M1R, K1, M1L, K2, SSK M1L, K1
Row 8: P12 Row 18: purl
Row 9: K2tog, K3, M1R, K2, M1L, K3, SSK Row 19: K1, M1R, K2tog, SSK, K4, K2tog, SSK,
Row 10: P14 M1L, K1
Row 11: K2tog (last st from the side needle,) K12, Row 20: purl
SSK Row 21: K1, K2tog, SSK, K2, SSK, K1
Row 12: P1, M1R, P12, M1L, P1

divide onto 2 needles

Kitchener st closed

Inside Upper Jaw

Change to mouth color. Starting at bind off edge at back of head, pick up 10 st down right side of the jaw. Turn,
pick up another 10 st along left side of the jaw. Break yarn.
With new needle cast on 12 st
On each purl row begin with SSP and end with P2tog (one cast on st and one picked up st). This will tie the
mouth to the jaw at the sides. See figure 19.

Fig. 19: stitches picked up along the upper jaw.

Row 1: SSP, P10, P2tog Row 11: SSP, P4, P2tog
Row 2: K12 Row 12: K2tog, K2, SSK
Row 3: SSP, P10, P2tog Row 13: SSP, P2, P2tog
Row 4: K2tog, K8, SSK Row 14: K2tog, K2, SSK (incorporating picked up
Row 5: SSP, P8, P2tog edge st at each end)
Row 6: K2tog, K6, SSK Row 15: SSP, P2tog, P2tog
Row 7: SSP, P6, P2tog Row 16: S2KP, SK2P (incorporating picked up
Row 8: K2tog, K4, SSK edge st at each end)
Row 9: SSP, P4, P2tog Row 17: P2tog
Row 10: K6 Pull yarn through the last st and tie off

Inside Lower Jaw

Starting at inside upper jaw, pick up 9 st down right side of the jaw. Turn, pick up another 9 st along left side of
the jaw. Do not break yarn but on a third needle pick up 12 st from the cast on edge of the inside upper jaw.

Knit as for inside upper jaw, beginning at Row 3.

Tie in tooth color

pick up 1 st, *(cast on 1 st, bind off 1, (pick up 1 st, bind off 1 st) 2X ). Repeat * all the way around the mouth.
See Figure 20.

Fig 20: Knitting on the teeth.

Add pipe cleaners to jaws and push ends through into head cavity. Stuff very lightly.

Sew head to end of neck.

You will be picking up st from both sides of the bind off ridge. Pick up 1 st for every 2 bind off st.
Start with the Right Back Ridge.

Right Back Ridge

Starting at tail, pick up 1 st from the right side of the bind off ridge
Row 1: K1 pick up 1 more st
Row 2: Kfb, K1
Row 3: sl1, K2, pick up 1st
Row 4: Kfb, K3
Row 5: sl1, K3, pick up 1st
Row 6: Kfb, K4
Row 7: sl1, K5, pick up 1 st (7st)
Row 8: Kfb, K6
Row 9: bind off all st except 1
repeat from row 1 for 5 ridges,
increase in patten to 9 st for 5 ridges
increase in patten to 11 st for 5 ridges
increase in patten to 13 st. End ridges at top of head between eyes. Pull though last st and tie off.

Left back ridge

Starting at tail, pick up 1 st from the left side of the bind off ridge.
Repeat as for right side keeping them even with the right ridges.
On each bind-off row, catch a stitch from the corresponding right side bind-off.
On the 7 stitch repeat, catch the first 2 stitches
On the 9 stitch repeat, catch the first 3 stitches
On the 11 stitch repeat, catch the first 5 stitches
On the 13 stitch repeat, catch the first 7 stitches

Head Spikes

In order to get the ridges even on both sides of the face, mark out an even line around the head with pins, then
baste with a running stitch. Use figure 21 as a guide. Then work the spikes with the smallest at the center,
increasing to the largest under the chin. Work from the center of the head towards the right following the basted
line, then turn and work back in the reverse direction about ¼” behind the basted line to the opposite chin, and
finally work on the basted line back to the center. When binding off on the second set of spikes, catch in
several stitches from the first spike to join them together.

Fig: 21. Marking out the line for the head spikes

Fig: 22. knitting on the head spikes

small spike (1)
Working from right to left pick up 1 st at the center of the forehead, and knit-cast on 6 more st.
Row 1: Sl1, knit to end, pick up 1 more st
Row 2: K2tog, K3, w&t
Row 3: Sl1, knit to end, pick up 1 more st
Row 4: K2tog, K1, w&t
Row 5: Sl1, knit to end, pick up 1 more st
Row 6: K2tog, knit to end
Row 7: Bind off all st, pick up 1 more st and bind off the last st over the picked-up st.
spike (2)
as for the small spike but cast on 7 st
row 2: K2tog, K4, w&t
row 4: K2tog, K2, w&t
as for the small spike but cast on 8 st
row 2: K2tog, K5, w&t
row 4: K2tog, K43, w&t
spike (4)
as for the small spike but cast on 9 st
row 2: K2tog, K6, w&t
row 4: K2tog, K4, w&t

(worked flat)

cast on 24
join into a round
Round 1: knit
Round 2: SSK, K8, M1, K2tog, SSK, M1, K8, K2tog
Rounds 3 & 4: knit
Round 5: SSK, K7, M1, K2tog, SSK, M1, K7, K2tog
Rounds 6 & 7: knit
continue in this manner until 12 st remain
knit 2 rounds
K2tog (1 st from each needle) (6st) See figure 23.

Fig. 23. Knitting 1 st from each need together to form a


Row 1: knit
Row 2: Sl1, K1, M1, K1, M1, K1, M1, K2
Row 3: Sl1, K2, P1, K1, P1, K1, P1, K1
Row 4: Sl1, K1, M1, K2, M1, K2, M1, K3
Row 5: Sl1, K3, P1, K2, P1, K2, P1, K1
Row 6: Sl1, K1, M1, K3, M1, K3, M1, K4
Row 7: Sl1, K4, P1, K3, P1, K3, P1, K1
continue to
Sl1, K1, M1, K19, M1, K19, M1, K20
bind off on next row

On RS pick up 27 st on the straight edge of the wing all the way to the tip
Turn, pick up another 27 st about ¼” in from the first 27 st. See figure 24.

Fig. 24. St picked up along straight side of wing to make casing for

Join into a round and knit 1 round

Kitchener stitch closed over a stiffly coiled pipe-cleaner – leave some overhanging at the attachment end.
Insert pipe cleaner into the wing pocket – leave some overhanging at the attachment end.

cast on 24
join into a round
Round 1: knit
Round 2: SSK, M1, K8, K2tog, SSK, K8, M1, K2tog
Rounds 3 & 4: knit
Round 5: SSK, M1, K7, K2tog, SSK, K7, M1, K2tog
Rounds 6 & 7: knit
continue in this manner until 12 st remain
knit 2 rounds
Knit together1 st from each needle (6st)
Row 1: Sl1, P1, M1L, P1, M1, P1, M1, K2
Row 2: Sl1, knit to end
Row 3: Sl1, P1, M1L, K1, P1, M1, K1 P1, M1, K3
Row 4: Sl1, knit to end
Row 5: Sl1, P1, M1L, K2, P1, M1, K2, P1, M1, K4
Row 6: Sl1, knit to end
Continue to Sl1, P1, M1L, K18, P1, M1, K18, P1, M1, K20
bind off

Finish as for left wing

Sew on the legs and wings. Use photo as a guide for positioning the appendages. Push the overhanging pipe
cleaners through into the body of the dragon.


Copyright: This pattern was designed by Joansgarden. It cannot be used commercially. Having said that, if you
want to make a few to sell locally that is fine with me, but please, no internet sales.


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