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The Effect of Audio Visual Media on Students

Reading Comprehension in Class XII
Multimedia SMK TI Bali Global Singaraja in
The Academic Years of 2022/2023





First and foremost, the author wishes to express his gratitude to God
Almighty for enabling him to accomplish this proposal on time and with the title
"The Effect of Audio Visual Media on Students Reading Comprehension in Class
12 Multimedia SMK TI Bali Global Singaraja."

This proposal was created to complete the thesis preparation for which
Mrs. Ni Wayan Monik Rismadewi, S.Pd., M.Pd., and Mr. I Gede Yoga Permana,
S.Pd., M.Pd., served as Supervisors 1 and 2, respectively. The author had
numerous difficulties while drafting this plan, but with the assistance and backing
of numerous parties, these difficulties can be solved. The writer is also aware that
there are still a lot of errors in this proposal while it is being written. The author is
also aware that this suggestion is yet.

Singaraja, January 16th, 2022



This statement I hereby declare that the submitted research proposal is my

own work and that, to the best of my knowledge, it contains no sources or
resources other than the ones mentioned and acknowledged.

I have indicated all quotes, citations and references that were literally
taken in full, or parts of them- from publications, i.e., books, journals, academic
articles, whether published or unpublished, as well as web sources, newspapers,
reports, etc. I also declare that the intellectual content of this thesis is the product
of my own work, even though I may have received assistance from others on
style, presentation and language expression. Furthermore, I have not submitted
any essay, paper, or thesis with similar contents elsewhere.


Materai 10.000

Ni Komang Ari Setiani

NIM. 02.001.19


The research proposal with the title The Effect of Audio Visual Media on Students
Reading Comprehension in Class 12 Multimedia SMK TI Bali Global Singaraja written
by Ni Komang Ari Setiani has been approved to advance to the proposal exam seminar.

Supervisor 1 Supervisor 2

Ni Wayan Monik Rismadewi, S.Pd, M.Pd. I Gede Yoga Permana, S.Pd, M.Pd.
NIDN: 0824108801 NIDN: 0830039401


STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY...................................................................................iii
SUPERVISOR APPROVAL FOR SEMINAR.................................................................iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................................v
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION........................................................................................1
1.1. Background of the study........................................................................................1
1.2. Problem of the Study.............................................................................................2
1.3. Research Questions...............................................................................................2
1.4. Objectives of The Study........................................................................................2
1.5. Significances of Study...........................................................................................2
1.5.1. Theoretical Significances...........................................................................2
1.5.2. Practical Significances................................................................................2
1.6. The Definition of Key Term..................................................................................3
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURES....................................................................5
2.1. The Concept of Reading........................................................................................5
2.1.1. Definition of Reading.................................................................................5
2.1.2. Reading Comprehension.............................................................................6
a. Literal Understanding Literal reading aptitude is the reader's capacity to understand
expressly expressed information in the reading (explicitly). In other words, the reader
only retains the information that is printed explicitly in the reading..................................7
b. Interpretive Awareness In interpretive reading, the reader actively participates in
creating the meaning of the text's statements. Readers draw conclusions from implicit
information by fusing the textual information with prior knowledge.................................7
c. Critical Understanding The capacity to analyze reading material critically and
ascertain both the explicit and implicit meanings of the text is known as critical reading
2.2. Audio Visual..........................................................................................................7
2.3. Reading Comprehension........................................................................................8

2.4. Empirical Review..................................................................................................8
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODS.........................................................................10
3.1. Research Design..................................................................................................10
3.2. Population and Sample........................................................................................10
3.2.1. Population................................................................................................10
3.2.2. Research Sample......................................................................................12
3.3. Research Instruments..........................................................................................15
3.3.1. Instrument................................................................................................15
3.4. Research procedure.............................................................................................16
3.5. Data Analysis Techniques...................................................................................16


Table 3.1 Number of Population of SMK TI Bali Global Singaraja

Table 3.2 Number of Experimental Class Samples for Class XII MM


Figure 3.1 Data Homogeneity Test .......................................................................21

Figure 3.2 Test the Hypothesis..............................................................................21


1.1. Background of the study

English is essential for studying all courses because it is a universal

language. It also played the biggest part in developing people's minds, social
skills, and emotional stability. Our nation is aware that preparing people to speak
English well will benefit them as they enter the current era of globalization. It is
for this reason that English is one of the subjects that is taught at institutions or
schools. From kindergarten through university, English is taught. language
proficiency. One of the fundamental components to learning a language is reading
Asrul et al., (2020). Therefore, reading without understanding is pointless.
Reading comprehension is the process of making meaning of text. Knowing word
definitions is less important for reading comprehension than understanding what
is being explained in the text.

Reading is a fundamental language ability in English, just as vital as

speaking, listening, and writing. Reading and other subjects are closely
intertwined. The majority of the teaching materials (in English or other topics) are
offered in textual form, such as handbooks, handouts, etc. Reading skill is the
capacity to look at and decipher written language, which is necessary for pupils to
comprehend the course materials. As a result, teaching students to read is crucial.

Reading comprehension is the capacity to understand what has been read. It

requires active thinking and is influenced by the students' experiences, past
knowledge, and comprehension skills. Understanding the terminology and how
concepts and words relate to one another, organizing ideas, determining the
author's purpose, making judgments, and evaluating are all parts of
comprehension. Reading comprehension can be understood as a sequence of
actions taken by the reader to locate information and comprehend the information
included in a reading material Vebrianto Susilo, (2015).

1.2. Problem of the Study
Based on the background of study, the problem of this study can be
formulated as bellow:
“How is the effect of audio visual media on students reading comprehension?”

1.3. Research Questions

Based on the problem of study, the purpose of this study is to describe the
effect of audio visual media on students reading comprehension.

1.4. Objectives of The Study

The objectives of this study focuses on the effect of audio visual media on
students reading comprehension.

1.5. Significances of Study

This research is expected to be significant for the teacher and the other

1.5.1. Theoretical Significances

The results of this study are expected to contribute to the
development of science, in particular to contribute theoretical
insights about reading comprehension, especially in audio-visual
learning materials.

1.1.1. Practical Significances

The results of this study are generally related to the development of
the learning process at the elementary school level. It is hoped that
the results of this research can contribute to teachers, students,
schools and institutions (STKIP "Agama Hindu" Singaraja).

a. Significance for teachers.

This research is expected to contribute to English teachers

simply by showing effective ways to improve students'
comprehension skills.

b. Significance for students.

This research is expected to be directly related to their reading

c. Significance for the school.
This research is expected to provide input in reading
comprehension about audio-visual learning materials
d. Significance for institutions (STKIP “Hindu Religion”
This research is expected to contribute in terms of reading
comprehension, especially in audio-visual learning materials

1.2. The Definition of Key Term

Some definitions are provided in the study in order to make clear the
variables that are involved:

1. Audio Visual
Arsyad (2002) defined audio visual media as visual media that also
includes sound aspects during development. To put it another way, there is a
voice in the form of a description that will make the visual media more
engaging and simple for anyone to understand.
Arccording to Snaky (2010) defines audio visual media as a collection of
devices that can display moving and sound image content. Characters that
closely resemble real objects can be created using a combination of sound
and visual. This form of media can produce an image that is similar to the
thing being shown, along with the original audio, to help viewers and
listeners understand.
Audio-visual media consists of visual media that is synchronized with
audio media, allowing for two-way communication between teachers and
students in the teaching and learning process. Or in other words, audio-
visual media is a mutually supportive combination of images and sound,
which can arouse feelings and thoughts for those who watch, which include:
Sound Slides, TV, Movies, and so on.
Audio-visual means having both sound and visual elements, and
examples include slide tape presentations, movies, TV shows, and live
theatrical productions. This medium includes audio and video, typically in
the form of slideshows or films, as well as audio-recorded speech or music;
all of these are visual presentations that the teacher shows the students. This
approach is referred to as a new trend since it makes use of technology,

including computers, television, language labs, and others, to support the
teaching and learning process and enhance students' abilities Asrul et al.,

2. Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension is a complicated talent that depends on a variety
of cognitive processes rather than being a single entity. It is possible to think
of reading comprehension as a set of steps taken by readers to locate
information and comprehend the information found in a reading text. Linse
(2005) states that “reading comprehension refers to reading for meaning,
understanding, and entertainment.” Vebrianto Susilo, (2015).
According to Rubin (2011), mastering word meanings and having the
capacity to think abstractly about verbal concepts are the two major skills
required for reading comprehension.

The term "reading comprehension" refers to a type of reading that tries to

comprehend literary standards or norms, critical evaluations, written drama,
and patterns of fiction, according to Tarigan (2008).

Reading comprehension is a higher level reading talent, according to

Dalman (2014). Reading cognitively is reading with comprehension
(reading to understand). The reader must be able to comprehend the text in
order to demonstrate reading comprehension.


1.3. The Concept of Reading

1.3.1. Definition of Reading

One of the most important language abilities and a trait that sets it apart
from others is reading. We may be able to understand reading better if we use the
definitions provided by some linguists. "Reading is an action or cognitive process
that strives to identify various information contained in writing," claims Dalman
(2014). This indicates that reading involves using your mind to process the
information in the text you are reading. In order for the reader to understand the
author's message, reading is more than just gazing at the collection of letters that
have formed words, groups of words, phrases, paragraphs, and discourse. Reading
also involves deciphering meaningful symbols, signs, and writing. reader.
“Reading is a critical-creative processing of reading by readers to get a
comprehensive comprehension of the reading, followed by an assessment of the
conditions, values, functions, and influence of the reading," according to Nurhadi
Reading is an activity that combines auditory (hearing) and visual
(observing) components, according to Ana Widyastuti (2017). Reading skills are
first developed when kids enjoy holding and turning pages of books. Children's
primary means of expressing their needs and wants is through language. Reading
is the process of converting written or visual symbols into audible forms that
convey meaning, according to the several definitions of reading that have been
provided above.

Reason for Reading The following are some of the goals of reading, as stated by
Nurhadi in Dalman (2014):

1. Fully comprehend the reading's contents.

2. Quickly identifying the major theme of the book.
3. acquiring knowledge about something.
4. Decipher the meaning of words that are challenging.
5. Desire to learn about open positions.

1.1. Audio Visual
Audio-visual media consists of visual media that is synchronized with audio
media, allowing for two-way communication between teachers and students in the
teaching and learning process. Or in other words, audio-visual media is a mutually
supportive combination of images and sound, which can arouse feelings and
thoughts for those who watch, which include: Sound Slides, TV, Movies, and so
Audio-visual means having both sound and visual elements, and examples
include slide tape presentations, movies, TV shows, and live theatrical
productions. This medium includes audio and video, typically in the form of
slideshows or films, as well as audio-recorded speech or music; all of these are
visual presentations that the teacher shows the students. This approach is referred
to as a new trend since it makes use of technology, including computers,
television, language labs, and others, to support the teaching and learning process
and enhance students' abilities Asrul et al., (2020).
Arsyad (2002) defined audio visual media as visual media that also includes
sound aspects during development. To put it another way, there is a voice in the
form of a description that will make the visual media more engaging and simple
for anyone to understand.
Arccording to Snaky (2010) defines audio visual media as a collection of
devices that can display moving and sound image content. Characters that closely
resemble real objects can be created using a combination of sound and visual.
This form of media can produce an image that is similar to the thing being shown,
along with the original audio, to help viewers and listeners understand.

1.2. Reading Comprehension

Vebrianto Susilo, (2015), comprehension of texts Among the four language
skills, reading is one. Reading is a fundamental skill that can help a person gain
more understanding or information because it enriches one's knowledge base.
Reading is a task done to gain knowledge or information that the reader was
previously ignorant of. Humans can increase their knowledge in a variety of ways
via reading. Children can increase their vocabulary by reading books, and it's

crucial to establish a welcoming reading environment for reading activities to be
successful (Scott and Ytreberg: 2003).

According to Linse (2005:71), reading should be done for the following reasons:

1. Informational reading, or reading done to gain knowledge and

understanding, is reading done for information.
2. Reading for pleasure, meaning that reading is done just for enjoyment.

The ability of the students to comprehend the material provided by the author is
what reading comprehension is all about (Shepherd, 1979 as cited in Utami 2005).
Furthermore, reading comprehension is a process of thinking that is processed
through reading, according to Ruptic & Norwick (1998). It depends on the
reader's cognitive and intellectual abilities, experiential background, and linguistic
proficiency. Because of this, readers should make use of their intelligence,
knowledge, and language abilities.

According to Rubin (2011), mastering word meanings and having the

capacity to think abstractly about verbal concepts are the two major skills required
for reading comprehension.

The term "reading comprehension" refers to a type of reading that tries to

comprehend literary standards or norms, critical evaluations, written drama, and
patterns of fiction, according to Tarigan (2008).

Reading comprehension is a higher level reading talent, according to

Dalman (2014). Reading cognitively is reading with comprehension (reading to
understand). The reader must be able to comprehend the text in order to
demonstrate reading comprehension.

Reading comprehension is a complicated mental process that comprises the

capacity to master meaning and the capacity to think about verbal concepts,
according to the several definitions of reading comprehension that have been
provided above.

1.1.1. Purpose of Reading Comprehension

The main purpose of reading comprehension is gaining understanding.
Reading comprehension is a reading activity that seeks to understand the contents
of the reading/text as a whole. A person is said to understand reading well if he
has the following abilities:

1. The ability to grasp the meaning of the words and expressions used by the
2. The ability to grasp the implied meaning, and
3. The ability to make conclusions.

Types of Reading Comprehension Samsu Somadayo (2011) lists the following

categories of reading comprehension skills:

a. Literal Understanding Literal reading aptitude is the reader's capacity to

understand expressly expressed information in the reading (explicitly). In
other words, the reader only retains the information that is printed explicitly
in the reading.

b. Interpretive Awareness In interpretive reading, the reader actively

participates in creating the meaning of the text's statements. Readers draw
conclusions from implicit information by fusing the textual information with
prior knowledge.

c. Critical Understanding The capacity to analyze reading material critically

and ascertain both the explicit and implicit meanings of the text is known as
critical reading ability.

1.3. Empirical Review

Some specialists have demonstrated the critical role that media plays in the
teaching and learning process. It aids the instructor in presenting the subject in a
novel approach. The use of audiovisual media is one sort of media that is very
beneficial. Aural and visual skills are used to support audiovisual material. This
medium is useful for learning because it develops hearing and sighing sense

Students in the seventh grade at SMP Negeri 1 Mengwi who were taught
listening skills through audiovisual media saw a considerable improvement in
their listening comprehension. According to statistical analysis, the listening
comprehension test mean score for students in the experimental group was greater
than the test mean score for students in the control group. Brian et al., (2017).

The audio-lingual teaching approach is described as a strategy that places an

emphasis on word repetition to enable students to use the target language in
conversation. Repetition and exercises are used to divide up challenging sentences
into manageable chunks. Drilling is a crucial component of audio-lingual methods
of language instruction, which concentrate considerable focus on repeating
structural patterns orally (Brown, 1998). Abduh, (2016).

Due to the production of sound, picture, and video, the audio visual media
will aid kids in learning to read. The usage of audio visual aids will make reading
instruction more engaging for pupils, who will feel engaged when watching
engaging videos and will find it simpler to comprehend text as a result. The film
served as the students' guide, helping them to more easily understand what they
were going to read and envision their description. They can read a narrative that is
based on the film, one that has longer paragraphs, more detailed information, and
more thoughts to support each paragraph.

They are stimulated by the video so they can have reading material to
describe. Video puts language into context so that viewers may see who, what,
where, and what else the speakers are doing. Atmaja, (1997).


1.1. Research Design

This research is research that uses a quantitative research approach.
According to Sugiyono (2017) "The research method is basically a scientific way
to obtain data with a specific purpose and use. Based on this, there are four
keywords that need to be considered, namely the scientific method, data, purpose,
and use”.

This type of research is experimental. Considering that not all variables

(symptoms that appear) and experimental conditions can be tightly regulated and
controlled, this study is categorized as a true experiment. This design was chosen
because the experiment was carried out in a particular class with existing students
or as they were. The researcher may not change the class in determining the
subject of determining the experimental classes. In determining the two
experimental groups, it was carried out randomly on the existing classes. The
research design used was a posttest-only control group design. This design was
chosen because the experiment was carried out in a certain class with existing

Thus, the existing classes were equal classes. In determining the subject for
the experimental or control group, it is not possible to change the existing class.
Thus randomization per person cannot be done, what can only be done is random
class. In determining the experimental group and the control group, the two
classes were randomly assigned. The research design is as follows.

1.2. Population and Sample

1.2.1. Population
The population is a number of cases that meet a certain set of criteria, which
are determined by the researcher Dantes (2012). Koyan (2012) states that
population is a set of similar elements that can be humans, animals, plants, liquid
objects, events, and the like. Kerlinger Burchan (2004) states that the population
is all members of groups of people, events, or objects that have been clearly

defined. Nazir (2005) states that the population is a collection of individuals with
predetermined qualities and characteristics. These qualities or characteristics are
called variables. A population with a certain number of individuals is called a
finite population, whereas, if the number of individuals in the group does not have
a fixed number, or the number is infinite, it is called an infinite population. For
example, the number of farmers in a village is the finite population. On the other
hand, the number of continuous rolls of the die is an infinite population.

According to Margono (2004), population is all data that is of concern to us in a

scope and time that we specify. So the population deals with the data, not the
people. If every human being provides data, the amount of data or population size
is equal to the number of people. The population is the entire research subject
Arikunto (2002). So that from this study the population is all students of SMK TI
Bali Global Singaraja in 2022/2023.

In relation to these limits, the population can be distinguished as follows.

1. Limited population or finite population, namely populations that have clear

quantitative limits because they have limited characteristics. For example,
5,000,000 high school teachers at the beginning of 1985, with the
characteristics; working period of 2 years, graduates of the Strata 1
program, and others.
2. Infinite population or infinite population, namely the population whose
boundaries cannot be found, so it cannot be expressed in quantitative
terms. For example, teachers in Indonesia, which means that the number
must be counted since the first teacher was there until now and who came.
3. In such a situation the number cannot be counted, it can only be described
as a number of quality objects with general characteristics, namely the
past, present and future teachers. Such a population is also called a
Based on some of the opinions above, it can be concluded that what is meant by
the population is a group of individuals who have some similarities in
characteristics or traits that are housed in one place/region and they are planned to
become the target of the conclusion of the end of a study . In this study, the
population used was students of SMK TI Bali Global Singaraja in the academic

year 2022/2023 totaling 234 people spread over (12) classes where each class has
homogeneous academic abilities.

Table 3.1 Number of Population of SD Dana Punia Singaraja

No Class Total students

1 X Multimedia 15

2 X TKJ 10

3 X Akuntanti 38

4 X RPL 14

5 XI Multimedia 20

6 XI TKJ 21

7 XI Akuntanti 38

8 XI RPL 14

9 XII Multimedia 29

10 XII TKJ 15

11 XII Akuntanti 28

12 XII RPL 5

Total number 247 Students

1.1.1. Research Sample

The sample is part of the population. According to Sukardi ( 2003) states that the
sample is part of the total population selected for the data source. The sample in
question must be a good representation of the population. The sampling technique
used is cluster random sampling, which is sampling that is carried out on the
sampling unit (individual). Where the sampling unit is in a selected group, it will
be taken as a sample. This method is used when the population can be divided into

groups and each characteristic studied is in each group. Sampling includes the act
of pulling part of the population, cluster random sampling with a lottery

observe this smaller part and then generalize the results of the observations to the
parent population Any, J. and Razaviech (1985).

a. Sample Technique

The type of sampling technique in question is a way to determine

the number of samples in accordance with the sample size that is used as
the actual data source, taking into account the characteristics and
distribution of the population obtained by a representative sample. There
are two different sampling techniques, although they basically start from
the same assumption, namely wanting to obtain a maximum representative
sample that is not based on the wishes of the researcher . The types of
sampling techniques are: 1) random sampling, and 2) non-random

Random sampling technique is sampling randomly or

indiscriminately. This technique has the highest probability of determining
a representative sample. In this technique, all individuals in the population,
either individually or together, are given the same opportunity to be
selected as members of the sample. This technique can be done by: 1)
lottery, 2) ordinal, 3) randomization from the table of random numbers
Sutrisna Hadi (1980) in S. Margono (1995). Non-random sampling
technique is a non-random sampling technique. Random or not all
individuals in the population are given the same opportunity to be assigned
as members of the sample. This technique has a lower probability of
producing a representative sample. Furthermore, according to S. Margono
(1995) there are several types of samples obtained from random sampling
techniques, namely as follows. There are several ways to do this with this
technique, such as:

1. Sweepstakes. For example, the researcher wants to choose 3

(three) exemplary students from 40 exemplary students who

are proposed at the university level, so it is better to just write
the names of these students on small rolls of paper and then
put them in a box. Then, take two scrolls, open them and put
them down, then take the names of the two people as
representatives of exemplary students. This lottery method can
vary, such as using a roulette wheel, dice, and so on. The
disadvantage of this method is that if there is no investigation
of the subject list, it cannot create a stratum.

1. Cluster Random Sampling

Cluster random sampling is used if the population does not consist
of individuals, but consists of groups of individuals or clusters. For
example, a study was conducted on a population of elementary school
students in a city. For this reason, random is not carried out directly on all
students, but in a school or class as a group or cluster.
This cluster random sampling technique is used if the population is
found to be a heterogeneous population, where a subpopulation is a group
(cluster) that has heterogeneous properties. Meanwhile, in sample
stratification, each subpopulation is homogeneous. In addition, this
technique is used if a list of all population units is not obtained so that only
a cluster list is sufficient. As in the sampling technique with stratification;
that is, each stratum is sampled, then with this cluster sampling technique,
samples are drawn from each group (cluster).
The weakness of this technique can be seen from the level of
sampling error, which is more compared to sampling based on strata
because it is very difficult to obtain clusters that are truly the same
heterogeneity as other clusters in the population.

Based on the understanding and sampling techniques above and considering

efficiency, in this study the researchers took samples from the existing population
using cluster random sampling techniques, namely the selection of samples based
on random classes. From the 10 classes that have been determined, a random draw
is made by giving each class a serial number. From the draw, two classes were
determined, one class being the experimental class for which treatment using The

effect of audio visual media on students reading comprehension another class
being the control class where in the learning process only monotount was given
conventional learning. After the draw was made, the class that got the
experimental class was class XII, the number of students was as follows.

Table 3.2 Number of Experimental Class Samples for Class XII Multimedia SMK
TI Bali Global Singaraja 2022/2023 Academic Year.

No Gender Total students Information

1 Man 17 people

2 Woman 12 people

Total 29 people

1.2. Research Instruments

1.2.1. Instrument

Instrument is a measuring instrument used to obtain data about the el

variable. Instrument is a tool for researchers in using data collection techniques
Arikunto, (1999). The collection technique can be in the form of a
questionnaire (questionnaire), tests, interviews, observation, assessment and
documentation. Type of multiple choice tests with five alternative answer
choices a n. This test kit was developed with two approaches, namely a rational
approach which is used to analyze the selection of the contents of the test items
and an empirical approach which is carried out after the test is tested try.
1. Test
The test is a way to conduct an assessment in the form of a task or a series of tasks
that must be done by the child or group, so as to produce a value about the
behavior or achievement of the child that can be compared with the standard value
set Endra Suanthara (2013).

Basically, students have 3 basic abilities that need to be activated by the

teacher. Of these three things, these three abilities must be realized in a balanced
way, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor abilities. Of the three things in

this study, the researcher will try to measure only the cognitive aspect, because the
instrument chosen, namely the test only has a cognitive weight, while the number
per each cognitive per type of question has met the requirements

Test is an instrument used to measure student learning outcomes in English

subjects, both for those in the control class and in the experimental class. The test
is the most important assessment instrument in this study because this test is used
to measure students' abilities and is able to be a comparison between the
experimental class and the control class. The test given consists of 1 type of test,
namely the objective test. This objective test consists of 15 items with 5 answer
choices (A, B, C, D and E). The preparation of this question has met the
requirements of a good question based on the level of difficulty of the question.

1.3. Research procedure

In the early stages of the study, the class was determined to be used as a
sample. Furthermore, the equivalence test of the two groups was carried out based
on the report card scores using the homogeneity test. From that class, one was
taken as the experimental group and one was taken as the control group using the
lottery technique. The next step is to test learning achievement tests on
predetermined competencies.

1.4. Data Analysis Techniques

Data analysis techniques in descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive
statistics used to describe or explain research data through the average and
standard deviation. In this study using SPSS 16.0 for Windows.
While the form of inferential statistics is used to test the research hypothesis by
using the following formula.

Figure 3.1 Data Homogeneity Test

Variant _
variant _

Figure 3.2 Test the Hypothesis

X 1− X 2

( n1−1 )s 2 +(n2 −1)s
( )
2 1 1
1 2
n1 +n2 −2 n1 n2

Information :

X1 = R the average of the experimental class

X2 = R control class average

S1 = Standard deviation or standard deviation of the experimental class

S2 = Standard deviation or standard deviation of the control class

n1 = Number of samples of the experimental class

n2 = Number of control class samples

Terms of Use Formula :

1. If n 1 = n 2 and the variance is homogeneous, one of the formulas above can

be used; with dk = n 1 + n 2 -2
2. If n 1 = n 2 and the variance is not homogeneous, one of the formulas above
can be used; with dk = n 1 – 1 or n 2 - 1
3. If n 1 ¿ n 2 and the variance is homogeneous, the polled variance formula
can be used ; with dk = n 1 + n 2 -2
4. If n 1 ¿ n 2 and the variance is not homogeneous, the formula separated
variance can be used , the price of t instead of t table is calculated the
difference from the price of t table; where dk = ( n 1 – 1) and dk = ( n 2 – 1),
divided by two, then added with the smallest value of t.

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