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The Prophets of Islam

1. Who is the first prophet in Islam?

2. Who is the final prophet?

3. Which prophet built the Ka’ba?

4. Who was Musa’s enemy?

5. Which prophet will return at the end of the world?

6. Which prophet received the Qur’an?

7. How many prophets are there in Islam?

8. What was one of the major messages Muhammad received from God?

9. How did Ibrahim show his dedication to God?

10. How are Christian and Muslim views of Isa different?

The Prophets of Islam Answers
1. Who is the first prophet in Islam?
Adam is the first prophet in Islam.

2. Who is the final prophet?

Muhammad is the final prophet.

3. Which prophet built the Ka’ba?

Ibrahim built the Ka’ba.

4. Who was Musa’s enemy?

Pharaoh was Musa’s enemy.

5. Which prophet will return at the end of the world?

Isa will return at the end of the world.

6. Which prophet received the Qur’an?

Muhammad received the Qur’an.

7. How many prophets are there in Islam?

There are 120 000 prophets in Islam.

8. What was one of the major messages Muhammad received from God?
One of the major messages that Muhammad received from God was Tawhid, the belief in
one God.

9. How did Ibrahim show his dedication to God?

Ibrahim showed his dedication to God by being prepared to sacrifice his son.

10. How are Christian and Muslim views of Isa different?

Muslims see Isa as a prophet but not the Son of God. They also have conflicting views over
his death.

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