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Trip to Bali
1.1. Planning
1.1.1. Define trip objectives
1.1.2. Determine budget
1.1.3. Select destination (Bali)
1.1.4. Determine travel dates
1.1.5. Determine number of attendees
1.2. Travel Arrangements
1.2.1. Research flight options
1.2.2. Book flights
1.2.3. Book accommodations
1.2.4. Arrange ground transportation
1.3. Event Activities
1.3.1. Determine event itinerary
1.3.2. Book event venue
1.3.3. Arrange catering services
1.3.4. Coordinate activities and excursions
1.4. Marketing and Promotion
1.4.1. Develop marketing materials
1.4.2. Promote the trip to attendees
1.4.3. Create a website for the event
1.5. Management and Logistics
1.5.1. Develop risk management plan
1.5.2. Create a communication plan
1.5.3. Coordinate with local vendors and suppliers
1.5.4. Develop contingency plans
1.6. Evaluation and Follow-Up
1.6.1. Collect feedback from attendees
1.6.2. Analyze event success
1.6.3. Develop recommendations for future events
1 Trip to Bali

1.2 Travel 1.3 Event 1.4 Marketing and 1.5 Management 1.6 Evaluation
1.1 Planning
Arrangements Activities Promotion and Logistics and Follow-Up

1.4.1 Develop 1.6.1 Collect

1.1.1 Define trip 1.2.1 Research 1.3.1 Determine 1.5.1 Develop risk
marketing feedback from
objectives flight options event itinerary management plan
materials attendees

1.5.2 Create a
1.1.2 Determine 1.3.2 Book event 1.4.2 Promote the 1.6.2 Analyze
1.2.2 Book flights communication
budget venue trip to attendees event success

1.4.3 Create a 1.5.3 Coordinate 1.6.3 Develop

1.1.3 Select 1.2.3 Book 1.3.3 Arrange
website for the with local vendors recommendations
destination (Bali) accommodations catering services
event and suppliers for future events

1.2.4 Arrange 1.3.4 Coordinate

1.1.4 Determine 1.5.4 Develop
ground activities and
travel dates contingency plans
transportation excursions

1.1.5 Determine
number of

This is just a sample WBS and can be adjusted as needed depending on the specific requirements of the
event company trip to Bali.

Project Title: Event Company Trip to Bali

Project Manager: Wan Mahadi

Date: 3 – 5 April 2023

Project Description:

The event company trip to Bali is an opportunity for the company to bring employees, partners, and
clients together for a fun and relaxing retreat. The main objective of this project is to plan, organize and
execute a successful event trip to Bali that meets the needs and expectations of all attendees.

Project Objectives:

To provide a memorable and enjoyable experience for all attendees.

To build relationships and strengthen bonds within the company and with clients.

To foster teamwork and collaboration among employees.

To achieve a successful event trip within budget constraints.

Project Scope:
This project includes the planning, organization, and execution of the event company trip to Bali. This
includes, but is not limited to:

Researching and booking flights

Booking accommodations

Arranging ground transportation

Determining the event itinerary

Booking event venues

Coordinating activities and excursions

Developing marketing materials

Promoting the trip to attendees

Developing risk management plans

Creating a communication plan

Coordinating with local vendors and suppliers

Collecting feedback from attendees

Analyzing event success

Developing recommendations for future events


Project Manager




Local vendors and suppliers


A successful event company trip to Bali

Feedback from attendees

Analysis of event success

Recommendations for future events

Project Timeline:

[Insert project timeline, including key milestones and deadlines]


[Insert budget information, including estimated expenses and available funding]

Risks and Assumptions:

[Insert potential risks and assumptions related to the project, such as unexpected weather conditions or
changes in attendees]


[Insert names of stakeholders who need to approve the project charter]

Project Title: Event Company Trip to Bali

Project Manager: Wan Mahadi

Date: 3 – 5 April 2024

Project Description:

The event company trip to Bali is an opportunity for the company to bring employees, partners, and
families together for a fun and relaxing retreat. The main objective of this project is to plan, organize, and
execute a successful event trip to Bali that meets the needs and expectations of all attendees.

Project Objectives:

To provide a memorable and enjoyable experience for all attendees.

To build relationships and strengthen bonds within the company and with families.

To foster teamwork and collaboration among employees.

To organize a talent performance and entertainers.

To hold a lucky draw for employees and families.

To achieve a successful event trip within budget constraints.

Project Scope:

This project includes the planning, organization, and execution of the event company trip to Bali for 240
attendees. This includes, but is not limited to:

Researching and booking flights

Booking accommodations

Arranging ground transportation in Bali

Arranging transportation from Malaysia

Determining the event itinerary

Booking event venues

Coordinating activities and excursions

Developing marketing materials

Promoting the trip to attendees

Developing risk management plans

Creating a communication plan

Coordinating with local vendors and suppliers

Collecting feedback from attendees

Analyzing event success

Developing recommendations for future events


Project Manager




Local vendors and suppliers


A successful event company trip to Bali

Feedback from attendees

Analysis of event success

Recommendations for future events

Project Timeline:

[Insert project timeline, including key milestones and deadlines]


[Insert budget information, including estimated expenses and available funding]

Risks and Assumptions:

[Insert potential risks and assumptions related to the project, such as unexpected weather conditions or
changes in attendees]


[Insert names of stakeholders who need to approve the project charter]

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