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Assignment 1: Analysis

Unit 36: Client/Server Computing System


Nyi Min Khant

batch 21
P1 Communication between servers and client.............................................................................................2
P2 Different between the parent process and child process, PID and PPID..............................................3
P3 Concepts and Function of Application Layer Protocol.....................................................................5
P4 Wireshark between servers and client procedure..........................................................................8

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P1 Communication between servers and client

A computer program or apparatus that offers a service to another computer program and its user, also
known as the client, is referred to as a server. The physical computer that a server application runs on at a
data center is also referred to as a server in general. The device might carry out extra duties or operate as a
dedicated server.

A server is a piece of hardware or software (also known as a computer program), which provides
functionality to other software or hardware (also known as "clients") that are used in other applications.
This design is known as the client-server model. Numerous tasks that servers may undertake are referred
to as "services," such as carrying out calculations on a client's behalf or distributing data or resources
among numerous clients. numerous clients can be supported in the same way that one client can support
numerous servers. A client process may run on a single device or may connect over a network to a server
process running on a different device. Common server types include database servers, servers for file
sharing, mail servers, remote servers, DHCP servers, DNS servers, and application servers.

Servers are now commonly virtual, which makes them even slower since the performance and capabilities
of virtual servers may be upgraded as needed by adding memory, storage, and CPU cores on demand.
Given that they are designed to operate continually, servers more closely resemble "supercomputers." By
sending data to other computers or devices known as "clients" in the Wide Area Network or the Local
Area Network, servers may run applications.


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The network structure is referred to as a client server network when one or more computers offer a
service to other computers. Being able to centrally control the network's security and functioning makes
client/server networks more common in business settings. These Servers provide a service to the Clients.
A server is any computer that keeps data and makes it available to other computers as needed.

In many cases, servers are stored in a secure location and are only reachable online. On a file server, these
data may be files, on a DHCP server, they could be connection instructions for the local network and the
internet, or they could be anything else. A single physical server can perform a variety of functions and
offer a wide range of services on a network. Without the server, these services couldn't be accessed
through a network.

A server is frequently a more powerful computer that is inaccessible to people physically. This isn't
always the case, though; a server might be anything as straightforward as a desktop computer that joins a
network and makes a local printer available to other PCs. This desktop computer is now acting as a server
for the network since it provides print services. Without this specific PC, printing would not be possible
on other PCs connected to the network.

Shared Folders and UNC Paths

By sharing folders, users can gain access to resources on other networked computers. Only machines that
have Microsoft Networks file and print services installed can access shared folders. Only folders may be
shared; individual files are not permitted. Any files that must be shared should be put in a shared folder.

Remote desktop may be started with the Windows command MSTSC. The MSTSC is hence sometimes
referred to as a remote desktop command. If you are on the same network as the remote computer or you
know its IP address, you can connect to it using MSTSC.
Using a remote desktop connection, you may control another person's computer as if you were sitting
right next to it. Therefore, the remote desktop is really useful. The MSTSC is also essential for desktop

ipconfig command
The ipconfig command can be used to update DHCP and DNS settings as well as display details about
your network configuration. The ipconfig command by default displays the IP address, subnet mask, and
default gateway. However, you can get a lot more information from it with the right settings.

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Using the nslookup command-line tool, you may discover the IP address or DNS record for a certain
domain name. Furthermore, it permits reverse DNS lookup, which lets you find the domain linked to an
IP address. To use the utility, type "nslookup" into the Command Prompt or Terminal.

P2 Different between the parent process and child process, PID and PPID
Different between Parent Process and Child Process
Operating systems utilize the phrases "parent" and "child" processes to refer to the relationships between
active processes. An evaluation of parent processes and child processes is provided below:

Parent Process
One illustration of how a parent process could create a child process is the system call "fork". A child
process is created by a parent process. Each process is given a distinct process ID (PID). Unlike its child
processes, the parent process has a unique PID.

A parent process is a process that generates a child process, also known as a child process. Usually, the
parent process initiates the formation of a child process to complete a certain task or duty. The child
process must be managed and governed by the parent process. Depending on how the parent process is
terminated, the child processes may also be terminated if the parent process ends.

Child Process:
In computers, a process that was started by another process (the parent process) is known as a child
process. This method, which applies to operating systems that support multiple tasks, is referred to as a
subprocess or, more commonly, a subtask.

A process that is produced by another process, referred to as the parent process, is referred to as a child

File descriptors, environment variables, and RAM allotments are a few of the resources and
characteristics that the child process inherits from the parent process.

Depending on how the parent process is designed, child processes may carry out many activities
simultaneously or one after the other. Child processes can have their own execution flow and memory
space and are more autonomous in terms of how they are executed.

Depending on how the operating system handles process termination, child processes could continue to
function even after the parent process ends.

Using inter-process communication protocols like pipes, sockets, or shared memory, child processes can
communicate with the parent process and other children.

Different between PID and PPID

PID and PPID are terminology used in operating systems' process management. They make reference to
several facets of process organization and management. PID (Process ID) and PPID (Parent Process ID)
are contrasted here:

PID (Process ID):

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Proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control is the most well-known and widely accepted control
algorithm for industrial control. The attraction of PID controllers can be attributed in part to their
consistent performance in a variety of operating conditions and in part to their functional simplicity,
which allows engineers to use them in an intuitive manner.

Each active process in an operating system is given a PID, which is a special numerical identification.

It makes it easier for administrators and the operating system to monitor and control processes.

The PID is used to differentiate between processes and to communicate with them using a variety of
commands and functions. As new processes are formed, PIDs are normally allocated in a consecutive

Although PIDs can still be utilized after a process has ended, current systems try to avoid doing so right
away to minimize confusion.

PPID (Parent Process ID):

The abbreviation PPID means publisher-provided identification. A PPID is given to a user by a publisher
as opposed to being allocated via a cookie or MAID (mobile advertising identification). Publishers often
link a PPID to a customer profile that belongs to a single recognized user or a logged-in user. Publishers
choose the precise PPID number, but it needs to be distinct to be able to differentiate across users.

The PID of the parent process that originated or produced a specific process is referred to as PPID.

The majority of operating systems organize processes in a hierarchical fashion, with each process (apart
from the starting process, which often has PID 1) having a parent process.

The parent-child relationship between processes is established using the PPID. The PPID of a child
process that a parent process produces is assigned to the PID of the parent process.

This connection enables improved process management and aids in tracing a process's ownership and

P3 Concepts and Function of Application Layer Protocol

The Telnet protocol was developed in 1969 and provides a command line interface for connection with a
server or device that is located far away. It may be used for both remote administration and initial device
configuration, such as network hardware. The term "to telnet" refers to creating a connection using the
Telnet protocol. Teletype Network is abbreviated as Telnet, while it may also be a verb.

The FTP (File send Protocol) network protocol can be used to send files between computers utilizing
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) connections. Within the TCP/IP family of
protocols, FTP is classified as an application layer protocol.

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The local host in an FTP transaction is typically the end user's system. The second machine in an FTP
connection is called the remote host, which is often a server. Both computers need to be connected to a
network and configured properly in order to exchange data using FTP. Clients must install FTP software,
and servers must be set up to run FTP services in order to access these services.

The HTTP protocol may be used to obtain resources like HTML pages. It is a client-server protocol,
which implies that the recipient, who is typically the Web browser, initiates all requests for data transfer
over the Internet. The many sub-documents that were gathered, including content, layout information,
pictures, videos, scripts, and more, are combined to make the final document.
Instead of sharing a continuous stream of data, clients and servers converse while producing Web content.
Requests are messages supplied by the server in response to messages submitted by the client, which is
frequently a web browser.

In the HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) version of the HTTP protocol, encryption and
authentication are carried out using the SSL/TLS protocol. The HTTPS protocol is described in RFC 2818
(May 2000), which by default uses port 443 rather than port 80 for HTTP.

Thanks to the HTTPS protocol, users of websites may securely transmit sensitive data like credit card
numbers, financial information, and login credentials over the internet. As a result, HTTPS is essential for
securing online activities including remote work, banking, and shopping. However, HTTPS is quickly
displacing HTTP as the de facto standard for all websites, regardless of whether websites exchange
important data with consumers.

What is TCP/IP?
TCP/IP, or Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, is a family of protocols used to connect
network devices over the internet. Intranets and extranets are private computer networks that use TCP/IP
as their communication mechanism.

TCP/IP refers to a collection of protocols together referred to as the IP suite. The most often used
protocols in the suite are TCP and IP, though there are others as well. The TCP/IP protocol suite serves as
an abstraction layer between the routing and switching fabric and internet applications.

OSI Model
The International Organization for Standardization (IOS) developed the open systems interconnection
(OSI) model, a conceptual framework that enables various communication systems to communicate data
using established protocols. The Open Systems Interconnection, or OSI, provides a standard for
integrating various computer systems.

One could think of the OSI Model as a common language for computer networking. Its foundation is the
idea that a communication system can be broken down into seven abstract layers, each of which is built
on top of the one that came before it.

OSI 7 Layers
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In order for each device, or node, in a network to communicate through IP utilizing the network
management method known as DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration technology), each device is assigned
a dynamic IP address. Instead of forcing network managers to individually assign IP addresses to each
network device, DHCP automates and centrally controls these configurations. Both large enterprise
networks and small local networks can make use of DHCP.

Domain Name System, or DNS, is a key internet technology that converts user-friendly domain names
into machine-understandable IP addresses. IP addresses, which are numbers that uniquely identify each
device on the internet, are used to connect computers and other internet-connected devices. However, it
would be impracticable and cumbersome for humans to remember and use IP addresses for all of our
websites and services.

Application Layer
The uppermost layer in the OSI architecture is called an application layer. It is in charge of showing the
user information that has been received or offering ways for the user to submit data that will be forwarded
to lower levels. It describes a communication partner, such a software program or procedure, and how it
interacts with other applications. Interfaces and services for the user are provided by the application layer.
Additionally, it offers several services, including those for message handling, shared database
administration, and transaction processing.
P4 Wireshark between servers and client procedure
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Wireshark and other network protocol analyzers are programs that record packets from a network
connection, such as the one connecting your computer to your home office or the internet. In an Ethernet
network, a packet is a discrete bit of data.

The most popular packet sniffer in the world is called Wireshark. Wireshark accomplishes three things,
similar to other packet sniffers:

Tens of thousands of packets of traffic, or more, can be actively recorded by Wireshark while it is actively
listening to a network connection in real time.

Filtering: Wireshark has the ability to slice and dice all of this haphazard live data. You can only see the
data you wish to see by using a filter. Visualization: Just like any reputable packet sniffer, Wireshark
allows you to delve deeply into the heart of a network packet. You could even be able to watch complete
conversations and network feeds with this.

I'll discuss how to set up two PCs to request an ICMP package using the Wireshark program.

Two computers will be needed (PC-1 and PC-2)

 Assign IP addresses to both computers (PC-1 =, PC-2 =

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(No date) Share and Discover Knowledge on SlideShare. Available at:
(Accessed: 13 August 2023).

Personal blog of ProSaugat-Saugat Nepal. You’ll find a variety of tech-related content on this
page, including network (2022) Parent process vs. child process including PID & PPID,
Pro Saugat-Saugat Nepal || Nepali Tech Blog For Everyone. Available at: (Accessed:
13 August 2023).

Client and server.docx - P1: Illustrate the communication processes between servers and clients.
the client/server trademark portrays the relationship - CS5584: Course hero (no date)
Client And Server.docx - P1: Illustrate The Communication Processes Between Servers
And Clients. The Client/server Trademark Portrays The Relationship - CS5584 | Course
Hero. Available at:
(Accessed: 13 August 2023).

Gillis, A.S. (2023) What is DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol)?, Networking.
Available at: (Accessed:
13 August 2023).

CoinMarketCap (2022) Application layer definition: CoinMarketCap, CoinMarketCap

Alexandria. Available at:
(Accessed: 13 August 2023).

Difference between process, parent process, and child process (2023) GeeksforGeeks. Available
process/ (Accessed: 13 August 2023).

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