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TOPIC - Root System

Section A

Choose the correct answer.

1. What type of root modification is seen in the carrot plant? (1)

a. Conical tap root modification
b. Fibrous root modification
c. Fusiform taproot modification
d. Adventitious root modification

2. Root system is ____________. (1)

a. Positively phototropic
b. Negatively geotropic
c. Positively geotropic
d. No tropism shown

3. Food is stored in plants as ________________. (1)

a. Fat
b. Carbohydrates
c. Proteins
d. Vitamins

4. In germinating seeds of taproot plants, a single root is formed from the __________.(1)
a. Radicle
b. Plumule
c. Node
d. Leaf

5. Nodulated roots are an example of tap root modification in leguminous plants. They
house a bacteria called rhizobium in their nodes. How does it help the plant? (1)
a. By fixing carbondioxide
b. By fixing nitrogen
c. By absorbing more water
d. By absorbing more vitamins
Section - B

1. List the ways tap root is modified for storage with one example each. (4)

2. There are 2 plants growing in the garden. A student pulls out both the plants from the
soil. She has a harder time pulling out plant B but plant A comes from the ground easily.
(a) What type of root does plant A have? (1)

(b) Why was it difficult to pull out plant B? Explain. (2)


3. Root tips of some aerial plants have pores. What are these pores called and what is their
function? (2)

4. Given below is a diagram of tap root.





(i) Which of the above grows deep? (1)

(ii) Which of the above is unicellular? (1)

(iii) Which of the above are considered lateral roots? (3)


(iv) Name (c ) (1)


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