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DATE: OCTOBER 11, 2023





I am confident that, as a youth, I can play a significant part in preserving Philippine

independence. Being aware of the challenges affecting my country allows me to do my
part in ensuring its independence. As a responsible citizen, one of my responsibilities is
to take part in public concerns on issues of national interest. By speaking up and letting
my thoughts be known, I might influence the pathway that our country takes. One way is
through engaging discussions with loved ones. As I approach voting age, I will make
sure to use that privilege wisely. Knowing that my vote can affect the decisions made by
our nation's leaders, I want to make an informed decision. Knowing the candidates and
their policies will help me make informed decisions that reflect my values and goals for
the future. One of the ways I plan to fight for Philippine independence is by advocating
for our national ideals. I will fight for every Filipino's right to be treated fairly. To help
build a more equitable and welcoming society, I can make contributions to programs
that focus on helping those on the fringes of society. These initiatives will help us
strengthen our freedom's foundation. Additionally, I am certain that the best way to
protect the independence of our nation is through widespread public participation.
Through my involvement in community service and volunteer work, I am able to make a
positive difference in the lives of others around me. By working together, we can
safeguard our environment and solve serious problems like pollution and poverty.
Independence, after all, is about more than just having the freedom to do what one
wants politically; it also means having the resources to provide for one's people. Lastly,
Just a reminder to everyone that before you help others, be sure to put your own
improvement first. Learn as much as you can and improve your abilities so that you can
aid in the development of your country. If you put effort into improving yourself, you'll be
in a better position to take on tough tasks and make a difference in the world.

Filipinos, like members of every other nationality, possess common characteristics

as well as distinctions from people of other nations. One notable characteristic that
distinguishes Filipinos is that they are easily recognizable by their welcoming
personality, friendly attitude, and strong sense of closeness to one's family and
community. Filipinos are renowned for their hospitable attitude, consistently
demonstrating a willingness to offer assistance and greet individuals with warmth,
regardless of whether they are fellow citizens or visitors from elsewhere. Filipino culture
shows a profound foundation of solidarity and strong connections with others throughout
families and communities. Another notable characteristic of Filipinos is their remarkable
capacity for perseverance and versatility when confronted with difficult situations.
Throughout history, the Filipino people have successfully navigated a wide range of
setbacks, including natural calamities, a political crisis, and economic problems. The
resilience of the Filipino people can be seen in the expression of the cultural concept
known as "bayanihan," which is a shared commitment to provide assistance and
support to fellow individuals during challenging circumstances. However, Filipinos also
have certain problems that are similar to those experienced by people in other
countries. The Philippines continues to experience enduring economic issues that show
up in various forms, such as poverty and wage disparity, which affect a large percentage
of its population. Furthermore, similar to several nations, Filipinos encounter a variety of
challenges in politics, society, and the economy that influence their views and
encounters. In general, Filipinos' close relationships with others, capacity for adaptation,
and ability to persevere in the face of challenges all have an impact on their cultural and
personal growth. The distinctive and relevant qualities possessed by Filipinos contribute
to their ability to engage in cultural exchange and promote understanding across
different global civilizations.

Being a Filipino, one of the most important values I embrace is the deep love and
devotion I have for my family. This means putting their happiness and well-being before
my own. Their needs and desires take precedence over my own because their
happiness brings me the greatest joy. This value is deeply ingrained in our culture and
influences the way we make decisions and prioritize our lives. Another significant aspect
of being Filipino is our unwavering respect for our elders. We demonstrate this respect
through traditional customs like pagmamano, where we take the hand of an older
person and gently touch it to our forehead as a sign of reverence. We also use words
like "po" and "opo" to show politeness and humility when speaking to older individuals.
It's a way of recognizing their wisdom, experience, and the contributions they have
made to our lives and society. Furthermore, a fundamental aspect of being Filipino is
showing debt of gratitude or "utang na loob". It is deeply rooted in our values and serves
as a reminder to always be thankful for the kindness and help we receive from others.
We hold a strong sense of obligation to repay that kindness in whatever way we can,
small or big, whether it be returning favors or assisting those who have been there for
us. It's about recognizing the interconnectedness of our lives and communities and
acknowledging that we rely on each other's support and assistance. To put it more
simply, our values, norms, and traditions are like the rules we follow. Because of them,
we act and decide what to do in our daily lives. These cultural ideals help us remember
to be polite, honest, and respectful. They show us how important it is to work together,
have family, and be involved in our community. These principles have changed me as a
person by teaching me to be humble and helpful, and thankful. I'm also proud of my
background and feel close to where I come from because of them. Adopting these
values not only makes my life better, but it also helps build a culture where people care
about and help each other.

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