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We have different perceptions about situations but I view them with an open
mind. When I see a lady wearing a micro mini skirt and heavy facial makeup, I
always think that she is an individual with her own unique style and preferences
just like me. I have the freedom to wear whatever I want. It's not fair to make
assumptions or pass judgments about her based solely on her appearance. Just
like us, she has the right to express herself through her clothing and makeup
choices. It's important to approach the situation with empathy and respect,
recognizing that everyone has their own reasons for how they choose to present

2. When I see a student in uniform smoking a cigarette while on their phone, it

actually bothers me. Smoking at a young age is harmful, and it is also prohibited
in many schools. It's upsetting to see students preoccupied with their phones
while engaging in such behavior. And I would suggest reporting the incident to a
teacher or school administration so that the problem may be addressed and the
student can receive the required support and guidance.

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