Updated - Year 10 Humanities Cyclic Test 4 SOCIOLOGY EXEMPLAR

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Teacher: Class/Yr Level: Name:

Year 10 Humanities
Cyclic Test #4 Exemplar
TOPIC: Sociology
Time allowed: 40 minutes Total Marks: /26


Write your name and subject details on all of your answer sheets.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Write in dark blue or black pen. You may use a pencil for diagrams, graphs or rough working.

Complete all questions in this paper using the spaces provided.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

Section [ ] Comments
A: Short Answer 12

B Source 4

C: Essay 10

This document consists of 5 printed pages

Section A: Short Answer [Total: 12 marks]

1. Describe how poverty might be explained as a social problem.


2. Name TWO prominent Functionalist thinkers.


3. Describe how society works?


4. What do functionalists mean by the phrase “functional pre-requisites?”


5. Identify the FOUR institutions that relate to the family in Talcott Parson’s Structural-
Functional model.

6. Describe the Marxist theory

Section B: Source Interpretation [Total: 4 marks]

1. With reference to the source, explain the feminist theory [5]

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Section C: Essay [Total: 10 marks]

1. “The functionalist justification for inequality is valid.” How far do you agree? [10]








































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