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THE IMPACT OF CREDIT CARD ON BUYING BEHAVIOR AMONG TEACHERS: BASIS FOR INTERVENTION PROGRAM A Thesis Presented to The Faculty of the College of Tourism, Hospitality, and Business Administration Management Saint Michael College of Caraga Nasipit, Agusan del Norte In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Major in Marketing Management pee a By [AL WINSTONEJUDE B. CORDERO VINCE ALDRICH P. ABRAO JUDE MICHAEL P, DOMPOR ADELE C, LOQUE May 2023 ACKNOWLEQGEMENT The researchers would like to thank their research advisor, Mr. Noel C., , Bitangcor, for his support, guidance, and imaginative knowledge throughout this research study. Researchers were greatly inspired by his skil, understanding, integrity and perseverance. He gave them many insights that will help them in the future. Also to Mr. Felix E., Arcilla, J, MACODS, an advisor, Researchers would like to express their sincere gratitude for his endless support, his tremendous knowledge and guidance from beginningto end, and his efforts to help the researchers to understand the process of the study, It was a privilege and an.honor to work under his direction. Additionally, the researchers would ike to thank the family for their help and patience in providing financial support to complete this a ‘Also, to the respondents who gave thelr support and time to complete the survey. for those who helped in many ways, small contributions made a big Impact on this research. Above all, the researchers would like to thank God, the Almighty Father, for His blessings during the research process that made possible the successful conclusion and completion of this study. ' AL WINSTONE JUDE B. CORDERO VINCE ALDRICH P. ABRAO JUDE MICHAEL P. DOMPOR ADELLE C. LOQUE ‘The Researchers ABSTRACT TITLE : THE IMPACT OF CREDIT CARD ON BUYING BUYING BEHAVIOR AMONG TEACHERS: BASIS FOR INTERVENTION PROGRAM AUTHORS 1 AL WINSTONE JUDE B. CORDERO VINCE ALDRICH P. ABRAO JUDE MICHAEL P. DOMPOR ADELLE C. LOQUE DEGREE : BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION MAJOR IN MARKETING MANAGEMENT SCHOOL : SAINT MICHAEL COLLEGE OF CARAGA ADVISER : MR. NOELC. BITANGCOR TYPE OF DOCUMENT : UNPUBLISHED PLACE OF PUBLICATION : NASIPIT, AGUSAN DEL NORTE DATE : MARCH 2023 PAGES 281 KEYWORDS : CREDIT CARD, BUYING BEHAVIOR, TEACHERS, FINANCIAL LITERACY, MARKETING STRATEGY ABSTRACT The impact of credit card on buying behavior among teachers: Basis for intervention program. ‘The researchers applied descriptive correlative method in determining the impact of credit card on buying behavior among teachers, specifically on Saint Michael College of Caraga Nasipit, Agusan del Norte, Former Teachers who have a credit card. The research instrument was retrieved from Patrick Payne and Charlene M. Kalenkoski and Christopher Browning of Texas Tech University. In order to analyze the information, the researchers applied the formula of frequency and percentage, weighted mean, Pearson's R correlation. This study aimed to determine as to what extent the buying behavior among the teachers such as habitual buying behavior, variety-seeking buying behavior, dissonance reducing buying behavior, and complex buying behavior researchers in this study used a quantitative approach and a descriptive framework to evaluate the impact of credit card on their buying behavior. The study was conducted via online platform surveys. Preliminary Pages Title Page Approval Sheet Acknowledgement Abstract Table of Contents CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Theoretical Framework Schematic Diagram Statement of the Problem Hypothesis Scope and Limitations Definition of Terms Il, REVIEW RELATED LITERATURE Related Literature Related Studies ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page No. 1a 28 Ill, RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Design Research Locale Research Respondent Research Instrument Ethical Standards Data Gathering Procedures Statistical Treatment IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION V. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS SUPPLEMENTARY PAGES Bibliography Appendices A. Letter of Approval B. Research Instrument C. Research locale D. Curriculum Vitae E, Documentations 4g 49 50 51 51 52 53 79 CHAPTER | INTRODUCTION Background of Studies Many Filipinos in the Philippines are discouraged from keeping a credit card due to credit card debt. The verity is that numerous cardholders do not go into debt but rather enjoy gratuities similar to further inflexibility in managing their finances, rebates, and prices. Maintaining a credit card does not entail getting into debt. Understanding how credit card debt functions will help you properly manage and organize your payments each year, so you do not avoid any outstanding debt (Credit Card Association of the Philippines, 2022). According to Singh (2022], in its utmost preparatory shape, a credence card gambit is a system of carrying credence through rental deals in which the Cardholder can buy on credence up to the amount agreed upon with the credence card business by “utilizing the card preferably than cash. According to Xu (2022), Buying action has been significantly remadeled by technological progressions due to the ascent of the internet. In the after-study, online buying behavioris also inextricably linked to electronic payment systems, analogous to credence cards. Internet shopping swelled compulsive buying, but the association was the same for ladies and males. Further, credence card enjoyment moderated the sequel of gender on compulsive buying, with ladies shawing off an improved propensity to compulsive buying. This disquisition, predicated on a standard population study, contributes to understanding the portion of credence cards and the one of online shopping in developing compulsive buying patterns among womanish and virile . consumers. = These are the impact of on buying behavior, such as Habitual buying behavior, Variety-Seeking buying behavior, Dissonance reducing buying behavior and Complex buying behavior. Habitual conduct represents the repeat purchases made with the aid of using the customers, primarily based totally on conduct or workouts which can be advanced a good way to simplify the decision-making process. Varaiety-Seeking in this case, a client switches amongst manufacturers for the sake of range or curiosity, now no longer dissatisfaction, demonstrating a low degree of involvement. Dissonance reducing ng behavior this kind presupposes plenty of involvement withinside the shopping for manner because of the excessive charge or rare purchase. Complex buying behavior this kind is likewise known as extensive, The patron is fantastically concerned withinside the shopping for manner and thorough studies earlier than the acquisition because of the excessive diploma of monetary or mental risk.Radlovié (2021). According to Sakaguchi (2022), minimum credit card payments will be needed to encourage consumers to pay off their debt gradually, and setting up automatic payments keeps people from forgetting to make payments. Yet minimum payments have additional, unintended psychological default effects by drawing attention away from the card balance due. First, once individuals set the minimum automatic repayment as the default, they then neglect to - make the occasional larger repayments they made previously. As a result, individuals incur considerably more credit card interest than late payment fees avoided. The authors use detailed transaction data to show that approximately 8% of all the interest ever paid is due to this effect. Second, manual credit card payments are lower when individuals must get minimum payment information. In experimentation, the authors try twonew interventions toalleviate this sequel — a prompt for full prepayment and a prompt asking those reimbursing little to pay further — yielding voluminous counterpoise goods. Therefore, screening the minimal payment option for spontaneous and homemade disbursements and directing concentration to the entire balance may mend the unplanned goods of dereliction minimum disbursements. Credence card sequel jumped by18.5 percent in the alternate quarter from a time ago. The rearmost figure was also 8 percent more advanced than the end- 2021 position, with the opportunity up of the frugality as the primary excrescency motorist, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas( BSP) reserved the extent for charges on credence card deals at two percent per month or 24 percent per time to support Filipino consumers amid the global health epidemic (Agcaoili, 2022).” The researcher's focused on disseminating facts and information about credit cards and the importance of knowledge about buying behavior to be a responsible, active credit card holder by intervention among teachers. The study will provide for all readers that there is a possibility they will be interested in credit cards. By reading this _study, the context provides information about what type of cards possibly fit thru their lifestyle. The context concerns active cardholders” buying behavior by conducting an intervention among teachers. Their tremendous experience of using credit cards to purchase a product or service will be significant for future credit card holders, not just among the teachers but also for all readers. The important information for this study will be more convenient for all researchers who will read this study at the future. This data information at the context _by the respondents profile based thruthe researchers analysis studies among the respondents, Theoretically Framework This study will anchor on The Red and Black Mental Accounting. In the Savings and Debt Theory of Prelec and Leoweinstein (1998), in the standard macroeconomic view of consumer behavior, the cost of purchase takes the form of a reduction in future profits by forgoing expenditures that might otherwise have must be done. The reality of consumer hedonism is different, When people shop, they often feel pain in paying right away, which can rob them of the joy Of corrsumption. This study uses a demand-side approach to explore consumer behavior in the credit card market. Using a national database of U.S. card accounts, we found that consumers internalize interest rates and fees when purchasing cards, borrowing, and making payment decisions, Moreover, the price effect is broadly consistent with a rational model of card usage. The exception Is that borrowing levels have fallen due to lower default rates among subprime consumers. An extension of the rational model based on “focusing theory" explains this behavior. It also represents a significant indirect benefit of the CARD Act's late fee cap, as it redirects subprime users toward debt relief (Grodzicki, 2022). According to Li (2022), credit purchases have seen dramatic growth recently, with online platforms offering online credit services that compete with credit cards. _create a game theory model to study credit entry strategies for platforms facing credit card competition. Consumers have disparate credit card ownership and disposable income (OP!) and feel uncomfortable spending on credit purchases. Online loan offers they found to have higher selling prices. When credit card ownership is high, banks and platforms subsidize consumers when default costs are low but charge interest with a method where the platform serves as the seller. Platforms will never subsidize consumers with independent systems that retailers sell through the platform. At the same time, platforms will only enter the lending market if the fixed cost of entry of an integrated > system is sufficiently low. Enter solely when the commission or mismatch cost of the independent system is high. The platform will compensate the consumer if she has a few credit cards, a very changeable OPI, or little fraud. Platforms are also more willing to choose an entry strategy when fees are high in a single case, or mismatch costs are low. Discussions and extensions confirm the robustness of the basic model. Schematic Diagram ar Input Thruput Output eebvine | a ' Profile of the respondents The impact ofa credit © Age card oa buying behavior | © Gender among teachers © Martial status | Educational « Habitul | iAfdiament © Vatiety-Seeking, * Dissonance- + Monthly Income ‘The ‘basis: for an : tena Reducing © Types of car i intervention program © Credit limit : * Process of paying Figure 4, The Schematic Diagram shows the relationships between the sample's input, throughput, and output. Statement of the Problem The study will be conducted to determine the impact of credit cards on buying behavior among Teachers: Basis for an intervention program. Specifically, to address the following questions: 1. What is the profile of the respondents? 1.1 Age; ee 1.2 Gender; 1.3 Martial status 1.4 Educational Attainment; 1.5 Monthly income; 1.6 Types of cards; 1.7 Credit limit; and 1.8 Process of paying? 2. To what extent is the impact of credit cards on buying behavior among Teachers in terms of; 2.1 Habitual; 2.2 Variety-Seeking; 23 Dissonance-Reducing; and 2.4 Complex? 3. Is there a significant relationship between the profile of the respondent and the impact of credit cards on buying behavior? 4. What intervention program will be made after conducting the study? Hypothesis: _The study will guide the hypothesis. _ Thereis no significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and the impact, of credit cards on buying behavior. Scope and Limitation of the Study The study will focus on determining the impact of credit cards on buying behavior among Teachers: Basis for intervention. Age, Gender, Marital Status, Educational Level, Monthly Income, Card Type, Credit Limit, and Payment Method as a perceived by the respondents’ profile. The Impact of Buying behavior among Teathers is Habitual, Variety-Seeking, Dissonance-Seeking, and Complex. The respondents would be the Teachers that active Cardholder using their credit cards to purchase lots of products. And also by determining what intervention program will be made after conducting the study. Definition of Terms The terms are operationally defined based on their use in this study. Age: It refers to the length of time a respondent has lived of the study. Complex buying behavior: It refers to the possible buying behavior of the respondents by doing research before committing to a high-value investment by using of their own credit cards on this study. Credit limit refers to the maximum cash that a financial institution or commercial _enterprise will permit for respondents to borrow of the study. Dissonance-Reducing buying behavior: It refers to the possible buying behavior among respondents that won't think much about which model to use, then buy it by using of their own credit cards this study. Educational Attainment: It refers to the academic attainment is generally measured with appreciate to the very best schooling program efficiently finished among the respondents of this study. Habitual buying behavior: It refers to possible buying behavior of the respondents that purchasing everyday of any products-by-using of own credit cards on this study. Gender: It refers to the difference among male, female, and genders that are a mixture of male and female, among respondents of this study. Marital status: It refers to registered partnership among respondents of the study. Monthly income: refers to the gross or expected income received during the month or the equivalent monthly income among the respondents of the study. Process of paying: It-refers to payment transactions a payment processing method that Credit cards, debit cards, prepaid cards, and credit cards of the respondents on this study. 10 Types of card: It refers to a card type for cards issued under Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or other card authorization systems among respondents of this study. Variety-Seeking: It refers to possible buying behavior of the respondents that buy a product because the respondents like the brand by using of their own credit card on this study. ~ CHAPTER It REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Related Literature A Credit card is a shiny striped plastic card issued by a bank or company that enables the holder to make credit-based purchases of goods or services. This allows the box owner to acquire goods and services that support the owner's landing promise. While ~ the banker's Abecedarian function is to accept deposits and make loans, modern bankers undertake a variety of intermediary functions to meet the growing demands of their “customers. Bankers offer a wide range of innovative services to attract more and more guests. Not only is credit card one thing, it can be daunting to work with the same and comparable credit card options, but you should Pick the one that best suits your needs. This connection has various benefits, such as grace periods, credit limits, cash withdrawal options, deposit points, etc. B. There is still an economic demand for businesses using credit cards on highways. There is 2 bottomless quest for substitute works whereby life a turns go an unattainable imaginary world. - Age The age group of the people responding to the survey can reveal many valuable details when analyzing feedback to reveal whether there is a strong correlation 12 Population aging has increased the need to understand the experiences of older people better. Quantitative research is commonly used, especially for collecting opinions on various issues (Vidoviéova, 2018). According to Zyczyfska-Ciolek (2023), from the social psychology literature on age-related stereotypes and attitudes and intergenerational communication, we found that the combined age of the respondent and the interviewer influences the interviewer's performance negatively on perceptions of respondent-related factors To see if it gives. The percentage of senior: the population as a whole sample is increasing. Therefore, when assessing data quality, it is becoming increasingly important to note that the older the age group of the respondents, the more influential the interviewers are (Beullens, 2019). Gender Much research in the social sciences is concerned with the effects of following gender stereotypes rather than actual gender differences. For example, gender characteristics and representations are very different for women and men, depending on the context. In addition, there are other gender identities that either go beyond or exceed the traditional female/male dichotomy and thus are at an insufficient level. Gender identity is more challenging to measure than gender, making the issue of gender measurement more complex (Lindqvist, 2018) 13 Paint a picture that is not male-aggressive and not equivalent to male and female representational domains. This result underscores the importance of using instruments that show how the behavior of political elites unfolds. (Dauti, 2022). According to Snyder (2022), Decades of research suggest that certain risk factors, including individual characteristics, increase the likelihood of becoming a victim. _Measuring these risk factors is essential for the further development of victimology. Recent research suggests a growing need to measure gender, gender identity, and notions of sexual identity assigned at birth, all of which are associated with the risk of harm, However, it remains to be sighted how these concepts are currently measured, how they have evolved, and whether they are regularly measured, especially in considerable national data efforts. Marital status ze The significance of income and cost risk for assessing bankruptcy regimes has been highlighted in the research on consumer finance. Hazards that single and married households confront are | calibrated my model to the Ur d States in 2019 and estimated shocks from (medical) costs for gle and married people separately (Sun, 2022). According to Hu (2021), the context indicates a positive correlation between marriage and health, but the reasons for this association are debated. We recognize that it lies in understanding the role of marriage. This article examines the relationship 14 between marriage and health in China using the perspectives of marriage protection, marriage choice, and resumes. This society is mixed with near-universal marriage, intense - social pressure to marry, especially on women, and a marked divide between tural and urban areas—family life. Researchers analyzed the Chinese Health and Nutrition Survey “(CHNS) using delayed dependent Vatiable~models and fixed-effect linear regression medels to predict self-assessed health, baseline health care, and. time-invariant omission variable bias. To do. Differences in health status between unmarried and married women are mainly explained by marriage choice, whereas protection of marriage explains differences in health status between married and widowed rural women. Health disparities between widowed and married women in rural areas differ by age and are consistent with life course outlook projections. Marriage-related differences in health status are found mainly in rural populstions and less in urban populations. Choice, protection, and life course perspectives each help understand ifferent parts of the ._-relationship between marriage and health in China. Educational attainment Russell (2021) states that a university's presence influences a region's educational attainment. As a counterfactual of the current college location, we use past "runners-up" locations that were heavily considered for college locations but were not ultimately selected. Researchers found that winning counties now have $6% higher college graduation rates and more private sector employment in capital-intensive human indastries than the runner-up counties. These impacts are not primarily due to therecent 15 immigration of educated adults, and alternative public investment has never had a si impact on rural educational attainment Social determinants such as occupational social class and level of education can influence health outcomes, This phenomenon is known as the social health gradient and is associated with a skewed distribution of health behaviors that can explain differences in morbidity and mortality among social groups. However, social class and educational attainment are different and can affect health differently (Mayor, 2022). The aim of quality education systems is not only to raise the level of human ‘: capital among young people but also to be a mechanism that minimizes disparities in children's chances of succeeding in life. A quality education system means that children ~ of poorly educated parents receive more Education than countries with poor education systems, Children of well-educated parents are less likely to receive high-level education in high-quality education systems than in countries with low-quality education systems (Sandberg, 2018). Monthly income Improving household incomes supported by cash transfers have the potential to significantly reduce stunting in parts of India where the burden of stunting and poverty is high. Modeling suggests that income transfers to other regions can increase incomes and _contribute to improved nutrition but will require complementary actions to mitigate 16 stunting, The income impacts produced can be variable, and the underlying causes of stunting must be addressed through complementary interventions (Kishore, 2022). According to Alzawbaee (2021), Researchers are increasingly interested in identifying variables that have a moral impact on the adequacy of family income, as many variables are related to the level of family income that drives consumption. Many influences threaten the structure and cohesion of families and affect the cohesion and structure of society, the most important of which is the lack of income. ‘A growing body of literature shows that income volatility hurts family well-being. Using income and program participation surveys, we use time series to examine the association between monthly variability in household income and subsequent changes in householder self-reported health status (Bania, 2022). Types of cards Akey figure in Sweden's early credit card business, the United States emphasized political and social differences, arguing that different cultural backgrounds required different market solutions and marketing strategies. Both the previous small plastic model initially offered by Képkort and his large ATM card has a place at a new place with his consistent 150-approved format. However, while K6pkort, like VISA and Master Charge/MasterCerd, has strived for unmistakable uniformity in the visual design of its cards, InterConto's cards have regional and come with various patterns and logos alluding to the group's identity. For example, the maps of the Stockholm Comte and the 7 Gothenburg Comte were adorned with symbolic images of the city to pay homage to, while the image of a typical Swedish red wooden house by the painter Karl Larsson is the Villa Comte. It is well-decorated withamap |Husz, 2021). According to. Rajeswari (2020), A credit card is a card that can be used to withdraw small amounts from local merchants. Use your card to make the most important exchanges. As consumption flourished, banks opened their bags to help customers improve their lifestyles. Today customers have a selection of articles available, One of his advances to keep buyers’ money is the presentation of "plastic money" to facilitate electronic installment payments. One type of plastic money is a credit card. A credit card is an attractive striped plastic card that contains essential personal information such as the Cardholder's name, account number, credit freeze, legitimacy, issuing club, and cardholder model identification nutiber~Credit cards allow owners to make cashless purchases of goods and businesses at locations of their choice. A credit card can be said to represent a bank-approved advance payment to 2 customer. Credit cards encourage and make you think, "spend first, pay later." ‘An Indonesian bank that markets platinum credit cards to high-income customers. In the first experiment, we show that demand for the platinum card exceeds demand for a nondescript control product with similar benefits, suggesting demand for the pure status aspect of the card (Bursztyn, 2018) te 1g Credit limit Demand and supply in sectors that produce goods that require social interaction for production or consumption, The Covid-19 shock is interpreted as reducing the utility of “social” goods in two-sector economies with imperfect markets. For the same bond —path, transfers are favored when debt-timits are tight, and credit policies are favored when limits are loose. Credit policy can direct financial resources to the most critical actors to stabilize demand (Bigio, 2020). According to Visser (2022), profitability is the primary factor in determining credit limits. The profitability of a credit-limiting strategy depends on how customers utilize the limits set by the strategy. |t must indicate that we need to determine how far the limit can be increased before customer usage exceeds the point of profitability. Credit card price puzzle. This context shows that consumers view credit cards as highly differentiated products with non-price characteristics at both the bank and card levels, When choosing a credit card, prioritize these non-price features over price. Although private banks can avail of credit card services at higher prices than other banks, most consumers choose private banks as issuers due to their non-price bank and card- level characteristics. Price-conscious consumers tend to opt for perticipating or public bank credit cards. Extensive branch/ATM networks as bank-level features and installment payments, rewards/rewards/miles, and card prestige as card-level features are particularly effective in consumer decisions to choose private banks as issuers. Target. 19 ‘Such a strong preference for non-price characteristics gives commercial banks market power. Therefore, we argue that the underlying market power of the issuer is also this differentiated nature of credit cards where regulatory action is not a given (Akin, 2022). Process of paying According to Therese (2022), credit cards allow customers to pay large amounts without carrying around a large amount of money they need. They reformed how loans were only given in installments, making such installments helpful to buyers.” - The existing literature on payment-methods focuses on comparing cash to credit cards, emphasizing that the latter makes payments less burdensome (i.e., less damaging). The findings explain why consumers are more willing to pay (WTP) for credit card payments, Current research introduces mobile technology into the literature as a new payment method. In particular, convenience is highlighted as a positive factor in his WTP increase for mobile payments. However, the convenience of mobile payments for consumers requires personal approval (made possible by existing systems in their respective domestic markets). A series of three studies across multiple national markets will empirically test these assumptions. Convenience has emerged as the new mediator __between mobile payments and increasing WTP, and it is up to individual acceptance (Boden, 2020). Individuals who suffer from self-control issues and rely on credit cards to cover unoxpected income shortfalls are more likely unable to fully repay their credit cards in 20 the pest-purchase period and maintain monthly balances. Furthermore, individuals with 2 simple present-time bias effect are more likely to delay credit card payments than individuals with a high marginal propensity to save. For the same reason, individuals have been found to behave consistently and inconsistently. H. Evidence from our sample Indicates that, contrary to the dictates of neoclassical theory, dynamically inconsistent preferences predominate. In this regard, naive individuals with current prefereiices are more likely than more experienced individuals to spend beyond their earning capacity and carry forward credit card debt to the next period (Barboza, 2018). Habitual This study's purchasing behavior aims to pinpoint the factors that influence the decisions made by manufacturing firms that are popular with consumers. The study method was to analyze the data, and hypothesis testing consisted of simple statistical analyzes of percentages and chi-square to determine relationships. Among other things, this context relates to the need for customers to be product savvy so that they can form the habit of buying such products and to the need for customers to focus on the product “and create a social image so that it [ads to-habitual purchases. Things will recommend things that must be improved on Customer leads (gani, 2022) ‘The types of loans and credits available are investment or business loans of 100,000 pesos or more and consumer loans of less than 20,000 pesos. Loans can meet their needs, lack of a stable source of income, salary is not enough, and want to buy 2 electronics, clothes, and cars are the main reasons respondents take loans and cre On the other hand, when using credit services, there are issues such as lengthy approval procedures, extended repayment deadlines, and high-interest rates. Complicated and habitual purchases are consumer behaviors of respondents (Mina, 2018). ‘According to Dominko (2022), people with higher subjective well-being are more “likely to engage in social and recreational attivities such as B. Eating out. Has important Implications for both long-term and habitual buying behavior. Online consumers can choose from multiple payment methods (credit card, PayPal, invoice, Etc.). These payment methods differ, among other things, in the timing of the payment flow and the consumer's knowledge of it. Explore the influence of demographics and consumer habits (in the form of recurring payment methods) on payment method choices using a discrete choice model. Online consumers can choose from multiple payment methods (credit card, PayPal, woice, Etc.). These payment methods differ, among other things, in the timing of the payment flow and the consumer's knowledge of it. Using discrete choice models, researchers examine the impact of demographics and consumer habits (in the form of recurring payment methods) on payment method choices (Deufel, 2018). Willingness to continue using shopping apps is influenced by complex criteria such as shopper satisfaction and habits for not just one factor but two characteristics of shopping apps. The study offers multiple opportunities to improve retention by targeting diverse users through habitual activities based on cultural values, demographics, and shopping habits (Miao, 2022). Variety-Seeking 4 related objective is to explore consumer willingness to purchase counterfeit brands, particularly rare in emerging markets in Asia. In this context, we examine the relationship between materialism, breed searching, and consumption of counterfeit goods in Indian consumers. The ethics and motivation to purchase counterfeit fashion ~ clothing were positive. Empirically confirming it contributes to the expansion of research on genuine counterfeiting (Nagar, 2021). According to Bansal (2018), hedonic motivation is another important factor influencing consumers to make impulsive purchases. In addition, website quality also plays an important role. Trust is the factor that attracts and motivates customers to purchase products without prior planning. In addition, searching for diversity and situational variables are also considered important factors in persuading buyers to make impulsive purchases. An immediate purchase by a consumer is therefore considered an impulse purchase. There are several factors behind this purchase that encourage customers to purchase carelessly. Variety search behavior impacts customer retention and loyalty, so a better understanding of this behavior is essential for wine marketers. According to studies, wine knowledge type strongly predicts wine varietal purchase behavior. Wine buyers are more 23, inclined to act minor if they think they know more about wine than other consumers (Ellis, 2018). Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Diversity Seeking (VSB) are paradoxical because of their conflicting intentions. While organizations implement CRMs ‘ _to retain customers and generate loyalty, VSBs can lead customers to switch. This study addresses the question, "How does VSB affect the relationship between CRM and its outcomes?" Furthermore, we found that CRM results did not vary with the traveler's VSB level and that her CRM leading to repeat visits was entirely mediated by endogenous factors affecting VSB. In contrast, CRM significantly impacts the VSB (Udunuwara, 2018), Lifestyle, the pursuit of diversity, consumer confidence, and advertising are some of the factors that may trigger. The pursuit of lifestyle and diversity will likely drive brand switching, especially among smartphone product users. Consumer trust in a particular brand cannot significantly reduce the desire to switch brands. Another result found that --advertising did nat increase the desire-ta.switch brands (Fintikasari, 2018). Dissonance-Reducing Understanding customer cognitive dissonance behaviors prior to purchase is critical in understanding consumer behavior to retain customers over the long term. Cognitive Dissonance can also affect your perspective and sense of self, leading to low self-esteem and low self-esteem. Cognitive Dissonance has many effects as people try to 24 avoid discomfort. People's actions, beliefs, and decisions can be affected by Dissonance (Tripath, 2021). Humans, in nature designed to feel very uncomfortable when presented with __information that contradicts their beliefs. Itis incredibly unpleasant when beliefs about oneself and facts conflict. This discomfort is called cognitive Dissonance. In order to establish harmony, pegple often tend to break out of such states of thought. The customer or other sources may be able to find this match. In order to express these changes in the customer's emotional state and connect the brand with the customer's purchase decisions, marketers employ emotional branding as a front-line tool. The current work explores the fundamentals of emotional branding and its concepts through case studies highlighting the importance of brand dynamic positioning to reduce Dissonance ( Jamwal, 2014). ee ‘A comprehensive understanding of how consumers can reduce cognitive Dissonance, Is accomplished by critically examining research on reducing cognitive Dissonance from the fields of social psychology, cognitive psychology, consumer research, and nacsting To support the purpose of this work, | briefly describe the theory of cognitive Dissonance and build its relevance to consumer research and marketing. After classifying the impact of the gap that causes Dissonance is objective or merely subjective ‘to the customer. The crucial elements influencing the dissemination of each method are written. Therefore, this study leaves the classification and identification of dissonance reduction strategies open for future research. Nonetheless, understanding dissonance 2s reduction through six different strategies with specific induction variables has been suggested to be a valuable tool for researchers and marketers. And insights into complex s phenomena such as changes in customer behavior and attitudes (Lipponen,-2022). a According to Ward (2022) between the independent variable (social media marketing) and seven dimensions (identity, conversation, sharing, presence, reputation ‘ and relationships, group) and dependent variable (cognitive Dissonance), and three dimensions (emotional Dissonance) have direct and indirect correlations and effects, cognitive Dissonance, and Dissonance arising from treatment by service providers). Although a significant number of travel behavior studies refer to cognitive dissonance theories to explain the results they find (e.g, attitude changes), the process of cognitive Dissonance (decrease) in the travel behavior literature A full survey currently needs to be completed through this critical synthesis of the trafficking literature on —cognitive Dissonance, we propose future resaarch directions to fill this gap. Context helps explain changes in travel-related attitudes, residence decisions, and travel modalities used. At the same time, cognitive dissonance theory can provide valuable insights into travel and residence satisfaction (De Vos, 2021). Complex According to Voramontri (2019), complex purchases are riskier, making information gathering more critical. Social networks have created a particular culture in 2 which users interact and interact with each other, sharing information, monitoring 26 updates, and gathering opinions. Customers who are involved in more complex purchases spend more time on social media checking reviews before making decisions. ee —_— The consumer's complex purchasing process. A particular focus is on how processes are affected by the use of social media. Complex buying behavior here refers to consumers engaging more often and making less frequent purchases, constituting a significant difference between brands. Social media is becoming a new trend. Over the past decade, the World Wide Web has seen a proliferation of user-generated web technologies such as blogs, social networking, and social media sites (Varghese, 2021). According to Sharma (2019), smartphones exhibit sophisticated and impulsive purchase patterns. The use of social media marketing techniques and consumer “smartphone purchase patterns have b¥erproven to be strongly correlated. The context indicates that Facebook has the most impact on consumer decisions behind 71 er, Instagram, and YouTube. Especially his younger customers aged 18-25 are affected by social media marketing because they spend more time online. The results also show that all study sample members spend varying percentages of their time on social media sites. Social media websites are powerful marketing tools for purchasing decisions. This leads businesses to choose social media in their e-marketing and consider these tools when creating plans and strategies. Complex buying behavior occurs, especially when consumers purchase expensive “products. Consumers are heavily involved in the purchasing dacision in this rare 7 transaction. Consumers do thorough research before investing. Consumers behave very differently when buying expensive or unfamiliar products. Consumers consult friends, family, and experts before deciding if the risk of purchasing a product is too high. For example, when a consumer buys a car for the first time, it is a big decision because it _tarries a high financial risk, There are many things to think about, including what it will look like, how friends and family will aie how your social status will change after you buy a car. Buyers go through a learning process when buying behaviors. He builds beliefs about products first, then attitudes, and makes informed purchasing decisions. Customer buying behavior is complex, so marketers need a deep product understanding. it is hoped that it will help consumers understand the product. it is essential to design your advertising message to influence buyers’ beliefs and attitudes (Panwer, 2020). According to Khetan (2020), consumer buying behavior is a complex process, and many factors influence consumer purchasing decisions. The family life cycle is one of the _factors. Over time, consumer demands, attitudes, and tastes change. This is a unique and humorous idea. Customers with similar demographics may have different needs and requirements as they belong to different stages of life. 28 “Related Studies Profile of the respondents Respondents fill out questionnaires or interviews for researchers or provide data to be analyzed for research studies. Respondents can be of any age but are determined . by the scope of the study and must provide their informed consent to participate. Socioeconomic factors related to education, income, ethnicity, marital status, and the . number of credit cards owned influence credit card repayment decisions. Financial literacy and money management skills positively impact credit cardholder decisions. In particular, your ability to manage your money by monitoring financial reports, paying bills quickly, spending within a budget, and managing money Issues that impact your credit card repayments. However, personality traits such as extravagance and impulsiveness do not significantly influence credit card payment behavior (Hamid, 2021). According to Swiecka (2021), financial literacy is a critical component of financial ividuals and’ societies. literacy and essential for the sustainable development of in Sustainability is a complex concept that spans many areas, including financial literacy for : all ages. Financial literacy requires large-scale scientific research showing its intpact on Individuals and economies, including non-cash payments. The relationship between consumer payments and consumer financial behavior has long been widely known. 29 Owning risky financial assets is a desirable financial behavior contributes to consumers’ financial well-being. Research on the relationship between consumer financial literacy and risky financial asset holding (Zhu, 2022). Positives and negatives regarding the causality of debt management capacity, - including perceptions and experiences. On the other hand, the negative causes are ignorance and the economy. These topics show that credit card users tend to acquire debt management skills for various reasons; this study highlights the importance of understanding the relatively unnoticed nature of debt management (Alwi, 2022). Indepth interviews were conducted with young consumers to understand their : perceptions and considerations regarding credit card use. The results suggest a°shift in consumer culture from focusing on saving first and spending later to encouraging spending now and thinking later. Various reasons have been pointed out as motivations for using credit cards, such as security trends toward a cashless society and the reflection of social demands. Attractive bonuses offered by credit cards and poor spending limits were the main reasons young consumers spent more than they could afford, leading to overspending situations. Suggestions and recommendations from the results are presented (Lim, 2014). Data from the FINRA Foundation's National Financial Capability Study shows that women with lower financial literacy are more likely to engage in costly credit card practices such as B. Lateness and excessive fees than men with lower financial literacy. = ectast 30 However, there were no behavioral differences between financially literate men and wemen. Additionally, women and those with lower financial literacy report higher credit card interest rates (Mottola, 2013). = According to Reena (2021), A smattplastic card is a credit card that customers use as a payment system. It allows customers to purchase all kinds of products and services. Credit cards facilitate users with revolving accounts that help customers borrow money from the bank for purchases. They were related to credit card defaults, including common credit card default reasons, customer repayment behavior, customer perceptions and agreements with banks regarding credit card defaults, and common credit card default reasons. Understanding customer and issuing bank perceptions of various characteristics and aspects of credit card failure Previous research on credit card failures have provided ~ Valuable information on this market trend, However, detailed data still need to be provided. This limited our understanding of consumer behavior aind motivations for using cards and prevented a complete understanding of failure (Chawla, 2019), It was found that the maximum number of card users are using credit cards because of the convenience factor. Lack of trust and knowledge are significant factors of concern among the users. Most card users possess an excellent perception of credit cards (Zoysa, 2022). 31 = = Surekha (2022) states that a credit card is a small plastic card issued to users as a pricing machine. It allows the owner to purchase items or services primarily based on the promise that the owner will pay for those goods or services. Card providers create revolving accounts and offer customers (or users) a line of credit that allows consumers to borrow money to pay their provider for services or as personal cash. Measure the impact of credit card and cash charges on the cafeteria lunch spending of insurance company employees. The existing literature provides mixed results regarding credit card queue effects. _-Some have shown that credit card cues encourage spending, while others have yet to replicate the results or find that the cues discourage consumers from spending (Wong, 2019). Americans, like everyone else, need help to balance their credit accounts and manage their spending in the most efficient/economical way. It's crucial to better understand how you manage your cards. This has implications not only for consumer researchers and policymakers seeking to guide their financial decisions in a positive e direction but also for banks and other credit card issuers assessing loan repayment speeds and managing risk. The company is also relevant (Amar, 2013). ee a Credit cards increase the purchasing power of individuals and have a positive effect on economic growth. It is considered a status symbol and a platform for consumer- oriented consumption. Credit cards are becoming increasingly important in people's busy 32 lives, but city dwellers often see them more than other populations. It will lead to not only the overall growth of the economy and financial sector but also rural credit card penetration (Hussain, 2022). Revisit the credit card debt conundrum using U.S. Consumer Payments Diary transaction data. In this case, a shopper cycles through several credit card debts while maintaining liquidity in a bank account as a deposit. This situation is typical: 2019, 42% __of the sample's customers were. They were borrower savers (those with Credit card debt of $100 or more and liquid assets of $100 or more). Borrower savers address this issue by demonstrating to customers that they require cash to cover their reguler bills and additional necessary costs like rent and mortgages. We had to use our bank accounts to pay more than 80% of our monetary bills because we couldn't use credit cards to make these essential payments. On average, borrowers’ and savers’ credit card liabilities exceeded liquid resources. The average borrower-saver owed about $6,400 on credit cards and had $5,400 in liquid assets, which included Checking and savings accounts, cash, : and prepaid cards for general use. Only 40% of borrower-savers have liquid assets. More extraordinary than their outstanding credit card amount. Furthermore, borrowers’ = One spending (ills and Paetae4 eccourted for an average of 77%, leaving insufficient funds to service their credit card debt. Their liquid assets could only pay around 60% of their outstanding debt plus monthly costs on average. Borrower-savers fared much worse financially than savers in practically every asset or debt category. And bank account balances are just some differences between borrowers and savers. They extend to mortgage debt and home ownership. Even though we adjusted for income and demographics in the regression, we still had mortgages and other liabilities (e.¢., additional, not replacement). Percentage of borrowers and savers for 35% of the sample (Greene, 2022). ‘According to Adams (2022), The experiment looks at nudges added to monthly credit card statements. A second experiment examines letters and email nudges (separate from monthly statements) sent to cardholders who have opted to pay the __minimum required payment amount automatically. In a follow-up survey of the second experiment, he found that 96% of respondents underestimated the time it would take to fully pay off a debt if the Cardholder made only the minimum necessary payments. | understand. Nudges reduce this confusion, but underestimation is overwhelmingly common. In this age of globalization, cashless systems that simplify money transactions have become an indispensable part of our lives. People these days are most likely to choose cashless payment methods for transactions, especially when booking hotel rooms and other rates, You can quickly pay with your smartphone or card, so you don't have to worry about it. Therefore, this study aims-to-identify the use of cashless payments by hotel guests and the influencing factors of cashless payments used (Suh: i, 2022). According to Illanko (2022). The use of credit cards, both online and in person, has increased significantly in recent years, especially with credit card fraud and theft in online transactions. For example, CPA Canada reports that 34% a respondents had personally experienced fraud, and 18% reported having experienced credit card fraud. Since these thefts are often anomalous, artificial intelligence techniques, intense learning, and neural networks can be used to uncover these fraudulent transactions. The impact of credit cards on buying behavior > . With cret cards, people can purchase certain goods and services without having money in their pockets and accounts. In this process, they spend a lot of money : mo eee on purchasing goods and services, resulting in serious debt. According to Onder (2018), Credit cards as a modern form of payment are a crucial tool for manufacturers and merchants to survive and stay strong in today's competitive market environment. However, consumers are a significant source of short- term cash advances. It's tool that benefits from the fame you don't need to carry money, the possi lity to buy in installments, and the advantage in case of late payment. The proliferation of credit card installment payment applications is a dynamic structure that * continuously changes consumer behavior. Even if the purchasing decision of consumer behavior begins with the emergence of a need, when the bank gives the user a credit card as a gift, the consumer is immediately converted into cash, making it easy for the consumer to purchase any product. This will improve the convenience of purchase transactions and make life easier. Therefore, consumers may shy away from rational behavior. This study employed the Integration Sounded Testing Approach ARDL 35 (Autoregressive Distributed Lag) to investigate the relationship between crédit Card use and household expenditure using quarterly data from 2002 to 2015. | looked. We calculated long-term associations with credit cards and the volume of transactions per credit card based on aur findings. Consumers tend to use credit cards in the purchasing process because of the card's convenience and security. In a highly competitive environment, obtaining social status through tangible assets leads to credit card misuse and waste. Using credit cards requires careful management of material constraints and financial planning. This paper provided a conceptual model of the indicators influencing purchasing behavior and credit card usage (Bahrainizadeh, 2020). = According to Jo (2020) COVID=19 outbreak in South Korea. This study uses Seoul Data from credit cards from January to June 2020 to examine changes in consumption by industry. Consumption types are divided into education, wholesale and retail trade, online purchases, gastronomy, leisure, and travel. The hardest hit has been the travel industry, which has failed to recover from the COVID-19 consumption plunge. In order to investigate changes in consumer credit card transactions due to the spread of infection, we conducted a correlation analysis between the consumption level (card consumption) based on credit card transaction data and the number of confirmed cases and implemented step-by-step countermeasures policy. 36 According to Li (2019), The effects of Chinese credit card customers’ diversity, independence, and social factors on credit card defaults are analyzed by examining credit card applicant demographics, customer behavioral data, macroeconomic environment data, and customer societies. Find out by examining capital data. In this context, we categorize consumer behavioral data into online and offline data to erie the linpact _-of the expansion of internet and online transactions on credit card defaults. For context, note that credit card failures have nothing to do with the level of income of the credit card customer but much to do with income stability. In this context, we examine card spending and debt behavior using various consumer aspects specifically related to credit card use and resulting debt. Additionally. the study focuses on Chinese consumers who traditionally prefer to save early and delay spending, The impact of the rapid increase in credit card usage on this traditional Chinese spending orientation is dynamic. in this changing environment, documenting the impact, of each factor investigated in this study should be of value to both policymakers and ~institutions that provide and manage credit-{Lin, 2019). The concept of "buy now, pay later” has led Malaysian millennials (Gen Y) to overuse credit cards, This study investigates the influences of materialism, social norms, credit card knowledge, credit attitudes, and self-efficacy on credit card misuse among, Malaysian millennials to assess the scope of this serious situation. Increase. From @ regulator's perspective, The insights can be utilized to have a better understanding of the surprising debt behavior of the working generation and outline appropriate and effective measures to reduce severe debt levels. However, financial service providers can work with regulators to curb Gen Y credit card abuse, It allows Generation Y to avoid loan facilities’ high lousy debt rates and bankruptcies (Zainudin, 2019). College students continue to be a lucrative target market for cre: card companies even after the Credit Card Act of 2009 went into effect. Unfortunately, many students prefer to use credit responsibly or make timely payments. However, more information is needed about the payment behavior of college students (Singh, 2018), According to Greenacre (2019), is well-established that specific payment designs, such as credit and debit cards, can make expansion consumer expenses. The expenditure relationship has yet to be studied empirically. The research uses grocery store sales data to launch geo-targeted cashless debit cards for welfare recipients in Australia and explores the impact of payment methods. In this context, we examine the differences ii the spending behavior of consumers using three alternative payment technologies: Cash, credit cards, and contactless prepaid intelligent cards. Provi le a deeper understanding of how different payment-meciranisms directly impact consumer spending behavior in retail and how they influence consumer psychology and perceptions of payment technology. To do the context shows that the payment process can do this by significantly influencing only subjective perceptions of spending, In contrast, funding sources can only influence perceived payment security. Yes, perceived safety and convenience have little impact an consumer behavior (See-To, 2019). According to Atlas (2019), In this context, we examine the association between trust in financial knowledge and two outcome variables, financial behavior, and financial satisfaction. On the one hand, personal financial literacy (confidence) is required to make positive decisions, whereas overconfidence is associated with a range of negative financial behaviors and outcomes. Both types of objective and subjective knowledge can be relevant to critical financial actions and decisions, such as credit card use, which is a critical component of consumer well-being and financial satisfaction. it can lead to degrees. This article examines how statistics from the National Financial Capability Study of 2015 analyzed confidence in financial knowledge related to credit card behavior and financial satisfaction. Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) arrangements rapidly evolve into short-term debt options and challenge existing regulations like other innovative and disruptive fintech ‘The BNPL agreement circumvented the mandatory legal 'responsible lending’ obligations that apply to similar short-term lending products. Instead, BNPL embraces ‘responsible spending’ by offering a potentially cheaper option than alternatives such as credit cards. Describes regulations and responsibilities and his interactions with BNPL. The survey will examine whether a critical demographic (young adults) has the appetite and skills for responsible consumption. We analyze the role of financial literacy and characteristics, including BNPL's preference for credit cards and propensity for planning and saving, The 39 results suggest that financial literacy reduces the perceived benefits of BNPL and that lower levels of financial literacy are associated with more benefits and fewer risks (Gerrans, 2022). Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) arrangements rapidly evolve into short-term debt options and challenge existing regulations like other innovative and disruptive fintech The BNPL agreement circumvented the mandatory legal responsible lending’ obligations that apply to similar short-term lending products. Instead, BNPL embraces ‘responsible spending’ by offering a potentially cheaper option than alternatives such as credit cards. Describes regulations and responsibilities and his interactions with BNPL. The survey will examine whether a critical demographic (young adults) has the appetite and skills for responsible consumption. We analyze the role of financial literacy and characteristics, including BNPL's preference for credit cards and propensity for planning and saving. The results suggest that financial literacy reduces the perceived benefits of BNPL and that tower levels of financial literacy are~associated with more benefits and fewer risks (Tripathi, 2018). Using a proprietary panel dataset containing comprehensive information on relationships between large banks and their credit card customers, we found that accounts with ties were less likely to default and attrition than accounts without ties and had higher utilization rates. Indicates that it is high. Dynamic information about changes in the behavior of other accounts of the same bank's customers can help predict the behavior of credit card accounts over time. These results suggest that relationship banking has significant potential benefits for banks (Agarwal, 2018). According to Huynh (2020), technological innovation in batch payments is progressing rapidly. Such substantial shifts in payment system economics cast doubt on of existing payment whether consumer demand for cash exists. The characteri _methods, such as the type of credit and debit cards, have been greatly improved. Readability of payday loan websites compared to traditional lenders. Our results show that credit card websites are harder to read and contain more complex terminology. Our main contribution is to provide the first known measure of readability in consumer finance. This is something that regulators in other fields have found helpful (Burke, 2019). According to Anugrah (2020), The develooment of business, which is currently progressing very rapidly around the world, is associated with the development of increasingly sophisticated technologies, especially those based on the Internet. Technological development in Indonesia is also accelerating rapidly, one of which is ~ changing the day-to-day activities of payment systems where cash circulation is less robust than it once was. The general public now widely uses cashless payments, from topping up debit cards to credit cards for electronic money and paying with smartphone applications Developing effective credit scoring models has become extremely important with the rapid expansion of consumer credit and vast amounts of financial data. Researchers 41 use statistical and artificial intelligence (A.1,) techniques to develop complex credit scoring models to help banks and financial institutions support financial decision-making, One of the most important technologies today is neural networks. Widely used techniques in financial and business applications. Therefore, the main objective of this white paper is to help bank management evaluate credit card customers u: g machine learning by modeling and predicting consumer behavior from two aspects: to support the squad (Ala’raj, 2021). The growth of e-commerce and the subsequent rise of digital payments is accelerating the adoption of payment capabilities aimed at attracting consumers. A current phenomenon in Indonesia is the existence of a pay rate function. It functions like a credit card, allowing consumers to make purchases with credit up to a specific limit. Many previous studies suggest that credit cards lead to impulsive purchasing behavior, _making consumers ignore the usefulness of the products they purchase and feel the need to purchase them imme ely (Hilmi, 2021) The increase in credit card debt in Indonesia over the past decade has raised concerns about the impulse buying behavior of Indonesian credit card holders. Bank credit risk management, therefore, needs more attention as it plays an essential role in analyzing the potential loss due to default of debt repayment of potential borrowers. This context provides empirical evidence of prudence in offering credit card limits by commercial banks in Greater Jakarta (Johan, 2021). 42 According to Lee (2021), This association indicates that individual grocery shopping habits are increasingly helpfurt-predicting credit card payment behavior and that such. increased predictive power translates into increased corporate profits. We identify five everyday grocery shopping habits that correlate with payment behavior using previous research. Shop the same days of the week, rely on your shopping budget, consistently buy the same brands and categories, take advantage of offers and promotions, and buy healthier products. It was knowing five shopping habits guides how to transform raw food data into model inputs for flexible machine-learning models used to evaluate the incremental predictive power of food data. According to Rodrick (2021), Using credit cards in Dhaka city is due to high-interest ~ rates, security issues, hidden terms and conditions, low credit limits, and other reasons. While existing users are reasonably satisfied, non-users have turned away from using their credit cards as they have found that their spending has increased and hidden terms and conditions play a significant role in this attitude. I'm here. Many former users have stopped using credit cards and don't plan to use them again soon. Advanced debit cards and “mobile financial services" are now the preferred option when conducting transactions. Credit card providers must go to great lengths to minimize communication and service gaps for future viability. Future researchers could conduct further studies comparing credit card services with other cashless payment options. Direct and indirect effects of nudging from a field experiment using a Brazilian financial management platform. Reminders for pending credit card payments reduced 43 late credit card payment fees by 14% while checking account overdraft fees increased by 9%. The unintended impact focuses on users who have used bank overdrafts. These users “saw a net 5% increase in total charges;-and-the remaining users saved 15%. This result shows a clear lesson in nudge design (Medina, 2021). Galatians (2020) provides a framework for assessing the impact of regulatory interventions on credit markets. 8. Interest rate caps to understand. We keep an eye on the credit card market, and U.S. consumers receive many credit card offers, yet interest rates fluctuate wildly. Our framework includes two key features to accommodate these patterns, Our calibration suggests that most borrowers only review some of the offers they receive. A calibrated model implies that an interest rate cap reduces the supply of credit, severely limiting the market power of lenders and thereby increasing consumer “surplus. Modest caps can yield more. jit gains in consumer surplus than tight ones. itis vital should have a thorough grasp and comprehension of basic concepts of financial literacy. it gives individuals an edge in managing their financial budget carefully and adequately. This study used mixed methods, especially convergent parallel mixed methods. In this method, researchers combined both qualitative and quantitative research techniques. In particular, it revolved around the financial literacy situation of public school teachers. There are two main concerns facing public school teachers regarding the current financial situation and challenges. Firstly, they are unsatisfied with their current income, and most face financial problems. They look forward to 2 higher pay raise. Second, they are too busy in terms of financial responsibility. It denotes that there 44 are several spending. Most teachers are the heads of families or the family's breadwinners, making budget allocation challenging (Casingal, 2022). For context, we checked private secondary school teachers’ personal financial activity in 2 selected community of Quezon City's 4" congressional distriet:in the Philippines. This study used a descriptive-quantitative study design, cluster sampling, and a researcher-designed questionnaire collected online. Data focuses on respondents’ financial knowledge, behavior, and attitudes. Both descriptive and inferential statistical methods will use. Theories of human capital, self-efficacy, goal setting, and financial literacy. Growing savings found specialized clubs. There is a weak positive association between basic good financial practices and establishing a financial safety net. Data from the survey showed that many respondents were vulnerable to financial hardship. Moderation in financial practices and €dutstion indicates. poor financial management. The data demonstrate the need to take action and intervene through financial education and training to replicate existing resource management practices. (Pinawin, 2022). This context aimed to determine students’ level of financial concepts and contributing factors at one of the state universities in the Eastern Philippines. A descriptive correlation study method is used. Most respondents had insufficient financial literacy knowledge in their day-to-day work, even at a practical level. The survey also showed that while respondents were more likely ta be academically prepared, they needed more guidance on financial literacy. Results showed that parental guidance has a powerful effect on financial literacy. It is followed by school performance, affecting the 45 respondents’ financial education level. Finally, the field of study is also considered a contributing factor (Lalosa, 2020). ‘According to Ferrer (2018), The ultimate purpose of this investigation is to examine the current financial performance of public schoo! teachers in the Philippines. Our current research focuses on the top three financial performance metrics. The ability to plan and financial literacy. This study employed a survey and adhered to a descriptive design. We generated frequencies and percentages to assess the three criicial financial success metrics for respondents and teachers. Additionally, collected data will be contrasted by area and academic level. Public prithary school teachers have a ‘high’ financial literacy regarding budgeting and savings. But "low" when it comes to investment and spending. Regardless of age, marital status, educational qualifications, or tenure, those surveyed were "high" in their financial ability to invest and save. Those with a more extended investment are "low" (Pacino, 2022). According to Foley (2020), this study empirically shows that public credit information promotes competition in the credit market. Contextual data cover all credit card borrowers in Chile and provide details about the relationship between the borrower and each lender. In this context, we use a natural experiment in which non-bank lender portfolios were sold to banks. As a result of this transaction, the lender's borrowers, _-previously identifiable only in the event of default, become observable to banks through 46 credit bureaus but remain unobservable to other non-bank lenders. Using a differential strategy, we found that post-trade lenders received higher credit limits from other banks than non-bank borrowers. According to Gonzélez (2020), financial literacy is a crucial factor in financial decision-making and well-being that can affect all areas of our lives. Lack of financial literacy knowledge, especially among young people, is a global problem. This study examines the young professionals in the Philippines financial literacy. This result is not oniy for young professionals to be mentored by financial experts and advisers from financial ins schools and utions but also for parents to observe this and adopt it colleges to acquire good financial education knowledge. Suggests that there is the results also showed that financial literacy had a positive impact on financial literacy, which in turn influenced both attitudes and behaviors related to finance. The study showed that when it comes to financial attitudes, prospectiveness and non-impulsiveness are essential, and when it comes to financial behavior; spending control and savings are essential. No gender differences will be observed for any of the compounds. Improving access to financial education and a constant shift in attitudes are recommended in the immediate future. Restaurant managers facilitated targeted and rapid interventions to increase the frequency of checkouts by cashiers, A-B-A (baseline-intervention-withdrawal) reverse design at 1 of 2 restaurants showed that the socially effective intervention increased the proportion of purchases with identity verification from 2.4% at baseline to 35.8% at the a7 intervention stage. Showed a significant increase in Identity verification, which dropped slightly to 30.6% during the payout ptase-indicating that target behavior Is holding up. During the 18-week study period, the proportion of purchases. involving |.D. checks at control restaurants was almost non-existent (Downing, 2018). According to Awanis (2014), previous research suggests that payment mechanisms are imbued with cues influencing purchase evaluation and future spending behavior. Unlike other payment methods, credit cards evoke a greater willingness to spend, evoke weak memories of past credit spending, and cause an overestimation of available funds. The author calls thisphenomenon the “credit card effect.” Little is known about individuals’ varying exposures to the credit card effect. The current literature needs to address unobserved consumer employment trends in the lending behavior literature. This study investigated the multidimensional elements of credit suspension as a factor of credit card debt behavior using the current ature on credit card behavior as a foundation. Future investigation and practical consequences are presented (Lee, 2021). Financial literacy gives you the ability to articulate your expectations. From lowering the interest rate on the money, you borrow to discussing your goals for the money you invest, the more knowledge you have, the dramatically better your ability to negotiate the best options, Financial.literacy helps people become independent and self- sufficien. CHAPTER III i! = METHODOLOGY This chapter presented the research design, local research, research respondents, research instrument, ethical norms, data collection, and statistical care. Restarch Design The researchers will use the descriptive correlational approach and a descriptive framework to evaluate the impact of credit on buying behavior among teachers: basis for interventions program. Based on their observations, the researchers gather information on how the respondents process paying their debt on credit cards and what kind of buying # behavior they fee! when they use a credit card to purchase a product or service. Research locale The study on the impact of credit"tards on buying behavior among teachers: basis for an intervention program. A survey will be conducted among active teachers who private school under theRoman Catholicorder, founded by the priests of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, located in Buenavista, Agusan del Norte and run by the Diocese of Butuan Butuan, Philippines. The main campus of the institution is located at the eastern area of the Parish grounds, where a 2-storey building with 14 classrooms is located. It is the only Catholic school in the town. 49 Buenavista Institute a Christian school which was founded in 1947, the first high . school in this first-class municipality in Agusan del Norte. Seventy-Five years June 1947, and also three schools at Nasipit, Agusan del Norte. Si National Vocational School, is technical vocational school located in the province of Agusan Del Norte, CARAGA in the municipality of Nasipit. was established on January 01, 1975. Nasipit Central Elementary School is a school in the province of Agusan Del Norte, CARAGA in the municipality of Nasipit was established on January 01, 1922. e Saint Michael College of Caraga is a Roman Catholic, basic education and higher education institution run by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Butuan in Nasipit, Agusan del . Norte in the Philippines. It was established in 1948 by the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC) fathers. its main campus is located at Atupan Street, Barangay'4 Poblacion, Nasipit, Agusan del Norte. The second campus is located in Brgy. Triangulo houses the elementary department. The researchers decided that this list of school the exact location for the researcher's place of gathering reliable data for the study, 50 Research Respondents The researchers gather the basic profile information of the active teachers that they use credit cards to purchase a praduct or service. The number of credit card holders is approximately 30 active credit card holders as respondents. Research Instrument Researchers modified the questionnaires based on the previous research questionnaire. The researchers took the questionnaire from this study entitled “Financial Satisfaction of Credit Card Users” by Payne et al. (2019). These two sections of a questionnaire: Part | will answer the teacher that active credit card holder. The survey questionnaire content is all abut their personal data in’ ‘ation such as age, gender, marital status, educational attainment monthly income, types of cards, credit limit, and payment process. Part ti will answer the teachers’ answers that active credit card holders and the survey questionnaire content are all about their buying behavior, such as habitual, variety seeking, Dissonance reducing, and complex. Ethical Standard sa The researcher's primary ethical concern will be maintaining the respondent's _ privacy during the review process. Researchers must carry out the task to the highest possible—expectations for the respondents. Researchers will ensure the well-being and integrity of the respondents who engage in their studies. The researchers will be used directly to maintain the confidentiality of the information. The study meets the ethical principles by supplying the respondents with a respondent survey questionnaire, including informed consent from the researchers; researchers will be assigned a number to the respondents’ responses for the questionnaire. To have access to the visibility of the total number of respondents by maintaining their identity. The respondent will acquire the information, Who shall go to be detained with the utmost confidentiality? No one of the teachers will have a bad image due to study formulation, as they will agree to support and respect the profession of thase teachers who will participate in this study. Data Gathering Procedure The first procedure to gathering 2 data, the researchers giving aletter of consent to the active credit card holders to receive a permission carry out the essential date that ‘out study need our analysis and also for our research study. Next, will be the researchers ~ _.commit, secure approval from our farmer Dean of the college department to conduct our, eS a ee study in the school. 52 The researchers conducting @ survey inside the school and also the_ researchers conducting a survey outside the school via online platform. The survey questionnaire shall “be distributed on the next semester which 1 next year. After the respondents finish to answered the questioner a researchers will keep it with care and shall be use for the study. Statistical Treatment Frequency and Percentage - This is a valuable method of expressing the relative frequency of the survey for the respondents and their information data. Weighted Mean - Researchers will be utilizing this to assess the significant relationship between the profile of the respondent and the impact of credit cards on buying behavior. Pearson R. Correlation - This tool will measure the significant difference in the impact of credit card efficiency on buying behavior among teachers. CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSION i This chapter deals with the presentations, analysis, and interpretation of data ~ | gathered. This chapter also discusses the result and discussion on the different issues and | concerns regarding the Impact of Credit Cards on Buying Behavior Among Teacher Basis: _For Intervention Program. Out of 30 Respondents, all of the enlisted respondents were| able to respond to the survey questionnaire. Problem 1. What is the profile of the respondents? As to Age: - Table 1. Distribution of the Respondents in terms of Age ‘Age F % Rank 38-25 years old Pee eer 4 26-30 years old 12 40.00 1 31-40 years old 10 33,33 ms 4lyearsoldandabove 6 20.00 3 Total 30 100 Table 1 shows the age of teacher who currently employed at five different school on that facilities the researchers conducted the study. There are 12 or 40.00% of the respondents who belongs to age bracket 26-30 years old and had a rank of 1, while 2 or —— _\_— 54 7% respondents belonged to 18-25 years old. Therefore, most of the respondents are 26-30 years old, According to Mehrotra (2020), in modern generation, the handling of credit cards has elevated in India, This survey was conducted to understand the impact of different demographics of respondents on the credit her cards they own. The results show that friehds/family have the greatest influence on a customer's credit card knowlédge. It showed that to market multiple credit cards, you need to target the low-income customer ah aged 21-35. “a Furthermore, Arabzadeh (2015) stated that they found out age was not a significant factor to take a risk to enjoy payless shopping by the influence of credit cards. but that older respondents have a more defiance to the risk. As to Gendel Table 2. Distribution of the Respondents in terms of Gender Gite PT. eS ee = Male ~ 14 46.57 2 Female 16 53.33 1 : Total ee 100 Table 2 reveals the Gender of the respondents, of which 16 or 53.33% are belongs to the female respondents, which has a rank of 1, while 14 or 46.67% belonged to male respondents. Therefore, the majority of the respondents are female. 75 IV. Schematic Diagram 2 The program is divided into three (3) phases. Phase 1 is the Pre-Intervention Phase, wherein the design program will be endorsed to the certified financial advisor and teachers with the confirmation of the school. Phase 2 is the intervention Phase wherein the designed to Program will be implemented. Phase 3 is the Post-Intervention Phase or the Evaluation Phase. Phase 1 Panel Phase 3 Pre-Intervention intervention fase Post Intervention | Phase Phase | 1. Formulation of L.implementation of 1, Evaluation of the Ibtecvention eee the Summer financial Summer financial literacy workshop literacy workshop 2, Endorsement of the seminar for teachers seminar for teachers Intervention program hosted by a certified hosted by a certified to certified financial financial advisor: financial advisor: advisor and to the Participants will learn | Participants will learn teachers with the about budgeting, about budgeting, permission of the financial planning, financial planning, school for borrowing and using borrowing andusing Implementation. credit cards, and credit cards, and borrowing options. borrowing options. Figure 2. It shows the scheme of the implementation of the intervention program offered by the researchers aseyd uonuansayul Z aseyd \ | | | | jooups 24340 uoyssuuad } amuw | suaypeay | pue sosupe | | repuevy | “siaypear | | Paynes | ; | Pue sosinpe | s4ayse—) ayr40 | ayy03 3 { | jepueuy | Area. yersheuy aur ssayoueasal | ~saypear ayn | | jo2unaaw | — soquawandudw oy ayy Woy | yo foesau ayrjoauiod | aBequenpe si seujwas wiesBo1d | Jesueuy aya | Sunsets ow | sip yey ooyss vonuanayul | suayseay Suowe a2ueyuaoy| — je;sueUt ‘aq Pinoys ayy Jo uolssiuuad Sunaow aynjo | yedus ysea} aney samianpe pue pue | 09008 “dud €Z0Z | ‘aun ym suayrear tewoy | 3uawasiopua | solaeyaq BujAng sweidorg suayseay z ‘oune ay uuojuIOL # eyoyisanbay | Aseuiumjaig | Uo spse9 pay aseyd UoUaniaqul-add T aSeud sewo2ng | panjonuy papedx3 uosiod ye3png | awey ou saanra{qo salBarens wesfosd | ssaujeam. OL seujuas doysyson Ares04"7 jerpueuty yeoug JAUILUNS “ 40y suresBosd Bunsixe ayy quauuayduur Anas pue Aysuozut 03 9192 9q OL “spaea pao anoge passnasip sosiape jepueuy, | jo ssauaanaaya aur Suymouy Ag “spued upauo jo asn pue | Sujwueld jepueuy |! @unaspnq inoge ‘sosiape jeroueuy ayy yum Bunaaw ay 0) BuypieBas smaynas | sraypeaye rnpuoa | sreuwas ayp anoge smaynau SIDUDEDL "Z | -sraypeay ayy Buowe ‘spies ipa. au sanpo.qu! 0} J0s1Ape Jepueuy up yim sBunaaw se) 801 yonpuos :sSunsou yonpuod ‘T ‘axo1g 9q 01 Japioy e win | 3,uop spe | pan ayy yeyp Apms asare| 20 uoneqasald s aequenpesip stem spied pai9 jo. Supnponuy yo uo} yequaurajdiny | -aseysind oy pues ypaso e Bujsn uo 35912141 ON “a ‘spue9 1p. qnoge afpajmouy ygnous ion "Vv a “ssypeey Suowe ‘spaes 1p. Jo souanyul aur ‘Aq so1neyaq Surkng uo Jexqu0 ut 2q 0} pue Aoes03 jeueuty, 2uaso quowenosduuy sasiapy Jerouews pue ssaypeay 2uON ‘staypea! Suowe | soineyaq Burkng uo spe Upaiy ayy uo wauranosduit pue pedut uMUaIaP OL, ez0z, yew seulas doysysoM Apeuayn jeroueury yeaig JeWWNS jo uopeuawaydut aun pue ayo.q 24 1 4apioy aun suum 2,UOp Sp4ed paid | yeu Apnis ysaxe} eyo uonewiasaid | safewerpesip pue | soSequenpe ajqissod s1 eum jo spuea pain jo Supnpouy jyouoneyuawe)du| | Peetencan| ayn arenjera | im hain jootps aun jo uorssiuiad aun unmsi9yzeaL poe iosiape Ubud au yu s04p0804 BL uonenjena Chapter V CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The purpose of this chapter is to present the summary, drawn some conclusions, and recommendation of the study. Conclusion Based on the findings there is a moderate extent on the impact of credit cards on buying behavior among teachers: Basis for intervention program. This means that the Impact of Credit Cards on Buying Behavior among Teachers is very effective, In addition results revealed that the majority of the respondents belonged to age bracket belonged of 26 ~ 30 years old; and the majority of them are female, in terms of buying behavior among teachers: Habitual, Variety - Seeking, Dissonance — Reducing, Complex in overall weighted mean has a 2.61 thisis study had a impact on respondents which among the teachers. Furthermore, it was found out that There is significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and the impact of credit cards on buying behavior as to monthly income. Other variables are no significant relationship between the profile of the responds and the impact of credit cards on buying behavior. The Great Recession ability to measure the role of credit card use during a period of tecession provides unique insights to the study of credit behavior because of the knowledge that all respondents have the same macroeconomic constraint. Framed by the assumptions of the permanent income hypothesis and the life-cycle savings (Hunter, 2017) The study is congruent to the theory of the red and black mental accounting. In the savings and debt theory. (Prelec & Leoweinstein, 1998). 80 Primary Recommendation Based on the results of the study, researchers recommend the following on the different issues and concerns. The findings shows that tl ere is onlya moderate extent of impact of havinga Credit Cards ‘on Buying Sehavior among Teachers, specifically the following areas: habitual, variety~ seeking, dissonance ~ reducing, complex. According to Peltier (2016) along this line of inquiry and at a time when rising prices of commodities, fewer grants and reduced state support has contributed to debt, a growing stream of research is investigating factors that impact ‘financially risky’ credit card usage by college instructor, “The researchers also recommend thatthe Teachers must have a financial literacy, Along this line of inquiry and at a time when rising prices of commodities, fewer grants and reduced state support has contributed to historic levels of Instructors debt, a growing stream of research is investigating factors that impact ‘financially risky’ credit card usage by college instructor (Allgood, 2015).

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