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Saint Michael ¢ College of Caraga Brgy. 4, Nuspit, Agusan del Norte, Philppines “el Nos. 6360S 243-1251 3006202 310 i INFORMED CQNSENT FORM Fis Se a resident express that the researchers informed me on the nature and puspose of theit sx feasons why I was selected as respondent, the benefits, and sisks of my participa ‘my sight to end my involvement without ied Of explanation, my right to ask questions about my participation, to answer questions that I want to respond and to refuse iterns {do not want to answer. Moreover, the researchers assured rne that my angers wohl be kept confidential and my identity shall be anonymous. They informed me of the need to record the interviews and that they will give me a ptinted copy of such cransefipe so Tcan review my answers, remove or add portions of my explanation. They told me that I could be asked later to validate the results of the study and to make suggestid To improve certain conditions, be Given all conditions, I agree to participate in this study by signing this Informed Consent Form Hy Name of Respondent “Signature Dae " OOO APPENDIX B ‘THE IMPACT OF CREDIT CARD ON BUYING BEHAVIOR ON TEACHERS: BASIS FOR INTERVENTION PROGRAM Part I: Profile of the Respondents Instruction: Please put a check (J) mark in the box that corresponds to your answer. Name (Optional): Age 18425 years old ( 26~30years old OY ~31-40years old _ 41 years old above Gender we Male Qs Female 0 stcetar Marital Status OD Single ad Married (Separated OQ Widowed Educational Attainment (C1 Undergraduate GAC Bochelor's Darras C1 Master's Degree __ dector's pegree ‘Monthly Income (14,000 per month and below 15, 000-20, 000 per month (21, 000-35, 000 per month (36, 000-50, 000 per month (51,000 per month and above Type of Card A Rewards credit cards C1 Secured credit cards 1 —No annual fee for life credit cards| ———— Cash back credit cards Credit Limit [1 25, 000-40, 000 1 41,000-50, 000 _ 51,000-60, 000 1 61,000 and above Process of Paying [a Walk in process of payment at the bank [1] Walk in process of payment at the remittance center 1 _ Process of payment via online financial platforms C1 Others, please specify Part Il: THE IMPACT OF CREDIT CARD ON BUYING BEHAVIOR ON TEACHERS: BASIS FOR INTERVENTION PROGRAM Instructions: Indicate the degree of your agreement or disagreement with each statement by marking a check (/) in the box provided below. Also, follow the rating scale. ae Rating Scale Verbal Description _Verbal Interpretation 4 Strongly Agree (SA) The respondent highly agrees with the statement 3 Agree (A) The Respondent agrees with the statement 2 Slightly Agree (S)__The Respondent slightly agrees with the statement 1 Does not Agree (D) The Respondent does not agree with the statement Habitual SA A s oD (4) (3) (2) (1) 71. Tuse my credit card every day to 7 | purchase my daily needs. Y 2. Valways use my credit card to pay a 7 service. 3. use my credit card every week to buy groceries. SX 4. luse my credit card every month to pay af bills. 3 . 5. always use my credit card to pay the a ___ food any at fast food restaurant. Variety-Seeking SA a $ D Sea eee B || 1. Tuse my credit card to purchase home | appliances at the mall because | like the we | brand. | 2. Luse my credit card to purchase a kitchen | ware at the mall because I like the | “7, | durability. | 3. Luse my credit card to purchase a | furniture at the mall because | like the _/ ____ design. | 4. Luse my credit card to purchase any beverages at a department store because oy Llike the variety. | 5. luse my credit card to purchase some | clathes at a department store because | 7 like the variation. | Dissonance-Reducing SA ERE s } D @) @) a | 1. use my credit to buy a thing even without | — any knowledge on how to use it. ———- ey 2, tuse my credit card te purchase a stuff without having any prior experience with yah it 3. I purchase a tool with my credit card without having any idea how to operate " om use my credit card to purchase an item without any prior experience about it. A S, luse my credit card to purchase 2 gadget without having any idea on how to utilize a it. Complex a a 5 D 4) (3) (2) (a) 1. Luse my credit eard to purchase an expensive jewelry because | know it has a high value. 2. 1 use my credit card to purchase an expensive motorcycle because | know itis valuable. 3. Lam aware of the high valve of the condo unit, sol use my credit card to purchase it. 3. | pay for a car with a credit card because | ‘am aware of its high value. a ‘ 3. Tuse my credit card to get a new phone because | am aware of its high cost. | Dissonance-Reducing ——} ATA I D (4) (3) (2) (a 1. fuse my credit to buy a thing even without any knowledge on how to use it. 2. use my credit card to purchase a tuff without having any prior experience with ie it 3. | purchase a tool with my credit card without having any idea how to. operate it. 4 luse my credit card to purchase an Rem without any prior experience about it. ZL 5. use my credit card to purchase a Badget | | without having any idea on how to utilize vA it | Complex: SA A s D 1k ns (4) (3) (2) a a 1. use my credit card to purchase an | 7 expensive jewelry because | know it has a | high value 2. use my credit card to purchase an | Expensive motoreycle because | know itis i valuable. 3. | am aware of the high value of the condo | | unlt,S0 1 use my credit card to purchere J it, + 4. lay for a car with a credit card because] am aware ofits high value. f 5. use my credit card to get a new phone vi 1 because | am aware of its high cost. ‘Part Il: THE IMPACT OF CREDIT CARD ON BUYING BEHAVIOR ON TEACHERS: BASIS FOR INTERVENTION PROGRAM ‘Instructions: Indicate the degree of your agreement or disagreement with each statement by ‘marking a check (/) in the box pravided below. Also, follow the rating scale. Rating Scale Verbal Description _Verbal Interpretation 4 Strongly Agree (SA) The respondent highly agrees with the statement ~ 3 Agree (A) The Respondent agrees with the statement. 2; Slightly Agree (5) The Respondent slightly agrees with the statement gS Does not Agree (D) The Respondent does not agree with the statement Habitual SA a $ D (4) (3) (2) (a) 1. | use my credit card every day to / purchase my daily needs. 2. always use my credit cardto pay a service. LO 3. |use my credit card every week to buy groceries. 4. | use my credit card every month to pay bills. Ze 5. [always use my credit card to pay the food any at fast food restaurant. | Variety-Seeking a) A $s D E (4) (3) @ | FE ‘L._luse my credit card to purchase home appliances at the mall because | like the fo brand. 4 1 1use my eredit card to purchase a kitchen ware at the mall because | like the / yt durability. 3. luse my credit card te purchase a furniture at the mall because I like the / design. 7 4. luse my credit card to purchase any | beverages at a department store because oe Like the variety. 5. use my credit card to purchase some clothes at a department store because | a like the variation. Monthly Income (14, 000 per month and below [A 15, 000-20, 000 per month 1 21, 000~35, 000 per month (1 36, 000-50, 000 per month 1 51,000 per month and above Type of Card a Rewards credit cards Secured credit cards No annual fee for life credit cards Cash back credit cards Credit Limit 1” 25, 000-40, 000 1 41, 000-50, 000 ~s1, 000-60, 090 —_—- 1 61,000 and above Process of Paying ag Walk in process of payment at the bank [Walkin process of payment atthe remittance center Process of payment via online financial platforms T o a Others, please specify } ‘APPENDIX 8 THE IMPACT OF CREDIT CARD ON BUYING BEHAVIOR ON TEACHERS: BASIS FOR INTERVENTION PROGRAM Part |: Profile of the Respondents Instruction: Please put a check (/) mark in the box that corresponds to your answer. Name (Optional): Age 18-25 years old _. 1 26~30years old 31-40 years old OO 4tyears eld above Marital status a Single O Married 1 Separated widowed co Educational Attainment 1 _ Undergraduate Bachelor's Degree Master's Degree (1 Doctor's Degree Saint Michael College of Caraga Brgy. 4, Nasiptt, Agusan del Norte, Pulippines Tel os 086534253 soons 212018 INFORMED CONSENT FORM i ‘ ae es Date | comtotNo. | 5 | ty L years dld, a resident of express that the researchers informed me on the nature and purpose of their study, he reasons why I was selected as respondent, the benefits, and risks of my participation, my right to end my involvement without need of explanation, my right to ask questions about my participation, to answer questions that I want to respond and to refuse iteins 1 do not want to answer. Moteover, the rescacchers assured me that my answers would be kept confidential and my identity shall be anonymous. They informed me of the need to record the interviews and that they will give me a printed copy of such transcript so I can review my answers, remove or add portions of my explanation. They told me that I Could be asked later to validate the results of the study and to make suggestions to improve certain conditions. Given all conditions, I agree to participate i tis sady by signing this Informed Consent Form. ‘Name of Respondent I Signa Date ~ OSS oe CL Dissonance-Reducing SA a ‘Senet | (4) G3) 2) (1) 1. luse my credit to buya thing even without any knowledge an how to use it. x 2. | use my credit card to purchase a stuff JA without having any prior experience with it 3. I purchase a tool with my credit card without having any idea how to operate dA it. 4. use my credit card to purchase an item WA without any prior experience about it. 5. Tuse my credit card to purchase a gadget without having any idee on how to utilize a7" a ~~ Complex SA A $ o (4) 3) (2) a ' 1. Luse my credit card to purchase an expensive jewelry because I know it has a Lo high value. 2. | use my credit card to purchase an va expensive motorcycle because | know it is valuable, 3. lam aware of the high value of the condo | _ unit, so! use my credit card to purchase ys gone 4. Ipay for a car with a credit card because | | amaware ofits high value. Ls 5. luse my credit card to get anew phone : because | am aware of its high cost. Ta I Part Il: THE IMPACT OF CREDIT CARD ON BUYING BEHAVIOR ON TEACHERS: BASIS FOR INTERVENTION PROGRAM . Instructions: Indicate the degree of your agreement or disagreement with each statement by marking a check (J) in the box provided below. Also, follow the rating scale. Rating Seale Verbal Description 4 Strongly Agree (SA) 3 Agree (A) 2 Slightly Agree (S) 1 Does not Agree (D) Verbal Interpretation The respondent highly agrees with the statement ‘The Respondent agrees with the statement ‘The Respondent slightly agrees with the statement ‘The Respondent does not agree with the statement Habitual SA A $s D (4) B) (2) (a) 1. luse my credit card every day to purchase my daily needs, 2. Valways use my credit card to pay a service. = | use my credit card every week to buy} groceries. bills. 5. [always use my credit card to pay the food any at fast food restaurant. Variety Seeking 4. | use my credit card every month to pay m | H a @) (2) (a) 1. [use my credit card to purchase home appliances at the mall because I like the brand. 2. | use my credit card to purchase a kitchen ware at the mall because | like the - durability. 3. l'use my credit card to purchase a Z furniture at the mall because I like the 7 design. Like the variety. use my credit card to purchase any i. beverages at a department store because} | 5. use my credit card to purchase some } clothes at a department store because | like the variation. aS Monthly Income ° © 14,000 per month and below © _.15, 000 - 20, 000 per month JA 21,000-35, 000 per month [1 36,000-50, 000 per month (51,000 per month and above Type of Card 1 Rewards credit cards 1 Secured credit cards C No annual fee for life credit cards (1 Cash back credit cards Credit Limit A 25,000-40, 000 1 41,000-50, 000 O 51,000-60, 000 1 61,000and above Process of Paying Walk in process of payment at the bank (Walk in process of payment at the remittance center (Process of payment via online financial platforms C1 Others, please specify APPENDIX B THE IMPACT OF CREDIT CARD ON BUYING BEHAVIOR ON ‘TEACHERS: BASIS FOR INTERVENTION PROGRAM Part |: Profile of the Respondents Instruction: Please put a check (,’) mark in the box that corresponds to your answer. Name (Optional): Age 18-25 years old [A 26-30years old 31-40 years old O Atyearsold above Gender O Male a Female Qs tcerar Marital Status —~ Os Single A Married 1 Separated 1 Widowed Educational Attainment 1 Undergraduate i Bachelor's Degr (Master's Degree 1 __ Doctor's Degree Nos. +68 04s 943.925 ons 3118 st | ; Zea Saint Michael College of Caraga | Wy Bry. ust, Agusan del Nest, Pipes [om | Fae INFORMED CONSENT FORM a Date ControlNo. | ¢ sa years Gids a resident top te express that the researchers informed me on the nature and purpose of their study, the reasons why I was sclected as cespondent, the benefits, and risks of my participation, my right to end my involvement without need of explanation, my right to ask questions about my participation, to answer questions that I want to respond and to refuse items © I do not want to answer. Moreover, the researchers assured me that my answers would be kept confidential and my identity shall be anonymous. They informed me of the need to record the interviews and that they will give me a printed copy of such transcript so I can review my answers, remove or add portions of my explanation. They told me that I could be asked later to validate the results of the study and to make suggestions to improve certain conditions. Given all conditions, | agree to participate in this study by signing this Informed Consent Form, — ‘Name of Respondent Sigeatye Date i; Weaker Dissonance-Reducing SA] ) A (3) s (2) (Qu) Tuse my eredit to buya thing even without any knowledge on how to use it. Zt Tuse my credit card to purchase a stuff without having any prior experience with it a7 Tpurchase a tool with my credit card without having any idea how to operate it. Tuse my credit cardto purchase an item without any prior experience about it. Se = it. use my credit card to purchase a gadget without having any idea on how to utilize Complex eey B) Q) (a) = Tuse my credit card to purchase an expensive jewelry because | know it has a high value. + Tuse my credit card to purchase an expensive motorcycle because | know it is valuable. 1am aware of the high value of the condo Unit, 50 1 use my credit card to purchase it. pay for a car with a credit card because! am aware of its high value. Tuse my credit card to get a new phone because | am aware of its high cost. Part Il: THE IMPACT OF CREDIT CARD ON BUYING BEHAVIOR ON TEACHERS: BASIS FOR INTERVENTION PROGRAM © Instructions: Indicate the degree of your agreement or disagreement with each statement by marking a check (V) in the box provided below~ Also, follow the rating scale. Rating Scale Verbal Description Verbal Interpretation 4 Strongly Agree (SA) The described behavior highly affects respondents: buying decision. 3 ‘agree (A) The described behavior moderately affects respondents: buying decision. 2 ‘Stightly Agree (S) ‘The described behavior slightly affects respondents: buying decision. a Does not Agree (0) The described behavior cos not affect respondents: buying decision. Habitual SA aot TS D @) B) (2) () 1. [use my credit card every day to Wi purchase my daily needs. 2. | always use my credit card to pay a e. | | service. 3,_|use my credit card every week to buy “groceries. la L eet @,_|use my credit card every month to pay bills. Ze > | always use my credit card to pay # food at any fast food restaurant. | Varlety-Seeking. | Seon et Ss D 4 | ® (2) () L._1use my credit card to purchase home appliances at the mall because | like the J , brand. : 2. luse my credit card to purchase a kitchen ware at the mall because I like the VA durability. 3, luse my credit card to purchase a furniture at the mall because | like the Jf design. 4. use my credit card to purchase any : beverages at a department store because Ilike the variety. oo 5. luse my credit card to purchase some | clothes at a department store because | = like the variation, ar ie Monthly Income (114,000 per month and below 1D _15, 000-20, 000 per month JB 21, 000-35, 000 per month 11 36, 000-50, 000 per month 151,000 per month and above Type of Card 1 Rewards credit cards Secured credit cards T_ No annual fee for life credit cards 1 Cash back credit cards Credit Limit O25, 000-40, 000 41, 000 ~ 50, 000 Q “$4, 000-60, 000 err, 62,000 and above Process of Paying C1 Walkin process of payment at the bank C1 Walkin process of payment at the remittance center [AT Process of payment via online financial platforms CL Others, please specify APPENDIX B THE IMPACT OF CREDIT CARD ON BUYING BEHAVIOR ON ‘TEACHERS: BASIS FOR INTERVENTION PROGRAM. Part I: Profile of the Respondents Instruction; Please put a check (v) mark in the box that corresponds to your answer, ‘Name (Optional! Age O 18-25 years old D1! 26-30years old J 31-40 years old O41 years old above Gender @ male O Female 3 Marital Status C1 Single I ~Married Separated OD Widowed Educational Attainment C1 Undergraduate x Bachelor's Degree graduate Os Master’s Degree graduate C1 Doctorate’s Degree graduate Saint Michael College of Caraga ‘Bogy. 4, Nasipit, Agusan del Norte Philippines Tl Nem 6 66349-9051 / 6) 209.3113 ‘wow Sa INFORMED CONSENT FORM Date Control No. 1 , years old, a resident of | ~ express that the researchers informed me on the natuse and purpose of theie study, the reasons why Twas selected as respondent, the benefits; and sisks of my patticipation, my right to end my involvement without need of explanation, my right to ask questions about my participation, to answer questions that | want to respond and to refuse items I do not want to answer. Moreover, the rescarchers assured me that my answers would be kept confidential and ‘my identity shall be anonymous. They informed me of the need to record the interviews and that they will give me a printed copy of such transcript so I can review my answers, remove or add portions of my explanation, They told me that I could be asked later to validate the results of the study and to make suggestions to improve certain conditions. Given all conditions, I agree to participate in this study by signing this Informed Consent Form. He ‘Name of Respondent Sppatare, Date = _—_ 9008 a »

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