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Homework ( Mid Term) Name: Aariz Abdullah Karim

Grade: 7 Sec: ___ Date: 10 / 9 / 23

Subject: History & Bangladesh


Topic: French revolution

A. Answer the following questions-

1. Summarize the three Estates considering the following criteria- ‘privileges, criticism, challenges and action’.

First Estates- Privileges/ Benefits- Privileges/ Benefits- .Tax Criticism- Tax Exemptions: They
Who-Clergy Exemptions, Land Ownership, Influence in didn't pay taxes while others did.
Government. Control of Education and
Wealth: They lived lavishly despite
Morality, Religious Authority
vows of simplicity.

Political Power: They had too much

influence in government

.Land Ownership: The Church's

land hurt the poor.

Corruption: Instances of
wrongdoing eroded trust.

Resistance to Change: They

resisted new ideas like the

Second Estates-
Tax Exemptions: They didn't pay many taxes.Land
Who Nobility- Ownership: They owned a lot of land, providing Criticism- Tax Exemptions: They
wealth. didn't pay many taxes, burdening

Political Power: They held influential government

others.Extravagance: They lived

positions. lavishly while others

suffered.Political Power: They
High Social Status: They had special rights and attire.
resisted reforms and served their
Legal Benefits: Received lighter interests.Feudal System:
punishments.Education Access: Enjoyed better Maintaining serfdom and unequal
education opportunities. land ownership.Resistance to
Change: They opposed new ideas
and reforms.Unearned Privilege:
Privileges based on birth, not merit.

Third Estates- Challenges- Heavy Taxation: The Third Estate bore the Action- The Third Estate, feeling
Who-The brunt of taxation, including the taille (land tax) and marginalized and oppressed, took
remaining 90% of other levies, leading to financial hardship. revolutionary action by convening the
the population, Social Inequality: The Third Estate included a wide Estates-General in 1789. When their
including the range of people, from wealthy merchants to demands for equal representation were
middle class and impoverished peasants. The lack of social mobility and denied, they formed the National
peasants. unequal privileges caused frustration. Assembly, leading to the storming of the
Representation: Despite being the largest estate, the Bastille and the start of the French
Third Estate had limited political representation and Revolution.
influence in government, leading to a sense of
.Economic Struggles: Many Third Estate members
faced economic challenges, including food shortages
and high bread prices, which added to their
Injustice and Unfairness: The system favored the
clergy and nobility, leading to a perception of injustice
and unfair treatment.
2. ‘French revolution taught us the rights of man’- Do you agree with the statement? Justify your answer.
Yes, the French Revolution did advance the concept of individual rights and freedoms through documents like the
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, but it also had a complex legacy due to violence and challenges in
implementing these ideals consistently

3. Find out the differences and similarities between ‘American and French Revolution’. ( 2 differences and 2 similarities)
.The American Revolution was primarily driven by a desire for independence from British colonial rule and taxation
without representation. In contrast, the French Revolution was fueled by a complex mix of factors, including social
inequality, economic hardship, and Enlightenment ideals.
. The American Revolution resulted in the establishment of the United States as an independent nation with a
democratic government, as seen in the U.S. Constitution. The French Revolution, however, went through phases of
radical change, leading to periods of instability and authoritarian rule before ultimately establishing a republic
Influence of Enlightenment: Both revolutions were influenced by Enlightenment ideas, including concepts of liberty,
equality, and individual rights. Enlightenment philosophers like John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau had an impact
on the revolutionary thinking in both cases.
.Desire for Social Change: Both revolutions involved a desire for social change and a challenge to existing hierarchies.
They sought to replace the old systems of monarchy and aristocracy with more equitable and representative forms of

4. How do you justify that the ‘American and French Revolutions’ were turning points in the global history?

The American and French Revolutions were pivotal moments that not only transformed their
respective nations but also had a far-reaching impact on the course of global history by advancing
democratic ideals, challenging traditional power structures, and inspiring movements for liberty and
self-determination worldwide.
5. Explain any two causes of French Revolution.

Social Inequality: The stark social inequality in France was a major cause. The majority of the population, the Third
Estate, faced heavy taxation, poverty, and unequal privileges, while the clergy and nobility enjoyed significant wealth and
exemption from taxes. This inequality created widespread resentment and discontent.

Financial Crisis: France was burdened with a severe financial crisis due to extravagant spending by the monarchy, costly wars,
and a regressive tax system. Attempts to reform taxation and alleviate the crisis were met with resistance from the nobility,
worsening economic hardships for common citizens. This financial strain contributed to the revolutionary fervor.

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