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Episode 1:

● Series doesn't show how Lelouch wins his chess match. Lelouch spouts off some
nonsense that, I imagine, can't relate to chess strategies at all. It sounds cool and gives us
a look at the type of person he is.
● Nagata's explosion should have killed Lelouch, CC and the Britannian officers. Except
the series was at least smart enough to address this by saying that the explosion was only
directed upwards. This is contrived. Why would Nagata have a last resort bomb that
only explodes in one direction? And why didn't the series actually show this instead of
telling us?
● Most Britannians are laughably evil men. Suzaku's commander refers to him as a
monkey and orders the troops to follow the stench of elevens. The racism is an
interesting touch, the series does at least pile that on with no subtlety whatsoever.
● Clovis' plan to basically kill everyone in the Shinjuku District is dumb. Kill everyone in
the hopes of snuffing out the lost weapon? CC, in this case, obviously. Further analysis
● Series does a good job of communicating that Elevens are Japanese, and they're being

Episode 2:
● Series does a good job of communicating that Lelouch's Geass does not work without
direct eye contact.
● Lelouch's chess analogies are shit and could apply to virtually any sort of battlefield.
● How does Lelouch know the contents of the train? I guess because of the screen in
Villetta's Knightmare but the show doesn't really tell us this and audience is left to either
not care or infer.
● Lelouch is playing chess with Clovis. Shit. If this is all it took to outmaneuver the
Britannian forces, it's a real wonder how Japan lost. These idiots are clueless as a
teenager simply looking at all their positions on a map can tell other clueless
(contextually) terrorists how to defeat them.
● Once again, the series never showed us how Lelouch won his chess match, so him
winning this match here against experienced military generals is baffling and jarring.
● Lelouch explains that “Britannia can be defeated!” after a small victory over Clovis'
forces. Clovis was dumb, and the strategy Lelouch applied could have been destroyed
by someone simply using binoculars.
● Suzaku has no prior experience to piloting a Knightmare. The series tells us he got “top
scores” in the simulation. Said simulation is not shown. Suzaku of all people is given
this mech because story reasons.
● Series does a good job of keeping people's names easy to remember. Clovis, Lloyd,
Cecile, etc. It also says the names of the characters at appropriate times, and it actually
feels like fluid and natural context and conversation.
● You can tell Suzaku's Knightmare is special because it's white and gold.
● Lancelot is overpowered as fuck. Easily destroys the terrorists. Suzaku even does his
ridiculous flying spin kick in the mech.
● Kallen saves Lelouch. They're in the same frame together. Kallen stalls for Lelouch and
the next shot is Lelouch incredibly far away from the building. This all happens in the
span of about 5 seconds. Great direction there.
● So Lelouch makes his way to where Clovis is. Geasses all the guards. Geasses Clovis
into ordering a cease fire. There is legitimately no reason he couldn't have done this at
the beginning of the episode. He was in disguise and in Villetta's Knightmare when he
rode over there which means that no one would have suspected anything. I guess he was
busy playing “chess.”
● Lelouch is revealed to be one of Clovis' brothers. A tad out of nowhere. Not entirely ass
pulled, there were hints here and there that Lelouch was not a fan of Clovis for reasons

Episode 3:
● Lelouch is a little too expository in regards to the death of his mother. Clovis already
knows this information, as does he. Only person he is possibly communicating it to is
the audience.
● Series cuts to Lelouch, the next day in school. Conversation about school clubs. Sort of
a jarring cut.
● Now Milly is talking about Shirley's breasts. Right after a very serious conversation
between Lelouch and Clovis on who killed his mother. Entering Mirai Nikki levels of
tonal disparity here.
● Lelouch killed Clovis and says his nerves are too weak for this with a clever smile on
his face, even after we saw him dismantle the opposing force in the last episode with
such glee. Not buying that.
● Turns out that Kallen goes to Lelouch's school. The school trope is forming now.
Wonder if it'll be as strange and dumb as I remember it being.
● Kallen's personality shifts from weak to tempered in the middle of the school courtyard
and is surprised when Lelouch sees this shift.
● Lelouch's Geass is malfunctioning. Could be interesting if the series appropriately
handled problem escalation and resolution. I remember it being shit. Like they solved a
major problem by just putting an eye contact that is never referred to again on Lelouch.
● Nunnally is psychic and knows when Lelouch is going to come through the door before
he does. At first glance, this isn't a problem. But as the series goes on, the series does
more of these things with Nunnally. Like knowing who a person is by their hands. Don't
quite remember.
● Oh, right. Rivalz. He's a complete buttmonkey best friend, like Klein from Sword Art
● Strange thing with Lelouch's Geass. Comes to the conclusion that his power can only be
used once on a person, but you could logically also come to the conclusion that you can
only ask the same person the same question a single time. Not sure if he came to that
conclusion too easily for plot reasons.
● Okay, big problem on the horizon. This came up when I originally saw the dub in 2014
as well. So, Lelouch and Zero have the same voice, obviously. But when Kallen is
talking to Ohgi, she reflects on whether or not Lelouch's voice could be the same as the
person who saved her. This can't be as fucking stupid as I remember where no one could
put two and two together based off Lelouch's voice. It can't be.
● Kallen convinces herself that the memory of a voice isn't reliable. Argument could be
made either way, I think.
● Lelouch and Kallen's conversation is interrupted because Kallen is being added to the
student council. I don't remember why the series tried to push all these school elements.
Most of them ridiculous and warp the tone of the series considerably.
● How the fuck did Nunnally even make it into the student council area in her motorized
wheelchair when she's blind?
● Once again, the series has derived from serious situations like the General being found
guilty of working on a secret experiment, and Kallen possibly being exposed as a
terrorist to bring up the students opening a bottle of champagne.
● Oh My God. Kallen gets champagne spilled all over her and has to take a shower. THIS
● Holy Shit. Lelouch's entire plan for making Kallen think he's not Zero hinges on her
asking him to stay in the room to talk about Shinjuku. The subs change the voice so it's
not as fucking dumb as in the dub, but Lelouch's plan is still awful, as he was about to
leave before Kallen asked him to stay. He has to be psychic in order for the plan to
work, or the writing is just shit and contrived in this way, with the only reason she asked
him to stay is so his plan would work. Backwards writing at its finest.
● To add onto this nonsense, Kallen moves the shower curtain so Lelouch can see her ass.
It becomes blatant fanservice when the anime does a shot of her holding her breasts.
This is why I fucking despise this series, it's all coming back to me.
● The student council has a special event called “Wear Your Swimsuit To Class Day.”
What the fuck do these kids even do at this school?

Episode 4:
● Suzaku has been arrested for the murder of Clovis. Really bad exposition here with
Shirley asking Lelouch what the purist faction is. Even worse is that it's edited badly as
well with Lloyd giving more exposition as to why Suzaku, as a former eleven, is in such
deep trouble.
● Really good conversation between Jeremiah and Diethard about the manipulation of
information and about how certain people already have memorial packages made for
them before death. Wish the series had more of this.
● Jeremiah is an idiot. Villetta says that the terrorists will likely intervene as he transports
Suzaku because it's going to be on television. Jeremiah says it's fine because he'll
execute them, right after the military was taken down, or at the very least,
inconvenienced by the terrorists attacking using their own Knightmares.
● Zero reveals himself to Kallen, Ohgi and the rest of the terrorists and right above their
heads is more product placement for Pizza Hut.
● Zero has an absolutely ridiculous getup that is explained with a single ambiguous scene.
● More poor exposition. Todo is introduced and one of the Japanese officers says his
name in a way that doesn't make sense in context because everyone already knows his
nickname. Only there to clue the audience in to him being an important character with a
● Suzaku is stupid enough to believe that the courtroom is a place where the truth is told.
Right after he was shot by his commanding officer for questioning him on why CC's
release wasn't actually poison gas as they were told. Right after clearly being framed for
Clovis' murder. Dumbest character ever.
● Incredibly random shot of Kaguya.
● Lloyd references “that person at the summit.” Awful. I hate when series allude to an
important character by saying “that person” or something like that. No one speaks like
● Jeremiah is a goddamn idiot and the series tries explaining it away by saying that he
loves the limelight. No, he's just stupid and an incompetent when he orders that the
convey transporting Suzaku stop because Clovis' car is headed their way. Clearly a trap.
No amount of arrogance or overconfidence excuses this.
● Zero drives a huge vault full of poison gas up to the highway where civilians are.
Jeremiah is a fucking idiot for letting this happen.
● Suzaku tries to say it's not really poison gas because he's been equipped with a shock
collar that doesn't allow him to speak. What purpose to this collar serve in this particular
context when he's surrounding by Knightmares and handcuffed? Legitimately only there
so he can't say it's poison gas. Garbage.
● Jeremiah exclaims that Zero took every Britannian as hostage. No, you did, you idiot
when you stopped so you could fall into his trap.
● No one notices that Jeremiah's eyes are red after Lelouch geasses him. Either all the
characters are idiots, or the red outline is only an indication for the audience. Bad
direction either way.
● Christ. Suzaku, after being tortured for information by Jeremiah. After being framed for
murder. After his father is killed. Suzaku, this colossal fucking idiot says that he's going
to change Britannia from the inside and that he's going back to his trial. Zero says that
the trial is rigged against him. Suzaku says he doesn't care because “those are the rules”
and that bad things will begin to spread about Elevens and Honorary Britannians. Except
these accusations already fucking exist. Zero then says that he will die and Suzaku says
he doesn't mind. Zero calls him an idiot, and in Suzaku's following words, he proves it.

Episode 5:
● Cornelia's establishing scene is hollow. A bunch of men we don't know getting killed in
an area we're not familiar with by other men we don't know.
● C.C. is established and the series does the “you're” “supposed to be dead” thing again
with her and Lelouch, similar to how they did it with him and Clovis. Not sure if
● Lelouch always had a plan to destroy Britannia. Of course he did.
● C.C. calls Lelouch an “interesting” person. I would disagree.
● More Pizza Hut product placement. I do not mind product placement. In fact, I like the
concept. I'd rather have a real world brand instead of something phony.
● Suzuaku is acquitted of the charges against him for the murder of Clovis. Zero ended up
saving him in the end. None of that shit he said about the rules even matters now.
● Euphemia falls from a building onto Suzaku. She claimed bad people were chasing her.
Suzaku says it was a lie. Not sure this is ever explained.
● Series goes from light hearted jokes with bright colors at school to the Shinjuku ghetto
where Suzaku and Euphemia are visiting the graves of the fallen.
● Shinichiro says that Suzaku betrayed the Japanese people. He's right.
● Horrible scene where Suzaku and Lelouch finish each others sentences which gives us
the impression that they're after the same thing, they just have different ways of going
about it. The problem is that Suzaku's methods are asinine and naive. Too naive for a
character this old and who has suffered this much. He is only this stupid because the plot
needs him to fight Lelouch.
● Suzaku enrolls in Lelouch's school because of reasons. And we really needed more
school scenes.
● Ultimately a nothing episode. Not explicitly bad, just contains bad elements.

Episode 6:
● Cornelia addresses Darlton by name. Once again, a natural sounding conversation
revealing a character's name. This would have been a much better scene to introduce
Cornelia in.
● Nunnally recognizes Suzaku by the touch of his hands. Dumb. I could definitely have
understood by his voice, but his hands? They've been away for seven years and his
hands could have changed in any variety of ways. He has no outstanding marks on them
that we know of either. She's psychic.
● Lelouch and C.C. are speaking in the next room and no one can hear her. Legitimately
the next room.
● Jeremiah has his rank dropped three times. Incompetent buffoon. Orange.
● Oh yeah, Nina is a huge fucking racist. I'd forgotten about that.
● More Pizza Hut. Is the only food these people eat pizza? This is where product
placement goes wrong. Only seeing a single brand throughout the entire series really just
flat out tells you it's promotion.
● It's really convenient that Nunnally is blind. Walks in on C.C. and Lelouch, who is
packing up his Zero costume. I wonder if they made her blind just for the sake of the
plot because it'd be difficult to write all this garbage if she could actually see.
● Right. The cat has Zero's mask on it's head. This is that episode. These tone shifts are
garbage. Why was this scene needed? Surely there were better ways to reach the
“Suzaku proves himself by saving Lelouch's life” plot point that they were going for.
● Lelouch almost acts human in this scene. That was nice.
● So now Code Geass is a comedy because Milly puts out this hit on the fucking cat. You
know, if Code Geass just chose to be a comedy, I don't think it'd have been half bad.
● Geass is incredibly jarring because Kotoro Nakagawa composed the music. He also
composed the music for Prison School. Both excellent soundtracks. But Nakagawa does
this particular trumpet arrangement that they do a lot in Prison School during big
comedic moments. They do it in Geass as well, so I've always got Vice President and
Shitty Four Eyes in the back of my mind whenever they play it in this series.
● Code Geass is still a comedy right now. Shirley asking Kallen who she'd get the kiss
from on the student council if she catches the cat.
● They seriously wasted an entire episode on this cat ordeal just to get the rest of the cast
to accept Suzaku.
● The next scene is Clovis' funeral. Right after the cat comedy.

Episode 7:
● Charles is a boring fucking character. His particular brand of evil is shit and makes him
very predictable.
● More romance drama nonsense between Shirley and Kallen. This time could have been
spent developing either character or both but instead it revolves around a romance with
the main lead. Characters can't develop when everything they say is about someone else.
● Lelouch and C.C. have a standoff where they talk about what it means to be alive.
Awful. Lelouch will threaten to kill himself because C.C. won't let him go. What does
that achieve at all? If he's dead, he can't execute his plan. Contrived trash, pretentious
and empty conversation.
● Lelouch does the same trick where he destroys Cornelia's forces using the Sutherland's
radar scanning like he did with Clovis. Their forces are so shit that they don't even
attempt to fight back. And no, I'm not talking about Cornelia telling them to withdraw.
We literally do not see them even attempting to fight back as they are destroyed.
● Shirley and Suzaku talk about how Shirley started liking Lelouch. Fuck this shit, repeat
after me. Characters can't develop when everything they say is about someone else.
● Lelouch is very stressed out by a simple outmaneuver by Cornelia. Shit strategist
honestly, he only looks this good because Clovis was so dumb.
● Lelouch falls for Cornelia's trap because he is not as bright as the series wants you to
believe he is. Going into enemy territory before winning the battle was idiotic.
● Lelouch would have been fucked if not for C.C. showing up as Zero. He'd have been
killed this early. So much for that plan of his.
● Jeremiah is dropped three ranks for letting Zero escape. Cornelia orders her troops to not
pursue Zero because he's likely already prepared an escape path. And? Intercept him, for
God's sake. Hypocrisy at its finest, I wonder if the series even realizes it.

Episode 8:
● Series does an interesting, and nice job of masking exposition behind a news report.
● Japanese Liberation Front takes a hotel audience hostage. Only way to get in is through
a tunnel. They're blocking it off with an anti Knightmare rifle that shoots shrapnel. The
Knightmares can't block it, so they're torn to pieces. Why is Lancelot the only
Knightmare with the ability to block projectiles? Also, I wonder what Knightmare will
be used to combat this thing!
● This series is either full blown self-aware of how shit it is, or the writing is
subconsciously. Cecile asks what the purpose of the Honorary Britannian system is
when they're still treated like lower class citizens, like the Elevens are. I've been
wondering the same thing. In the previous episode, she also remarked that the students
go to a very carefree school because of the cat situation.
● Lelouch comes to the conclusion that the reason Cornelia hasn't stormed into the hotel is
because Euphemia is being held hostage as well. Bullshit, there could be any number of
other reasons regarding other military information he's not savvy to. This could have
been fixed simply by Euphemia being shown in the footage that the Japanese Liberation
Front took of the hostages, as, outside of the military, only a few people know who she
even is. Cornelia's disregard for hostages isn't a valid excuse to come to this conclusion
either as I find it difficult to believe she'd let all of them be killed while the entire
situation is on national television. Cornelia is cold, not stupid. Letting the Japanese
Liberation Front kill everyone is even worse than negotiating with them. This is a good
example of the major contrivances this series entangles itself in, although I do believe
that good arguments can be made against this specific point.
● Euphemia blows her cover to save Nina. And this is where it begins.
● Ultimately, Lelouch's plan of turning the Order Of The Black Knights into allies of
justice works well. They're no longer just terrorists, but people who will help the weak,
regardless of whether they are Britannians or Japanese.

Episode 9:
● Another fucking episode with school shenanigans. This time it's the welcoming party for
the cat, Arthur, and they're trying to dress up Lelouch. Bear in mind, this is a serious
episode where the topic of drug addiction comes up.
● Suzaku says he doesn't know of the “evil” that the Order Of The Black Knights are
talking about. Dumbest character ever in the history of anime.
● Lelouch geasses a bunch of street punks right in front of Kallen. Their eyes go red. She
doesn't notice. I'm sure at this point that this is only done for the audience, but the show
does an absolutely horrendous job of communicating this, and everyone ends up looking
● Villetta is starting to put the pieces together about memory loss and being geassed.
Except this is so long after Jeremiah let Zero go that you have to wonder what the fuck
took so long. Because she expressed doubt of Jeremiah being a traitor before, also
mentioning the memory loss. She remembers a student, and I think her eventually
investigating schools is a justified conclusion to come to.
● Kallen is dumb. Of course the only reason your mother stayed in that house was for you.
She loves you. Holy shit, why has it taken her this long to realize this?

Episode 10:
● Lelouch takes off his helmet just to geass two guards. Why risk this sort of exposure?
● Lelouch is out in the open speaking to C.C. without his helmet on.
● Lloyd mentions Lakshata here. This is actually great. They didn't refer to her as “that
person.” This is how you properly reference someone for introduction at a later date.
● Jeremiah refuses to eject when the Guren Mk-II is about to kill him even after Villetta
tells him to. This guy is such an idiot.

Episode 11:
● The entire battle feels very off. Odd lack of cohesiveness between all the moving parts
to this fight. Poor direction robs us of necessary establishing shots beyond what we can
see on the screens of the Knightmares.
● Series does a good job of telling us that Todo can rival the ability of a General. He's not
a weak pushover character and I think the series established this well.
● Idiot generals inside the convoy don't want to deploy Lancelot because they're racists. I
guess being a racist in this world also makes you into a horrendous strategist.
● Lloyd asks why, if Suzaku hates to see people die, he's in the Army. Suzaku answers
that he's in the Army so they won't have to die. But he seemed just fine doing nothing
with Lancelot and following orders as his fellow soldiers were just being picked off by
the Black Knights and the Japanese Liberation Front during this big battle. Regardless of
even this, Lloyd calls it a contradiction. Which it is.
● This has been bothering me for a while. These Knightmares have these huge size guns
that shoot bullets. But every time they aim it at someone and fire, the other Knightmare
will just dodge it by jumping around. That's not how this fucking works. They'd surely
be hit, and to suggest that a Knightmare, as big as these things are could dodge gunfire
at their speed is absurd.

Episode 12:
● Kaguya is “infatuated” with Zero. I know where this road leads.
● More Shirley. Specifically, more Shirley thinking about Lelouch. Virtually no depth to
her character beyond this.
● And there's Mao. Any hope this series could have had at being good is now over and
done with. Downhill from here.
● This infamous table scene. What a fucking shitshow. Totally random cut to this scene
too from a moment where Shinichiro is confronting Zero. Then the anime goes back to
the Black Knights.
● There goes Lloyd again, seemingly aware of how stupid a character Suzaku is. Tells him
to not blurt out a theory on what “justice” is.
● Lelouch reveals himself to Kirihara, except he has two guards standing right next to
him. So do the guards know Zero's identity as well? It's not like they're going to blab,
but the direction is bad here. They're not even shown reacting, as if they didn't exist.
Their importance here is brought about by Zero showing his face to begin with, but
they're never referred to again. Series should have avoided this.
● Turns out that Lelouch accidentally killed Shirley's father in the battle between Cornelia
and the Japanese Liberation Front. Shirley gets a kiss from Lelouch.
Episode 13:
● The dialogue at the funeral for Shirley's father is bad. Not like it's trying to be something
it isn't, it's appropriate dialogue for a funeral, it's just written poorly. There's no real
nuance to any of these lines. They're just blurted out with no rhythm to the conversation.
● Lelouch pins C.C. down on his bed. This scene is a girl holding a Pizza Hut plush toy
telling an edgelord of a teenager that he has no right to brood anymore. This is all meant
to be taken seriously and is not a comedy.
● Cornelia has doubts about using an Eleven like Suzaku in combat after he saved her ass
in Narita. Idiot. Darlton's ideology is to use anyone who's useful. Smart man.
● Suzaku is surprised at an order to exterminate members of the Japanese Liberation
Front. Moron.
● Villetta has figured out that Lelouch is involved with the Black Knights and uses Shirley
as bait for her investigation.
● Cecile has to remind Suzaku that he is a soldier when the members of the Japanese
Liberation Front are being killed. I have no words left to describe how stupid this
character is.
● Lelouch convinces the Black Knights that the Japanese Liberation Front killed
themselves to destroy the Britannian troops when it was really him who did it. The
Black Knights didn't need any more convincing to attack the Britannian troops. Beyond
that, small detail, the plan was to use the Liberation Front to weaken Cornelia's main
forces. But wouldn't they have achieved the same result if they'd fought together? Did
they really wipe out more people with the supposed kamikaze explosion than they
would have if they had fought as a unit? They could have used the Liberation Front as
bait and still achieved the ambush Zero had planned without blowing them all up.

Episode 14:
● C.C. changed into a ludicrous outfit.
● Mao busts Shirley for having “killed” Villetta and manipulating Lelouch into kissing
her. Both of which are true. Shirley is an awful character as the only justification for
these actions and forgiveness of Lelouch being responsible for her father's death is her
love for Lelouch. She's just brainwashed at this point, as this is virtually her only
defining character trait. Never are there scenes of her where she isn't talking about
● Mao really could have been a cool character. But he's godawful. And his design is
dogshit too.
● Okay, this is something that deserves credit. In a lot of these shitty garbage battle
shounen anime, you'll have a character who just decimates his opponent, then tells his
fallen opponent his power. And then gets beat because he's an idiot. In Geass, Lelouch
figures out what Mao's power is, and all Mao does is confirm it. Based on their
confrontation prior, and Mao's own admissions, it's a logical conclusion for Lelouch to
come to. Solid.
● Again, Geass is almost aware of how fucking shit it is. Shirley can't make up her mind
on whether or not to shoot Lelouch. Mao says something along the lines of “what's
wrong with this girl?” Shirley is an idiot. And she's not an idiot for not shooting
Lelouch, she's just an idiot in general. Every action that led her down this path was
incredibly reactionary and instead of talking these things out, she just stands there
● This is the dumbest fucking thing I have ever seen in any show that has ever existed.
Mao has Lelouch and Shirley at gunpoint. He intends to kill Lelouch if Shirley doesn't.
His gun has to be loaded. But after Shirley shoots at him, when he could easily just
execute the both of them, this fucking dumb piece of shit goes back into the train car. To
get a shotgun. And C.C. traps him in the car, allowing Lelouch and Shirley to get away.
Why would he need a shotgun? He had a gun in hand. His goal was to kill at least one of
them. Why did he need to go into the train to get a shotgun? Because this is a contrived
garbage anime that wrote itself into a fucking corner and this was the easiest way out of
it. TRASH.
● Lelouch geasses Shirley. This leads to a clusterfuck of problems later on.

Episode 15:
● Mao has gone insane as a result of overusing his Geass. It is said that Geass eventually
engulfs its users. Big deal. Remember this.
● I just realized that in the many episodes Suzaku has been in, not a single fucking person
has asked him what he actually does in the military. Nor has Suzaku disclosed it. To the
best of my memory, he's not prohibited to. He's so close to Lelouch and all it would take
for Lelouch to find out that he's the pilot of the Lancelot is someone asking Suzaku what
he does for the Army.
● So Lelouch geassed himself out of Shirley's mind. Shirley doesn't know him now and
Milly finds it odd. Lelouch passes it off as them having had a fight and that she should
play along. He couldn't have just geassed the last two days out of her memory? Strange
decision. This whole “play along” thing could have been avoided, and if anyone pressed
Shirley on her knowing Lelouch, she'd be clueless and someone would have some
explaining to do. Welp, that one isn't getting explained. Things only happen in that story
that benefit the plot.
● Villetta has lost her memory. Because of course she has. By the way, the series leaves us
to think that she's lost her memory because she was shot in the stomach. We find her
washed up on rocks, but how she gets there is a mystery and never explained. So Villetta
gets memory loss from being shot in the stomach. What the fucking shit? Now, I'm sure
something this strange has actually happened at some time during the existence of
human beings, but it's so unheard of and baffling that one has to wonder what the fuck
the writer was thinking when they wrote this down. She couldn't have been hit in the
head? Couldn't have been shot in the head with the bullet grazing her skull? Anything
involving her fucking head? This is how Code Geass operates. It wrote Villetta to find
out Zero's identity. But then someone realized that she'd blab to the army. So they give
her amnesia so she can't remember. But they can't even give her amnesia properly. She's
shot in the stomach. Fuck this show.
● We get to see Villetta's breasts. Why? Breasts are mature, I guess. Seriously, I can't see
any reason for this. There is no other nudity in this show except for this. I've been
thinking this for a while, but Geass is so insincere. This is just blatant fanservice.
● Mao is really dogshit. He's supposed to be a mirror for Lelouch. A warning that this is
what you may become one day. From his dependence on C.C., to his Geass going full
blown. This is all he is, and it's so blatant. Him going back into that train car so the
fuckup couldn't damage Lelouch, and this incredibly dumb carnival situation prove it.
● Lelouch becomes a hacker very quickly, being able to hack the screens of the theme
● Lelouch also becomes omniscient. He recorded himself in a mock conversation with
Mao, going as far as to predict his responses. Let's say for the sake of argument that
Mao didn't take the bait. The guy is crazy, isn't he? His plan is dogshit and any number
of holes can quickly be poked in it.
● So before Mao is killed, C.C. tells Lelouch to stop because she thinks she can convince
Mao to stop. Maybe she's wrong, but maybe she's right. Instead of trying to just talk it
out with this guy, another Geass user who could be incredibly powerful if used
correctly, Lelouch just has him shot to shit by the police. A death squad surrounding
Mao shoots him with automatic weapons.

Episode 16:
● Suzaku and Lelouch talk. Suzaku says he doesn't come to school as often because of
work, to which Lelouch questions why if he works in the technology department.
Suzaku stammers, as if he doesn't want to say, or can't say that he pilots Lancelot. Paper-
thin conflict here. The only thing keeping these two characters fighting is the fact that
Suzaku has never mentioned that he pilots a Knightmare. Which you'd think he would
have. He thinks it to himself after he saves everyone from the hotel. I do not remember
if he's prohibited from saying anything, but I do not believe he is.
● More trash. So Lelouch is going to tell Nunnally that Suzaku is coming over for dinner.
Of course, Mao has already kidnapped Nunnally, and Lelouch arrives to find this out.
He couldn't have told her over the phone? They've spoken over the phone before, and
Lelouch's phone is constantly in use. Lelouch runs all the way over to where Nunnally is
right before class starts when the smarter person would have just called, and been to
class on time. To add further insult to injury, Nunnally calls him when he arrives at the
house. This is contrived. Had Lelouch just called, this entire conflict could have gone far
differently. Or maybe wouldn't have happened. Mao would have had to wait various
● Mao is alive due to Britannia's medical science. I believe in the dub, this is “the miracle
of modern medicine.” This is garbage. Mao was surrounded by police and shot to shit by
automatic weapons. Even if we dismiss that it's unlikely that such a barrage of bullets
would miss his vital organs, or just tear them to shreds, this becomes a bigger problem
later on when another character is shot.
● Lelouch can't find Mao, so he extends the time limit of five hours by another hour. Why
even bother making rules if you'll just break them yourself later?
● Mao is described as a “brat who likes to bully girls.” I don't know why I care, but this is
an oversimplification of the character. C.C. left him with fuck all and a Geass power that
drove him crazy. I would say his animosity towards her is justified.
● Suzaku is fast enough to dodge gunfire from a machine gun turret. Sure.
● Suzaku dodges three bullets from Mao's gun. What's even the point of guns in this
● A character like Mao shouldn't exist. A power so broken where it can read thoughts can
only be trumped by an even dumber power. In this case, Lelouch geassed himself to
forget what he told Suzaku to do about the bomb. So he didn't remember anything when
he came to confront Mao. Not a horrible solution to the problem, admittedly, it just
makes Mao look stupid and is artificially constructed to make Lelouch look good when
the situation could realistically have gone any number of ways. Even Lelouch calls
himself dumb. Instead of asking Mao about the contract with C.C., he tells him to “shut
up” which prohibits Mao from ever speaking again. Not that it matters, C.C. kills him.

Episode 17:
● Scene where reporters ask Euphemia about politics. Neat scene. Series should have had
a lot more of this instead of such black and white trash where you're clearly meant to
hate one side in the story.
● Rakshata is formally introduced. Series talks about “synchronization” and “survival”
rates. Whatever the fuck any of that means. We've never at any point in the series
spoken at length about how the Knightmares work. Just a bunch of technical buzzwords
thrown in here and there. Not that we need to know, just talking about the specifics
while the audience has no clue how this stuff works is stupid. What relates to what, and
how? No one knows.
● Britannian Knightmare forces just rush into an explosion and all get killed. Great tactics.
● Suzaku says that it's pointless to go against society. Britannia, of course. He says that a
force that accepts the change and tries to change it from within is the true way to go
about things. Idiot. Fucking idiot. What have his ideals gotten him so far? He accepted
the change and got a bullet in his back as thanks. And when he survived that, he was
framed by his own fucking government for a crime he didn't commit. He'd be dead two
times over if not for the plot needing him alive. How can someone continue believing
this? And the thing is, every character except Suzaku sees this. It's not like the series
shits all over everyone and makes everyone out to be an idiot. This series NEEDS
Suzaku to be this stupid because there's no conflict if he was a smarter person.

Episode 18:
● Welp, I thought Geass would avoid this nonsense, but it didn't. There's a specific person
they refer to as “him” and “that person.” Intentional vagueness is horrible. No one
speaks like this and it makes your intentions as a writer very obvious.
● When Suzaku is appointed as a Knight, Lloyd is the first to clap, followed by Darlton. I
like that the series shows Darlton clapping as it has been previously established that race
is not an issue to him.
● Euphemia appointing Suzaku as a Knight is how to properly change the system from
within. If treating Numbers differently is the policy of Britannia, then you change it by
making them equal to others. Not whatever the fuck Suzaku is doing and blatantly
failing at. Fighting for the government while not even attempting to make any sort of
change from within.
● It's time for another school party. This one actually makes sense. Celebrating Suzaku
becoming a Knight.
● Lloyd asks Nina where to find Suzaku and they end up talking about science. This is
how you give depth to a character and make conversations interesting. By intersecting
two characters with common interests, or a general understanding of one another for a
purpose other than to advance the main plot. Just stop for a second and think about who
characters are and what motivates them. The results you can get out of this line of
thinking and how you can use characters to build others is great.
● I really hate it when a series stops time just to focus on a conversation between
characters. Conversation is great, but when the scene is staged in a ballroom full of
people and literally everyone stops just to pay attention to a conversation that doesn't
even necessarily pertain to them is very awkward. It feels like the characters are acting
out a play and the rest of the people are their audience. Very unnatural. Bad direction.
● Man, I just realized something. How convenient it is that the Black Knights aren't up
against someone who is out for blood. Suzaku's resolve seems to be to not allow anyone
to die, and to just incapacitate the enemy. How many times would a lot of these fuckers
be dead if Suzaku didn't care? He's outmaneuvered them so many times before. He just
took down Shinichiro with no hassle at all.
● Suzaku is a ball of shit. Cannot agree with Zero's methods, of which Zero is only solely
responsible for a single death. But Suzaku killed his own father to establish peace. Then
he joined the enemy's military uphold peace, but they'd have had him killed two times.
How can you maintain peace if you're dead? And you're a murderer yourself.
Contrivances out the ass, fuck this character and this series.
● Kallen is told not to try and save Zero because the Gefjun Disturber will stop her
Knightmare from working. She goes anyways and her Knightmare stops working. As
she was told would happen. Idiot. Only done so she can be blown to the island in the
next episode with Suzaku. Makes her stupid for not listening.
● Kallen's relationship with Zero borders on obsessive. It's desperate and removes, in my
mind, any claim that she's a strong character.
● Lelouch tells Suzaku that he will die if he continues to hold him there. Suzaku says that
death better than breaking the rules. Once again, fuck this piece of shit. Suzaku is such a
goddamn stupid cunt bastard that Lelouch has to Geass him into wanting to stay alive.

Episode 19:
● I was wrong. Kallen is also shown nude. She's taking a bath and Suzaku walks in on her.
Strong character. I should clarify. Not all nudity is done for the sake of fanservice. It
clearly is here though. There's no actual reason she's nude here. This encounter with
Suzaku could have been written a few different ways. Like Kallen also having come to
the waterfall to drink water.
● Suzaku “tricks” Kallen into revealing Zero's identity or lack thereof. Kalen exclaims
“you tricked me!.” An idiot tricks a moron.
● Diethard and Todo have a somewhat interesting conversation about whether or not to
leave Zero behind. Two different ideological clashes. Should have been a lot more than
this in this series.
● Kallen is pretty much a tsundere now. No surprise. No real character depth to begin
with. Was dumb because the plot made her dumb.
● Suzaku and Kallen have one of the emptiest conversations ever that goes nowhere.
● How convenient that all this flying technology is finally coming to fruition right as the
fights are escalating in scale.

Episode 20:
● Nina is totally obsessed with Euphemia.
● Not much to say here except this episode is ass. Series introduced a character named
Sawazaki, who is a remnant of the old Japanese cabinet. Character was obviously only
introduced to give Lelouch and Suzaku a common enemy to fight against. This cheerful
music plays as the two idiots destroy Sawazaki's forces. What is very insulting,
however, is how dumb Suzaku continues to be. He proposes that Sawazaki should have
stayed in Japan after the government fell. Yeah, so he could potentially be executed and
not help his people at all. Typical Suzaku logic here. Stay and defend your ideals even if
you get killed and then no longer have any ideals to defend because you're fucking
DEAD. Horrendous. Sawazaki asks what's wrong with asking for another country's help
as you hide while you get a chance to attack. He said it was a strategy. And it is a
fucking strategy. Not one that should be shit on by the likes of Suzaku who is a
braindead cunt.

Episode 21:
● A school festival. The school is the central hub for all the conflict in this show but the
series presents the school so vapidly that it's incredibly obvious that this is what they're
doing. Had the characters here been a few years older, it'd be much harder to wrangle
them all together in a single space for conflict and tension to build.
● Some interesting development with Ohgi. He was a teacher before all this. Geass has
these really strange flashes where you see how it could have been a good series. This is
one of them.
● Suzaku breaks the rules and tries to convince Kallen instead of fight with her. I thought
breaking the rules wasn't allowed. Fucker.
● So the series shows Jeremiah, who is actually not dead. Decent way of showing him off.
No real issue there.
● As previously mentioned, the school only serves as a hub for conflict. Everyone is here,
and this is where different stories begin to intertwine like Lelouch coming across Ohgi
and Villetta. Or Lelouch seeing Suzaku and Kallen talking, or Nunnally running into
● Nunnally recognizes Euphemia by her voice, but previous, Suzaku by his hands. Okay.
● Milly says that festivals are “essential.” Sure, in a universe as contrived as this.
● My God. Euphemia has this disguise going on. Hat and sunglasses. The wind blows her
hat away and only then does Shirley realize that it's Euphemia. The pink hair didn't give
it away immediately???
● Euphemia announces that Britannia will now acknowledge Japan and in this specially
administered zone, Japanese and Britannians will be treated equally. Lelouch says it's a
dreamy tale, but is it really? We'll find out soon enough.

Episode 22:
● A lot of political talk. Means nothing because we've never been formally introduced to
any true political elements here. All of it is very thin. They mention some agencies in
this episode that we've never formally seen either. No impact if we have no clue what
they're talking about.
● Aristocrat is openly racist. Evil for sake of being evil.
● Even when geassed, all Shirley does is talk about Lelouch. She legitimately has zero
character of her own. What a waste.
● The police tell each other to shoot Zero if he does anything fishy. I guess showing up in
a Knightmare that can vaporize Euphemia and everyone else standing on the stage isn't
● Lelouch is so salty about Euphemia announcing the Specially Administered Zone that he
tries to force her to shoot him. Of course, we can never be sure about how the Japanese
would have been treated by the Britannians once the program got rolling, but to outright
reject it is nonsensical and this arrogant plan could only be carried out by Lelouch who
wants to flat out destroy Britannia itself.
● So Euphemia wins. By renouncing her right to the throne and giving up her name, she
has trumped Lelouch. And Lelouch accepts loss, going as far as to also accept the
Specially Administrated Zone.
● And here we go. Mao's Geass eventually consumed him to the point where it was
constantly in use. And now, the same has happened to Lelouch. He accidentally
commands Euphemia to kill all the Japanese people. What amazingly convenient timing.
Right after Lelouch admits loss, he gets Euphemia to do what he wanted her to do
initially anyways. Induce a revolt and turn the Japanese people against her.
● Euphemia orders the genocide of all the Japanese, and all the soldiers just blindly follow
it. The only one who questioned it was Darlton and Euphemia shot him. I still find it a
tad unbelievable that the Britannians would just kill everyone. No one else thinks
anything is up.
● Charles has a big evil laugh. Boring fucker.

Episode 23:
● Suzaku finds Euphemia at the exact moment Lelouch shoots her. Convenient.
● So previously, Mao was shot about a billion times by a fully armed police force. He
lived thanks to Britannia's medical science. But Euphemia, who is in intensive care,
surrounded by doctors, after only having been shot a single time, is going to die. This is
why I hate this series. Trash.
● Euphemia is overcoming the Geass and her order to kill all Japanese just with her
willpower. I wonder why no one else ever did this before. Not a huge deal, likely
because she's very weak, but still, this could have been explained far better, or these
characters shouldn't have been put in this situation. Lelouch goes on to say that he
thought his power was weakening after he initially ordered her to kill all the Japanese,
so she was resisting even before being shot. Ugh.
● Lelouch does some absolutely ridiculous posing.
● Kaguya wants to marry Zero. This is officially a harem.

Episode 24:
● So instead of the series showing us the plates being installed, or mentioning them
earlier, it has Lelouch tell us about earthquake prevention plates and how they figured
into his strategy. Just shit. It's a good idea, too, but since we're just finding out about this
now, it's also bullshit how he seems to have an answer to everything. If this wasn't
nonsense, he wouldn't have to explain it to the audience. Who is he even explaining this
to in the story?
● Diethard comes to the conclusion that Villetta and Jeremiah's theory about Zero being
able to mind control was correct after the plates collapse and not after Zero somehow
convinces Euphemia to order the genocide of the Japanese people.
● Suzaku punches Lloyd after Lloyd tells him he'd be breaking the rules since Lancelot
hasn't been ordered into battle by Cornelia. He then breaks the rules by leaving. What a
selfish fucking cunt this guy is.
● Just want to make a note here that Lloyd is another fun character this series has.
Whenever he's on screen and not spouting off exposition, he's nice.
● People only seem to exist in this series when the series needs them to. Otherwise sort of
empty. Not sure if it's as bad as Mirai Nikki in this regard, but I've noticed it for a while
● The school is going to be Zero's headquarters for this battle. Like I said, the school is
just a hub for conflict and nothing else.
● Villetta has regained her memory. What a convenient time for her to finally remember
who Zero is.
● The fights in Geass are pretty shit. Constant camera cuts. And the fights take place in
locations that are only passingly recognizable, and not any concrete locations previously
established. This allows the director to take the fight wherever with no concern for any
consistency or attention to world detail.
● Darlton was shot by Euphemia and is still moving around, but Euphemia was only shot
once by Lelouch and is dead. I know they were shot in different areas, but I'd really like
if this series could at least pretend to be honest about its actual intents. It needed
Euphemia dying but not dead just to have that scene with Suzaku at the end.
● Lelouch baits Lancelot into being disabled by the Gefjun Disturber. Smart plan. Was
used before. No problems here.
● Lelouch says he has no time to discuss which of the two, he, or Suzaku is the bigger
hypocrite. This series is very blatantly bad and I've come to the conclusion that every
time the writing picks up on this, it's not because it knows it's bad. I think it's because
whoever wrote this legitimately believes that they've subverted the actual problems and
their hypocrisy doesn't actually equate to bad writing, they're just bad people who have
● Ohgi is also shot. Spoiler: He doesn't die.
● Lelouch geassed Darlton into incapacitating Cornelia. A decent plan.

Episode 25:
● Cecile is shown getting dressed because we need fanservice.
● Suzaku is about to be killed and he's saved by Arthur, the cat. What a turn of events.
● It's very convenient that everyone who Lelouch uses his Geass power on has short
amnesia afterwards. Cornelia would have been able to tell Suzaku about Zero's identity
just now. Likewise with those soldiers that Lelouch geassed before the battle of Narita.
He didn't even tell them to forget anything.
● Nina finishes development on a bomb that would destroy the entire Tokyo settlement if
detonated to try and get revenge on Zero for Euphemia's death. What is it with all these
suicidal idiots?
● C.C. kisses Lelouch. Again, this is a harem.
● C.C. drags Jeremiah down to the depths of the sea with her to commit suicide and kill
him at the same time.
● The operation is falling apart now that Lelouch has left for Kamine Island. Black
Knights are being dismantled. Zero's importance to this organization is a tad ridiculous
and so is the very organization of the Black Knights itself.
● And there it is. Zero's identity is finally revealed to Suzaku and Kallen. Entire episodes
worth of contrivances have led up to this moment. Because Kallen is obsessed with
Zero, she pretty much loses her mind and becomes useless. Very strong character here.
What an epic arc. She's shown to be stupid, then naked, and now mentally broken. She
asks Lelouch if he only just used the Japanese, but she already should have known this.
Zero not being Japanese is common knowledge already. Why would she ask this?
● Suzaku and Lelouch have a spat about betrayal and Euphemia and Suzaku being a
murderer. Nothing I haven't already complained about. This is one of the worst conflicts
in anime history. So forced.
● And it ends on a cliffhanger. Lelouch threatens to kill both Suzaku and Kallen if they
don't help him get Nunnally because he's strapped Liquid Sakuradite to his chest. It ends
with a gunshot, then a fade to black.
● During the epilogue, C.C. has one of the most pretentious speeches I've ever heard. I
have no idea what to make of it. I think it's supposed to relate to the series, but I just
don't know.


Code Geass is very bad.

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