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Assembly schedule( 2nd Term)

Month Week Theme
August 1 Importance of Kalma Tayyaba
2 Teaching of Quran
September 1 Key of Jannat
2 Importance of Quran
3 Seerat un Nabi
4 Haqooq ul Ibad
October 1 Importance of Fasting
2 Respect of mosque
3 Brotherhood
4 Importance of salah
November 1 Politeness and respect
2 Take care of others
3 Properties of Muslim
4 Qualities of Muslim
5 Boundaries for Muslim

Assembly Pattern
=>Date and Day
=>Recitation of Quran
=>Theme topic explanation by teacher
=>National Anthem
Activities Schedule ( 2nd Term )
Month: September
Date Day Topic Activity
01-09-2023 Friday Table Manners Lunch Activity
07-09-2023 Thursday Invention of Light Bulb Presentation Or Role
14-09-2023 Thursday Moral lesson (Respect others) Snow ball activity
19-09-2023 Tuesday Writing Competition Peer explaining
(about aim or ambition) method
22-09-2023 Friday I am a Scientist Dialogue method
(related to discovery of gravity)
28-09-2023 Thursday Medical field categories Learning by asking
(4 categories explain)

Month: October
Date Day Topic Activity
06-10-2023 Friday Honey bee competition (Spelling) On copies or board
11-10-2023 Wednesday Etiquette (greeting others) Jigsaw method
17-10-2023 Tuesday Medical field categories Discussion method
20-10-2023 Friday Invention of Telephone Role play or
26-10-2023 Thursday What I want to be Profession
31-10-2023 Tuesday Discovery of Electricity (kite Practical work



Teaching kids proper table manners is essential for their social
development and helps them navigate mealtime situations with
confidence and respect for others. Here are some important table
manners to instill in children:

 Recite “ Bismillahir-Rahmaanir-Rahim” before eating.

 Say “ Alhamdulillah” after finishing your meal.
 Eat to live, not live to eat

1.Wash hands before meals: Teach kids to wash their hands

thoroughly with soap and water before sitting down to eat.
2.Wait for everyone: Encourage kids to wait for all family members or
guests to be seated before starting to eat. This shows consideration for
3.Use utensils correctly: Teach children to hold their utensils properly,
such as using a fork for solid foods and a spoon for liquids. Show them
how to cut food if necessary.
4.Chew with mouth closed: Remind kids to chew their food with their
mouths closed to avoid making noise and prevent food from falling out.
5.No talking with a full mouth: Encourage children not to speak when
their mouths are full. They should wait until they've swallowed their food
before engaging in conversation.
6.Elbows off the table: Teach kids to keep their elbows off the table
while eating. Elbows on the table can be considered impolite in some
7.Ask to be excused: Teach children to ask to be excused from the
table politely when they have finished their meal.
8.No reaching: Instruct kids not to reach across others' plates to get
something. Instead, they should ask for items to be passed to them.
9.Use napkin properly: Show kids how to use a napkin to wipe their
mouths and hands, and remind them to place it on their laps during the
10.Try a little of everything: Encourage children to try a small portion
of every dish served, even if they are unsure about it. It promotes an
adventurous and open-minded attitude towards food.
11.Stay seated: Teach kids to remain seated at the table during the
meal, unless they need to be excused.
12.Respect mealtime conversations: Teach children to listen and
participate politely in mealtime conversations. Avoid interrupting others
while they are speaking.
13.Don't play with food: Instruct kids not to play with their food or
utensils during the meal. Mealtime is for eating and enjoying each
other's company.
14.Thank the cook: Encourage children to express gratitude for the
meal by thanking the person who prepared it.
15.Offer to help clear the table: As children get older, teach them to
offer help with clearing the table and doing the dishes after the meal.

Remember, teaching table manners should be done with patience and

positive reinforcement. Be a role model by practicing good table
manners yourself, and children are more likely to follow your example.
Make mealtime a pleasant and enjoyable experience for everyone
 Ready model of bulb
 Student introduce himself or herself as inventor
 Or Student ready Presentation with model (Either
handmade or real bulb)

The Light Bulb

Inventor: Thomas Edison
Description: Thomas Edison invented the practical electric light bulb in
1879. It revolutionized the way we light up our homes and cities.


Respect Others Snowball Method
The snowball activity is a fun and interactive teaching method to convey
moral lessons and values to students. The activity focuses on building
empathy and understanding among the students, encouraging them to
appreciate and value each other's unique qualities. Here's a step-by-step
guide on how to conduct the snowball activity for teaching respect:

Objective: Teach students the importance of respecting others and

appreciating their individuality.
Materials Needed:
=>Whiteboard or flip chart
=>Small pieces of paper or sticky notes (white or colored, preferably
white to resemble snowballs)
Instruction: Maintain Discipline
Begin the lesson by gathering the students in a circle or sitting
arrangement where everyone can see and hear each other easily.
Introduce the concept of "respect" in simple language that the students
can understand. Explain that respect means treating others with
kindness, consideration, and understanding.
Engage the students in a brainstorming session about what respect
means to them. Encourage them to share examples of how they can
show respect to their friends, family, teachers, and other people in their
Write down their responses on the whiteboard or flip chart for everyone
to see.
Snowball Activity:
Distribute small pieces of paper or sticky notes to each student. These
will represent the "snowballs."
Instruct the students to write down one positive trait or quality about one
of their classmates on each snowball. It could be something they admire
or respect about that person (e.g., kind, helpful, good listener, creative,
humble, polite, friendly etc).
Emphasize that the traits should be genuine and focused on positive
aspects only.
Snowball Exchange:
After the students have written down their positive traits, have them
crumple the paper to resemble snowballs.
Start some music or just clapping (if possible otherwise no issue) to
make the activity more exciting and enjoyable.
Have the students stand up and form a large circle in the classroom or
designated area.
When the music or clapping stops, instruct the students to throw their
snowballs into the center of the circle.
Each student must pick up a snowball (not their own) and read the
positive trait written on it aloud. They should try to guess who the trait
belongs to based on the description.
Group Discussion:
After all the snowballs have been read, gather the students back in the
circle and lead a group discussion.
Ask the students how they felt when they received a positive trait from
their classmates.
Discuss the importance of recognizing and appreciating each other's
strengths and differences.
Emphasize that showing respect to others creates a positive and
supportive classroom environment.
Summarize the key points of the lesson on respecting others.
Encourage the students to continue showing respect and appreciation
for each other in their daily interactions.
By using the snowball activity, you can create a memorable and
engaging experience for the students, helping them internalize the
concept of respect and fostering a positive and inclusive classroom
Duration Required ( 0nly one lecture or 30 min )
WRITING COMPETITION (Peer Writing Competition)
To organize a writing competition using the Peer explaining method,
follow these simple steps:
Define the Topic: Choose a simple and engaging topic for the writing
competition. It should be something that participants can easily
understand and relate to. For example, "My aim of life, My ambition,
what I want to become, my favorite profession, etc
Set the Rules: Establish clear guidelines for the competition. Specify
the word count, the format (e.g., essay, poem, short story), and any
other requirements you may have.
Create a Timeline: Set a start date and an end date for the
competition. Decide on how long participants will have to submit
their entries. Make sure the timeline gives them enough time to
produce quality work.
Form Peer Review Groups: Divide the participants into small peer
review groups. Each group should ideally have around 3 to 5
participants. The purpose of these groups is to help each others.
Feedback Forms: Create feedback forms that participants can use to
provide feedback to their peers. These forms should be simple and
easy to fill out, focusing on specific aspects like clarity, creativity, and
overall impact.
Feedback and Improvement: After the competition, seek feedback
from the participants to understand what went well and what could
be improved. This will help you enhance future writing competitions.
Remember, the key to a successful writing competition using the Peer
explaining method is to foster a supportive and encouraging
environment where participants feel comfortable sharing their work
and offering constructive feedback to their peers.
Title: "Amazing Animals: A Peer Explaining Adventure!"

Welcome to the "Amazing Animals" writing competition”. In this
exciting contest, we encourage students to explore the fascinating
world of animals and use the peer explaining method to share their
knowledge with each other. Not only will you get to showcase your
writing skills, but you'll also have a chance to learn from your peers
about their favorite animals. So, let's get started on this incredible
journey of discovery!
Competition Guidelines:
=>Topic Selection: Each student should choose one animal they find
intriguing and exciting. It can be anything from a furry mammal to a
colorful bird or even a unique insect!
=>Peer Explaining Method: Rather than just writing about your own
chosen animal, you will also explain your classmate's animal in your
own words. This will help you learn more about different animals and
their amazing characteristics.
=>Structuring Your Writing: Your essay should have two sections. In
the first section, you'll write about your chosen animal, and in the
second section, you'll share what you learned about your classmate's
=>Evaluation: The essays will be judged based on creativity, clarity,
and the quality of peer explanations.
=>Conclusion: We hope this competition will not only enhance your
writing skills but also foster a love for learning and sharing knowledge
about animals. Remember, every animal has its own unique story to
tell, and through the peer explaining method, we can all become
experts in a wide variety of amazing creatures.
Discovery of gravity dialogue activity between two students.
Student A: Hey, have you heard about gravity?
Student B: Oh yeah, my teacher mentioned it in class! It's what keeps
us on the ground, right?
Student A: Exactly! Gravity is a force that pulls objects towards the
center of the Earth. But do you know how it was discovered?
Student B: Um, I'm not sure. Can you tell me more?
Student A: Sure! Legend has it that a long time ago, a scientist
named Sir Isaac Newton discovered gravity. One day, he saw an apple
fall from a tree. That made him wonder why the apple fell down
instead of up or sideways!
Student B: That's funny! So, what did Newton do next?
Student A: Well, Newton started to think about it. He realized that
there must be something pulling the apple down, and he called that
force "gravity." He thought this force might be acting not just on the
apple but on everything around us, even on us!
Student B: Wow, so that's how gravity was discovered! But why does
it only pull things down?
Student A: Good question! Gravity is a universal force, which means
it acts on everything with mass. It pulls things towards each other.
Since the Earth is so massive, everything is pulled towards its center.
That's why we stay on the ground and don't float away!
Student B: I get it now! Gravity is like a big invisible hand that keeps
everything on the Earth. But what if there was no gravity?
Student A: Great question! If there were no gravity, we would all
float around like astronauts in space. Everything, including the air we
breathe, would drift away, and life would be very different!
Student B: That sounds fun, but I'm glad we have gravity! It makes
our world so much more exciting!
Student A: I agree! Gravity helps us walk, run, and play. It also keeps
the planets in our solar system moving around the sun! It's like
nature's magical force that holds everything together.
Student B: Nature is so amazing! I wonder what other cool things
we'll learn about in our class.
Student A: Yeah, I can't wait to find out! Learning about gravity and
other science stuff is like going on a fantastic adventure in our own
Student B: Definitely! Thanks for telling me about gravity, and let's
keep exploring and learning together!
Student A: You're welcome! Let's always be curious and discover new
things together. It's going to be a lot of fun!

Learning by asking typically implies a learning approach where the
learner actively engages in the learning process by asking questions,
seeking answers, and exploring topics of interest.
( Either teacher use flash card or any material )
Medicine department and treatment name
Medicine Department:
Treatment: General medical care and management of various diseases
and conditions.
1.Cardiology Department:
Treatment: Management of heart-related conditions such as coronary
artery disease, heart failure, arrhythmias, etc. Treatments may include
medications, angioplasty, stent placement, pacemaker implantation, etc.
2.Dermatology Department:
Treatment: Diagnosis and management of skin, hair, and nail disorders.
Treatments may include topical medications, laser therapy, cryotherapy,
3.Gastroenterology Department:
Treatment: Management of digestive system disorders, such as
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), irritable bowel syndrome
(IBS), etc. Treatments may include dietary changes, medications,
endoscopy, etc.
4.Neurology Department:
Treatment: Diagnosis and management of neurological disorders like
epilepsy, stroke, multiple sclerosis, etc. Treatments may involve
medications, physical therapy, or specialized procedures.


Simple spelling competition (Either on board or in copies)


Greeting others by jigsaw method.

The jigsaw method is a cooperative learning technique that
encourages active participation and teamwork among students.
Here's how you can use the jigsaw method for greeting others.
Objective: Teach students how to greet each other in different
languages and cultures while fostering cooperation and
communication skills.

Materials needed: Large posters or sheets of paper with greetings

written in different languages (e.g., "Hello," “Salam”, “Hi”, ”Good
morning”, good evening, etc.)
=>Glue sticks
=>Markers or colored pencils
=>Small cards or slips of paper
a. Before the activity, create the large posters with greetings.
b. Cut out each greeting from the posters and arrange them
randomly on a table.
Form groups:
a. Divide the class into small groups of four or five students. Each
group should have a mix of different abilities and strengths.
b. Assign each group a unique color or symbol (e.g., Group 1 - Red,
Group 2 - Blue, etc.) to help differentiate their materials.
Expert groups:
a. Have each student count off within their small group, so they are
numbered as 1, 2, 3, etc.
b. Gather all the "1s" from each group and form an "Expert Group."
These students will be responsible for learning a specific greeting
from the posters.
c. Repeat the process for "2s," "3s," and so on until you have expert
groups for each greeting.
Learning phase:
a. Allow the expert groups time to practice their specific greetings,
understanding pronunciation, and cultural significance if applicable.
b. Provide them with markers or colored pencils and small cards to
create visually appealing greeting cards with the written greeting.
Jigsaw phase:
a. After the expert groups have practiced, regroup the students so
that each new group has at least one representative from each
expert group.
b. In their new groups, students take turns sharing their expertise
and teaching their greeting to others.
c. Encourage active listening and respect during this phase.
Greeting activity:
a. Once all students have learned the various greetings from each
other, conduct a fun activity where they get to greet others using the
new phrases they've learned.
b. Students can walk around the classroom, forming pairs or small
groups and greeting each other using the greetings they've learned.

Reflection and discussion:

a. Gather the students back together for a reflection session.
b. Ask questions like: "What was your favorite greeting that you
learned today?" or "What did you find interesting about the different
greetings and cultures?"
c. Encourage open discussions about diversity, respect for different
cultures, and the importance of learning from each other.
Remember to keep the activity light-hearted, fun, and age-
appropriate. The jigsaw method allows students to actively engage
with the material and helps create a positive and inclusive classroom
The discussion method is an effective way to encourage active
learning, promote critical thinking, and create an inclusive space for
sharing knowledge and insights. It is often favored for its ability to
engage participants and promote a deeper understanding of the
subject matter.

Medicine department and treatment name

Medicine Department: Internal Medicine
Treatment: General medical care and management of various diseases
and conditions.
1.Oncology Department:
Treatment: Diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Treatments may include
chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, immunotherapy, etc.
2.Orthopedic Department:
Treatment: Diagnosis and management of musculoskeletal conditions
like fractures, arthritis, etc. Treatments may involve physical therapy,
joint replacement surgeries, etc.
3.Urology Department:
Treatment: Diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract and male
reproductive system disorders. Treatments may involve medication,
surgery, or other procedures.
4.Pulmonology Department:
Treatment: Diagnosis and management of respiratory conditions, such
as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), etc.
Treatments may include inhalers, oxygen therapy, etc.
5.Nephrology Department:
Treatment: Management of kidney-related conditions and disorders.
Treatments may include medications, dialysis, kidney transplant, etc.

 Ready model of Telephone

 Student introduce himself or herself as inventor
 Or Student ready Presentation with model (Either
handmade or real telephone)

The Telephone
Inventor: Alexander Graham Bell
Description: Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876,
allowing people to talk to each other over long distances.

Student choose his or her desired profession and introduce herself or
himself accordingly.

Discovery of electricity activity based teaching.
Activity: "Benjamin Franklin and the Kite Experiment"
Objective: Introduce the concept of electricity and the famous kite
experiment conducted by Benjamin Franklin.
=>Poster or picture of Benjamin Franklin with a kite
=>Construction paper
=>Crayons or markers
=>String or yarn
=>A piece of wool fabric
Introduction (10 minutes):
Start the activity with a brief discussion about electricity, keeping the
language simple and easy to understand. You can say something like,
"Today, we are going to learn about electricity. Electricity is a special
kind of energy that powers our lights, computers, and toys!"
Storytelling (15 minutes):
Tell the story of Benjamin Franklin and his kite experiment. Use
visuals like a poster or picture to engage the students. You can
narrate the story in a child-friendly manner, emphasizing how
Franklin flew a kite during a thunderstorm and discovered that
lightning is a form of electricity.
Kite-making Craft (20 minutes):
Divide the students into small groups and provide them with
construction paper, crayons, and scissors. Guide them through
making simple kite shapes. Once they have decorated their kites,
help them attach a string or yarn to each kite.
Kite Experiment (10 minutes):
Now, it's time to demonstrate the concept of static electricity. Rub a
balloon against a piece of wool fabric to create static electricity. Then,
hold the balloon close to the kite, and the static electricity should
make the kite move slightly.
Group Discussion (5 minutes):
Gather the students together for a short group discussion. Ask
questions like, "What did we learn about electricity today?" or "How
did the kite move when we brought the balloon close to it?"
Encourage the children to share their observations and thoughts.
Wrap-up (5 minutes):
Conclude the activity with a recap of what they've learned. You can
say, "Today, we learned about Benjamin Franklin and his kite
experiment, which helped us understand that lightning is a form of
electricity. Electricity can also create static, which made our kites
Additional Tips:
Use age-appropriate language and examples that relate to their
everyday experiences.
Keep the activity short and focused to maintain their interest.
Encourage active participation and hands-on experiences to make
learning fun.
Be prepared to answer their curious questions about electricity.
Consider incorporating visuals, videos, or interactive apps if available.
Remember, the goal is to pique their interest in electricity and create
a positive learning experience that they will remember. Enjoy the
process of discovery together!

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