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Topic: Education Define The Future of a Nation


1. Thesis statement

Therefore, it is quality of a education that decide the future of nation, if standard education is imparted,
it will help in many areas like producing human capital, enhancing literacy, creating robust and aware
society, preserving culture and fostering economy and democracy.

2. Buffer Paragraph

Factors of declining education system in Pakistan

I. Inadequate allocation of budget

II. Rampant corruption
III. Outdated curriculum
IV. Bad governance
3. Main Arguments
i. Robust education system guarantees development: USA, Denmark, Malaysia
ii. Better education system produce human capital: doctors, engineers, researchers
iii. Good education system fosters technological and industrial growth: China, Japan, South
iv. Democracy flourish where people are highly educated: England, New Zealand, Canada
v. Literacy rate is enhanced: Sri Lanka, Norway, England
vi. They reach to the peak of happiness and human development: Scandinavia countries
4. Conclusion


Indeed the developed countries have realized the very importance of a standard education and this is
reason why they prioritize education. Perhaps it is classrooms from where the cream of a nation is
prepared. Professionals like doctors, engineer, scientists, and man of letters are trained and polished
from the class rooms. If there is quality of education imparted to the generation in class rooms, some
things are certain that they will play significant role in development and prosperity of a nation. In the
same class room the skills and talents of the students are identified and they are put on a track for what
they should do. Such class rooms where standard education is imparted produce human capital for all
fields of life. However, developing countries today face host of challenges it is due to the fact they do
not prioritize education. Therefore, it is quality of a education that decide the future of nation, if
standard education is imparted, it will help in many areas like producing human capital, enhancing
literacy, creating robust and aware society, preserving culture and fostering economy and democracy.

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