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In the future, robots will do more and more jobs instead of humans. Does this
development have more advantages or disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge and experience. Write at least 250 words.

Essay question Are there more advantages or disadvantages that many jobs
done by people today will be done by robots in the future?

Parts 2 or 3 advantages 2 or 3 disadvantages

Idea 1 Robots can work in Many people will lose their jobs.
hazardous environments
instead of humans.
Working with explosives,
Explanation chemicals or in production People will have to be retrained.
areas with high They will be able to find better
temperatures jobs.
Idea 2 Robots work faster, need no Fewer human interactions
sick leave or holidays.

Example Salespeople and waiters will be

Explanation Robotisation will lead to
higher productivity and
more prosperity.
Idea 3 People can do more Robots are only programmed to
interesting work. perform certain operations.


Robots will mainly replace People should learn how to deal

Explanation repetitive manual labour. with them.
Humans will still oversee their
Position/Opinion Advantages are greater. People have to deal with the disruption
brought by robots.



The robotics revolution is rapidly accelerating. It is clear that in the future, robots will
continue to take over many tasks that are currently carried out by humans. Although
this development presents some threats, I believe that the advantages associated
with it are far greater.

Robots have a number of strengths. To start, they are much better suited to
hazardous environments and can save people from working with explosives,
chemicals or in production areas with high temperatures. Machines also do not need
holidays or sick leave. For example, a repetitive manufacturing process, which is
today performed by hundreds of bored workers, could soon be done by robots and
a handful of well-paid employees supervising them. Higher productivity and profits
achieved through the widespread use of robots will subsequently help spur the
creation of new more interesting jobs that people could do instead.

Despite these significant advantages, robotisation will be far from painless. First of all,
a lot of jobs will be lost in a relatively short period of time. The displaced people will
have to be retrained in order to find new jobs, although most will likely be able to
successfully upskill with time. Another downside is that robots are likely to replace
humans in many customer-facing roles, such as waiters or salespeople. This will result
in human interactions becoming more limited and people feeling lonelier than ever.
Additionally, it may become harder to resolve issues that robots have not been
programmed to deal with. In short, robots are likely to bring certain disruptions that
people will have to overcome.

To conclude, robots can lead us to a more prosperous world and liberate people
from dull and dangerous jobs. This is why I believe that the advantages of
robotisation clearly outweigh the potential drawbacks. However, to enjoy the
benefits that robots can bring, people will have to adapt and learn new skills.

312 words


Some people believe that the internet is increasing the gap between the rich and
poor, while others argue that it helps to reduce this gap. Discuss both these views
and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge and experience. Write at least 250 words.

Essay question Is the internet increasing or reducing the gap between the rich
and poor?

Parts View 1 – Increasing the gap View 2 – Reducing the gap

Idea 1 Rich people have better Many more people can study
access to the internet. online.

Example Free resources, online courses or

online higher education.

Idea 2 Owners of large companies Many more people can work
become wealthier, while online.
owners of small companies

Example Amazon replaces physical On Upwork, people from less

stores. Facebook ads developed countries can work for
replace ads in local companies in richer countries for
newspapers. higher pay.

Explanation Large internet companies kill Those who live in remote regions
small local competitors. with fewer jobs or lower salaries
can work remotely.
Position/Opinion Agree with View 2. The internet provides opportunities that are
available to more people, both rich and poor. In the past, the
poor didn’t have access to these opportunities. Therefore, the
internet helps to narrow the income gap.

The internet is changing our world at a dramatic pace. Yet, it is not clear who
benefits the most. Does the internet help the rich to become richer, or does it
actually help the poor close the gap? I believe that the internet presents a unique
opportunity to make our world more equal.

Those who argue that the internet mainly helps the rich have a point. Firstly, only
people who have access to it can benefit from it. Although internet access is
becoming more common, many people with low incomes still have no stable
broadband at home and are less likely to gain from this technology. As for the
business world, the internet clearly accelerates the growth of successful companies,
such as Amazon and Facebook, which cannibalise small businesses. In this way, it
rewards the owners of large corporations, mainly based in developed countries, and
hurts smaller local businesses and people working for them.

Although the rich can clearly use the internet to their advantage, I still believe that it
is the poor who benefit the most. In the past, one’s location determined to a large
extent their access to education and well-paid jobs but today, this is less true.
Distance learning allows people to gain knowledge and skills that are not available
in their area. Then, they can use these skills to work remotely for companies based in
richer parts of the world and earn higher salaries. As a result, more people get access
to opportunities that used to be available only to the wealthy few. This is why I think
that the internet actually helps to make income distribution more equal.

In conclusion, the internet opens far wider access to opportunities for both individuals
and businesses. This is why, in my opinion, this technology has a great potential to
narrow the gap between the rich and poor.

310 words



The internet is changing our world at a dramatic pace. Yet, it is not clear who benefits the
most. Does the internet help the rich to become richer, or does it actually help the poor close
the gap? I believe that the internet presents a unique opportunity to make our world more

Those who argue that the internet mainly helps the rich have a point. Firstly, only people who
have access to it can benefit from it. Although internet access is becoming more common,
many people with low incomes still have no stable broadband at home and are less likely to
gain from this technology. As for the business world, the internet clearly accelerates the
growth of successful companies, such as Amazon and Facebook, which cannibalise small
businesses. In this way, it benefits the owners of large corporations, mainly based in
developed countries, and hurts smaller local businesses and people working for them.

On the other hand, the internet gives unprecedented opportunities to those who are less
well-off. In the past, one’s location to a large extent determined their access to education
and well-paid jobs but today, this is less true. Distance learning allows people to gain
knowledge and skills that are not available in their area. Then, they can use these skills to work
remotely for companies based in richer parts of the world and earn higher salaries. By giving
these opportunities to poorer parts of the population, the internet helps to make income
distribution more equal.

Although the rich can use the internet to their advantage, I believe that it is the poor who
benefit the most. This is because today, many more people can get access to opportunities
that used to be available only to the wealthy few. The internet, therefore, makes one’s
background less important and creates competition in which the smartest wins.

In conclusion, the internet opens far wider access to opportunities for both individuals and
businesses. This is why, in my view, this technology has a great potential to narrow the gap
between the rich and poor.

339 word

People from cities go to university more often than those who live in the country.
Some people think that the government should make it easier to enter universities for
people who live outside of cities and towns by setting lower entry requirements and
tuition fees. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge and experience. Write at least 250 words.

Essay question Do you agree that the government should set lower entry
requirements and tuition fees for students from rural areas to help
them enter universities?

Parts I agree ----

Idea 1 The government should set lower entry requirements.

I agree because schools in rural areas are weaker.

Example Students in rural areas find it harder to meet university

entry requirements.
Idea 2 The government should set lower tuition fees.
I agree because income in rural areas is lower than in
the cities.

Explanation Students from rural areas find it harder to afford to

pay university tuition fees.

Idea 3 Refute counterarguments (advanced):

- City students will have to pay higher fees to
cover the discounts for rural students.
- Someone from the city may not get an offer,
while a student with lower grades from the
country is accepted.

Position/Opinion I fully agree that students from rural areas should have lower entry
requirements and tuition fees.

Nowadays, more people are entering higher education than ever, yet not all have equal
access to it. Someone with a rural background has a lower chance of studying at
university than their peer living in the city. I fully agree that the government should aim to
eliminate this disparity.

The first reason for lower university attendance among rural applicants is the quality of
secondary education. Children living in less populated areas have a more limited choice
of schools. As a result, they are more likely to achieve lower grades in the final school
exams, which may affect the outcome of their university applications. If their entry
requirements were set lower than for children from the cities, these young people would
have a better chance of being admitted to university.

Even when the entry requirements are met, students from more remote rural areas may
find it harder to afford their studies. Indeed, a household income outside of the cities
tends to be significantly lower, while the university tuition fees are the same for everyone.
Without any doubt, the government should set lower tuition fees for students from lower-
income rural areas.

Some people may claim that more favourable conditions for rural students would be
unfair to city students. After all, they may have to pay even higher tuition fees to cover
the discounts received by others. Some of them may not get a place at university at all,
while other students with lower grades get offers simply because of their address.
Although these are valid concerns, I think that the advantages of positive discrimination
for students from rural areas are more significant for society than the potential

To conclude, the universal university admissions system puts students with rural
backgrounds at a disadvantage. I, therefore, agree that the government should
introduce lower entry requirements and tuition fees for applicants from the country, thus
giving them an equal chance to study at university. 320 words

People from cities go to university more often than those who live in the country.
Some people think that the government should make it easier to enter universities for
people who live outside of cities and towns by setting lower entry requirements and
tuition fees. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge and experience. Write at least 250 words.


Essay question Do you agree that the government should set lower entry
requirements and tuition fees for students from rural areas to help
them enter universities?

Parts Part 1. What I agree with Part 2. What I disagree with

Idea 1 The government should set The government should set lower
lower tuition fees. entry requirements.

I disagree. Entry requirements

Example should be the same for everyone.

Explanation Income in rural areas is lower The smartest and most determined
than in the cities. students should get offers,
irrespective of where they live.

Position/Opinion I fully agree that students from rural areas should have lower tuition
fees, but the entry requirements must be the same for everyone.


Nowadays, more people are entering higher education than ever, yet not all have
equal access to it. Someone with a rural background has a lower chance of studying
at university than their peer living in the city. Although I agree that the government
should introduce special arrangements to help such students, they should not put
others at a disadvantage.

One of the main reasons for lower university attendance among rural applicants is
that they find it harder to afford their studies. Indeed, a household income outside of
the cities tends to be significantly lower, while the university tuition fees are the same
for everyone. Without any doubt, the government should set lower tuition fees for
students from lower-income rural areas.

Another reason, however, why the applications from students living in rural areas
typically have lower success rates is because they often achieve lower grades at
school. Perhaps these young people are less aware of the opportunities higher
education can offer and thus less interested in studying for a university degree.
Offering university places to them would be anti-meritocratic, as other students with
higher grades would be denied access to higher education, a goal for which they
have worked hard at school. Consequently, this practice would discourage other
students and be counterproductive for society in general.

To conclude, although I agree that the government should introduce lower tuition
fees for students from the country, the entry requirements should be the same for
everyone. The smartest candidates should be offered places at universities,
irrespective of their background.

255 words



The health benefits of physical exercise are well-known. Despite this, a lot of people
do not exercise regularly. What are the reasons for this? What could be done to
encourage them to exercise more often?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge and experience. Write at least 250 words.

Essay question Why do many people not exercise regularly? What solutions can
help them exercise more?

Parts 2 or 3 causes Between 1 and 3 solutions

Idea 1 People are short of time To exercise for a short period of time
during the day

Example A brisk walk, taking the stairs

Idea 2 People do not enjoy Fun activities (swimming, basketball
exercising and dance lessons)


Idea 3 High cost of the gym Community sports centres can
subscription maintain more affordable prices


Position/Opinion Those who are short of time can exercise during the day. People
who do not enjoy exercising or find gym subscription fees too high
can do fun activities at community sports centres.



Most people understand the importance of being physically active, yet many still
lead a mainly sedentary lifestyle. This essay will discuss why people avoid exercising
and how they could be encouraged to do so more often.

The reasons why people do not exercise are plentiful; one of them is a lack of time.
For individuals working long hours, finding time to exercise is a challenge. When they
eventually have some free time after work or on weekends, many prefer to spend it
socialising or simply relaxing. While some people are too busy to exercise, others
simply do not enjoy physically exerting themselves. When, in addition to that, there is
an expensive gym subscription fee to be paid, it is not surprising that people often
choose to spend their free time and money in a more enjoyable way.

In my view, three measures may help people keep more active. Firstly, they should
be encouraged to take advantage of any type of physical exercise that is available
to them, be it a brisk ten-minute walk or taking the stairs instead of a lift. These short
periods of activity, which can have noticeable health benefits, can be easily slotted
into most people’s daily routines. Another way to encourage individuals to exercise is
to make it more fun. Those who do not like running on the treadmill or using weights
at the gym could perhaps find a sport they enjoy, such as swimming or playing
basketball. To help with the costs, the government should provide community sports
centres where fees can be kept lower than at private gyms.

To conclude, people do not exercise for various reasons, including a lack of time,
money and desire. Encouraging them to be physically active during the day and
offering fun, reasonably priced sports activities can help them become healthier and

304 words



Most people understand the importance of being physically active, yet many still
lead a mainly sedentary lifestyle. This essay will discuss why people avoid exercising
and how they could be encouraged to do so more often.

The reasons why people do not exercise are plentiful; one of them is a lack of time.
For individuals working long hours, finding time to exercise is a challenge. When they
eventually have some free time after work or on weekends, many prefer to spend it
socialising or simply relaxing. A way to keep more active despite a busy schedule is
to take advantage of any type of physical exercise that is available to them, be it a
brisk ten-minute walk or taking the stairs instead of a lift. These short periods of
activity, which have noticeable health benefits, can be easily slotted into most
people’s daily routines.

While some people are too busy to exercise, others simply do not enjoy physically
exerting themselves. When, in addition to that, there is an expensive gym subscription
fee to be paid, it is not surprising that people often choose to spend their free time
and money in a more enjoyable way. The first part of a potential solution is to make
exercise more fun. Those who do not like running on the treadmill or using weights at
the gym could perhaps find a sport they enjoy, such as swimming or playing
basketball. To help with the costs, the government should provide community sports
centres where fees can be kept lower than at private gyms.

To conclude, people do not exercise for various reasons, including a lack of time,
money and desire. Encouraging them to be physically active during the day and
offering fun, reasonably priced sports activities can help them become healthier and
fitter. 298 words



Some school leavers choose to travel or work for a year before going to university.
What might be the reasons for this? What are the disadvantages of this practice?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge and experience. Write at least 250 words.

Essay question Why do school leavers take a gap year to travel or work and
what are the drawbacks?

Parts Question 1 – Reasons Question 2 – Disadvantages

Idea 1 To find what they want to The cost of travel



Idea 2 To pursue other interests Lose study skills

Example Volunteering, learning

languages, travelling

Idea 3 To take a break from studies Stressful


Explanation All friends will be one year

Travelling alone at a young age.

Position/Opinion Summary of reasons and disadvantages



In some countries, it is common for students to take a year off after completing
secondary school, usually to work or travel, before commencing their studies at
university. This essay will explore the main reasons for taking a gap year, as well as the
potential drawbacks of this practice.

The reasons for taking a year off are multiple. Some take a gap year to go travelling,
exploring other countries, learning new languages, or volunteering for good causes.
Others seek to explore their future career paths through internships and work
experience programmes before committing to studying for a certain degree.
Whichever way young people choose to spend this year, in my opinion, their
greatest motivation is a desire to learn more about themselves, their interests and

Despite these valid reasons, delaying university studies has some downsides.
Travelling for a long period of time or working at this relatively young age may be
stressful. Some individuals may also feel left behind when they see all their friends
going to university and graduating one year earlier. This emotional stress may be
further exaggerated by the financial burden of travelling or volunteering without pay
for an extra year. Eventually, once the gap year is over, young people may discover
that their study skills have diminished over time and returning to full-time education
may be even harder.

To conclude, some school leavers delay going to university in order to discover

themselves, explore future career paths and gain useful skills through work or travel.
However, they are also risking encountering more stress and expenses than their
peers who progress straight to their bachelor’s programmes.

269 words


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