12 Applications 2024 Assessment Outline

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Year 12 Mathematics Applications 2024

Year 12 Mathematics Applications


Assessment Outline 2024

Task Date Weight

No. Name Type Term Week (%)

1 Test 1 Response 4 7 Bivariate Data Analysis 8

2 Investigation 1 Investigation 4 Growth and Decay in Sequences 10

3 Test 2 Response 6 Growth and Decay in Sequences 8

4 Test 3 Response 3 Graphs and Networks 8

5 Sem 1 Exam Examination 2 5 Unit 3 Content 15

6 Investigation 2 Investigation 9 Time Series Analysis 10

7 Test 4 Response 4 Loans, Investments and Annuities 8

9 Test 5 Response 3 9 Networks and Decision Maths 8

10 Sem 2 Exam Examination Units 3 and 4 Content 25

Response 40%

TOTAL Investigation 20% 100%

Examination 40%

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